"It's time, Kagome." Inuyasha's words could mean a plethora of things, but in truth it could only really hold one meaning. The one thing that Kagome had been waiting for but still hoped would never come. The one thing that sent a shiver of both fear and determination through her body. The one thing that marked the end but also the beginning.

"Naraku?" No one had to confirm it verbally but she needed to hear the words spoken out loud.

"Yeah." Inuyasha stepped forward and the weight of all those years of shard hunting and friendship fell like a bolder on to her chest. The pain, the love, the life they had shared together was all in preparation for this moment. Things hadn't always gone according to plan. Actually, they never went according to plan, but still, they made it. Kagome felt raw emotion mounting within her as she watched the hardened amber eyes draw closer as her best friend approached her. This was it.

Once Inuyasha stood before her, he laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. A meaningful squeeze and words that would forever remain unspoken passed between them, the friends that had defied the boundary of time.

"Tomorrow" Inuyasha looked into the kind gaze of his first friend, of the first person who had opened their heart to him with no resignation or prejudice, of his precious Kagome. How could he ask such a gentle creature to be a part of what was to come? Regardless of her strength, Kagome was a gentle soul, not suited for the battlefield. Yet, Inuyasha saw no hesitance in those big, blue eyes, just acceptance. Like always.

"Tomorrow we fight."

Kagome sat by the fire with a blank look in her eyes as she watched the stew she was making for everyone come to a boil. They had spent the entire day discussing things like battle strategies and fighting tactics but it still didn't feel real to her. She still couldn't believe the war they had been racing towards all these years was right before her eyes, that by tomorrow's end their battle would be over—win or lose.

The day began, after a very tense gathering of the allies, with Kagome and Sesshomaru being informed of what transpired during their absence. In the two short days Kagome was at home, Naraku managed to to find the last remaining jewel shard, leaving a jewel-less Kohaku to be abandoned with just enough energy to seek out Kikyo and tell the dead priestess about his plans before dying at her feet. It was tragic but Kohaku's sacrifice granted them with the knowledge necessary to prevent a catastrophe from occurring.

Apparently, tomorrow was a special day, a 'holy' day, where the heavens will be in alignment causing both the sun and the moon to appear in the sky at the same time. This celestial event will serve as the medium for which Naraku plans to take all of Japan under his control. By using Byakuya's dream casting, Naraku plans to place everyone, youkai and human alike, under a permanent illusion, an enforced dream that will seep into the very conciseness of all living things and steal away the people's free will. All will live and breath to serve Naraku's every whim. In the bastard's own words, "I will be their one and only. Their everything. Their god."

In this state, if Naraku was to appear before them, nothing would stop them from falling to their knees and offering the last few shards of the Shikon Jewel to him. The spider would then be able to restore the Jewel and make his final wish, whatever that could be.

A shiver of fear raked down Kagome's spine. It was simply too evil for her to have ever considered the possibility of such a plan, but that just showed how naive the miko truly was. Evil was not Naraku. Naraku was evil. Pure evil without a flicker of light to penetrate the abysmal chasm of his corrupted soul. It was with this final realization that Kagome's stare hardened with resolution. Naraku could not be allowed to succeed. He could not be allowed to live.

"Kagome-chan?" Sango sat down next to Kagome and put an arm around her shoulder. The shock brought Kagome back to the present and an overwhelming sense of guilt flooded her.

"Oh Sango." How could Kagome forget that although her concerns were legitimate there was someone who probably needed her more than anything at the moment. She flung her arms around the older woman's shoulders and they both began to cry. It was amazing sometimes, how just being in your loved one's arms could bring the strongest to their knees or tears to their eyes.

A moment passed and the two onna regained a semblance of composure. Kagome's heart was breaking with the loss of Kohaku so she could only imagine what her dear friend was going through. The mere thought of losing her own little Souta had her heart screaming in agony and nearly paralyzed her but here her friend was, preparing for war on the eve of her brother's death. Kagome almost couldn't bear looking at Sango, the warrior who wore her heartbreak like another layer of armor, holding her anger like a blade in her steely gaze, and bearing her family's legacy all alone on her shoulders.

"Thank you, Kagome-chan. I…I will be okay. I knew this was coming even if it was a little sooner than we thought. I just, I just" Sango scrunched her eyes shut like she was already in the midst of an internal battle before opening her eyes and staring straight into Kagome's soul.

"He needs to pay, Kagome. I need to see him dead." Those usually gentle eyes blazed with an anger that transpired anything Kagome had ever known. The loathing hatred filled her friend's gaze and the miko's heart broke. Sango's eyes were desperate but controlled, like she was using every ounce of her energy to withhold her grief and remain focused on what needs to be done. Sango was a warrior, battle flowed in her blood, so she knew the danger of succumbing to her personal feelings at this crucial moment, but that did not stop the pain from gripping her heart.

"You will, Sango. We will get justice for Kohaku, for your entire family, and for any who have fallen due to Naraku's fiendish schemes." The miko's vow was spoken in a voice her friends had never heard before. A voice of conviction that was whispered but could be heard for miles. It was an oath that they all swore in allegiance with her.

Nodding her head, Sango wiped away her tears. "Hm, we still need to have the funeral. Kikyo-san brought him back early this morning so we haven't had the time and I, I wanted you here with me." Sango admitted to the girl she saw as her sister. She needed Kagome with her to give her strength that no one else in their pack, not even Miroku, could offer when she finally let go of her departed brother, the last of her blood-related family.

"Of course. I will always be with you." Kagome rubbed her forehead against Sango's before they both stood and made their way over to the Goshinboku where Kohaku's body laid like he was sleeping. Kikyo had used her reiki to place a barrier around the body so the few hours that had passed left no signs of death on the deceased and she claimed that it even held the soul within so Sango could truly say good-bye to the boy instead of just his body. This act of thoughtfulness made even Kagome thankful to the walking clay pot and she nodded her head in gratitude as she passed the priestess to stand next to Sango. Miroku and Inuyasha had dug a grave before Kagome and Sesshomaru arrived back in the Feudal Era so all that was left was the wrapping of the body and the final good-bye.

Everyone stood around in various stages of mourning. Rin was crying loudly despite valiant efforts not to and Shippo held her hand like a proper big brother as he tried to calm his friend despite the tears trailing his own chubby little cheeks. Inuyasha stood by Kikyo's side with a grim look on his face that he only wore when the hanyou was truly upset and trying to conceal his more powerful emotions. Miroku stood just behind Sango, the face of a senior maintaining his composure in an effort to be strong for his loved ones. Kagome had no doubt that Miroku was doing his best to support Sango with everything he had without saying it outright. He knew that she would go to him when she was ready, most likely after the battle. It was a pain in Kagome's chest knowing that her strong sister, the one standing and fighting beside her for four years, was now postponing her personal grief for a battle. Tears came unbidden and they flowed unimpeded as Kagome bit her lip to keep herself from wailing like Rin. There was no place for her tears tonight. If Sango wasn't going to cry then Kagome for sure as hell couldn't.

Sesshomaru was also there, standing silently and respectfully off to the side. He had known Kohaku, even saved him once in the past, but his heart was not bleeding for the youth. No, his heart was in an iron vice because of the pain the loss of this boy caused his future mate. As Kagome cried, Sesshomaru's beast growled and barked and told Sesshomaru to make it all better but what could he do? This was not his place, a human funeral. He could not go to her side and comfort her like he wanted to and something told Sesshomaru that the inu way of comforting would not be welcomed at the moment. No, this was the human way. They mourn, they cry, and they move on. That is how it was meant to be.

Just as Sesshomaru watched the slayer lovingly begin to wrap the boy in a burial cloth, an unexpected pulse of youki caught his intention. A side glance downwards and Sesshomaru felt it once more. Tenseiga?

That couldn't be possible. The boy had been dead for several hours now, how could his soul… Just then Sesshomaru remembered what the dead priestess had said. Her barrier held the soul within the body so the slayer could have a true farewell to the boy. Did that mean it was possible? Could Tenseiga be telling him to save the boy?

A regal arch of his brow was answered by another more powerful pulse of energy from Tenseiga. Sango was nearly done wrapping the boy in the white cloth with the miko's aid, but that did not stop Sesshomaru from acting on his instincts. Walking forward, Sesshomaru drew his fang.

"Sesshomaru, what are you doing?" Kagome croaked through her tears. Everything had been progressing smoothly but now she was forced to watch the Demon Lord walk towards Kohaku's lifeless form like King Yama himself. Just what in the hell was he thinking?

Sango also froze momentarily when she turned to see the same sight that had puzzled Kagome, but her reaction was much more violent. Anger flared to life in her brown eyes as she spread her arms out wide and gnashed her teeth as the merciless youkai. "Stay away from him."

The protective instinct in Sango was roaring and Sesshomaru could understand her reasoning. The boy had been like a child in some ways to the slayer so her response was predictable. However, instead of answering her, Sesshomaru held his glowing blade out to hover closer to the body, only to find exactly what he was looking for.

"Oi, bastard. Back off before I make you back off." Inuyasha growled and even the ever calm Miroku wore his aggression openly, but like usual Sesshomaru ignored the hanyou's ravings.

"Slayer, do you wish to see your brother live once more?" Sesshomaru's voice was monotone but it caught everyone's attention. They all mimicked each other's dubious expressions as they stared blankly at the daiyoukai. Again, a predictable response, but not the one Sesshomaru was seeking.

"Sesshomaru, are you saying you can…" Kagome swallowed the lump in her throat as she put a hand on Sango's shoulder. "You can bring Kohaku back?" Sesshomaru watched as the desire to believe in him manifested in the miko's eyes. She wanted him to save her friend, so that is what this Sesshomaru shall do.

"Hn." Was all he said as he took a step forward but was stopped by a snarling hanyou.

"Bullshit. Just what are you up to jackass?" Inuyasha wasn't going to allow his bastard of a brother any closer to the human members of his pack while wielding a sword. No way in hell, but just as he was about to say so a little voice cried out from behind him.

"He can too! Sesshomaru-sama brought Rin back so he can definitely bring back Kohaku-san. Besides," A bright smile of unadulterated joy filled the previously devastated child's face. "If Sesshomaru-sama says he can do it, than he can do it!" Rin spoke as if Sesshomaru's words were law, and for all intents and purposes, it probably was to her.

Disbelief clouded the hanyou's gaze but before he could even make a retort he was interrupted, rather harshly, once again. Scrambling to her feet, Sango pushed Inuyasha to the side as she fell to her knees in front of Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru-sama, if you can truly bring Kohaku back from death I will forever remain in your debt and my life will be at your disposal. This I swear on my honor as the last remaining member of our family." Sango's formal declaration was followed by her forehead kissing the ground as she knelt in a dogeza before the great Demon Lord's feet. The total willingness to sign her life away for Kohaku was met with no surprise from her comrades but Sesshomaru's next words were a complete shocker.

"This one requires nothing from you slayer. This Sesshomaru acts to repay a debt to the boy for saving Rin once before." With that, Sesshomaru glided past the stunned slayer as his sword floated over the deceased's body. None but him could see the fat and distorted goblins of the netherworld banging on the dead miko's barrier but him, and the knowledge that he was about to reveal a hidden ability to the hanyou whelp never passed his mind as the daiyoukai slashed down on the ugly figures without hesitation. Immediately, six gnarled minions of hell dissolved in a puff of smoke and the other miko's barrier broke under the power of Tenseiga. Satisfied, Sesshomaru turned to walk away while sheathing his now treasured fang.

Time stood still. Everyone watched as the daiyoukai slashed at thin air before turning to walk away. They glanced between the motionless demon and the motionless body of their comrade, friend, and loved one, all except for Sango whose eyes remained locked on Kohaku's face. Three painful breaths. That was the amount of time it took for the world to right itself and a lovely pair of brown eyes much like his sister to open once again.

"Kohaku!" Sango cried and with no reservation what so ever she lunged at the boy, a boy unable to defend himself considering his arms were constricted by burial cloth, but, whatever. Sango cried her heart out and Kagome cried as well followed by Rin as the three (living) women broke down in sobs and the males stood gawking. It was a miracle.

Sesshomaru watched the happy reunion between the slayer siblings before slowly turning around to walk away in to the depths of Inuyasha's forrest to hunt. The meetings for their upcoming battle were complete and even Sesshomaru could guess that the human's would want some time to reorganize themselves after all that had happened. It was a bit unsettling walking away form his miko at this time, but he was sure that the emotive female would want to be with her friends… He was so sure.

"Sesshomaru!" A shout from behind caught his attention. Glancing over his shoulder without fully turning around, the daiyoukai raised a brow at her.

"Hn?" The sound was noncommittal to the extreme and it made Kagome grind her teeth, or it would have if she wasn't so happy at the moment.

"Sesshomaru, turn around." The daiyoukai bristled at the command in the miko's voice but curiosity got the best of him. He was dying to know why the onna was bothering with him when he was sure she would rather be celebrating with her friends. However, though he was curious, Sesshomaru was not one to simply follow orders. It may have been petty but the proud youkai only turned around half way before crossing his arms like a authoritarian dictator.

"What is it, Miko?" Sesshomaru's voice was not as cold as usual and it held a shred of his interest on display as he looked over the miko. Long legs were clad in some tight, thick material she called 'leggings' and despite her insistence Sesshomaru could not comprehend how such form fitting wear was considered modest in her time. They put every curve of her supple upper thighs and lean legs on display, not to mention her top was also form fitting. A forrest green sweater which covered her neck and left little to the imagination as the fabric hugged her waist and cupped the swells of her womanly breasts. It was sensual and left the daiyoukai feeling rather hungry…

"Sesshomaru," The miko moved even closer before she was staring up at him. Her tiny figure only coming up to his chest and placing her in dangerous proximity to the spikes on his breastplate, but that did not seem to deter the female from stepping even closer. "Sesshomaru, thank you." The miko reached forward hesitantly as she grabbed a fistful of the daiyoukai's silk sleeve. It was as if as soon as she spoke a damn burst and all the emotions the onna had been containing over the last few days were let loose.

Tears of both happiness and fear flowed down her cheeks, if that was even possible, and Sesshomaru was having a hell of a time keeping up with the raging maelstrom that was Kagome's emotions. Didn't he just save the boy to make her happy? Why was she suddenly crying harder than when she heard of the boy's demise? Sesshomaru desperately wanted to sigh in resignation. He knew it would be worth it, but Sesshomaru was just beginning to realize how troublesome it will be having the miko for a mate. One false move and he might end up in the dog house without a clue as to why (a fate that surely did await the proud daiyoukai).

"Miko?" Sesshomaru placed a hand on the onna's head as he tried to sooth her. This had worked with Rin before so maybe the onna would be the same? The result? Kagome was not so easy to comfort as young Rin. In fact, his show of affection actually made the miko cry harder.

"Kagome!" The daiyokai grabbed the human's face and forced her to look at him, sure that if he left her in that condition much longer the miko would have surely started hyperventilating. "Tell this Sesshomaru what you need for him to do. We do not know how to comfort you at this moment in time." Sesshomaru admitted as a last resort his uselessness in the presences of a sobbing miko. Her tears this time were not due to simple frustration or the mere sense of loss at a friend's passing. The miko was experiencing mental turmoil over what had past and what was to come, this Sesshomaru was sure, but he still didn't know what to do and that fact twisted like a sharp blade in his gut.

Kagome whimpered as she looked up into the daiyoukai's eyes. His beautiful golden gaze calming her mind somewhat but her emotions remained volatile inside her. A whimper and then a sob broke through her defense and with no small part of effort the miko admitted what she wanted. What she needed.

"Hold me." Kagome's voice broke as more tears came unwelcome, glistening down her cheeks in the fading sun's evening light. The answer was simple enough, or so Kagome thought, but Sesshomaru merely looked down at her before turning around and walking towards a big tree.

Kagome felt the pain of rejection pierce her chest like an arrow as she saw the daiyoukai walk away, but before she could crumple under the weight of the new found agony Sesshomaru turned back to face her. Without looking away from her, the daiyoukai reached up and unhooked the clasps of his armor. The heavy metal clanged against each other as Sesshomaru took the battle armor off and placed it to the side, followed by his swords. Once these items were placed on the side of the tree and Sesshomaru was free from any spikes or hard metal objects, the daiyoukai opened his arms wide.

Kagome didn't think. She didn't think about how stupid the youkai was to handle the situation in such a misleading way. She didn't think about how her friends were on the cusp of possibly the greatest war to never be known in history. She didn't even think of the immense threat looming over all their heads and the consequences should they fail tomorrow. All Kagome thought about was flinging herself in Sesshomaru's arms.

The daiyoukai caught the weeping woman with no disturbance despite how ruthlessly she had propelled herself at his person. He was confused but the miko said to hold her so Sesshomaru was going to hold her in his arms, tightly, and try to dispel the sour scent of her overwhelming fear. Two strong arms swooped under the miko to carry her like a bride as he repositioned them at the bottom of the ancient oak tree. His back rested against the rough bark while the miko leaned heavily in to his chest, leaving their legs comfortably tangled. Her arms remained latched around the inu's neck and Sesshomaru had no intention of removing them for it put her soft cheek right alongside his shoulder and neck. On instinct, a deep rhythmic rumble started from deep within his chest once Sesshomaru had her settled. If he bothered remembering, the daiyoukai would have recognized the sound as a sound from his past. Something his own sire had done for him on the few occasions puppy Sesshomaru was upset.

The low growl seemed to work as after a few long and painful minutes the miko's breathing started to even out and the scent of tears dwindled. It was only when her shacking limbs grew lax that Sesshomaru supposed her mood had reasonably stabilized for conversation.

"Miko, tell your fears to this Sesshomaru." A big claw raked through the miko's wavy mane as he tried not to sound too assertive. He was not accustomed to asking things of others, you know, much more prone to demanding answers. Yet, he could not do that with the miko. Even if Sesshomaru wanted to, the daiyoukai was sure the defiant onna would rather rally against him until he was forced to concede than answer for her own benefit, but now he desperately wanted her to be complaint with his request. It was in her best interest after all, and for once the girl seemed to realize that.

"Tomorrow.." Kagome trailed off as she tried to organize her thoughts. Things would have been different if she had time to mentally prepare for this battle, which she kind of did, but it still came up way too unexpectedly and after everything that had happened recently—love spell, bonding with Sesshomaru, being assaulted by someone she called a friend, almost having to say goodbye to a comrade— Kagome just broke down. The knowledge that this one battle would determine the fate of Japan didn't help either.

"Yes, tomorrow we fight, and tomorrow we will win." Sesshomaru's calm and confident manor in which the daiyoukai spoke was like a lifeline for the drowning miko, and she clung to it.

"How can you be so sure?" Kagome's whisper made Sesshomaru's lips pull down in a slight frown. How could she doubt him?

"Because this Sesshomaru does not lose." The daiyoukai replied simply but the way his hands snaked around the petite onna's waist and squeezed was a sign of his determination, a seal of his assurance on the matter. It was true, Sesshomaru was the true heir of the West. He did not know defeat (he did not consider losing his arm to the hanyou as a defeat) and the youkai was sure he never would. Whether it was the death of the vile spider hanyou or the pursuit and mating of a inexplicably stubborn miko, Sesshomaru would not be defeated.

"Pfft," A soft giggle turned in to an outright tirade of laughter as the miko pulled closer to Sesshomaru, trying to stifle her giggle with his silk clad shoulder. The more she laughed the more perplexed the inu grew. The miko's scent of fear was still there but it was nothing more than a shallow wisp of sour fruit, while her normal scent of green tea and jasmine flourished once more. There was even a trace of delicate lavender that Sesshomaru was coming to associate with the miko's contentment and/or joy. Was she not on the verge of a mental break only moments before?

Mate is a strange one. Sesshomaru's beast utterly gave up in the face of the miko's cacophony of emotions and decided he preferred to enjoy her laughter instead of thinking over it. An indulgent doggy smirk pulled back at the beast's massive maw and his tail began to wag. To him, it did not matter why the onna was laughing, just that their intended was once again happy and smelling nice. Sesshomaru, on the other hand…

"Miko, are you laughing at this one? Do you doubt this one's abilities to win against a mere half-breed?" Sesshomaru's fingers once again tightened on the miko's sides but this time it was not a sign of comforting, it was a warning for the miko to tread carefully. A warning blatantly ignored by a headstrong Kagome.

"Oh, no, your Royal Highness. This Kagome would never dare doubt your superiority to all. This humble girl knows that even the gods would bow in your all-powerful presence." The laughter was full force now and Kagome threw he head back as she no longer bothered concealing it. It was just too funny. His arrogance was a pain in the ass sometimes but his assurance really had made her feel better. Sesshomaru was right. He doesn't lose, and now that they had him as an ally, neither would they. It was only Kagome's trust in the daiyoukai's strength that allowed her to joke at a time like this but, unfortunately, the sarcastic comment did not relate the miko's confidence to the demon in question.

"Do you doubt this one's power?" A large hand came and wrapped around the back of Kagome's neck, pinning her in a reclined position with her neck exposed to him. Startled blues finally widened with understanding as Kagome opened her mouth to sooth some ruffled fur.

"Ah, no, really, Sesshomaru. I didn't mean it like that. I would never doubt you or your abilities." The miko bumbled as she back tracked her previous statement. How could she have forgotten that, though she had gotten closer to Sesshomaru, the daiyoukai was still the most lethal being in all of Japan—maybe even the world—and she apparently just pissed him off.

"Hn." Sesshomaru's eyes were now a burnt copper as red tried to override the gold, but not for the reason the miko might think. Her statement was cause for punishment, no doubt about that, but it was the thought of that punishment and the miko's currently exposed position that had the daiyoukai's beast clawing to the surface. Unfortunately, now was not the time to indulge his or his beast's particular urges.

The sound of Kagome's heart was like thunder underwater, not too loud but with an undeniable pressure. Each beat felt heavy in her chest and the miko's breathing began to shorten into breathy pants. However, it wasn't fear that had the miko feeling so constricted, it was something much more instinctual, much more powerful.

The heated gaze that warned Kagome of the beast's approach held her captive as much as the deadly claws on the back of her neck and waist. It was hungry. Kagome could feel every nerve on her body electrify with sensitivity inexplicably in-tuned with the strong arms holding her, the hot body perched underneath her, and the devilishly handsome face only inches away from her own.

Kagome had no explanation for the feelings rolling inside her as they contradicted everything she had ever known about Sesshomaru before the love spell. She felt safe and secure. She felt hot and excited. And more than anything, she felt desire, both his and her own.

Kagome forgot where they were. She forgot why she was being held in the demon lord's arms. She forgot everything except for the demonic charm of the daiyoukai pulling her in. Without thought, the futuristic miko threw caution to the wind and closed those few inches separating her from her target, a pair of pale but supple lips.

Sesshomaru was fighting back his beast for he knew his advances were untimely and inappropriate considering the current circumstances. However, as an inu, it was incredibly hard not indulging in such pleasures of the flesh before a battle, leaving Sesshomaru more troubled than usual. It was such a base instinct, ingrained in even one such as Sesshomaru since birth, that it took all the daiyoukai's energy not to close those few inches separating him from his intended and devouring her. Yet, the miko apparently had no such reservations.

When their lips met neither could resist the call of the other. Passion filled them and everything blurred together. Minutes or maybe days passed as they savored one another but when Kagome finally gained a sliver of awareness, she found herself in the air and pressed against a tree. The miko didn't know when he did it but Kagome was not opposed to the new position.

"Mhm," The weight of Sesshomaru's body pressed in to her and pinned the miko to the rough bark of the tree. Lips parted and tongues began to duel for dominance as the heat continued to build in both their souls. Kagome moaned as she slipped her hands into Sesshomaru's hair while her legs wrapped around the daiyoukai's waist. She was positioned slightly above him so that her core was nestled against the demon's muscled abdomen and with a wiggle of her hips Kagome found something else that was equally hard and hot.

A snarl tore from Sesshomaru's throat as the brazen miko ground her core against him a second time. His lips left hers and in a moment of clarity Sesshomaru gripped the miko underneath her plump rear and thrusted her upwards so her breast were level with his face. The miko cried out at the loss of the delicious friction on her core and she tightened her legs in an attempt to feel that heat once again, but Sesshomaru ignored her whines. He knew that if they had remained in such an intimate position, it would have been the miko who regretted it when she woke from her lust filled haze and realized she was a mated woman. Really, Sesshomaru was being considerate of the miko in this instance, and in a desperate attempt to remain so, Sesshomaru shifted both their focus.

"Miko, bare your breast for this Sesshomaru." The daiyoukai growled as both his hands kneaded Kagome's ass, one cheek each. His beast was contained but the desire for the onna in his arms could not be so easily dismissed.

Kagome heard Sesshomaru's order. She did, but the miko didn't know if she would obey. She wanted to, oh how she wanted to, but her shyness was fighting against her lust for the youkai. A steamy make-out session with an in-control Sesshomaru was already hard enough to get used to but the thought of shedding her clothes for him with her own hands…

A rough nip to her neck and Kagome's muddled mind was brought back to the present. "Kagome." Sesshomaru's deep voice made Kagome tighten her legs in an attempt to control the rush of moist heat that flowed down to her core. Sesshomaru just said her name.

Now gold eyes locked on to the teary blues of his miko and Sesshomaru made no effort to conceal the want in his voice. "Bare yourself for this Sesshomaru or lose your odd garment to my claws. Your choice." As if to reinforce his threat, Sesshomaru released the hold he had on one of the miko's lower cheeks to trail his claws along the length of Kagome's torso. He started right under her jaw and moved over the swell of her breasts in a leisurely descent until he was hooking his warm palm around her waist and underneath her shirt.

The heat of his skin against her naked flesh burned as if Sesshomaru was branding her body with his touch. Her heart jumped to her throat and lodged there as the daiyoukai leaned more of his weight against her. It was clear that a choice needed to be made soon. A painful moment of indecision only served to increase the mounting excitement in the air as both the miko and youkai stared at each other. Their desires on full display but so was the miko's hesitance.

At first, Sesshomaru was cursing his luck as he believed the miko was not prepared to advance their relationship to such an intimate level. No matter what his true nature was, he was not really an animal. Sesshomaru was an honorable being and he would not force the miko to do anything against her will, even if her hesitancy was most likely only due to shyness on the female's part. No, Sesshomaru would wait for the miko to be ready, no matter how long that took…

Just as Sesshomaru was thinking to return the miko to the ground, the miko's penetrating stare hardened in determination. Gentle hands came up to cup the daiyoukai's cheeks and brush along the underside of his markings, making a soft gasp leave the demon's lips. This level of intimacy was completely different than what Sesshomaru had been expecting, but the touch was beyond welcome.

Kagome was lost in the pools of molten gold watching her every move. Emotion she never knew the daiyoukai was capable of filled Sesshomaru's gaze and it made Kagome's reservations fly away. She could see the desire in his eyes and the miko knew deep in her heart that she wanted to respond to him. Soft lips moved in to lay a feathery touch on the demon lord's crescent moon. Her lips repeated their light trail of affections between his eyes, down his nose, and to his lips while her hands simultaneously moved with just as much deliberate slowness along his neck, over his chest, and down his stomach.

When Sesshomaru was just about to lose himself in the soft caresses of the lovely miko, Kagome leaned back. Her eyes remained locked on his as her hands moved off his person. A small whine from his beast almost slipped past Sesshomaru's lips at the loss of her touch. No one had ever touched him like that and an unfamiliar feeling was making his chest feel tight. It was both pleasurable and painful and it weighed heavily within him. Sesshomaru wanted to spend some time analyzing this odd sensation that he had no experience with, but when those same hands moved to the hem of the onna's shirt another fire roared to life a little farther south.

She was going to strip for him. The miko was actually going to shed her clothing and welcome his attentions. His. Not his beast's. The miko was accepting Sesshomaru, the youkai, and that thought made the tightness in the dai's chest constrict even more. It was both forbidden and unnatural yet unbelievably exhilarating and beyond right that this miko, his natural enemy, was willing to seek pleasure in his arms. It was like in that moment, with the miko's acceptance, Sesshomaru was completed.

His hands followed her in a steady pursuit as they ascended her body while his golden gaze remained locked on the miko's face like a predator. The young onna's skin felt like silk and the way she shivered under his claws had his beast purring in satisfaction. A low growl sounded deep in Sesshomaru's throat as he moved his gaze to asses their hands' progress. Finally, his hands were underneath the curve of her perfect breasts. The daiyoukai's fingers twitched with his desire to cup the deliciously supple flesh that was slowly being exposed to his hungry gaze by the miko's own hands. Sesshomaru was in the midst of leaning down to take hold of a hardened peak that was calling his name from underneath the foreign material of her undergarment, a seductive lace garment the inu very much wanted to shred apart with his teeth, when they heard it.

"Kagome!" The gruff scream caught both Kagome and Sesshomaru off guard. A feral snarl pulled back the daiyoukai's lips and the dangerous sound echoed off the trees surrounding them. The miko, on the other hand, began to writhe in the demon's arms and not in a way that the daiyoukai preferred. No, she was struggling to right her clothing and disentangle herself from his embrace, a fact that annoyed Sesshomaru and his beast.

In a petty act to regain the miko's attention, Sesshomaru locked their lips in another heated kiss as he placed her feet back on the ground. This kiss was demanding as the demon's tongue forced his way in to the miko's mouth in an attempt to devour her.

Kagome was shocked at first and wanted to refuse but Sesshomaru's touch no longer unsettled her, in fact, it called to her. With his lips meeting hers once more, the young miko's mind clouded and her stomach began to knot with a foreign feeling. She answered every move of his mouth and every stroke of his tongue, and when he leaned away with her lower lip held captive by his sharp fangs Kagome couldn't contain the needy moan that feel from her parted lips.

"Oi wench, where the hell did you go?" Inuyasha's screaming was getting closer but that didn't stop Sesshomaru from savoring one last searing kiss with his miko. It wasn't until the daiyoukai heard the whelp's bare feet snap a twig only a few meter away that Sesshomaru released his hold on the miko completely and moved back. With one look at the onna's misty eyes and flushed cheeks, Sesshomaru smirked like a devil before vanishing.

Kagome felt the breeze as Sesshomaru performed a disappearing act in front of her and her mind struggled to clear. She yanked her top down with too much force than necessary and in a moment of clarity Kagome thought to raise a barrier around herself and the area to cloak the scents of Kagome and Sesshomaru's, cough, quality time?

Not waiting for Inuyasha to find her breathless and panting against a tree, Kagome ignored the uncomfortable dampness between her legs and ran towards where her senses told her a very disgruntled hanyou was looking for her.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome popped up behind Inuyasha as she pretended that her current rumpled state was from running through the forrest. Her unexpected appearance had the hanyou jumping five feet in to the air.

"Shit Kagome. I know you can cloak yourself now but don't do that to me, dammit." Inuyasha held a hand over his chest as he played off his fright by reprimanding her, and the normalcy of the whole thing had Kagome smiling as she repressed a giggle.

"I'm sorry, Yasha. I just needed some time to think, ya know?" Kagome smiled as she told a little white lie. It didn't matter if she lied right now because Inuyasha couldn't smell her deceit but she didn't like lying to her best friend.

Inuyasha glanced over her and the smile that looked a little tense and the hanyou felt his soft-hearted friend must have needed time to cry all by herself. It fit Kagome's image and her past behavior but that didn't mean Inuyasha liked the idea of the girl going off on her own, not with her luck in getting kidnapped and all.

"Keh, wench. I don't care if you wanna cry your eyes out, don't go off alone. Especially not with what we gotta do tomorrow." Inuyasha's voice trailed off and a tension filled the air. So much was in that silence. Dedication. Worry. Fear. It had both Kagome and Inuyasha staring at each other, reliving everything they had gone through together and the knowledge of what awaited them had their hearts feeling heavy.

"Keh," Inuyasha scoffed again as he roughly folded his arms across his chest. He was uncomfortable with emotions and grew especially uncomfortable with an emotional Kagome. He sniffed the cold air in habit to try to decipher the onna's state but the hanyou came up short.

"Oi, why are you cloaking your scent too?" Inuyasha wasn't nearly as dumb as everyone thought. He had matured a lot over the years spent with Kagome. Hell, she had even taught him future stuff along with how to write and read a little, but more than anything his intuition became increasingly sensitive after living with two emotionally volatile females for the past few years. It was fine if Kagome went off to cry but the girl never hid her scent. She wore her emotions openly so it was odd for her to suddenly decide and hide them.

Amber eyes narrowed as they assessed his friend up and down. Kagome's hair was a little wild and her cheeks were a deep pink. When she arrived she had been panting as if she was out of breath. This wasn't too concerning but the way Kagome kept fidgeting under his stare made a seed of suspicion plant in Inuyasha's mind.

"Oh, well that's really simple actually." Kagome waved her hands in the air as Inuyasha took a step in her direction. "I got a little worked up when I was thinking and I don't want certain youkai getting a whiff of all my emotions, you know?" Kagome continued to babble as she played off her current state. It wasn't completely untrue, it just wasn't the whole truth. Inuyasha saw how the conversation was making Kagome uncomfortable and he decided to drop it for now. This wasn't the time.

"Geez, whatever. Let's just get back to camp. We have to set off as soon as we send the brats on their way. Still can't believe we're letting Shippo go off to that bastard's place." Inuyasha grumbled as he turned to leave. They had decided that the situation was too dangerous for the children so Rin and Shippo were going with Jaken and Ah Un back to the Western Shiro. It had been difficult to get Shippo to agree but once Kagome told Shippo that Naraku might be targeting Rin and that she needed his protection the kit reluctantly gave in and agreed to be her little body guard. Inuyasha had not been pleased with relying on his brother to protect someone in his pack but everyone else thought it was a great idea, including Kagome. So even if he was still grumbling, this was how things were going to go. Now, Inuyasha wasn't paying any attention to Kagome as he continued to mutter to himself, allowing the miko a sigh of relief before she trotted the few paces to join him. Side by side, just like their adventure had begun, the two embarked on their final journey together, as best friends.

Sesshomaru watched the miko layout a rough map of Naraku's castle, a map that had been supplied by the recently revived slayer. Kohaku was proving to be a vital asset in the group's finalization of their battle strategy. Through his memories and the tidbits of information he could supply, the group's once flimsy attack plan became a formalized attack strategy with contingency plans to back it up. The amount of information Kohaku was able to supply also eased a lot of the group's concerns to where most of the adults were feeling rather confident. However, Sesshomaru paid no heed to the emotions of others as his eyes remained fixed on Kagome.

"Why are you staring at me, Sesshomaru?" Kagome looked up in exasperation. The demon lord had been tailing her since they arrived back from their little escapade and his unwavering attention was doing strange things to her. It put her on edge but at the same time it brought a strange sense of comfort, but Kagome was trying to memorize the map before she went to sleep. They were both sitting by the fire, alone, as the others had ventured off to do their own duties and/or prepare for bed, but Sesshomaru just stared at her and it was getting on Kagome's nerves.

Sesshomaru didn't answer as he continued to stare down the tiny little miko. After her little break down in Inuyasha's forrest, all Sesshomaru could sense from Kagome was strength, determination, and the cool-headedness and calm demeanor befitting a seasoned solider before battle, and this confused Sesshomaru. To him, the miko had always been a being of crippling sentimentality, a mental image more closely resembling that of the miko from earlier, the one that cried in his arms, not this miko. The one that was like a young war general in the making who offered clear direction and useful input to their battle plans.

The weeping woman was gone, leaving the miko to stare at him from under her bangs as she leaned over the map. There wasn't even an ounce of distress in her scent. In fact, her scent was so intoxicatingly pure that Sesshomaru's beast was becoming drunk off her. The slight bitterness of green tea sweetened by the floral of countless jasmine blossoms was laced with a twist of citrus, perhaps due to her nervous anticipation for the battle to come? But why was she no longer sad? Her ability to disregard what happened to her, both in his world and her won, so quickly and efficiently went against everything Sesshomaru knew of this onna.

It was perplexing and left the inu wondering. Was the miko truly over her distress, or had the onna learned of a means to fool the daiyoukai's sense of smell. Not blocking her scent but manufacturing artificial scents to fool him? If the latter, the demon lord would have to find a way to rectify that because he would not tolerate anyone trying to fool him. If the former, well… the daiyoukai's stony stare softened infinitesimally. If the young onna was truly capable of overcoming her laden fears and worries in favor of fully devoting herself to battle, Sesshomaru would not deny being a little proud to call the onna his ally.

"Sesshomaru?" Kagome's tone was exhausted. It had taken 4 hours of demon travel to arrive at the foot of the mountain concealing Naraku's castle. She was tired and frustrated after listening to Inuyasha and Koga's posturing for two more hours after traveling. She didn't want to deal with this at the moment. Kagome blew her bangs out of her face in frustration. Why were all the men in her life so damn irritating?

A big hand suddenly captured her wrist and startled blue eyes looked up, gasping at the looming youkai's new found proximity. Sesshomaru now stood towering over her, only a breath away. The light honey of his beautiful eyes had darkened to a brassy copper while she wasn't paying attention. Kagome knew what that meant after experiencing a similar gaze on more than one occasion. For some reason, Sesshomaru's beast was rilled and close to the surface. This knowledge made the usually brave women take a gulp of air. The beast would not hurt her (he certainly hadn't the last two times he appeared) but the damn dog was not very well trained so Kagome would prefer it if the demon lord stayed in control for the time being. As she was opening her mouth to placate the creature within, his host did something rather unexpected.

A gentle claw tipped the miko's face up so that she had no where to go. The demon's gaze was unmoving and left Kagome feeling small, like a child about to be scolded. His other hand rose and before the miko could react a feather light touch was caressing her bruised cheek. Her eyes widened to a dangerous degree as she tried to assess the emotions simmering behind her captor's heavy and meaningful gaze. It took her a moment, as she had been stunned speechless due to his actions, but as that hand lowered to rest gently on her neck a light bulb flashed.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome wet her lips as she tried to say the most improbable thing she had ever dared to say. "are you by chance worried about me?" Kagome's voice was soft yet her expression was even softer. She didn't need for him to answer her as, for some unknown reason, Kagome knew she was right. All day the daiyoukai spent his time staring at her, trying to figure her out like a complicated math problem and flittered around her like a worried mother hen. Was this the reason? The mere thought of the demon caring for her in such a way flooded the miko with a warmth that spilled from her eyes as her tense facial expression relaxed into a lovely smile.

Sesshomaru's hand flinched before letting go on reflex. The gentle expression of the miko making him feel rather uncomfortable in his chest. No beings looked at Sesshomaru like the miko did, and no beings triggered such behavior from the daiyoukai except the miko. It was fine considering that the onna would be his mate, but the deep warmth lighting Kagome's beautiful blue eyes made Sesshomaru hesitate. These feelings were too strong and coming in too fast for the daiyoukai to analyze. Instead, the arrogant daiyoukai avoided such troublesome things and decided to think on them at a latter date.

Sesshomaru's eyes morphed back into their usual gold as he turned his head with a scoff. The breath of fresh air he received by turning away from the now grinning onna's perfumed person was refreshing and cleared the young lord's complicated thoughts.

"Do not overestimate your own importance, Miko. This one is only concerned that your mental state will create a liability for tomorrow's battle." The demon lord flicked his white sleeve as he turned to leave and a tinkling laugh followed him.

"Of course, my lord." The miko giggled as she covered her mouth with her hand, only to laugh harder when she noticed the regal lord's pace quicken. If she didn't value her life, Kagome would ask the prickly prince if he was running away.

The sun rose the next morning but it brought with it no warmth. The soft morning rays fell on the small hodgepodge of demons and holy person's alike and without preamble the group began to ready for battle.

Kagome and Sango had slept in a new tent her Mama had been kind enough to pack her and just before the miko could begin putting on the more traditional miko garb that Kaede lent her, Sango spoke.

"Uh, Kagome-chan?" The slayer's nervous tone caught Kagome's attention. After Kohaku was revived, there hadn't been an ounce of hesitancy or doubt in the slayer's voice or actions. Why was she all the sudden anxious?

"Yeah Sango?" Kagome smiled in encouragement for the older onna. Maybe she just needed to get something off her chest? That was always possible, but not likely the miko considered as Sango reached behind her to pull out a wrapped parcel.

"This, um, this is for you. If you want it, of course." A slight blush tinted Sango's cheeks and Kagome couldn't help but stare blankly. Sango was giving her something that would make her blush? Now she had to know what was going on.

With concealed excitement and wonder Kagome reached for the cloth wrapped bundle. It was heavy but not too heavy as the miko weighed the things in her arms, her curiosity only growing. When she finally managed to get the wrapping opened, Kagome froze.

Seeing her friend cease movement, Sango began to babble. "It was my mother's, you see. I found it the last time I went back to the demon slayer's village to repair Hiraikotsu. She was a little shorter and more curvy than me so I have no use for it but the more I thought about it the more I thought it would suit you. Especially considering the color…"

Sango trailed off in favor of twiddling her fingers, wondering if she had crossed a line. Just because she viewed Kagome as a little sister didn't mean the futuristic miko would be comfortable receiving such a gift. However, as was the usual, Sango's worries were for naught.

"Sango, I love it." Kagome's eyes began to water as she held up a slayer uniform nearly identical to her friend's besides the ice blue color of the armor plates instead of Sango's pink. It was beautifully fierce and it was something that would protect Kagome as well as make her feel more prepared for battle. Her glistening eyes leaving the sturdy material under her fingers, Kagome glanced back up at Sango. "Are you sure I can wear this?"

Sango laughed at the miko's bashful expression, her worries easing away. She promised it was ok and then proceeded to help Kagome into the jump-suit and attach the armor. It didn't take long before Sango was fastening the final touch to the ensemble, a royal blue slash around her waist that held a short dagger.

"With this, we will look like real sisters." Kagome smiled up at the older onna as they finished tying up their hair in identical tails. Kagome's blue-black hair falling only a little longer than the mahogany brown of Sango's.

Sango froze at the miko's words and she had to turn away for a second to swallow the lump in her throat. Sango was so lucky to have met Kagome. They all were. It was like their little miko was a blessing that bestowed happiness on whoever she met. It was all thanks to this young girl from the future that Sango once again had people to call family, and for that she would be eternally grateful.

"Sango?" Kagome whispered as she moved behind her friend. The miko knew her friend was strong but that didn't stop her from looping her arms around the older female's waist.

"Don't worry. It will all be ok. Do you think I'm going to pass up the chance to see you smacking Miroku on your wedding day?" Kagome and Sango laughed as they repositioned themselves to share a real hug. It was in their loved one's arms that the two woman cleared the last traces of doubt in their mind. There would be another time for tears and laughter. Today, they had a war to win.

Kagome and Sango exited their tent and were surprised to see that they were the last one's to arrive at the meeting place. They stood as a group of roughly 50 individuals. Most were wolves from Koga's tribe but there were other demon's that either offered aid through mutual connection or were seeking their own revenge on Naraku. A number of traveling monk's and even a few miko's even came to participate in the battle, stating that their distaste for youkai could be overlooked in favor of exterminating a greater evil. It caused some tension at times but, either way, their forces were too small to turn away any allies.

They all convened at the bottom of a small gorge that hollowed out into a path between two mountains. A powerful miasma and thick barrier alerting those well acquainted with the spider that this was the entrance to Naraku's lair. The plan was rather simple. Inuyasha was going to use his red Tessaiga paired with both Kikyo and Kagome's holy arrows to drop the barrier. From there, the group will have to file in and launch a frontal attack since there was no way to come up from behind or strike from above. This was the greatest danger but the multitude of youkai's seemed unfazed when Kagome warned of the tidal wave of youkai that Naraku will undoubtably release once they arrive. In fact, they seemed expectant, excited even.

The element of surprise was not on their side but the Inu-taichi suspected it never was, not with the bastard's base lair being only a few hours away from Edo. This meant that the battle strategy relied heavily on Naraku's unbridled ego and underestimation of their abilities. The fighting would be bloody, lives were bound to be lost, but as long as the core group could make it in to Naraku's castle, Kagome was sure they would win.

As the two female's approached, many eyes were fixed upon them, to the displeasure of two rather possessive males. Miroku immediately went to stand by Sango's side as he walked with her to the front of the battle regiment. This made the slayer smile a small smile before her face went back into being a battle hardened mask and her hand came to rest protectively on Kohaku's shoulder—a habit formed since his revival.

Sesshomaru, however, did not have that luxury to lay claim on his onna so openly so he was left to grit his teeth as the various male youkai eyed the miko's pleasing form, the form that was on full display due to the skin tight uniform of a slayer. Every womanly curve could be seen from her toned legs to her feminine chest and the light blue accented the miko's eyes in a way that made her look like she was born wearing her armor, ready for battle.

It was positively torture for the daiyoukai to allow other's to toss the miko lascivious glances without making his intention to mate the miko clear for all who were present. If it were any other day, Sesshomaru would have ripped those offending eyes out of their sockets before grinding them under his heel. Sadly, that would have to wait for another day.

As Sesshomaru simmered in his own discontentment, everyone else buzzed with energy. The air was electrified with youki and reiki alike and no one bothered to hide their presence, they knew Naraku was waiting for them and they were ready to give him hell. It was in this intense atmosphere that Inuyasha stepped forward.

"Alright ya bastards," The loud bark caught everyone's attention and a hundred eyes fixed on the hanyou. "I'm not gonna waste my time explaining shit to ya again if you don't already know the plan so my advice for those who forgot," A fanged smirk broke the tense atmosphere as Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders. "Just go in swinging and don't get yourself killed."

Kagome rolled her eyes at Inuyasha's 'charming' pep talk but it did what it was supposed to do. The highly strung members of the group settled and some even downright relaxed. For the majority of the youkai, it was that simple. Go in with swords swinging and hope you don't die.

Sesshomaru also acknowledged that his half-brother's tactless little speech had positive affects on their forces and a shallow smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. Perhaps the whelp wasn't hopeless after all.

Inuyasha assessed the crowd of youkai and humans before him with a critical eye. He had not expected the mangy wolf to gather so many comrades nor had he planned for miko and monks to join their efforts. In truth, this was beyond the hanyou's expectations and it favored their side greatly. If everything worked out, then maybe they could all walk away from this in one piece.

"Alright," With the flourish of a young youkai showing off, Inuyasha turned and brandished his transformed fang that glowed red as blood. Kagome and Kikyo stood to his sides and both took their cue to raise their bows and direct two glowing arrows at the hidden barrier. This was it. A feral smile promising death spread on Inuyasha's face.

"Let the battle begin."

AN: Hey everyone! Thank you for your patience. I know this took a while to get out but I wanted to make sure everything was heading in the right direction to set everything up. I hope you like the new developments between Kagome and Sesshomaru as well as the progression of the plot. Please let me know what you think and thanks once again for your continued support :)

UPDATE: To those of you wonderful people out there reading my stories, I am sorry to say that I will be on hiatus for a short two months. I have a test that I need to study for along with other responsibilities that will occupy all of my free time. I do apologize but I will make sure to return as soon as possible and to make sure that your wait is well worth it! I hope you will stick with me despite this inconvenience and I hope you aren't too angry with me :'(