The Winter Flower

A huge thanks to all the followers... I have come up with an amazing and dark content, for this chapter. It's not so dark, it is very romantic too. I have added history of one of the wild Stark Kings. I didn't pane out the details to make wild story out of it in future, but I hope to do something. If you have read books, you know King Theon Stark is the guy, you should never mess with. I gave Jon a POV too. He is an interesting character and let me know what you guys like in this chapter.

aussieKayz chapter 7 Fantastic story

Thanks for your encouragement. New chapter ahead. Let me know how it is.

A year later...

Alyssa - 13 years old, Robb - 14 years old


He cut her lazily making her sword hand tremble. Alyssa's stance was wrong and her eyes moved where Jon wanted it to move. Terrible co-ordination. If it was Ser Rodrik Cassel in his stead, Alyssa would have been banished to come near the court-yard for a year. Yet, it was his duty now, to teach her to use a sword. Alyssa came again trying to cut him sharply, frowning and thrusting at him. Jon gave an easy lazy cut which made the sword grip to pry away from her hand.

"You have to play with the opponent before you attack, Alyssa." Jon grunted and sighed. "And your legs.. Gods. Does it even know to move? You stand like a pretty portrait. Move it.."

She glowered at him narrowing her eyes and they both heard Robb's laughs echoing from the porch of the Great Keep. "Do you have to chastise me, before him?" Alyssa grunted in anger and raised her wooden sword in defense, adjusting her stance properly and using the shield effectively. She circled for the first time, playing him and Jon wondered if she really picked up the tricks.

Jon cut her continuously while she quickly and reflexively moved back and forth, in a circle blocking his cuts. His thrusts were not as heavy as he usually sparred with the boys. Alyssa was nowhere near to match his strength. Initially, she couldn't even hold the sword, when he started training her, a year ago. Now, even Jon was proud of her, as she was the first royal to be trained by a bastard, effectively.

Father asked Jory to train her initially, but she ended up getting bruised badly. So, she asked Lord Stark to make Jon train her, after all her classes ended with the Septa, in the evening. Her learning curve was very slow but she was persistent in learning.

Alyssa parried for the cuts and raised the shield at right time, making Jon feel that the fight was real. With the next cut Alyssa threw her hand up and parried high making her wooden sword come near Jon's face. Jon was stunned by her advance. Taking that moment of success, Alyssa gave a smile and missed to block Jon's cut that ended up hitting her arms.

In the heat of the fight, Jon gave a heavy thrust that she shrieked instantly. "I am sorry" He regretted sadly and approached her closer, lowering his sword.

But she played him then, to hit him unpredictable at his open arms, very strong. It really bruised him. "Really..? How a honorable fighter you are. Don't ever say anyone that I taught you to fight." Jon snorted.

Her playful and prideful face went low, but she glowered at him, in anger. "Jon.. Did you forget whom you are speaking with? I am the Princess."

Before Jon opened his mouth to respond, Robb came next to them. "Oh.. Come on, Alyssa.. You overused that line too much. It is no more a threat to anyone."

They all laughed instantly but her hand went to rub the bruise made by Jon. Robb intuitively moved to check her bruised arm but he ended up in pricking and prodding her wound, that she yelled in pain and pushed him away. Jon looked at them both who were stupidly and foolishly in love. Robb cared so much for her but expressed very less, which always put them in opposite ends. Jon wondered when they both would realize their stupid love and a part of him wished if he would also get a girl to play with, like Robb.

Lyna ran towards Alyssa in worry and Jon felt his stomach knot seeing the Lannister girl. Her square cut face with brown eyes and carefree smile always gave happiness to Jon. He shoved those thoughts away and took Alyssa's wooden sword and oak shield to the armory.

"You trained the girl, bastard?" Theon entered the armory with a wicked smile and mocking grin. Jon ignored the Kraken's son who had a very sharp tongue. And Theon never shied to show his true nature to Jon, which he never expressed before Robb or the Starks. "I suppose, you trained her in your bed too, for Robb Stark." Theon smirked making Jon's ears turn red, seething in fury. "Oh.. Don't turn red. I won't say to Robb, unless you can share the trick with me. Who wouldn't want to fuck her?"

Jon gave a punch to Theon's smug face that he fell down face first to the floor holding his jaw. Even Jon's knuckles hurt bad but that punch gave a tremendous satisfaction to Jon, and seeing Theon whimper in pain, doubled the bliss. It served as a justice, for being called as a bastard, all those years, by Theon and to address his brother's betrothed, Alyssa - his friend, wrongly. Theon was served right. Jon walked out from the armory and that night Jon resented for being a baseborn, for not being a Stark.

So many times, Jon tried proving Lord Stark that he was as capable as Robb, in everything. So, at least one day, he would be looked as an equal to Robb. But he never received that treatment from his father or from others. Jon wanted to hate everyone, including Robb. But his brother made it very much difficult to hate him. Robb was a good man and Alyssa was perfect match for him. But Jon knew, bastards have no place in their father's castle.

All the troubles faded the next day morning, when meeting Robb, who had easy smiles. "Ready for the hunt, Jon?" Robb questioned as they saddled their horses. Hunting, training with swords and practicing archery, they both did everything together. Robb was a better lance while Jon was the better sword.

"The wolfswood is mine, brother. You better get your lucky charms from your lady love." Jon pointed at Alyssa who ran and hid behind one of the horses in the stables, playing with Arya, Bran and Lyna. Robb laughed sheepishly looking at her.

"Speaking about my lady love.." Robb chuckled and shouted aloud. "Do you remember the crypts that we used to hide as boys, while playing? Oh Gods.. You searched me for the whole day and never found me. Remember?" Alyssa heard Robb's loud noise and she ran away from the stables towards the crypts for hiding.

"Really?.. That is so dark." Jon commented and climbed on his horse to ride it out with Lord Stark, Jory, Robb, Theon and some more guards of Winterfell. Theon's face was swollen but he had shut his mouth in seething anger. For the first time, Jon felt powerful over that idiotic sluggish Kraken.


Alyssa ran from the stables towards the armory and heard Bran calling out her name. He had caught Alyssa five times already, since they started playing. Bran knew each stone in the castle and hiding from him was very difficult. Overhearing what Robb said about the crypts, Alyssa ran near the North gate. She never ever visited the crypts of Winterfell before.

For a moment she wondered if she should go in, as she stood before the iron door of the crypts. The tombs of Kings of Winter, lied inside and all the scary stories of the North, made her grind over that idea.

"Alyssa.." Bran shouted and came near the North gate.

She swung open the iron gates and entered the dark tunnel closing the door behind. She sat on the cold stone and waited for Bran to leave from the place. She wanted take one win for at least, one time in the game.

Her mind wandered over the happiness her heart lingered, at that moment. Over the past two years, Alyssa had become very close with everyone. She played with Arya and Bran. Practiced sword with Jon. She sewed and sang with Sansa. Her life was blissful and happy. Although she and Robb, bickered and quarreled infinitely, she liked him, strangely.

Only worry was her Mother's letters. Lately, the letters were engraved with strange lines as, 'Never trust the wolves - you are a Lannister.', 'Be aware of the bastard boy - they are lecherous.' , ''You are the Princess - a Lannister and you are better than the wolves', 'I love you, my little cub..', 'I wonder why you didn't flower, so far.'

Alyssa frowned every time she read those letters. The love Mother showered was very different from how Lady Catelyn loved her children. Perhaps, this was how her mother always showed love to Alyssa and only now she felt the difference. The Starks were very kind and caring. It was absurdly stupid of Mother to berate them, over nothing. So, Alyssa wrote back letters mentioning their kindness and love. Alyssa was careful not to mention anything about Jon, even though he was her good friend. Even at the mere mention of Sansa, Mother's return letter would have horrid words about the Starks.

Is this how Mother used to be? Or did she change over the two years? Alyssa found a strange stench coming from the crypts. The darkness and coldness creeped Alyssa that she wanted to leave instantly. When she went for the door to pull it open, it was stuck. She held the handle tight and with all the strength and power in her arms, she pulled it, groaning aloud. But the door didn't budge. Did Bran lock the door from outside? No.. The door handle would be too high for Bran to reach.

Alyssa took a deep breath and turned around to see the pitch-darkness of the creepy crypts. Good Gods.. What have I got myself into?

Sweat droplets formed on her forehead as she bit her lips hard not to worry like a child. No.. I won't get scared. There is nothing to fear. She pulled the door handle again and this time with full strength of her body making her palm and fingers ache in pain. The iron door just made a small creaking noise but it stayed close. Alyssa's hands pained leaving red marks on her palms, hinting the injury. She yelled and cried calling Bran, Arya, Lyna, Robb, Jon, for almost an hour standing by the iron door. No one heard and no one came. The whole serenity was silent and cold, making her dry throat pain.

The chillness in the crypts increased slowly, making her body shudder. She chided herself for not wearing a cloak. Someone would definitely come searching for her. Perhaps, Sansa would come, knowing Alyssa was missing the Septa's classes; Or Lyna would come, knowing Alyssa was not present in the chamber; Or even Bran and Arya would come, realizing they didn't catch her in the game; Or Jon would come, searching her for the sword training.

Someone.. Someone will come for me.. I will just wait by the door.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. Two more hours passed by and no one came, making her heart sink low. She shouted, cried, yelled, screamed, calling everyone. In the frustration, she slammed the door vigorously with her fists and legs, leaving it bruised purple.

"Fuck.. Fuck.. Fuck.. I am stuck here." She cried again.

The coldness raised again making the tear drops that rolled down on her cheek to be frozen slowly. She was trembling and the eerie silence of the crypts quivered her lips. Unable to stand there any longer, Alyssa jumped up to pick up the torch that was placed on the wall holder. She lighted it with the help of a small lighted candle nearby. The darkness faded gradually and she felt warmness spread around.

As though sensing the fire in her hand, the coldness elevated drastically, making her hands and legs tremble. Her heart was thudding loudly and that was the only sound she heard, which kept her sane. A sudden voice of a woman boomed through the crypts, that Alyssa shrieked and shouted along with that woman's shrilling voice, making Alyssa's heart hammer out from her chest. The torch in her hand fell down as her knees went weak, and she fell down to the cold stone beneath.

"Who is there?.. Please. Don't scare me.." She shouted as she grabbed the torch and turned all around to see anyone or anything. She pulled herself to the walls and sat tight, holding her knees up until her chin, praying to the old Gods and the New, when she realized all the noises was her mind, playing tricks. It must be.. There is nothing to fear. I am the daughter of King Robert Baratheon and I will not fear. Mine is the fury.

She felt crawly, as coldness increased minute by minute, freezing her to death. She opened her eyes to see fog raise beneath the cold floor and her stomach dropped low. Her limbs were stiffen for the cold and she knew only walking would make the blood flow. Slowly, she took step over step and studied the statues around the crypts with whatever glimmer of light, the torch offered.

She walked as her legs dragged her through. So many hours passed by, but she walked like a mad girl, spiraling down many floors below. Her hands touched the stone railings around one of the corner and she stepped down carefully. A sudden whirl of breeze made her hairs fly across her face and the light in her torch flickered. She turned around to run back to the door, but her legs slipped in the stairs, making her to roll down to the ground below. She groaned in pain as her knees and elbow got bruised making blood drip down.

All the strength she possessed melted away and she started crying like a child in pain. She heard a ghastly voice making her freeze.

'Blood.. Blood..'

She ran towards the torch that was dying and held it close to her chest. No.. It must be in my head..

'King's blood.. King's blood..' The voice echoed strong and she ran very fast as her legs could carry her.

"Stop it.. Stop it.. Stop it.." Shecried as the voice screamed in her ears. Eventually the voice died but choking stench filled her nostrils, which reminded her of death. She wailed calling for her Father to come save her from the crypts. But no one came.

Her hands touched the hilt of an iron sword that was held by the sepulcher of a Stark King, who had a snarling dire wolf at his feet. Her hand froze for the cold that passed through the hilt and she heard heavy footsteps of a man rushing toward her from behind. Instinctively, she unsheathed the sword from the King of Winter and swung it around the man. But there was no man. Her sword just cut empty cold air.

As soon as the sword was drawn from the Stark King, gust of cold wind beat her body, that she howled in pain. Her torch was dying slowly but her feet remained stupefied. She took small steps back, reaching close to the sepulcher, as some dire soul roamed around her.

'Alyssa.. Alyssa..' The earsplitting voice pained her head and she screamed in pain.

"Stop.. Stop calling me.. Stop coming near." She cried making her throat dry as she pointed the sword aimlessly around all the places around. Unable to bear the loud screeching sound and the cold around, she sat down at the feet of the sepulcher crying aloud losing all the hopes of ever going out. Hours went by as she held the sword, tight in her one hand, while torch on the other hand. The deafening shrills reduced slowly but the icy coldness seeped into her bones.

"Maybe, I will die here in this cold. No one needs to bury me." She muttered stupidly and her eyes laid on the inscription of the tomb beneath. It read 'Theon Stark - The Hungry Wolf'

Her mind recollected everything she read and she jumped from the sepulcher to study the carved face of the Winter King, while her heart beat mercilessly. In her whole life, that was the first time she regretted of reading books. If there was any Stark to be terrified of, it was this man, who lied beneath the tomb.

Theon Stark defended the North from the Andal invasion, defeating the warlord Argos Sevenstar. His thirst didn't die with that victory, so he sailed across the narrow sea, with Argos' body on the prows of his ship, to the coast of Andolas. A bloody vengeance was extracted by burning a score of villages, capturing three tower houses and a fortified sept, and putting hundreds to the sword. The Hungry Wolf took the heads of those men as prizes and carried back to his place placing them on spikes along his coasts, as a warning to other wouldbe conquerors.

His blood drenched reign didn't end there. He conquered the Three Sisters, fought with the Kraken - the ironborns, driving them away from his lands. He put down a rebellion in the Rills and went for a war against the King Beyond the Wall breaking the power of Wildlings for generations to come.

Her heart almost gave out as she saw the long rusted sword she was holding on to. It was the Hungry Wolf's.

The Seven must save me now..

A gust of cold wind paralyzed her body and the last flicker in her torch died. A man moved around her cold as ice and she fell onto her knees, with no hope to live. The stench of death was heavy but she knew it was her end, so she didn't run or cry. Her stomach ached as though someone kicked her strong. She screamed in pain and felt warmness spread between the core of her legs. The slick feeling in her thighs, made her whimper but it was the coldness and darkness that engulfed her slowly.

She kept hearing to those voices which grew stronger and heavier, each passing minute. 'King's blood.. Alyssa.. King's blood.. Alyssa..'


The sun was setting down slowly, as Robb got down from the horse, returning from the hunt. Strangely, the hunt in the wolfswood was not rewarding for anyone, that day. All they heard was packs of wolves howl, in each and every part of wolfswood continuously, making all the animals to panic and run away.

Robb was the only one to get rewarded. He beamed in happiness as he touched the beautiful winter roses, in the saddle pouch, that he picked up in the wild. For her; For Alyssa. That was his hunt the whole day, while others searched for some animal.

"Look at my brother! Blushing as a maid, even when losing in the hunt." Jon mocked hilariously.

"Losing?.. When did hunting a little hare became winning, brother?"

"Aye.. I got a little hare. What did you get?"

"I am going to get.." Heart of my girl. Robb winked and ran towards the Great Keep taking the saddle pouch along with him. He entered his chamber and arranged the flowers beautifully wondering how to give her. What should I say when handing it to her? I am not a bard to write a song for her. Perhaps, I should just keep it in her chamber or ask Lyna to give it.

The beauty of the winter roses was nothing compared to Alyssa's beauty and she creeped into his heart slowly. He fought and quarreled with her, but he liked her, so much. Her smile, her laughter, her smartness, he liked everything of her. And lately, she was growing.. in ways he never thought she would. Her curves and beauty gave sleepless nights to Robb. He groaned not knowing how to be romantic with her as he slumped into the chair looking at those blue roses placed on his desk.

Sansa crossed his chamber with someone and Robb instinctively rushed out and called his sister. He growled in disappointment when he saw Jeyne next to Sansa, who blushed looking at him. Robb cared very less for the girl, as his heart was occupied by only one. "Where is Alyssa?" He enquired.

"She is with Lyna, I suppose. Today she skipped every class even without saying me." Sansa expressed displeasure. His sister and Alyssa were close enough to make even Sansa feel sad. All he wanted was to see Alyssa; to see her alluring face.

"Lyna was with Lady Stark, today." Jeyne Poole whispered and they both argued with one another. Robb left them to fight over and walked towards his Mother's solar. Lyna was brushing mother's auburn hair as he entered. If it was only Lyna, he would have asked blatantly but in front of Mother, he shied. Mother was confounded to see Robb by the door as he grinned sheepishly.

"Is there any duties to attend, Mother?" He blabbered some courtesy words only to fail miserably. Mother gave a pointed glare wondering if Robb was indeed her son.

"Strange.. Yet, very comforting to hear your words. It was a long day, today. I sat with the Maester the whole day, discussing the storage arrangements for the Winter. The numbers were-"

"Alyssa is very good in numbers. You must ask her help, Mother. She will be happy to learn. By the way, Lyna.. Do you know where she is?" Robb interrupted and his gaze shifted to Lyna asking questions. He could feel Mother's wide grin as though she caught his actual intention, but he kept his glance sternly on Lyna, not willing to give up so quickly.

"No.. I don't know, my Lord. She must have gone to attend the classes with the Septa today. I was with Lady Stark the whole day." Lyna responded and he got confused. Unable to see that mocking grin from his mother, he left to his chamber. Do you need to get lost today? The day I wish to give you flowers and try something romantic?

He held those winter roses tightly in hand, that was on his desk and wondered if it would wither out by the time he got to see her. Bran rushed into Robb's chamber and hid behind his desk. Arya crossed his chamber searching for Bran, shouting his name. They were still playing the game, since morning. Robb felt someone shout from his guts and he went near Bran.

"Bran.. Where is Alyssa?.." He questioned in worry.

"Alyssa..? She is still hiding, I suppose. I never found her, since morning." Bran responded.

No.. No.. Let the others take me.. Robb ran towards the crypts taking longer strides praying to the Old Gods. It couldn't be.. She wouldn't be there. It was just a stupid notion. She could be in the library, reading books. Somewhere in the whole freaking castle. Not in the crypts. Not since morning. Yet, he felt gut wrenching pain, as he ran, with bunch of blue roses that he forgot to place back in the desk, in hurry, whose blue petals fell down slowly for the speed that he fled. He didn't care about those roses. All he wanted was to see her face and know she was fine.

He stood before the iron gate gasping for air from the run and pushed it open. The door opened easily and Robb doubted her presence inside. But he lighted the torch that hung around the wall and went down to check at every corner of the crypts. Strangely, he felt so cold than usual. It was freezing down there but the crypts looked empty as usual. Still, he moved forward and went down the stone stairs for two more levels and called out her name. It was also empty and freezing. Robb sighed in relief knowing she was never there in the crypts.

He turned back to leave the crypts but his heart beat a million times to look for her properly. What if she is here? Robb never went below two levels, in all those years. He didn't even know how many levels were there. I should check just once. He could feel the coldness that pricked his skin as he went below, while he called out her name in that darkness. Even after five levels below he didn't even find a rat to live. When he was about to climb back, he heard small whimpering sound echoing from the long narrow end.

All the years of living in Winterfell, feeling in blood and bones as a Stark, gave him no courage as he looked at that eerie corner of darkness. He took smaller steps and reached slowly towards the source of the sound. The light mewl of a woman was still howling at his ears, as his heart thudded aloud. The grim darkness around made him to wonder if indeed the Old Nan's tales were true. As he reached near, he saw fog to raise up until his knees. His own body shuddered in coldness. This was not normal in the crypts. A hundred times he had visited and never once the fog was there and the utter silence was direful.

There was someone sitting down on their knees. "Alyssa.." He called reaching forward but she didn't move even an inch. His legs ran towards her but she didn't mutter any words. Fog had covered most of her body but it was the silence that troubled him. He bent down to place his hand on her shoulder and the moment his fingers touched her skin, she shrieked violently dragging herself towards the wall.

Robb's heart gave out hearing her screams that pierced the dead silence of the crypts. His legs slipped in fear and both the torch and the flowers in his hand scattered.

"Please.. I beg you.. Leave me.. I beg you.. Please.." She muttered and clutched her fist tight into her skirt.

"Fuck.." He muttered in pain and looked up, hearing her blurt the words aimlessly, closing her eyes.

Her hairs were messy and her cheeks were puffed from crying. She was shivering and shuddering in cold and in fear. Robb felt miserable seeing her cry. "Alyssa.." He reached for her but she pulled her knees close to her chin, wrapped her body tightly.

"Don't come.. Please.." She begged with feeble voice.

"Alyssa.. It is me, Robb. Look at me.." He reached close to give her his hand but she just shrunk her body so tight in fear.

"Go away.. or kill me fast. Don't do this." She whimpered and cried again. Robb sighed and sat close to her and took her hand that was trembling in horror.

"Alyssa.. I came for you. You are safe now. I will take you back to your chamber. There is nothing to fear." He said and pressed her frozen hand tight. She slowly lifted her head, with eyes red as blood, that made him tremble. She must have been terrified to the bones that she couldn't believe it was him. He didn't know how to comfort and take her back. Her lips were stuttering and she was still crying. Robb chided himself for foolishly let her enter the crypts alone. That too for a whole day. Now, she was half mad by the creepiness around. Even Robb's heart was thrashing to come out.

The strange stench, the bleaking coldness, fog raising above the ground, the darkness, made even Robb to hold his chest tightly in fear. To imagine she spent the whole day inside, made his soul hurt. "Look around Alyssa. It is just coldness and darkness. You got trapped into the crypts. There is nothing to worry. You are a strong girl and you don't fear for the darkness. Give up the fear. You are a Baratheon and you don't flinch or fear."

She flickered her eyes and Robb knew he got into her mind. Alyssa looked around slowly to hold on to the reality. Her eyes landed on the cold stone where the torch had fallen down. The fire in the torch made the fog melt away giving a clear view of the ground beneath. The blue winter roses had scattered all around the floor, which caught her eyes.

And that was what connected her to the reality. She looked back at him earnestly and tears rolled down but this time with joy. "Oh.. Robb.." She pulled herself away from the wall and jumped on him to hug tight, wrapping her hand around his neck. "Thank you.. Thank you. Thank you, Robb.. Thanks for coming." She repeated continuously. Her tears were drenching his jacket but he embraced her tight and held her close to his body as she wept with heaving chest. He gently brushed her dark hairs to comfort her but she held him tight in fear. Her body was cold as ice and she was shivering in pain.

"Alright.. You are fine. Nothing happened." He comforted and she slowly parted away sniffing and wiping the tears away.

"We must go.." Her voice was feeble as a whisper and he was not fond of the place either.

He removed his jacket and wrapped around her cold body and lifted the torch. He pulled her close and made a slow exit to the door of the crypts. She was weak and tired but she clung on to him, like a child. As they came near the exit of the door, Alyssa walked out and Robb turned back one last time, raising the torch above to see the ghastly place. The fog slowly drifted away and the cold stone became visible. It was very strange..

He felt the stench of death inside the crypts that gave a sudden chill to his bones. His eyes sharpened and he focused into the darkness, as he felt some movement at the farthest end. A pair of molten yellow eyes of a wolf, flicked opened, staring at him strong and cold. He shut the iron door instantly as fear enchanted his bones and blood.

"Robb.. What happened?.." Alyssa asked clinging to his tunic in fear and shivering voice. Is it really true? No.. It can't be. What ever it is, I can't say to her. She already looks like a dead mouse in fear.

"Nothing.. Come we will go to the Keep." Robb wrapped his arm tight around Alyssa's shoulder and walked to her chamber. She was holding to a rusted iron sword tight in her hand and he realized she must have taken it from one of the King of Winter's sepulcher.

He ignited the fire in the hearth before the bed, and lighted all the candles, while his mind wandered to the crypts. He sat beside her in the bed and saw blood from the bruises on her elbow. "I will call for the Maester." He said gently and tucked a loosened strand of hair behind her ear. She blinked her doe eyes wide and shook her head asking Robb to not to call him.

But she wrapped her arms around his shoulder and came near to place her head on his chest. All the fear and terror melted away like snow melting for the sun, when he felt her cold body around him. He pulled her close and hugged her tight to comfort her and she laid in his chest calmly. To feel her breathing, to feel her fragrance, it woke all the sleeping monsters inside of him.

"You bought those winter roses for me?.." She asked with a grin and blush.

"Yes.. I thought I can lay it in your tomb, after you die in the crypts." He mocked with a stupid grin and she beat his chest while laughing. "Alyssa, why didn't you come out from there?" He asked that question which troubled him.

"You know why.. Someone locked the door from outside to play with me. It must be Arya or Bran." Her reply troubled him more as his breath choked his throat. The crypt was never locked and it opened easily when he entered. Was he thinking too much? But he saw those eyes of the wolf. And the fog drifting away. And the wolves of the wolfswood howled the whole day. Was it all mere coincidence? "Robb.." His thoughts drifted away as he looked down at her enticing face. "I never thought you would come. Thanks a lot."

She pulled herself away from and placed her soft fingers on his jaw to place a sweet kiss on his cheek, making his stomach knot in happiness. That moment when her full red lips touched his cheek, the whole world swirled around him. With a wide smile he kissed her back in her cheek making her blush in crimson tint.

She handed the rusted long sword to him. "I forgot to keep it there. And I don't want to keep it with me. It is creepy.." Robb smiled and took it from her hands. His memories brushed back the old tales that was shared in Winterfell. 'The iron swords of the Kings of Winter, are set before the sepulcher to keep the restless spirits from wandering.'

He didn't want to think much. This meant nothing. Alyssa hugged him back in gratitude making him smile in terrific happiness and made him forget anything about the crypts. He never thought the day would end like that. She being in his arms. It was very devastating, but beautiful too. He observed red stains on the sheets below where she had sat and he knew what that meant. He shook his head in happiness and embraced her warm and nice. "You need rest.. and Lyna, perhaps. I will find and send her to your chamber." She nodded her head and parted away from him.

"Can I get one more kiss?" Robb asked and looked at her glowing face. She furrowed her brows and asked for the reason. "Probably, it is the last time you will ever kiss me."


"The truth is.. even this is my first time visiting the crypts so far below. And I never played hiding there."

She was perplexed by his answer but Robb moved slowly away from her, to the door. "But you said to Jon in the morning-" Her eyes went wide as she stood up from the bed. And he ran to the door to lock from outside.

"You imbecile.. fool.." He heard those noises coming out from her chamber as he stood and smiled gleefully. Once, Lyna entered Alyssa's chamber, he left thinking about the kiss they shared. And.. she became a woman now. Flowered. His Winter Flower.

He swung the sword in happiness and ran to his chamber.