"You can sleep, Bella." I soothed as she shook her head, trying to get her much awaited sleep. "I'll carry you." I murmured as I gently brought her in my arms, like she was the most delicate soap bubble, which she was. And more especially now with I sucking out her blood.

It was amazing as how I was not thinking anything about the taste of her blood. Even when she was fully covered in blood. I just gazed at her face with longing as I thanked all the Gods who helped me keep her alive.

She was finally out of danger now.

I sighed as I stood up with her body almost limp in my arms.

Be careful. Both Alice and Carlisle warned at the same time. I nodded as I held her against me. "Sleep now, Bella." I murmured quietly as I kissed her forehead. She smiled sleepily and snuggled closer to me.

It was astounding how she still wanted to be with me, even when I had almost pushed her to the death bed. The way she trusts me is marvellous. Just like her.

Hurry up. Carlisle ordered. We have to go fast. She had already lost so much blood, and now this fire is not good for her. I nodded as we all hurried to go to the car.

Emmett and Jasper had already went away due to do much blood, but Alice had stayed with us. She wanted to be with Bella.

She was already too deep in friendship with her.

While Carlisle went to fetch the car, Alice traced Bella's delicate cheek with her fingers. She is looking so pale. You should hurry.

She was carrying that video camera in her hands. "You are still carrying this with you?" I inquired.

She nodded with a frown. "I want to know everything that I can." After I am free, I'll watch this.

"You are not coming?" I asked, puzzled. I thought after all this, she wanted to be with Bella.

Oh! She laughed musically. "I will come. But after creating some chaos."

And I saw her while plan in her mind.

She was planning to create an accident scene by making it seem Bella fell from the stairs and then glass. Everybody knows that this could happen. I too laughed, relieved that all this was over. And it was a good cover story.

"Good one." I affirmed. I know. She hummed.

I laughed with Alice as Carlisle brought the car. "I'll meet you in some time. I have to fall from stairs." And with that she went after waving bye to Carlisle, in the car where Emmett and Jasper were waiting for her.

I made Bella lay on the back seat carefully and glided in with her. Let's go. Carlisle said as he raced the car to the hospital.

On the way, no one of us talked. Carlisle was silent for the whole way – verbally silent – while I just marvelled at Bella as I was relishing in the musical sound of her heart.

I checked on her while we were on the road. Her heart was beating at a slow pace, slightly low to make me worry, but it was beating all the same. She was having trouble in breathing, as her breaths were ragged – due to the broken ribs. Her face had lost all its colour...

Carlisle was also calculating Bella's heartbeat and breathing. She is doing fine. Her heart beat is slow, but nothing to worry about. Though even her breathing is hurting her, I am sure she will be fine in no time. And thank God there is no damage to any of her organs. She is lucky, and also brave. To go to James by herself, just for her mother.

I couldn't agree more. "And stupid too." I added. This was the stupidest thing she has ever done, more stupid than falling in love with a vampire.

Carlisle chuckled. "True."

We reached the Phoenix city hospital in no time.

The people all around us gasped at the sight of Bella covered with blood, lying unconscious in my arms, while my shirt was drenched by her blood.

While Carlisle waited for the doctor to arrive, I went with the nurses to the emergency room and settled Bella on the stretcher, still holding her hand as I left it to the hands of the nurses who started checking her pulses and breathing and the further process.

Being a medical student benefited me this time, as I had already checked all this in the car itself. Just to assure myself that she was fine.

The morphine was working properly as Bella didn't even stir even when the nurses applied pressure on her body.

A blonde nurse went for her leg to check it. "Look for the right one. I think it is broken." I said hurriedly before she could do any more damage.

She nodded. He is looking so bad. I hope he gets fine... Hmm... The leg is indeed broken. And the ribs too... Guess what happen...

"Can I ask what happen?" The black haired nurse asked as she checked her mid section. It doesn't seems a case of harassment.

I wanted to tell her that it was actually a case of brutal harassment. "She fell from two flights of stairs and then through the window."

Oh! It is very bad. Both the nurses thought as they reported her bruises and her injuries.

We are here. Came the voice of Carlisle and the doctor in charge. I sighed with relief as I waited for them to arrive. "Hello." Greeted the doctor as he stepped in the room along with Carlisle. "I am Dr. Barry."

I was in no condition to shake hands with him as my hands were all covered with Bella's blood.

It was only now when I thought about Bella's blood, given that I was covered head to toe from it.

I shook that thought off as I listened to Carlisle and the doctor talk about what they would have to do.

"If you need anything, I am happy to assist you." Carlisle offered.

Well... "I'll remember that if we need anything. But for now we just want her parents or guardian's permission so that we can start the operation."

Alice entered the hospital premises at the same time. All done. No need to thanks. It was so much fun... And yes, I have already called her parents. Charlie was furious and wanted to come over here right this instant, but somehow I managed to talk him out of that. And Renée will be calling in three... two... one... And the phone rang.

As Alice saw it, it was Renée on the other side, trying to contact with Bella.

I listened to her through the attendant's mind. "Hello, it's Mrs. Dwyer here... My daughter just came here... She fell from the stairs... Oh yes... That... Oh! Operation?... Will she be fine... Okay... I'll be there as soon as possible... Please start the operation... I'll sign the papers when I reach there... And the charges... They're already paid... Who?... Are they still here? Oh... No, no... You look after my daughter... Thank you..." And she put the phone off.

And finally they took Bella in the operation theatre.

Alice hugged me tightly. "She'll be fine."

I nodded and in return embraced her back more tightly, just to find comfort, hoping that Bella will really be fine, with no permanent damages.

By the way, she leaned back "You need to look at yourself. You are looking terrible. You go and change, and apply this," she handed me a white box – of contacts – along with a small bag of clothes. "At least it will be enough to not scare people off." She joked, trying to lighten the mood.

But I wasn't in any mood for this. Bella's worry was always in the front of my mind.

I so very badly wanted to check if she was fine, but Carlisle had warned me that I better not look for the operation as if I did, it won't be any good. I wanted to oppose to his instructions and look out for Bella, to make sure that she was in no further pain than she already was, but somehow I managed myself to not peek and let myself feel vulnerable for some more time.

Alice saw that I was not going to use the clothes for now. "Okay. At least go to the restroom and wear the contacts while I go and secure us some places."

I nodded and went for the restroom around the corner, and locked myself in the restroom as I looked at me in the mirror.

The person looking at me was covered in blood. Not a single part was visible which was not covered without blood. And his eyes. They were the oddest at they were scarlet red instead of the gold ones that should be there. Because of Bella's blood that was flowing in my veins for now.

How ironic that the blood I wanted to drink from the day one was the blood I would resist, and would get a chance to drink but at a great stake.

No more than two months ago I saw this red eyed monster swirling in front of my eyes as I imagined killing an innocent girl. But now that girl was the centre of my world. The focal point of my everything. And still the red eyed monster was present as I have drank her blood. Even if just to save her.

But still she was alive. Even if her life was saved by a notch.

I shook my head as I was getting dizzy thinking all this. As this was not the time to think but to wait for her. For my one and only love to come back to me.

I sighed with longing as I wore those obstructing contacts which blocked my vision a bit.

A small part in my head recalled Bella asking me if I wore contacts. I had laughed that time, denying it, but today it was true. I was actually using contact lens. How flurry that I was now actually using contact lens. A light chuckle got out of mouth as I thought about that day.

I finally straightened myself and went to sit beside Alice who was looking vaguely at the fashion magazine. Just looking but not seeing anything in particular.

I was exhausted for the first time in my vampire life. I sat with a thud by her side and she patted my hand. I put my hand above hers as I waited for the two hours operation to complete, not caring much about fidgeting or changing the position to look more like human. I was exhausted for the first time in my life to feel anything but despair about how things turned and what would have happened if...

There were so many if's that I didn't want to think about.

The two hours were too slow and too long. I never realised since my vampire life that how slowly time passes.

Carlisle came by my side when the operation was finished.

"How is she?" were the only words that came out of my mouth.

"She is fine." He answered as he patted my hair. "Her bone had been joined for fast recovery, and her ribs have been taped." I winced listening this. "Her skull is stitched properly and for the mark on her hand, I talked the doctor in it and made him apply bandage to that part for the time being. He was suspicious at first, but then he finally did it. So all in all, everything is fine. No permanent damages." I finally sighed with relief listening this.

"When can I see her?"

"In another thirty minutes. She will be transferred to a personal room where she will be kept under operation for the time."

"I was so close..." I babbled, not knowing why I was speaking this. "I could have lost her."

"But she is all fine now."

"Fine?!" I asked, queered. "Her whole body is bruised, many injuries, and what more."

"She is alive for the starters." He reasoned. "And you should be ecstatic that you were able to stop yourself." Much worse could have happened then. Not all people have that self-control. I nodded and closed my eyes because I didn't want to have this conversation for now. We should go to her room now. You can freshen up there.

I stood up without any other word and followed Carlisle's lead as he led us to Bella's room.

It was on the fifth floor of the block, where the nurses were already arranging things for the next patient.

They all gasped at my sight. The only words in their mind were he looks bad.

Carlisle went to talk to Dr. Barry while I sat on the chair beside bed as I waited for Bella. Alice sat by the recliner as she took in the interior of the room. We need to decorate it a little. It is so dull... And she kept thinking that I ignored her thoughts for the time.

My wait was finally over after a few more long minutes when Carlisle's voice penetrated in my mind. We are coming. And be prepared for her sight. I knew what he meant by that and prepared myself.

I tried to look through the minds of people to see what worse was there. I saw it through the mind of a nurse. Bella was looking so pale, her whole body covered in bandages. I winced just by this small glimpse and prepared for the real sight of her.

The door slowly creaked open, and then entered all people, but my eyes were for one person only, who was lying blissfully unaware of all the surroundings, after winning the battle and exhausted.

Her face was the only part that was not covered with bandages, as her head, hands, torso, legs, all her parts were covered with either bruises or bandages. Many machines were also fixed to her body to check her heart rate, her blood pressure, and many other tubes were fitted in her body – a tube in her nose for easy breathing, a tube in her wrist for the medication, and many more.

But the most disgusting was the blood bag attached to her body.

It was all wrong as it smelled offending. Not at all good. And due to this Bella also smelled different. Her actual aroma was under-scented due to the disgusting smell of the other blood which was pushed in her system.

No sooner the nurses were finished with placing her on the bed, I sat beside her on the plastic chair and held her free hand carefully that I do not hurt her anymore. I had already done that enough for the next decade.

Dr. Barry and Carlisle entered the room then. While the doctor checked for Bella's current status, Carlisle stood beside me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "She will be fine." He assured me.

"When will she wake up?" I asked in a small whisper. I wanted to apologize to her for not being with her when she needed me the most.

"We don't know for sure." Dr. Barry answered. "She is in a self-induced coma," my head jerked up at the name of coma, "and she will get up only when she is ready."

"Coma?" I asked, perplexed. This was more horrifying that Carlisle asked me to be prepared for.

"Nothing major." Dr. Barry told me as he checked her eyelids. "It can be one day, or a few, but she will get up only when she is prepared. We can just wait and let the medications do their work." I was still looking at Bella with an anguished look. Hoping that she opens her eyes now. Dr. Barry came towards me and patted my shoulder. "She'll be fine in no time. You are lucky that she was able to survive, with all the injuries and the blood loss."

I nodded weakly.

"And we do have bathroom services in case you want to freshen up a bit." I tried to smiled slightly and he chuckled. "I'll come to check on her later. Call me if anything happens." And with that he left.

I brought Bella's hand to my lips and kissed it lightly. "I am so sorry for all this."

I wished for a miracle to happen so that I can switch my place with hers, to take all the pain of hers and endure it, leaving her free from all of this pain and struggle.

Alice wrapped her hands around me from behind. "This hospital dress is not looking good on her." She succeeded in lightening the mood as I laughed lightly.

"And you are already working on that. Aren't you?"

She nodded eagerly as she thought about her ideas of decorating the room and the dresses she was going to buy for Bella. "Blue." I said.

Hmm? "You lost me."

"She looks amazing in blue." I told her as I recalled how she looked in that blue shirt of hers in Port Angeles. She was again wearing a blue hospital dress, and even when she should look disgusting and ugly, she looked as amazing as ever to me.

Okay. Blue it is. "Now if you excuse both of us, we need to watch this." She showed me the video camera. I nodded but did not move.

"I thought you also want to see it." She queried as she sat by my side.

"I do." I murmured as I kissed Bella's hand again.

"We can go to the car so we can watch it." She suggested.

"I am not leaving her. Not now." But I have to. Sometime. If I want her our of all this vampire stuff and to live happily.

"Are you sure? She won't wake up today. You can take out some time for this. I know it is important to you, and for you."

"Thanks, Alice. But really. I can't move. I was already not with her when she needed me the most. I don't want to repeat that mistake again."

She sighed with resignation. "Okay. I'll go and catch Carlisle for this."

"What happen to Jasper?" He wouldn't leave her to watch this alone.

It's my decision. I don't want him to see it before I do.

"I understand."

"I'll be downstairs in the parking. It is not far enough so you can see it through me."


"I'll leave you alone with her." She said to me. Then she moved to Bella 's side and saw the small differences. "She looks better now." She stated cheerfully. "Look, her cheeks have started to appear slight pink."

I nodded. I have already seen that. Her cheeks have started to retain their pink colour, and her heartbeat is getting stronger by the time, and she is breathing more easily now. "But she smells all different."

She laughed. "Don't be so whiny. She will smell all same to you in twenty-four hours."

I scoffed at her teasing but was myself relieved hearing this.

"Get well soon." Alice murmured slowly in Bella's ear. "We have so much more to talk about." And she kissed her cheek as she took off to meet Carlisle. After a few more minutes, they both settled in the car, Alice hesitating as she fumbled with the camera.

"Are you sure you want to see it?" Carlisle asked, to both of us. We both nodded. Carlisle took the camera and played it finally. Alice tucked her knees under her chin. Carlisle put a hand on hers as we all waited for the video to start.

I held Bella's hand in both mine as I concentrated on Alice's mind.

James face appeared on the screen.

I took a deep breath as this was it... I would now see how that volatile James had tortured my Bella. It was going to be convoluting for me to see Bella going through all that... when I should have been with her to protect her. And this was the reason that I wanted to be see it. Because I deserved it.

"Edward, I'm so sorry we couldn't meet today, but I have a prior appointment with your Bella." He laughed dementedly. "I hope you enjoy the show. Hope to… see you very soon."

I could hear the repulsive thoughts of Carlisle and Alice for that James.

He put that camera somewhere and now his face was seen clearly.

Seeing his face made venom flow rapidly in my mouth. I wanted to kill him! Desperately!

"You see, Bella fell for my words. She is so naive, not a hard target I hoped it would be. Anyway, looks like she will be here shortly. You shouldn't have let her out of your sight, though." He laughed evilly.

I growled listening to him, feeling nauseated just by listening his evil plans, in which he succeeded partially. He was no where to seen, but I could hear him fiddle with something.

How disgusting! All of us thought at the same time.

Some more seconds passed, and still there was only James to be seen. I looked at Bella and kissed her hand as I waited for Bella to arrive.

And then the sound of the door creaking open came, signalling Bella's entry.

"Bella? Bella?" I heard a voice call out.

Bella starred following the voice in alarm.

"Bella, you scared me! Don't you ever do that to me again! "

Bella seemed confused as she looked for the source of sound, and found it coming from an old camera, where a rather old video was playing where a blond lady – Renée – was calling out for young Bella. Understanding dawned on Bella's face as she whirled around on hearing someone's footsteps.

Her breathing was shallow. Half from the running, while also from the horrifying things that she knew would come.

Can't believe he did that. Alice thought weakly.

Just to look that fear on her face was enough for me to want to kill James again, just to avenge him for terrifying Bella. I wanted to bring him back so that I could kill him again, not showing any mercy.

Bella and James came face to face.

"Sorry about that, Bella, but isn't it better that your mother didn't really have to be involved in all this?" His voice was too soft.

Carlisle too felt terrorize seeing James in action.

Poison rippled through my veins. He had no right to even talk to her, to even look in her direction. I wanted to reach out and bring death to him. A sudden surge of jealousy hit me as I realized I didn't get this opportunity and never will.

"Yes," Bella answered, relief in her voice.

She was… relieved? Alleviated? This could not be happening.

My grow intensified as I realized that she is as again being selfless, ready to sacrifice herself for her mother.

She is a marvellous girl. Carlisle thought with wonder.

James looked puzzled for a tenth of a second. "You don't sound angry that I tricked you." A light laugh.

"I'm not." She said valorously.

Brave indeed Alice remarked.

"How odd. You really mean it" James came in the camera frame, walking slowly towards her. "I will give your strange coven this much, you humans can be quite interesting. I guess I can see the draw of observing you. It's amazing — some of you seem to have no sense of your own self-interest at all."

He was right in that. She lacked self-preservation to a great extent. Not a type James get to encounter more often. After all, my Bella was special.

He stood a few feet away from her, with his arms crossed over his chest, a look of apprehension on his face.

"I suppose you're going to tell me that your boyfriend will avenge you?" James verified.

Avenge? If only he was alive for that. I would have loved to. It was highly byzantine that I couldn't do that.

"No, I don't think so. At least, I asked him not to." Her voice started trembling.

Yes! Her stupid letter! For someone so perceptive, she could be stupid enough to think that I would respect her wishes and not come after her. And if she really thought that, then she knew nothing about me.

"And what was his reply to that?" James looked hopeful at the prospect.

"I don't know. I left him a letter."

As if hearing this the letter found a voice and was telling at me to read it again.

I should have seen that coming. Alice wretched. This was all Bella was hiding from me.

"How romantic, a last letter. And do you think he will honour it?" He asked sarcastically in a polite manner. He was enjoying excruciating Bella.

"I hope so."

She doesn't knows me yet.

Bella was a fool to think I would not come after her, to protect her.

In the parking, both Carlisle and Alice were amused listening this. She is so naive. Carlisle thought with a stuffed but a hollow chuckle. And so did Alice.

"Hmmm. Well, our hopes differ then. You see, this was all just a little too easy, too quick. To be quite honest, I'm disappointed. I expected a much greater challenge. And, after all, I only needed a little luck."

"When Victoria couldn't get to your father, I had her find out more about you. There was no sense in running all over the planet chasing you down when I could comfortably wait for you in a place of my choosing. So, after I talked to Victoria, I decided to come to Phoenix to pay your mother a visit. I'd heard you say you were going home. At first, I never dreamed you meant it. But then I wondered. Humans can be very predictable; they like to be somewhere familiar, somewhere safe. And wouldn't it be the perfect ploy, to go to the last place you should be when you're hiding — the place that you said you'd be."

And we thought we were outsmarting James by playing that card.

"But of course I wasn't sure, it was just a hunch. I usually get a feeling about the prey that I'm hunting, a sixth sense, if you will. I listened to your message when I got to your mother's house, but of course I couldn't be sure where you'd called from. It was very useful to have your number, but you could have been in Antarctica for all I knew, and the game wouldn't work unless you were close by."

Oh course, Carlisle yelled at himself for not paying attention to this minute detail. If only we would have thought about it...

"Then your boyfriend got on a plane to Phoenix."

And I thought I outran James! If only I would have planned it more thoroughly and not just spontaneously.

"Victoria was monitoring them for me, naturally; in a game with this many players, I couldn't be working alone. And so they told me what I'd hoped, that you were here after all. I was prepared; I'd already been through your charming home movies. And then it was simply a matter of the bluff."

"Very easy, you know, not really up to my standards. So, you see, I'm hoping you're wrong about your boyfriend. Edward, isn't it?"

Now I got why Victoria was trying to keep an eye on us rather than confronting us. She was acting as a pawn for James so that he could win easily.

I felt anger seeking through my body for not getting that easily. I was the mind reader for God's same, and it was my duty to decipher important things from her mind.

I failed everyone.

Silence followed.

"Would you mind, very much, if I left a little letter of my own for your Edward?"

Brainsick! Alice exasperated.

His hand reached out to grab the camera. He was gloating already, thinking that he won already… by killing the human and leaving harsh and sick memories for me .

"I'm sorry, but I just don't think he'll be able to resist hunting me after he watches this. And I wouldn't want him to miss anything. It was all for him, of course. You're simply a human, who unfortunately was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and indisputably running with the wrong crowd, I might add."

He moved closer to Bella.

"Before we begin…I would just like to rub it in, just a little bit. The answer was there all along, and I was so afraid Edward would see that and ruin my fun. It happened once, oh, ages ago. The one and only time my prey escaped me."

"You see, the vampire who was so stupidly fond of this little victim made the choice that your Edward was too weak to make. When the old one knew I was after his little friend, he stole her from the asylum where he worked — I never will understand the obsession some vampires seem to form with you humans — and as soon as he freed her he made her safe. She didn't even seem to notice the pain, poor little creature."

This was what Alice didn't know about herself.

I heard Alice gasp listening this. It was more hard for her.

She leaned her head in Carlisle's shoulder, and he engulfed her in his protective fatherly arms.

"She'd been stuck in that black hole of a cell for so long. A hundred years earlier and she would have been burned at the stake for her visions. In the nineteen-twenties it was the asylum and the shock treatments. When she opened her eyes, strong with her fresh youth, it was like she'd never seen the sun before. The old vampire made her a strong new vampire, and there was no reason for me to touch her then." He sighed with relent. "I destroyed the old one in vengeance."

It all makes sense now, why she was left alone. Her creator was killed before she awoke! Carlisle was fitting the puzzle pieces together in his mind.

I... All this... How... When... My parents... Asylum.. Her mind was not able to form any conscious thought, which was a first for her. She felt betrayed by everyone as she learnt about her history.

"Alice." Bella gasped, recognizing who that evil creature was talking about.

In between all this, Alice felt accepted and loved as Carlisle kissed her head and Bella thought about her, even when her life was in crisis.

"Yes, your little friend. I was surprised to see her in the clearing. So I guess her coven ought to be able to derive some comfort from this experience. I get you, but they get her. The one victim who escaped me, quite an honour, actually."

The only thing holding me to my place was Bella's hand held between my hands.

Honour, snorted Carlisle.

"And she did smell so delicious. I still regret that I never got to taste… She smelled even better than you do. Sorry — I don't mean to be offensive. You have a very nice smell. Floral, somehow…"

It was excruciating enough to see him so close to her, smelling her, that I could feel anger seeping in my veins for vengeance. To show him the brutal acts that I planned for him.

He moved closer to Bella that I could see Bella's face more clearly now – all the worry lines on her face, her fear, everything.

He then took a strand of Bella's hair and sniffed it. Bella flinched at his closeness. He smiled slightly as he kept it back in its place. I wanted to punch him in his guts for getting so close to her and sniffing her like this. Scaring her to hell.

He then stroke her cheek with his thumb. Bella again flinched by his close proximity.

I held Bella's hand like a lifeline as I was seeing all this. She was the only reason I was not acting insane to kill a dead person again.

"No," he shook his head as he dropped his hand, "I don't understand." He sighed. "Well, I suppose we should get on with it. And then I can call your friends and tell them where to find you, and my little message."

Absolutely revolting, It was amazing how everyone of us was thinking the same thing.

He started to go back, gloating by seeing his target quivering in fear.

I kissed Bella's hand to console myself that every pain from now on was already inflicted and I could do nothing. I just looked at Bella as my mind started to see the things that James have done on Bella.

He started circling around her in a slow motion, savouring pain for her. The camera moved a little lower – he crouched, preparing for his attack. I could see through the camera how Bella's face crumbled with fear as she knew that this was her last time. Her face lost all its colour and her lips started to quiver more.

She bolted.

It was hilarious how Bella tried to outrun a vampire. She should know better. She had no chance to win in front of a vampire.

I kissed her hand again. "It is good to know that you fear something." I murmured lightly as I traced her cheek with my finger. The same cheek where James had out his finger on. I wanted to erase his every mark from her body.

For the next few minutes, I knew which were going to be crucial, I looked at Bella, reminding myself that this was all over now.

James outran Bella and was in front of her in a snap. She stopped all together. He smiled in victory as he threw her at the glass mirror. The mirror broke with a loud crash and the sound of Bella's cries started to tear my heart. I failed you being my only thoughts.

Fury throbbed in my veins watching all this. And so it did with Carlisle and Alice. Bella's each cry of pain made my heart crumble in disgust and pain. I wanted to make James suffer for even touching her.

James walked to her, slowly enjoying all this, as be brought once again Bella's dazed face in front of the camera. I could see how Bella was holding back her most of the cries.

I brought Bella's hand to my nose, so I could smell her, hear her blood pulsing through her body. The reminder that it was all past.

What kind of creature…Alice thought in disgust.

Carlisle growled seeing all this. His thoughts incoherent.

"That's a very nice effect. I thought this room would be visually dramatic for my little film. That's why I picked this place to meet you. It's perfect, isn't it?"

Bella slowly crawled on the floor to get to the exit. But her body was not supporting. Her knees trembled with fear, that they could not hold her weight for a long time.

James laughed wickedly as he clicked his tongue.

What happened next burned me so much that I begged that we could trade places, or that I could suddenly go back in time to stop all this from happening.

James recorded all this perfectly, how he lifted his foot to stomp on her leg, hard enough that the voice of her bone breaking could be heard clearly. But the cries coming from her mouth was more maddening.

I let go of Bella's hand. I could not hold myself now. My hands turned into fists at the anger I was feeling. I wanted to beg James to stop his evil actions and spare Bella from all the torture.

"Would you like to rethink your last request?" He asked with a polite smile, as if he was doing a great deed.

He nudged her like with a light flick, and another heart piercing cry came from her, echoing in the room. And my heart felt more wrenched. My head fell in my hands as I heard her heart-wrenching cry of pain.

We all shuddered listening this, but especially Alice.

"Wouldn't you rather have Edward try to find me?"

I would have found you, James, and have you paid for all this. If only I would have arrived more earlier, before he could hurt Bella.

"No!" Bella breathed with difficulty. "No, Edward, don't—"

Before she could say anything further, James resumed his cruel actions as he threw Bella into the mirrors once again.

Alice prayed that all this would stop, and so did I. Carlisle was numb seeing all this. For the first time I heard him think about vengeance.

Her each cry tortured me more than the fire that turned me onto this.

Her skull cracked and teared as blood started to run down her body and strained her shirt in a red colour. It was flowing in an alarming rate. I wanted to cry and shed tears watching all this. Bella was suffering all this just because of me.

Her eyes began to droop with failure in the video.

James bended so his face was only an inch from hers. Bella hid her face weakly by her hand. James chuckled evilly as he took her hand and brought it to his lips, smelling it. Bella tried to wriggle her way out, but James held her stiff as he bit her on her right hand.

Bella's cries grew more, and before I could see anymore, Alice switched off the video as she broke down in Carlisle's arms.

I took Bella's right hand again in mine as I kissed her on the spot where James had bitten her. Venom pooled over in my mouth. Not for her blood, but for revenge.

"I am so sorry I could not protect you." I lamented. "I am so sorry." And I sobbed quietly. By whole body shook with despair as I let myself feel vulnerable once again.

Carlisle came to me after ten minutes.

He found me sitting on the chair, my shoulders hunched in defeat, my hand holding Bella's hand tightly. He knew I had seen everything that they saw.

He hugged me tightly and I leaned in his embrace, letting my vulnerability speak for itself.

"She is fine now."

"I failed her." I opposed.

"She is alive."

"Where is Alice?"

"She needed Jasper more."


"You better?" He inquired knowing already what the answer to this was going to be.

I nodded. He knew I was lying but didn't say anything.

"Now, if you agree, can I sit beside her while you take a shower and freshen yourself up. You don't want any reminder of the day, right?"

"What if she wakes up?" I argued lamely. The truth was I didn't want to leave her for one second. Not after I saw what she had to go through.

"You can still see her through my mind, and if anything happens, I am a doctor and you are just a few feet away."

I sighed. "Fine." I agreed as I stood up.

"Good. And also. Your contacts are dissolving." He observed. "You need another pair."

I forgot that I was wearing contacts. "Are my eyes still red?"

"It will remain like this till tomorrow morning or noon."

"Okay." I sighed as I finally got up from my position.

Taking the clothes Alice bought for me, I went in the bathroom for a good wash.

I dumped the blood stained clothes far away, but after taking the letter which Bella had written for me. The reminder that she asked me for something that I couldn't give her. And also the reminder of how close Bella came today to her heart stopping, in either way.

The water poured on my body, taking away all the strains from my body, all Bella's blood which sticked on my body flowed down along with water and coloured the colourless liquid red.

I could still see as Carlisle examined Bella, her pulse, her breathing, her pupils. "You are going to be fine in no time, Bella." He assured a sleeping Bella. I smiled listening him. He too was left with wonder for this little human.

After the shower, I went back to Bella. Carlisle sensed me. "She is a brave soul, and you both are perfect for each other" I snorted at that. Perfect match! He was exaggerating it. "Don't you believe me?"

"Only the first part."

And can I know why you think that?

"She brings out the best in me, as you pointed out, but I always bring her in the harm's way."

"I don't believe that." He shook his head. You are being too stubborn and ridiculous.

"No. You only say. Her first encounter with me?"

"Where you were able to control herself."

"The van accident?"

"Where you saved her again."

"Where I almost exposed ourselves." I corrected.

"But you handled the situation well, and not to forget about that Port Angeles incident. You didn't attack those people."

"Because she don't deserve to be with a murderer."

"You're right. Because she deserves better. Someone like you."

"Who again pushed her in harm's way by exposing her to that dangerous coven, and not to forget what happened to her just today." I cannot forget that, never.

"Yes. Where you again saved her life by sucking out the venom from her body." He mused. "I don't see that as a wrong thing."

"I shouldn't have come back from Denali. She was better without me."

"She was good, I trust you in that, but she is much better when you are around her."

I sighed. I could never win against Carlisle in this, because he knew me better. He knows that what all I was saying were the thoughts of my mind, but not the words that my heart believed in. He knew what I wanted and what I was saying were two different things.

"And not to forget that she needs a protector."

I chuckled. "A vampire protector. What an irony!" He chuckled while I snorted. "But don't you think that she could have been much more safe when I was not in love with her."

"Maybe yes, but I don't think this is the way destiny planned for both of you. Else she wouldn't have guessed our truth so easily. Trust me in this, Edward. Let fate play its cards, and you be with her. She wants you more than you know."

"Do you think she will ever forgive me for putting her in this situation in the first place?"

"If I am right, then she had already done that." He acknowledged as he stood up. "I have to go. I have some work to do, till that you wait for your brothers to arrive. They want to meet Bella before they depart."

"They are going back?"

We don't want any more complications than our absence have already created. Also, Rosalie is suspecting that Victoria is still in Forks, waiting for orders from James. They don't want to take any chances. I nodded as I considered it. Sure enough Victoria was still unaware of the fact that her James is no more alive. I'll see you later. He said as he touched the doorknob to turn it.


He turned around. "Yes?"

And I was in an instant hugging him tight. "Thank you. For everything."

He patted my head. "Anything to see you happy." He murmured. "Even a human. But I don't think we have to work hard on liking her." She is a fabulous lady who have already conquered our hearts. You won't believe how much Esme is gloating on hearing about your control and to meet her again.

"I think I can guess a little." I told him as I stepped back. He laughed. See you later. With that he finally left the room while I again sat by Bella's side and took her hand in mine, holding her hand with utter delicacy.

I looked at her serene face. "She is indeed a marvellous lady." I commented as I kissed the mark that James and I have given her.




More chapters on the way. Stay tuned. And do review.