(Author's Note: Guess who's baaaaaaaaack? With a new stooooooooory? This is a story that I've wanted to get out since…the ending of Volume 6 AT THE LATEST!

You wanna hear about what's been pissing me off lately? This whole Disney/Marvel/Sony/Spider-Man nonsense. I COULD go into GREAT detail about ALL of this stupidity...but I won't. It'd take of too much space, and I'm sure that many people who've come to read a RWBY story don't want to hear the writer complain about MCU issues.

All I'm gonna say is that this issue needs to be RESOLVED, and SOON. Putting Tom Holland's Spider-Man back in the MCU is the most IMPORTANT goal right now, and both Disney and Sony need to come to an agreement and back it happen. Like... now.

Now, I want to make this clear….this is meant to be a POSSIBILITY as to how I think this "particular point" of Volume 6 could have been handled and been much better as a result.

In case you haven't figured it out, I did NOT like how Oscar was handled in the most recent volume.

Just…you'll find out.


SMASH! Oscar couldn't help but flinch at the noise.

"Jaune!" Ruby yelled, but Jaune wasn't listening as he pulled his fist from the wall.

"Everything we did was for NOTHING!" Oscar leaned against the wall with crossed arms, his gaze staying on the floor. He wasn't surprised that Jaune was reacting like…this. Given his (not so subtle) distrust of Ozpin from the beginning, it came as no surprise to Oscar that he would react so…violently at the "less than pleasant" (and that's putting it mildly) news.

Oscar was…tired after everything happened in the last two days. The revelation of the truths about Ozpin (or…Ozma?), Salem, the brothers (as Oscar downright refused to address those two children as "gods"), and everything else had put everyone in…difficult moods. And a lot of those moods seemed to be focused on Oscar himself.

Yang was the most vocal about Ozpin's secret keeping. She thought she was being subtle, but he could hear the disgust/anger in her voice whenever she spoke to him or of Ozpin…and could just feel her furious glares to his head when she thought he wasn't looking.

Qrow wasn't as vocal, but was just as piercing as Yang (if not more so). Whenever Oscar saw the old huntsman, his cheek stung a bit…remembering the merciless punch given to him such a short while ago. Even though Ozpin locked himself within his mind, Oscar knew that Qrow's cold words hurt the old wizard more than Yang's fiery temper ever could.

Weiss and Blake weren't any different than before, as they barely spoke to him before the…"issue" (and that's putting it lightly) with Ozpin (so it hardly feels like anything has changed on that front).

"Look Jaune," Yang's voice brought Oscar out of his musings, "We get that you're upset, we ALL are! But the attitude isn't going to get us anywhere, we're not the enemy here."

"Are we sure about that?" Jaune whispered in a dangerous tone after a few moments of silence. Oscar turned to look at Jaune (confused by his statement), only to flinch when he saw that Jaune's dark blue eyes were on him. And they did not look happy.

Slowly but surely, it began to dawn on Oscar. He's…he's not ACTUALLY blaming me for this, is he?

"W-What?! Jaune, what're you talking about?" But, once again, the silver-eyed huntress was ignored.

"He's in your head, isn't he Oscar?" Jaune all but growled at the (still) shocked farmboy. He took a step forward, to which Oscar responded by taking a fearful step back (suddenly noticing just how large Jaune was compared to him) "Did you know about this?"

"No, he didn't!" Weiss tried to defend the farmboy, but Jaune ignored her just as he did Ruby. As Oscar took another step back, Jaune suddenly ran forward and grabbed Oscar by his shirt collar before slamming him into the wall behind him.

"How much longer can we even trust him? How do we know it's even him? What if we've been taking to that liar this whole time?!" The others continued to speak, but Oscar drowned them all out. His eyes were shut tightly and his hands covered his head.

This, this isn't fair! ALL I've ever done is HELP them! And that's the truth, everything Oscar has done with nearly the last month has been to help them in their mission. And it always seemed to be at the expense of him. He traveled to get Ozpin back to his group, despite the fact that doing so would entail him abandoning his home and his aunt (the only family he had left on this damn world). He followed Ozpin's instructions to train his skills and aura to prepare for the battles coming, despite the fact that he was only fourteen years old and shouldn't even be involved in a war like this. Or any war period.

Hell, the only reason that any of them even know the truth about anything is because he told them! He had to literally fight with Ozpin for control of his body to tell Ruby the true name of the Relic of Knowledge. Why? Because he wanted to help them! Because he thought that they "deserved" to know the truth about everything.

Now…it's not like Oscar was expecting a reward for telling them, but this is the treatment he's supposed to be okay with? After everything he's done to try and help them, and all he gets in return is being yelled, punched, told his own life (as an individual) is meaningless in the long run, avoided and scorned like a Grimm, and now practically attacked?!

Oscar's hands slowly moved to Jaune's wrists (the blonde knight not even noticing due to his armored gloves) as he closed his eyes and lowered his head. When Jaune yelled at him and slammed him into the wall, fear was the primary emotion that was flowing through Oscar's body.

But now? The primary emotion that was running through Oscar's body at this very moment? Anger. Rage. A pure white hot fury that's he's never felt in his life.

And it was growing stronger with each passing moment.

Meanwhile, almost everybody was yelling at Jaune to let Oscar go. Ruby especially was steadily growing more and more annoyed with her first friend of Beacon with each passing moment. Her small hands were clenched into fists, her teeth were gritted, and her bright silver eyes were now narrowed in frustration. She was about to walked forward in an attempted to physically remove Jaune from Oscar when...

"Let me go," Oscar spoke in a low tone, his quiet voice only being heard because he spoke in a moment where no one was talking. All eyes turned to the farmboy, his head down and his hair shadowing his eyes.

"Oscar?" Ruby asked, her face expressing the concern that she held.

Jaune's angry expression before into a confused one for a split second before his angered/frustrated expression returned, "How do I even know you're even Oscar?"

Ruby's concern for Oscar was (once again) replaced by her anger for her fellow leader, "Jaune-." Before she could tell him to stop in any capacity, something happened that completely caught everyone off-guard.

Without any degree of hesitation, Oscar straight up head-butted Jaune! The blonde knight let out a grunt of surprise/pain, taking a step back and letting go of Oscar's shirt.

Now, due to his size and lack of training, Oscar was not as physically powerful as Jaune. However, the reason that Oscar's head-butt had such an effect on Jaune was because he caught Jaune completely off-guard (1).

Jaune held his face for a few moments, before lowering his hand to glare at Oscar…before his eyes actually widened when he looked at the farmboy. Instead of the usual kind and/or shy expression on his face, Oscar was now glaring at Jaune with the ferocity of a Grimm. Such an expression completely took Jaune off-guard, "Oscar?"

"Shut…up Jaune," Oscar's furious comment caught everyone off-guard, "I don't even want to hear anything else from you. I'm sick and tired of your stupid attitude! Pouting and moaning like a damn child!" Jaune actually flinched a bit by Oscar's sentence.

Ren, at that moment, decided to step forward, "Oscar, that's enough. You need to calm down." As it turns out…that was NOT the right thing to say. Like…at all.

The (normally) stoic boy actually flinched when the furious gaze of Oscar turned towards him with speed similar to Ruby's semblance, "No Ren, I am NOT going to calm down. Don't tell me to calm down! As surprising as it might sound, I'm sick and tired of being treated like I don't even matter!" Everyone in the room flinched at the loud and harsh tone of Oscar's voice.

"Oscar…that's not true," Nora was the first one to recover, as she (somewhat weakly) responded, "You do matter to us, you know that."

"Oh, really? I do, do I?" Oscar bit back, not even bothering to contain the rage that he had finally unleashed after nearly two days. "That's what you claim, but your actions don't seem to follow that. If you're actually telling me the truth, then why didn't you try to do anything a few moments ago? You know that if Jaune pulled that crap with Ren you'd have stepped in without any hesitation, and vice versa. And if he tried it with any of RWBY, he'd have an entire team on his back and ready to tear his throat out. But because it was me, the one with Ozpin in his head," he pointed to the side of his head, "Suddenly…everyone's hands are apparently tied. And nobody gives a damn!"

"Oscar!" Yang called out, a stern expression on her face, "Enough. You know that none of that is true."

"Bullshit!" Oscar's sudden cursing took everyone by surprise, "None of that is true? Are you freaking kidding me?! You really I don't notice any of the glares or snide comments from you after everything that's happened? Are you not paying attention, or are you just plain stupid?!" Oscar noticed Yang's iliac eyes turned that same crimson red that he'd seen in her anger. Her hands clenched into fists, and she let out a low growl as she took a threatening step forward.

"Watch it Oscar," Yang all but growled at the farmboy.

Instead of reacting with fear, or…at all, Oscar just started laughing. Only…it was a humorless laugh, one that sent chills down everyone's spines. "What is it now Yang? You wanna hit me? Why? Because I dare to say anything against you? Because you just don't like me telling the truth? Go ahead then," he spread his arms out, "Hit me! Go ahead and prove my point that you don't give a damn about what happens to me!"

This seemed to strike a chord in Yang, as her eyes turned back to normal and a shocked expression appeared on her face. Realization seemed to set in as to exactly what it was that she was about to do. Was she actually about to...physically assault a fourteen year old kid because of something he said? He's letting off frustration for valid reasons (as it sounds) and, like always, her first response to attack.

Blake was quick to step up, grabbing ahold of Yang's hand in an attempt to comfort her (and failing, if the look on her face was any indication) before turning to Oscar, "Look Oscar. Maybe you're right. But you need to understand that trust takes time." Oscar's glare turned to Blake, but (unlike Ren) she didn't physically flinch.

That doesn't mean that she wasn't effected deep down, as she could feel chills running down her spine at Oscar's gaze. "You know what Blake? For argument's sake, let's just say that I did believe you in that trust "takes time". Tell me something: why am I the one who has to earn your trust back?"

The question caught Blake by surprise "W-What?"

"I didn't do anything wrong…remember? What is it that I've done to you? I'm not Ozpin, remember? At least not yet. The only thing I've done is help you guys. JNR is excused for not knowing, but in case you guys forgot: I'm the only reason you even know the truth. Remember that? How I had to literally FIGHT an immortal wizard in my mind for control of my body?! ALL because I felt that you guys deserved to know the truth. Nice to know how much you guys appreciated that." Whereas the members of JNR didn't have MUCH of a reaction to Oscar's comment, the members of RWBY did.

Although she never treated Oscar any different then she already did after the reveal of…everything, Ruby still beat herself up for not noticing just how badly Oscar was affected. Or in the fact that she never even tried to help Oscar, or try to get the others to make up with him and treat him better. She was SO focused on her uncle, her team, herself, and seemingly EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else...but Oscar.

Weiss's gaze lowered to the floor as she began feeling more of Oscar's rage. Similar to Blake, she hasn't been very…social to Oscar, despite knowing him for almost a month. All that time, and she can count the number of things that she knows about him on one hand. And that's not even counting the fact that his soul is combined with her former headmaster's. So after the truth came out, she pretty much treated him the same way as she has been…and only now does she see why that was a mistake.

Blake was at a loss for words by Oscar's statement. He's not saying anything that isn't true, he has been helping them this entire time. And their treatment of him…is supposed to be an acceptable way to show thanks? Gods, I barely talk to him for weeks, and suddenly I think I have the right to lecture to him about 'trust'? Blake bitterly thought to herself.

Yang's self loathing only increased by Oscar's words, knowing that they were all true. He did help them a whole lot by telling them the truth, and all that they do in response is take out all of their anger and frustration at Ozpin to Oscar. That wasn't fair in the slightest.

Oh, but Oscar wasn't even done yet. Not by a LONG shot, "And you know? Even with all of that, let's just say that I still agreed with you about everything that's happened. Let's say that I did agree with you about everything…what's stopping any of you from lashing out at me the next time you get pissed at Ozpin?" Almost everyone looked at Oscar in shock, but he didn't give anyone time to respond, "Nothing, that's what," his hands clenched into fists and his breathing began getting heavier, "Because you've given up on me."

Everyone in the room looked at Oscar with horrified expressions on their faces by Oscar's statement.

"Oscar…that's not true!" Nora cried out, looking like she was about to cry. Ren put a hand on his partner's to try and comfort her, but Oscar's words cut too deep.

"Yes…it is," Oscar practically snarled through gritted teeth as he clenched his fists so hard that they nearly dug into his palm. As he glared at them with the white hot fury of a thousand suns, however…something happened that only further caught them by surprise.

The outline of Oscar's body began to glow a faint orange color. It was sort of…shimmering. While everyone else was shocked and still reeling from Oscar's words, Ruby was the first to recover. "Oscar?"

In some other instances, Oscar may have focused on Ruby and calmed down. But…he was already too far into his rage to calm down so easily. "You don't care anymore! You couldn't care less what happens to me, or who does it! You have absolutely no problem with anybody else, but of course I deserve to be screamed at and beaten the crap out of for what Ozpin did…because apparently no one can tell the difference between me and him!" As he yelled, the shimmering light around Oscar's body began to grow brighter and more solid. But the thing that really became noticeable to the others was that they could…feel a noticeable breeze on their faces. "But, of course…nobody wants to give a damn about me! After all…ALL I'm good for is for being Ozpin's newest vessel, right?! So it makes perfect sense that I'm suddenly worthless after Ozpin lost everyone's trust and respect!" The wind around them began to pick up. Everyone's hair was moving and some had to put their arm in front of their face.

"Oscar please, you need to stop this!" Her intentions may have been pure, but Weiss didn't realize that she was only adding fuel to the fire.

"NO!" Oscar all but roared, "I'm getting sick and tired of this BULLCRAP! AM I JUST SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY WITH BEING TREATED LIKE I DON'T MATTER AT ALL?! AM I JUST SUPPOSED TO IGNORE EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED?!" The wind around everyone started to grow stronger and began to swirl around Oscar, encircling him in a form of…miniature tornado. "YOU DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT! AFTER JINN TOLD US WHAT HAPPENED, YOU JUST…LEFT ME THERE! YOU JUST LEFT ME THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A WASTELAND, AND WALKED AWAY! BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT ME HERE!" By this point, the winds being formed was starting to slide objects (and people) across the floor, "YOU DON'T…WANT ME…AT ALL!" By this point, Oscar's pupils had disappeared from his eyes as his voice constantly shifted between being normal and becoming deeper.

"OSCAR PLEASE-!" Nora tried to move forward towards the farmboy (to give him a hug, with any luck), but even she found herself unable to get through the ferocious winds that surrounded him.

"I HATE YOU!" In that instant, the winds suddenly slammed into everyone and pinned them all against the wall. They all struggled to free themselves, but the winds proved far stronger than they expected. Even Yang and Nora, the physically strongest members in the ENTIRE group, couldn't do anything against the sheer pressure that they were facing.

With his pupil less eyes and near animalistic snarling, Oscar looked downright terrifying to his (sorta?) friends. And that wasn't even counting the way the very air swirled around him like a violent storm (perfectly showing how he felt on the inside).

"OSCAR!" Ruby yelled against the wind. She didn't know if he could hear her, but she was gonna try to get through to him regardless. "OSCAR! PLEASE LISTEN!" Oscar's expression didn't change as he began levitating in the air, objects flying up and began to swirl around him. Her throat was growing raw from the screaming, but she wasn't about to give up. So she took in the deepest breath she could, and…"OSCAR!"

That appeared to be loud enough to attract the farmboy's attention. His head spun to her form and his pure white eyes made contact with her own silver. As their gazes met, and Oscar stares into the worried eyes of Ruby…his own eyes softened. His expression turned from one of fury to one more so of…exhaustion.

As Oscar began to calm down, his pupils returned to his eyes and the wind around him began to die down. The objects that were flying around him dropped to the ground, and everybody that were pinned to the wall suddenly fell to the ground. Oscar himself slowly lowered to the ground, letting out a small breath as his feet touched the ground. His eyes were shut as he breathed in and out through his nose.

When he (finally) opened his eyes, he gazed at the shocked, guilty, and (slightly) injured forms of the others on the ground. Instead of the fury that was on his face (one that could make even a Grimm flinch in fear), now Oscar was…impassive.

Honestly, that might have freaked them out even more than his merciless rage from just a few moments ago. At least there was emotion there. But the emotionless gaze in his (now near lifeless) hazel eyes…it was truly frightening.

Without a single word…Oscar began walking to the backdoor.

Ruby was only one to recover quickly enough, as (not long after) she ran after him, "Oscar!" As he stepped onto the back porch, Ruby grabbed ahold of his hand, "Oscar…are you…okay?" It felt like a stupid thing to say, but she couldn't think of anything else after…what had just happened.

"I'm fine," Oscar pulled his arm from Ruby's arm, before he sighed, "I mean…I really don't know. I just…need some time to myself. To think…you know." Ruby nodded, having a decent understanding of what Oscar was saying. He turned to face her, "Don't worry, I'll be back in a little bit. Maybe…an hour? An hour and a half tops?"

Ruby nodded, "Take ALL the time you nee . And hey…at least you got your semblance out of it. So…bright side," she weakly chuckled.

Oscar did the same, looking at his free hand, "Yeah…bright side."

The small smile on Ruby's face disappeared from her concerned frown, and she squeezed his head, "Just…make sure that you do come back, alright?"

Oscar nodded, "I will. I promise." With those final words, Oscar pulled himself from Ruby's grasp (easily to do since she didn't try to fight him) and leapt over the fence and onto the streets of Argus.

Not long after, the others had (finally) all but raced to the backyard. "Where's Oscar?" Jaune asked, as he and the others looked around the backyard…only to find nothing.

Feeling that feeling of frustration bubble back up again, Ruby shut her eyes and took in a deep breath…before letting it out. With a hard look in her (normally) bright silver eyes, she turned to face her friends, "He's not here."

"What do you mean he's not here?!" Weiss asked, "We've got to go find him!"

"No." The sheer power and commandment of Ruby's voice took everyone by surprise (which seemed to be a trend today).

Ren was the first one to recover, "What do you mean no?"

Now, Ruby turned to face everyone with a hardened state, "I mean no. Oscar needs time to think…alone."

"Ruby, it's not safe for him to just be walking around on his own at this hour," Blake argued, "We need to go find him."

It took all of Ruby's self-control to not roll her eyes at Blake's comment, "Really? After everything that just happened, you guys really think that being around us is what Oscar needs right now?" Ouch. That certainly wounded everyone a bit, if their flinches and guilty expressions was anything to go off of.

Yang took a step forward, "Ruby-."

"No Yang," Ruby interrupted, "There's no point in discussing this right now," then she sighed, "Look…I understand why you all acted how you did after learning…everything. Saying it was a shock would be an understatement. But Oscar is right, that's no excuse for how he's been treated. We're upset at Ozpin, not Oscar." No one seemed to want to meet Ruby's eyes, no doubt because they realized how truth her words really were, "He needs time to calm down, time away from all of us." She walked passed all of them, stopping at the screen door, "Everyone is going to apologize to him when he gets back," she spoke, with an air of finality that left no room for argument, "Make sure you know what you're gonna say," without waiting for a response, Ruby walked into the house and headed up the stairs to lie down for a bit until Oscar got back.

(Author's Note: Before we get started…I recently got into college! Been here for almost a month. I'm sure it'll affect my writing a bit as time goes on, but I'm going to work to make sure that it won't effected everything TOO intensely. However…if I'm forced to choose, I will have to put more focus on my studies. Let's just say...I have a LOT of work to do0_0

(1): It's like in Dragonball: even if you're the more powerful fighter, being caught off-guard can spell the doom of even the mightiest entities in the multiverse.

A decent portion of this story was inspired by The Flash Season 5. If you've seen the show, you can guess who gave me the inspiration, and where it comes into play.

So yeah...I gave Oscar a semblance of wind/air manipulation, or "aerokinesis". I spent a LONG time trying to figure out a semblance for him, and this is what I decided on. I think it works because I view Oscar as similar to the wind...calm and gentle in one moment, but can become violent and TERRIFYING when push comes to shove.

Now…let's get a few things out of the way.

First things first…this is NOT how I thought Volume 6 should have (NECESSARILY) gone down. I wasn't expecting for Oscar to suddenly materialize a super powerful semblance and overpower EVERYBODY. This is just a POSSIBILITY. The point I was trying to make was that I HATED how Oscar's character was handled in Volume 6. I thoroughly hated how he was treated for most of Volume 6. It really wasn't fair. He's done nothing but help them since…nearly his entire standing on the show. He's barely seen any combat before Volume 4…yet volunteered himself to participate in a war that spans the world. Yeah, it was stupid…but also selfless. And come Volume 6, he did his best act of aid to the others…

He let them know the truth.

When Ozpin didn't want them to know the full truth, Oscar felt that they should know. He had to literally fight Ozpin within his mind just to barely spit out the truth name of the Relic of Knowledge so that they could find out the truth for themselves. All of the other main heroes only know the truth about everything because Oscar felt that they should know the truth about what they've gotten themselves into.

And how is he repaid? He gets yelled at, punched in the face, told that his own life in of itself is (essentially) worthless, and gets practically assaulted.

And that's supposed to be fair? Spoiler alert: it's NOT! Even if I was 100% on their side about Ozpin, that is NO excuse for their treatment of Oscar. NO excuse! And the thing that might piss me off even more…is the fact that they actually ended the Volume with Oscar being "okay" with everybody, even after all the bullshit they put him through. One of my largest grips about Volume 6. That's why I wrote this story, showing a possibility (keep that word in mind) that I think could have been MUCH better than what we got in Volume 6. Oscar SHOULD have been angry with them. I don't care HOW nice, kind, and respectful he is...ANYBODY would be pissed in those instances.

My main hope for Volume 7 is that they don't fuck up Ozpin's character like they did Oscar's in Volume 6. What do I mean by that? Well…get ready, because the floodgates are about to open.

I'm…on Team Ozpin. I understand why he did what he did, lying about Salem's immortality.

Think about it like this: imagine that you have two basketball teams that are about to face off. One is REALLY enthusiastic and full of energy, like "YEAH! YEAH! WE CAN DO THIS GUYS! WE'RE GONNA WIN! YEAH!". And then you have another team that's like "Well…we don't think that we can win, but we'll try…even though we'll fail". Now, be honest: if you pit both of these teams against one another, which one do you actually believe is going to win? The one that tries with all of their power to win, or the one that BARELY even tries because they've already given up? We all know which one would actually win.

So…I understand why Ozpin didn't tell anybody about Salem being an immortal. He was trying to keep their hope and will to fight going until he could figure out a (permanent) way to stop Salem. I guarantee you that most of those loyal to Ozpin would either give up entirely (like Raven) or go over to Salem's side (like Lionheart) upon learning the truth. Hell…when Team RWBY found out the truth, they LITERALLY wanted to give up the next day. And yes, I'm am well aware of the Apathy Grimm and its abilities to drain will-power.

But you wanna know what? I've read nothing in that the Apathy can create someone's feeling about a certain matter. The Apathy may have brought those feelings to the surface (to where they'll say them out loud) and enhanced them…but it didn't create them. So…they proved Ozpin's point. They're harping on Ozpin...when they LITERALLY proved him right less than twenty-four hours later.

Now…I'll admit, I'd be pissed off to if I were in their shoes. But I've formed my current opinion because I can looked at everything from an…outsider's point of view.

So…what do I mean when I say that I hope they don't "fuck up" Ozpin's character in Volume 7 like Oscar's in Volume 6? I mean that I don't want them to try and paint the situation as being ENTIRELY Ozpin's fault and that he's the only one that needs to apologize to them. That's not true.

Here's something that I realized quite recently: what Team RWBY did to Ozpin what actually quite HORRIFYING! Think about it…they forced this man to rewatch his most painful memories (how his secret keeping played a part in him losing his ENTIRE family), and proceeded to rub salt in the wound while he was on his knees crying! Seriously?! You cannot tell me that I'm the only one that's bothered by this! How is that not horrific?! Seriously, can any of you tell me that's not something you'd expect a villain to do? But, of course…they're the heroes, so they can do whatever the FUCK they want. Another issue I have with the show itself, there NEEDS to be consequences for the (stupid) decisions and/or actions of these kids. SOMEONE has to keep them in check!


Now…I can accept that some might not like this story, because I know that not everyone will agree with my thoughts and/or opinions. However…my ONLY hope is that everyone still behaves with maturity and respect. If you don't like this story…fine. Just be respectful about it please. Constructive critism ONLY, absolutely NO flames allowed.

Now...I MIGHT give this another chapter at some point in the future, if it becomes desired. But, right now...it's just a one-shot.

Review, favorite, follow, and I'll see you guys next time:)