Ok so, this story picks up in 1x22 when Bravo returns from J-Bad and Clay goes to see Stella. A change that you need to know going into this fic is that Jason was relatively fine after the crash (mild concussion) and he went to the house to see his kids instead of going out to eat with Mandy as they got back. Let's get to it!
Walking slowly down each step, Clay couldn't take his eyes of the beautiful brunette standing to the side of a group of students, who were sitting in a semi-circle. Stella hadn't noticed him, but he had his eyes fixed on her, and with every step he took that got him closer to her the feeling he had in his gut got worse. Why? Because Stella hadn't once taken her eyes off the man standing up front and center, talking to the students about something Clay really didn't care about.
'Davis so wasn't telling the truth' flashed through his head as he took a closer look at the professor – Gordon – who was finishing up his lecture. As the students started to pack up and leave, Clay took the finale step down the stone steps and then watched as Gordon made his way over to Stella.
He stood frozen, watching as the other man bent down and hugged his girlfriend. As they separated slightly Stella in turn went up on her toes and kissed the sweater vest wearing man. Standing there watching it happen, in what felt like slow motion, Clay felt the world spin of its axis. It felt like someone had just sat fire to his life and he couldn't do anything but stand there and watch as it burned to the ground.
Jason smiled to himself as he watched Mikey shoot puck after puck at the empty goal in the backyard. He had missed this. Just watching his kids doing things they enjoyed. Being in a warzone, hunting down the bastards that had killed Steve and the rest of Echo, made him forget most of what was going on at home but he never could put away the feeling of missing his children. Or Alana, but things on that front was way more complicated and truthfully? He loved her and would always love her but after spending time with Amy in J-Bad he was starting to wonder if he was still in love with Alana. He hadn't missed her like he used to. But his kids… Emma and Mikey was his world, and watching Mikey practice his skills for the game they both loved, while knowing that Emma was safe inside watching TV and chatting with her friends, made him feel like all would be all right in the end. As long as the kids were alright…
"DAD! Your phone is ringing!" Emma's voice penetrated his lost in thoughts mind and he looked over his shoulder to see his almost grown up daughter waving his phone at him.
"Well answer it before it stops ringing then!" Jason started to walk back towards the house as Emma answered the phone.
"Hello?... Hi Uncle Sonny!... No he's here, watching Mikey shoot some pucks… What?!... Yeah… Ok, hold on." Emma pulled the phone away from her ear at the same time that Jason reached her.
"What's happening Em?" Jason asked.
"Sonny got a text from Clay and he's worried but he can't leave Aunt Lisa and…" Before the blond haired girl had finished her sentence her dad had taken the phone from her hand and put it up to his own ear.
"What the hell is going on Sonny?!... Uhu…and why can't… WHAT?!... Alright, stay with Davis and I'll deal with the kid. Do you know where he is?... Ok. I'll get back to you later brother. Bye." Jason ended the call and closed his eyes with a huge sigh. After rubbing his closed eyes with his left hand and tucking his phone into his pocket Jason opened his eyes again and focused back in on his daughter.
"How much of that did you get?" He asked while trying to work out what to do about his youngest team member.
"Something happened to Lisa and Sonny doesn't want to leave her but he's also really worried about Clay but I don't know why. What's happening dad?" Jason sighed again.
"Aunt Lisa's boyfriend Danny OD'd and it looks like he won't wake up again, that's why Uncle Sonny doesn't want to leave her. However he got a text from Spenser that has him worried and he really wants to find him…"
"Why is Sonny worried about him?" Emma asked while biting her bottom lip, with worry filling her eyes.
Another sigh escaped from her dad. "Stella cheated and…"
"SHE WHAT?!" His usually (relatively) mild mannered daughter exploded. "How could she do that?! And how did he find out?! Please don't tell me he walked in on them…" Jason saw tears rising in her beautiful blue eyes.
He pulled her into a hug. "I don't know princess. I have no more answers that you do. But I'm gonna call him and then I'm gonna go get him, ok?" Emma nodded her head and took a deep breath.
After releasing her he pulled his phone back up from his jeans pocket and pulled up Clay's contact on his phone. Pushing call he put the phone to his ear and waited while it rang. One time… two times… three times… four… and voice mail. "Damn it kid!" Jason said frustrated while ending the call without leaving a message.
"Now what, dad?"
"I'm gonna have to try and find him. He shouldn't be alone right now. Question is where he's disappeared to…" Jason wrinkled his eyebrows, trying to think of the different places Clay could've gone.
"Well, not to state the obvious but, have you thought about the simplest answer?" Emma asked with a raised eyebrow. "I mean, you guys just got home, isn't it possible he's at his apartment?"
"I have no idea. If that's where he found Stella I doubt he'd stay there. But it's one of the places I need to check. And then there's the bar. And the base. And…" Emma put her hands up.
"I get it dad, he could be in a lot of places and it could be over an hour before you find him if you do this alone. Are you gonna call Uncle Ray?" Jason shook his head vehemently.
"Uncle Ray needs to spend time with Aunt Naima and the kids. He has enough on his plate and if I don't have to I don't want to involve him in this."
"Okay…" Emma wanted to ask what was going on with her favorite Uncle but decided to put that aside. For now. "What about Uncle Trent and Uncle Brock then?"
Jason shook his head again. "No. At least not now. As you just stated, we just got home and they deserve to catch up with their wife and girlfriend respectively… however…" Looking at his daughter with a thoughtful look on his face Jason got an idea.
"Do you want to help me out Em? You take your mom's car and check his apartment while I check the bar?"
Emma nodded. "Yes, I can do that. Let's get going now dad, the sooner we find Clay the sooner I can get rid of this lump in my stomach. I can't believe that evil woman…"
Jason drew his daughter into a side hug while they moved into the house. "Don't think about her. We find Spenser and then we worry about the damage, ok?" She nodded her agreement and both of them walked towards the garage.
Alana entered the kitchen just as Jason handed Emma the car keys. "And where are you two going?... and with my car keys?" she asked, looking from her daughter to her husband.
Jason locked eyes with the woman who might not be his wife for that much longer, but who would always be his best friend. "We're going on a search and retrieve mission. I'll explain later but right now, we need to get going." he answered while guiding his daughter out to the cars with a hand on her back and as they entered the garage the door shut firmly behind them.
"Okayyyy…" Alana said into the empty kitchen. Guess it was just gonna be her and Mikey for dinner then.