Chapter 3: Been With a Woman

Impressed and pleased that Kirk had plucked up the courage to kiss her, and feeling bad that their date had ended with mixed results and starting to actually feel open about becoming romantically involved with him, Lorelai took the initiative to ask Kirk for a second date. On one of his errands up to the Independence Inn, she took him aside into one of the unused guest rooms and asked him to dinner. Only this time, they would have dinner in Stars Hollow - neutral territory, where neither one of them would be out of their element.

Kirk seemed elated, but also stunned that he had gotten this far. "How will I know that I am showing you a nice time?"

Smiling, Lorelai took his face in her hands and gave him a tantalizing kiss on the lips. "Just be yourself," she murmured. "And you may get a kiss even bigger than that." You might even get lucky, an inner voice added. Blushing, she batted it away.

Telling Rory would be the harder part. When Lorelai had returned home from her Hartford date in a tizzy and looking like a drowned rat, her daughter had peppered her with questions. Lorelai had been honest, telling her how she had had a nice time and she and Kirk had shared a kiss... or two. At this, Rory had squealed in amazement and immediately asked if Lorelai would be willing to see him again. So, after asking Kirk out herself this time, Lorelai met her daughter at home that afternoon, sat her down and asked her:

"If I was to date Kirk, pursue a romantic relationship with him, would you be OK with that?" Rory's answering grin was all the approval and blessing Lorelai needed.

For their second date, Lorelai asked Kirk to meet her at Luke's. She knew that Kirk practically idolized the diner man, and maybe Luke's presence would put him at ease. Then again, it could have the opposite effect and make him more nervous. Hell, she was nervous herself to be dining intimately with the town entrepreneur in front of her best friend.

If Luke was surprised that Kirk had even made it to the end of a first date with Lorelai Gilmore, much less done well enough to earn himself a second, he didn't show it. The diner owner had graciously agreed to close the place down early and serve only just the two of them. Lorelai was grateful for it. It gave her a chance to be alone with her date and recreate the atmosphere from the Hartford restaurant, if only slightly. As Kirk talked with her, she laughed genuinely at everything he said. "I can only imagine what you were like when you were younger," she openly flirted.

Kirk blushed. "I actually wasn't much different."

"It's true, he wasn't," Luke rumbled with a smirk as he came by with their orders. It was the only interjection he made the whole night.

The fact that their second date was rained out in the end by a downpour did nothing to dampen Lorelai's mood. All the same, the Gleasons' place was on the other side of Stars Hollow and by the time Lorelai had raced Kirk home in the rain, they were both soaked through.

Standing on his front stoop, a beaming Lorelai pulled Kirk close by his shirt collar and kissed him sensuously, parting his lips expertly with her own and slipping her tongue into his mouth. He responded eagerly, his kissing technique much improved, and she purred happily, closing her eyes in pleasure. "Mmmmm..."

They broke apart reluctantly. "Do you want to come in and dry off?" Kirk whispered. "Or at least change? My mother has extra clothes that may fit; she's out of town tonight anyway."

Lorelai blinked. "You mean she lets you stay home alone?" She regretted her phrasing immediately and more so the way it sounded - surprised, on the road towards sounding almost judgmental. Mercifully, Kirk didn't appear to notice. Lorelai finally nodded her head.

"Sure. I'll come in for a bit." Rory was going to be out tonight anyway, over at her friend Lane's house for a sleepover.

Shyly taking her hand, Kirk led Lorelai into the house and up to his mother's bedroom. "Would you like to dry off in the bathroom or change? I'm just going to change into my PJs."

Lorelai made a quick decision. "I think I will change, actually."

The couple began to strip down, their backs respectfully, if also a tad awkwardly, to each other. Lorelai could feel her heart beating very fast, even as she told herself, Nothing has to happen.

Finally in nothing but her undergarments, Lorelai began rummagaing through Mrs. Gleason's drawers, but paused when she realized that Kirk had turned around too soon and was watching her.

"You're so beautiful," he breathed. She blushed crimson. Kirk was already in his PJs and appeared frozen in amazement, perched on the edge of the bed. It was as if he had never seen a half-naked woman before. Suddenly inspired, Lorelai crossed to him and sat beside him, still in her undergarments. She stared at him with her blue, doe eyes.

"Have you ever been with a woman, Kirk?" she murmured softly.

"Sure. I hang out with them in town all the time." His innocence made her laugh. Smiling tenderly, she tucked her long locks of black hair over her shoulder. Reaching behind her back, she unclasped her bra and let it fall, so that her perfect breasts hung free. Standing, she shimmied out of her panties. Kirk watched her the whole time, transfixed.

Sitting beside him again, and now stark naked, Lorelai took Kirk's hand and guided it to her breast. She let him cup her, kneading the curvy flesh and giving the nipple a tweak.

He came. Hard, and in his pants. His entire face contorted with the effort and he made a strangled sound. Kirk turned away, ashamed.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's OK... It's OK..." Lorelai crooned. Crawling over to Kirk seductively, she cupped his neck and mashed her lips to his in a steamy kiss. Kirk froze for a moment, but then relaxed and gave into the kiss, allowing Lorelai to push her tongue into his mouth and nudge him back onto the mattress. She slowly lowered herself onto him before tenderly beginning to strip Kirk of his pajamas. He groaned and bucked against her, helping Lorelai to work the clothes free even if he only had a vague idea of what was happening, what was about to happen. Strewing herself across him, Lorelai clasped Kirk's length in her fist once he popped free. "Mmhmmmm..." she groaned in approval at the sight of him, before pulling him between her legs and nestling herself amongst his. "Just follow me and do what I do."

And guiding him to her entrance, she lowered herself onto him. Opening her mouth wider, she kissed Kirk harder as, shifting her hips to properly straddle him, she began to ride him. Lorelai's nails dug into the mattress, her toes curled and she began to wriggle her body harder and harder as the pair worked up a sweat amongst tender kisses.

"Mmmm... Hmmm... Uhhhh! Huhhhh! Uhhhh-huhhh!"

Suddenly, Kirk kissed her rather indecently, and rolled them both over while still in a tight embrace. Now on top, Kirk began to clumsily thrust inside the beautiful woman. His movements uncertain, he braced the headboard with one hand as he slammed deep inside Lorelai again and again. Lorelai's groaning beneath him indicated that, inexperienced virgin though he may be, she liked what he was doing to her very much.

"Hmmmm... Mmmm... yes, more please..." She pushed her breasts into Kirk's face. "Please, Kirk... please... Fuck!"

That did it. Taken over the edge, Kirk ejaculated deep inside Lorelai with a huge grunt. Lorelai followed only seconds later with a tiny mewl. Sharing one final kiss, the couple halted in their lovemaking and fell asleep.

The morning sun was just peeking along the curtains when Lorelai woke with a start in Kirk's arms. Realizing what had transpired last night, she realized... Mrs. Gleason! She would be home soon. And so would... Rory! Back at the Crap Shack. How could she explain to her daughter why she hadn't come home last night? Knowing she had to beat Rory home and be gone by the time Mrs. Gleason returned, Lorelai stole out of bed and hurriedly redressed in her dry clothes. Giving Kirk one last look, planting on his mouth one last kiss, she slipped out of the house and hurried home.

With any luck, she wouldn't start the Stars Hollow Rumor Mill a-whirring...

It was several weeks later, after many more blissful dates with Kirk (but no more nights of making love), that Lorelai suddenly started craving fruit. Sensed her belly start to round and curve beautifully. Feel her breasts expand voluptuously as they were filled with a mother's milk. Recalling how she and her boyfriend had both forgotten to use protection that night, a panicked Lorelai took the pregnancy test that confirmed her fears: for the first time in close to two decades, she was pregnant again. She was expecting a little boy, this time around. When she told Rory, her daughter was shocked, but supportive.

"Mom... are you going to keep it?"

She didn't hesitate. "Yes. Kirk didn't ask for this. I'm going to tell him; he's the father and he deserves the right to know."

"Was he good to you?"

Lorelai blushed as she smiled. "Yes. A virgin, clearly, but sweet." Actually, she felt proud that she had given Kirk his first time and his first kiss. The more she thought about it, she felt proud to be carrying his baby. To be the mother of his child.

Rory was happy for her mother too, but still expressed one fear. "Mom, Grandma and Grandpa are going to find out eventually. And Grandma will want to know who the father is. Do you really want to expose Kirk to her?"

Lorelai bit her lip. She hadn't thought of that. And Emily would have plenty to say about her daughter's choice for a suitor, and inadvertent choice for her new baby's father. "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, sweets."

After Rory left for school, Lorelai went to work at the Inn. When Kirk arrived with a shipment of mattress frames, she dragged him into the potting shed out back where they would be guaranteed some privacy.

"Kirk... I'm pregnant. You're going to be a father."

Kirk stood mute for several seconds; he seemed to have the lost the ability to do anything. Finally, he cupped Lorelai's face in his hands, tilted her head back and kissed her senselessly. "Hmmmmm..." Lorelai moaned in approval, her fingers sinking into his hair as she kissed him back.

"Are you going to keep it?" Kirk asked when they broke apart.

Lorelai blinked in surprise. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

Kirk gratefully kissed her again...

... Then he got down on one knee. "Lorelai Gilmore, I love you. Will you marry me?"

Lorelai's mouth unhinged into a perfect 'O'. This was the third time she had been proposed to in her life, and the second in the last year and a half. But unlike Christopher all those years ago when she was pregnant with Rory, who had proposed out of obligation when his parents had told him to, Kirk was doing this beyond the fact that it was the right thing to do. He wanted to be a dad... AND he wanted to be with her, for all the right reasons. A man who would love her for her whole self and not just her beauty. And so, pulling him to his feet, Lorelai kissed Kirk deeply as she whispered into his lips:

"Yes, I will."

The wedding was held several months later, at the Independence Inn and with Lorelai already starting to show nicely. Rory was the Maid of Honor; Richard gave his daughter away. Though put off by Kirk when he was first presented to her, Emily felt she had no choice but to attend. Her daughter's mind was made up: she would marry Kirk and have him as her husband, parental opinions be damned. Upon being pronounced man and wife, the newlyweds kissed to cheers and Lorelai became Mrs. Lorelai Gleason. And the best part was, she didn't have to move in with Kirk's mother; Kirk moved into the Crap Shack with his new wife and Rory.

Four months after the wedding, and a honeymoon in Hawaii, Lorelai went into labor. A healthy baby boy was born, whom Lorelai proudly named Kirk Gleason Jr.

Lorelai was a mother again. And for the first time, she was wife to a man who loved her. A man who had charmed her and still seemed shocked that he had gotten her to fall in love with him. But she had. Lorelai had fallen in love and in love she would stay, as she and Kirk had a long and happy married life together.