Shin: Hello people of fanfiction and welcome to our very first fanfic!

Gan: We thought of this idea randomly. I thought "hm… what if Zim became this type of king?" Even though it wouldn't make much sense really, because Zim's an alien and isn't from Earth.

Shin: I thought about the idea and ended up liking it. Personally, I thought it was really cool.

Gan: We hope that you guys like the idea too.

Shin: Yeah, I spent some time thinking about whether or not to post this story… I was pretty self-conscious about it.

Gan: But then I was like "honestly… fuck it, if they like it, they like it, and if they don't, they don't so be it."

Shin: So yeah, enough talk, let's get into the story!

Chapter 1: So It All Begins...

Ah… Monday. A day where no one wants to go to skool, but has to anyway. Well, besides a green alien with red eyes named Zim. He didn't necessarily like going to skool either because he didn't learn anything the previous years he went, but he liked it because he got to see the other humans's misery and suffering as they complained about it.

Zim was eating waffles that his S.I.R. Unit, Gir, made for him.

"How do you like the waffles, Master?" Gir asked as he gave Zim a goofy smile.

"As great as always, Gir. You know, you could probably become a chef if you practiced making other foods." Zim complimented as he took a bite out of one of the two waffles that Gir made for him.

"REALLY?! I could become a chef?!" Gir asked as he jumped up.

"Mhm, you have the skills to do so, surprisingly. And think about it… you could make any food that you wanted to without having to buy it. You could also cook for Zim too." Zim answered as he ate a piece of bacon.

"I WANNA BECOME A CHEF!" Gir screamed as he stood on his chair. He was in a pose that you'd see a hero do while powering up or something.

Zim smiled as he watched his companion getting excited about being a chef. He finished his breakfast and stood up.


"Yes, sir!" Gir responded, instantly going into a salute as he became serious and his eyes turned red.

"If you want to become a chef, you'll have to practice making different sorts of food. To do that, you'll need ingredients. Remind Zim later to go get some and we can get started." He told the little robot.

"YIPPEE! MASTER'S GONNA HELP ME BE A CHEF!" Gir rejoiced as he instantly went back to being goofy and hopped in his chair in excitement. Zim chuckled as he walked over to the sink and put his plate in it. He grabbed Gir's plate and set it in the sink as well.

Zim and Gir walked to the front door and stopped. He turned around and looked at Gir. "Okay, Gir, Zim is heading off to Skool. It's his first year as a junior and while he is gone, please try not to wreck the house. If you don't, Zim will get you tacos and we can watch that stupid monkey show you love with you."

"YAY! I WILL DO AS MASTER SAYS!" Gir replied as he smiled a big one.

Zim patted the robots head. "If you ever get bored play around with Minimoose or Computer."

"Okie dokie! Have a good day at Skool, master!" Gir said as he waved his master goodbye for now.

"Thank you, Gir. Zim will be back later." Zim said as he put on his disguise using his watch on his right wrist, which was really just black hair combed back and human indigo eyes. He opened the front door and left the house.

It was a nice and cool day outside. Zim was wearing his standard Irken uniform. A red long sleeve shirt with black stripes and pink sleeves that also had black stripes. He wore black gloves and black pants with boots that were also black. Zim didn't carry around a backpack as he could use his PAK as one.

Zim made his way to Skool with ease and stopped at the front doors. He took a deep breath, but right as he was about to open the left door, he heard someone menacingly say his name.

"Zim…" He slowly turned around and was met by a boy wearing a black trench coat, blue shirt with a ghost on it, black pants and red boots. He was wearing glasses and his hairstyle was in the form of a scythe… strangely.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Dib-monkey." Zim spoke with a harsh tone.

"Yes, it sure is… I'm watching you Zim, I won't let you ruin this day, especially because it's the first day of junior year for me." Dib declared.

"Ah, but today would be the perfect day to cause some trouble, no? Zim thinks he'd be doing you humans a favor by ruining this day. It's the first day of Skool, who would ever want to be here?" Zim quizzed as he fully turned around.

"True, many people don't want to be here, but you could still cause an unnecessary amount of destruction… and I'm here to stop you from doing that." Dib replied.

"Try all you want, Dib-stink, but sooner or later this… Earth of yours will be destroyed… BY ME, THE ALMIGHTY ZIIIIM!" Zim declared as he followed that up with a maniacal laugh.

"Can you two bozzos not do this right now? It's starting to give me a headache." A purple haired girl next to Dib intervened. She was wearing a black dress with grey sleeves and red leggings with black shoes. She had on a skull necklace and was playing a Game Slave, more specifically a Game Slave 3. Also, her hairstyle was quite unique. It was a weirdly designed bob cut that was into five spikes, three up top and one on each side of her head.

"Oh, hello, Gaz. Didn't see you there." Zim spoke as he looked at the goth girl.

"Of course you didn't…" She mumbled. "Yes, hello to you too, Zim, now either go inside or move before I make you."

"Okay, okay, Zim's going." Zim complied as he quickly turned around and pulled open the doors of the skool. He was greeted by a bunch of kids in the hallways either by their lockers or talking in groups. Dib and Gaz walked in after him and only Dib was enraptured by the amount of kids there were.

"This skool is most definitely better than the elementary one…" Dib noticed as he looked around. Gaz just walked away, only paying attention to her Game Slave.

"PAK, give me my schedule." Zim commanded. His PAK opened and a robotic spider leg came out, carrying a piece of paper that had Zim's classes on it. Zim took the piece of paper and observed it as the robotic spider leg retracted back into his PAK.

Zim has… History first with… MS. BITTERS?! Zim bewilderedly thought as he reeled his head back a little in surprise. He wouldn't have known that the old coon would still be a teacher after elementary. He scratched the side of his head as he sighed and started walking to Ms. Bitters' History classroom.

Dib also took out his schedule from his backpack and examined it. He groaned as he too, had Ms. Bitters for History. Well this is just fantastic…

Zim reluctantly made it to Ms. Bitters class as well as Dib. Ms. Bitters shortly entered after they had arrived.

"Hello, you doomed children, my name is Ms. Bitters and welcome to History. I see some familiar faces that I wish to not see at this time, but I can't control that. Anywhom, let's get started with today's lesson." Ms. Bitters introduced herself. She was an old hag and no one knew how old she really was. She was wearing a slim black coat with black skinny jeans and black shoes. "Today we're learning about the Aztecs and how they were doomed from the moment they started their civilization."


As the bell rang, the students got up out of their seats and headed for the door. "And remember children, you have to write a 3 page essay on the Aztecs and their downfall!" The students audibly groaned as they left. History was already painful as is simply because of Ms. Bitters being there, and now this just made it worse.

Zim was looking at his schedule as he walked down the halls. His next class was English. His teacher was someone named Mr. Flint.

"Zim!" A familiar voice called to him.

Zim looked away from his schedule and saw Dib. "Oh, hello there, Dib-stink."

"Just remember, Zim, I'm going to expose you to the whole world! So, you better watch your back carefully, space boy." Dib declared as he clenched his fists.

"Zim would like to see you try, worm baby." He challenged as he crossed his arms.

"Be careful, Zim. I'm always watching." Dib warned as he smirked and headed off to his next class in the other direction. Zim sighed as he turned around and continued on his way back to English.

Once Zim made it to English, he sat in his seat and relaxed a little bit as he was thinking about how the Dib-stink would or could possibly expose the almighty Zim. He chuckled to himself as he imagined the possible ways that Dib could expose him, but also fail miserably. For example, recording Zim in his original form, but then having the recording become corrupt… Man, that'd sure be unlucky.


The bell rang and Zim's next class was Calculus, he shared that class with Gaz. English was somewhat interesting, but overall boring.

Zim quickly made his way to Calculus and once he entered, he saw the gothic girl sitting in the back corner playing her Game Slave. He made his way to the back and sat next to her.

"Yes, Zim?" She asked him as she was button mashing on her Game Slave.

To Zim's surprise, she somehow knew it was him without even looking. "Oh nothing, just thought Zim would sit here." Gaz grumbled at his response as she continued playing her Game Slave.

"So, what game are you playing?" Zim asked her as he peered over her shoulder.

"Expedition to the East." Gaz stated.

"Interesting title, what's it about?" Zim queried as he watched Gaz play.

"Some journey to the east side of the world or something." She answered.

"Zim sees." He commented. "But what about that other game that Zim has seen you play a couple of times?"

"Vampire Piggy Hunter? Well, this game just came out so I thought I'd give it a try." Gaz replied. Zim nodded his head as he returned back to his original sitting position. The rest of the Calculus students made it in shortly after and the bell rang.

"Alright kids, today we're gonna start off with one-sided limits. Make sure you pay attention like you should always be." The Calculus teacher spoke. Zim felt as if that was a jab at Gaz, mainly because she was playing her Game Slave and most certainly wasn't paying attention.


The bell rang and both Gaz and Zim got up to leave. It was Lunch and the two made their way towards the cafeteria together. Gaz, surprisingly, didn't have her Game Slave out as they were traveling to their destination. Zim figured she didn't want to bump into anyone or anything while walking.

"Hey Zim." Gaz spoke.

"Yes?" Zim asked.

"Could I come over to your place for today?"

Zim was caught off guard by this. Why would Gaz possibly want to come over to his place? "Um, sure, but may Zim ask why?"

"Because I don't want to deal with Dib's incessant ranting about you."

"Yooo, Gaz!" A random person called behind the two. They both turned around and saw a pale kid that had messy dark green and black hair with brown eyes. He was wearing a flaming skull necklace and had on a leather jacket with a white shirt under it and black leather pants. He was also wearing black boots.

"Yes?" She asked him as he caught up to the two. He was slightly taller than Zim and could've been mistaken for a gang member.

"So, I've been wonderin'... you wanna come chill with me after school?" He asked.

"No thanks, I've already got plans with this guy." Gaz declined as she cocked her head at Zim.

The gangster looking guy glanced at Zim and scoffed."Pfft, you mean this green weirdo?" He punched Zim's stomach and grabbed his head, throwing him near some lockers.

"Hey!" Gaz shouted at him.

"Listen, babes, he ain't worth your time. Why not just come with me instead of that loser?" He proposed again. Zim coughed a little before using the lockers to get himself up. He glared at the gangster.

"So I see your still up, huh?" He rhetorically asked as he walked up to the stumbling Zim. "Remember this, you little shithead, stay outta my way from me getting Gaz and your bones will stay intact, 'kay?"

Zim just glared at him as he patted his shoulder. "Glad to see that we could come to an agreement." He walked back over to Gaz. "My offer still stands, babes."

"No way! After what you just did, I'm not going with you. And don't call me babes…" Gaz warned darkly as she glared at the guy.

"Alright, alright, fine, I'll be on my way. See ya later, spitfire." He said as he turned and walked away.

Spitfire…? Gaz thought as her eye twitched. She shook her head and went over to help Zim up as they watched the gangster walking down the hall. "You okay, Zim? You got hit pretty hard."

"Zim… is fine…" He responded as he let Gaz help him out. He gritted his teeth at the gangster's back.

"Are you sure?" Gaz questioned. Zim just nodded his head. "Okay then…" Gaz said as she led him to the cafeteria.

The two of them made it to the cafeteria and found Dib. They sat down and Dib cocked an eyebrow at Zim as he saw him clutch his stomach.

"What happened to you?" Dib asked as he started eating his sandwich.

"Zim got punched in the stomach." Gaz responded for Zim. Dib laughed as he heard that while Zim just glared at him.

"Zim would rather not be laughed at right now, Dib-shit." He insulted.

"You being in pain is funny, space boy." Dib responded with a smirk.

Just then, both Dib and Zim's heads were slammed on the lunch table. "Then you both being in pain is fucking hilarious! HAHA!" Torque added as he passed their table and went to go sit at his own where his friends were laughing at what he just did.

Dib picked his head up and surprisingly his glasses didn't break. He lowly growled at Torque's back while Zim didn't pick his head up for a few seconds.

"You two okay?" Gaz asked the two. Dib nodded while Zim just sighed. He got punched in the stomach, got slammed into some lockers, and now got his head slammed into the table. What the hell was happening to him?

"Zim is fine, Gaz." Zim responded.

The rest of lunch was spent by Dib being forced to share his food with Gaz and Zim or else his arms would be ripped off… by Gaz. Zim was in the hallway, walking to the stairs to get to his next class, which was Human Biology.

What is going on right now? Why didn't Zim say something to the guy that was talking trash to him, and why didn't Zim say something to Torque-human? Is Zim just out of it today? Zim thought as he made it to his class. Whatever it was, it was diverting his attention to class which made him miss the whole lesson.

The rest of the school day was boring. The lessons weren't as enticing to Zim as they were for the other students and he didn't pay attention to the remaining two classes.

Now it was officially the end of the day and Zim was waiting at the front of the school for Gaz. A few moments later and she was seen walking out with Dib-stink. The two stopped as they saw Zim.

"Zim…" Dib began as he glared at Zim.

"Dib…" Zim spat as he glared back.

"Enough, you two. Dib, I'm gonna hang out with Zim." Gaz told her older brother who suddenly adopted a shocked look on his face.

"Wait, what?!" He questioned as he was now looking at Gaz bewildered.

"You heard me, I'm hanging out with Zim." She restated as she walked next to Zim.

"But, Gaz-"

"Nope, I don't want to hear it from you, let's go Zim." Gaz interrupted as she began walking away.

"Right away, Gaz." Zim complied as he began walking after Gaz, leaving Dib in a state of shock.

What… THE FUCK?!

Gaz and Zim were making their way towards Zim's house before he remembered something. "Oh wait, Gaz, can we go to MacMeaties?"

"What for?" She asked as she looked up at Zim.

"Zim promised Gir that he'd give him tacos if Gir didn't destroy the house. Zim will pay for yours if you want."

"Sure, whatever." Gaz accepted as they changed their direction to go to MacMeaties.

The two went to the fast food restaurant and ordered tacos for Gir and themselves. Zim paid for it and they went on their way back to their original destination.

Once they arrived at Zim's base, he opened the door to reveal Gir on the couch, watching some random cartoon. He noticed the door open and smiled when he saw his master.

"MASTER, YOU'RE HOME!" Gir happily announced as he hopped off the couch and ran up to give Zim a hug.

"Ah yes, Zim is home, Gir." He said to the little robot as he looked up and noticed that the house wasn't destroyed. "Oh wow, Gir… the house isn't destroyed. Looks like Zim didn't buy these tacos for nothing after all.

"Y… You actually bought the tacos…?" Gir asked as he started tearing up.

"Yes, Gir, he did." Zim confirmed, making Gir cry in joy.

"I-I love you, master!" He sobbed.

"Zim loves you too, Gir. Now let's hurry up and eat these tacos before they get cold." Gir stopped hugging Zim as he ran to the kitchen.

"Sorry about that, Gaz… you know how Gir is." Zim apologized to the goth girl.

"No problem, I see he hasn't changed that much."

"Haha, yeah, you're right." Zim agreed as he led the way to the kitchen.

Once they made it, Gir was patiently waiting in his chair. Zim sat down the two bags of MacMeatis and opened them up. He grabbed two tacos for Gir, a taco for Gaz and a taco for himself. All three of them began to eat.

"Oh, master, don't forget about buying ingredients!" Gir reminded the alien.

"Oh, why thank you, Gir. I'll be sure to get them tomorrow."

"Ingredients? What do you need ingredients for?" Gaz asked Zim.

"Zim is gonna teach Gir how to cook." Zim answered as he took a bite out of his taco.

"You know how to cook?" Gaz quizzed, surprised.

"A little bit. Mostly Irken food."

"Wow, that's new." She commented. Zim chuckled as he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, right! Zim has to update the Tallests!" Zim announced as he finished his taco and left the kitchen.

"Hey, let me come with! Gir you can have the rest of my taco." Gaz said as she left the kitchen.

"YAY! THANK YOU GAZZY!" Gir thanked as he began munching on the leftover tacos.

Zim and Gaz were in an elevator that was leading them down to Zim's lab.

"Why did you come exactly?" Zim asked.

"Why not?"

"Fair enough."

They arrived at Zim's lab. Zim began walking towards the main screen while Gaz looked around. She was a bit impressed when she saw the many weapons and inventions that Zim created. Who woulda thought that he was an inventor?

Zim finally made it to the main screen with Gaz. "Oh, right! Zim needs you to hide."


"Because if the Tallests see you, they'll think Zim has developed relations with an enemy, and then they'll deem him as a traitor." Zim explained.

"Well where should I hide?"

"Hm… hide behind that tube over there." Zim pointed to a tube not far away from where they were standing. Gaz made her way over there and hid behind it. "Okay, Computer!"

"Yes, sir?" The computer instantly responded.

"Call My Tallests, will you?" Zim asked.

"Yes… calling the Tallests."

On the Irken Armada:

"Hey, remember that Irken named Zam or something?" A tall, purple Irken asked.

"Oh… you mean, Zim?" A tall, red Irken corrected.

"Yeah, him, you wonder if he's dead yet?" The purple one asked as he ate a chunk of a donut.

"I hope he is, Purple, I can't stand that defect…" The red one responded.

"Well what if he is alive, Red, then what would we do?" Purple wondered.

Red thought about it for a moment before getting an idea. "What planet did we assign him to?"

"I think it was planet Earth, why?" Purple asked his comrade.

"You know those weird beasts that we captured from other invaded planets and don't know what to do with?" Red quizzed Purple.

"Yeah…?" Purple answered, not quite catching on.

"Well, if Zim is still alive, why don't we just send those beasts over to where Zim is! While we're at it, once he calls us to update us, why not just tell him the truth about him? That way he'll be too mentally broken to do anything about the beasts!" Red explained his genius plan to Purple.

"That's an AMAZING plan, Red! We could call this mission: Operation Free The Beasts!" Purple added.

"Yeah!" Red agreed. "Crew members! Don't say anything about this mission to Zim if he calls, okay? Say a peep or a hint of this mission and you're heads are gone, got it?"

The crew members of the ship all vigorously shook their heads, afraid of what their Tallests just said.

"Let's call Tak and inform her, she could help send them off." Purple said as he started calling Tak.

A few rings later and a blue female Irken picked up. "Yes, My Tallests?"

"Tak, we have a task for you. We just made this awesome operation called Operation Free The Beasts, right? It's an operation evolved around sending the beasts that we have locked up to Earth where Zim is and they'll try to kill him. So, what we need from you is to send off some beasts, think you can do it?" Purple explained to the female Irken.

"Yes, I can easily do that." She accepted.

"Awesome! Get to the Organic Sweep room as fast as you can, we'll have some other Irkens there too." Purple told Tak.

"Okay, I'll be there as quick as I can." Tak said as she ended the call.

"Sweet! Now we just need to wait for Zim to call!" Red said in joy.


Tak made it to the Organic Sweep room and saw the caged beasts that were from other planets. They were large, and vicious… they weren't just any normal beasts, they were the most feared beasts on their planet and they were definitely urging to kill something… or someone.

Tak also saw some Irkens getting ready to board their ships. She saw an open ship and got in it. I don't like this at all… as much as I hate Zim I wanted to kill him myself… not have these beasts do it for me. Tak thought as she started up the ship. But, I can't deny My Tallests requests, even if I despise them. She then got up in the air and hooked her ship to a couple of cages. Some of the other Irkens already set their path to Earth, and Tak did the same, following them.


"Alrighty, they're off, Red." Purple informed the other leader of Irk.

"Good, now we just have to wait for Zim." Red said.

As if on cue, one of the crew members got a call from Earth. "My Tallests, we're getting a call from Earth! It has to be Zim!"

"Forward it!" Red commanded. The crew member did and the two Tallests saw the alien that they absolutely hated.


Zim called the Tallests with a prideful smile and they instantly picked up. "Ah, My Tallests! Zim is very glad to see you!"

"Yes, we're glad to see you too, Zim." Purple said in an obviously sarcastic tone that Zim was oblivious to.

"Zim has an update for you!" Zim stated. "He has started his junior year in high school, and he thinks he's slowly but surely making his way up the ranks of this human society! Sooner or later, Zim will be able to do much more with this Earth once he is able to get his hands on a few things. It will be EPIIIIC!"

"Yes, I'm sure it will be Zim." Red said as he didn't care. "Listen Zim, we have something really important to tell you."

"What is it My Tallests?" Zim curiously asked as he gave his full attention to them.

Red and Purple both gave each other a look and cleared their throats. They both took a deep breath. "YOU WERE NEVER AN INVADER!"

Zim just stared at the screen dumbfounded. "S-sorry… what?"

"You were never an invader to begin with Zim, we never gave you an assignment! You got banished to Earth!" Purple shouted.

"Honestly, how did you not get the hint, Zim? We banished you to Foodcourtia to work there for your entire lifespan! You weren't supposed to just up and leave that place, and when we gave you an assignment, how did you not know it was fake?! For fuck's sake Zim, IT WAS ON A FUCKING STICKY NOTE AT THE SIDE OF THE SCREEN, THE PLANET WAS MILLIONS OF LIGHT YEARS AWAY FROM HERE!" Red added harshly.

Zim was at a loss for words. "Zim, you made everything worse for the Empire of Irk. No one likes you here and we all hate or despise you in someway. You literally fucked up Operation Impending Doom I by almost destroying all of Irk. How do you do that?! Huh, how?!" Purple grilled.

"You also are extremely annoying. You're always yelling all the time and you're so arrogant, it pisses us off entirely when you always talk to yourself Almighty-like and in the third-person. If you're so almighty, Zim, why did we send you off to Foodcourtia? If you're so 'almighty' why haven't you already conquered that planet yet, huh?!" Red belittled Zim.

Zim couldn't speak as he heard all of this, he was trying to process what they were saying.

"Zim, you're whole life is just a fucking joke. The whole Irken Empire would be so much better if you would just stop contacting us, even better, it would be more beneficial for us, and yourself, if you just died." Red said.

"Also, hopefully you have good pest control on that planet, you defective nobody." Purple insulted as they ended the call.

Zim stood there as he recalled what the Tallests just said his facial expression didn't change. Zim…. Zim is defective? He thought as he dropped to his knees on the floor and tears started to well up in his eyes. He let them fall to the metal floor as he began crying.

Gaz was still behind the tube, her eyes widened as she couldn't believe what she just heard as well. She peered around the tube and saw Zim crying to himself. She went up to him and was on the floor next to Zim.

That was harsh… I mean, why would they do that to him? Gaz thought as she put a hand on Zim's shoulder. She didn't really know how to console people.

"Zim... Zim doesn't understand… he never had a mission to begin with…? Wait, no… it all makes sense now… he was banished for a reason and Zim didn't realize that… and now he's banished again and still didn't realize it! How could Zim have been such a fool to not see this! Zim should've known from the start… He almost killed all of the Irkens on Irk… it makes sense that they'd hate him. Zim fucked up everything, Zim is a fuck up. Maybe he should just die…" Zim whispered depressingly as he cried hard.

What… Gaz thought as she looked at him. "Oh hell no!" She yelled at him. He flinched as he looked at her. He'd forgotten that she was still there for a second. "Like hell you're gonna just die like that! I won't let you, Zim. Your planet may have banished you, but you can still live on."

"Gaz… an Irken's purpose is to invade other planets and conquer them… if an Irken has no assigned planet to conquer, then what good are they? If they're left with nothing to do at all, then why are they still alive at that point? They're not useful to the Empire whatsoever…" Zim informed.

"So what? Just because they don't have anything to do on your home planet, doesn't mean that they can't be useful somewhere else. Zim, you could make yourself useful here on Earth… I know you can…" Gaz countered.

Zim sniffed as he took this in. Hopefully I got to him… I can't imagine having a whole Empire dislike you… wait, yes I can, because that's kinda like me… Gaz thought as she looked down at the floor.

"But, Gaz, what is Zim supposed to do on this planet…?" Zim asked.

"Live, Zim. Just simply live. If you don't… you won't understand how mad I'd be." Gaz responded strongly.

"What…? Why?"

"Because, Zim, you could be very useful. I mean, look at all the stuff you've invented, that could be put to good use and you're also a good friend. We have a lot in common and we had some good moments together! It would be sad if you just left all that behind..." Gaz replied.

"Zim… guesses so." He said as he wiped his tears away.

And it's also because I want you to live Zim… Gaz thought as she gave him a hug. He returned it and they stayed like that for a few moments, neither one wanting to leave the others embrace. They soon stopped hugging.

"Also, how would Gir feel if you weren't here anymore?"

Zim's eyes widened as he hadn't thought about that. Zim promised Gir that he'd help him become a chef… Zim can't go back on his promise to him, and he'd be devastated if Zim wasn't here anymore… he thought as he sighed.

"You're right… Gir would be destroyed emotionally. Zim can't just leave him. He needs Zim and Zim needs him." He stated as he stood up. "Zim sincerely thanks you, Little Gaz… without you he would've probably attempt suicide."

Gaz got a chill down her spine as she heard that. "Anything for a friend, dude."

"How could Zim ever repay you?"

"Hm… you could promise me one thing."

"And what's that?"

"Promise to live… for me, please?"

Zim stood there, surprised at such a request. Zim didn't think that Gaz could be so tender to anyone, nor an alien at that! He thought as he grew a small smile.

"Zim promises." Zim told the goth girl, she gave him a hug and he returned it.

"Also, we should try and fix that third-person talk of yours. If you wanna be normal to others, you don't speak in the third-person." Gaz explained to him.

"Got it."

The moment was interrupted by a phone ringing. Gaz stopped the embrace and fished for her phone in her pocket. Once she got it, she audibly groaned as she looked who was calling her.

"What it is, Dib?" She grilled as soon as she picked up.

"Gaz, come home now, it's dark outside and I'm worried that Zim might do something to you." Dib demanded.

Dib should know that no one tells her what to do. "Dib, I'll come home whenever I want to, you don't tell me what to do just because of your stupid paranoia."

"Agh! Whatever, just be safe and please come home! Who knows what that alien is up to?!" Dib exclaimed.

"Yeah, whatever." Gaz responded as she hung up on him.

"Was that the Dib-stink?" Zim wondered as he overheard the phone conversation.

"Yeah… and he's still annoying as ever. Guess I gotta go before he goes mentally insane, as if he already hasn't."

"Ah okay, and thank you once again Gaz… Zi- I really appreciate your help."

"That's surprising. Thought that you were too arrogant for giving people thanks." Gaz pointed out as they made their way to the elevator.

"Well, I was just belittled by the people that I've looked up to for so long… I don't feel any sense of pride anymore…"

The two made it to the living room and saw Gir watching a cartoon show about a cat and a bird.

"Hi, Master! Hi, Gazzy!" He greeted the both of them.

"Hello, Gir." They both greeted back at the robot. They walked to the door and Zim opened it, revealing the outside of the world.

"See you in school tomorrow, and don't you dare try to get all touchy-feely with me in school, alright?" Gaz warned.

"Aww, but why not? I think it would be cute if I could, Little Gaz." Zim jokingly complained.

"Don't push it, dude." Gaz said as she playfully shoved Zim with a small smirk on her face. She left and made her way to her house.

Zim shut the door and slumped to the floor, sighing a huge one. Gir took notice of this and looked over the couch.

"Master, what are you doing? Why do you look so sad?" Gir wondered as he hopped off the couch and went up to Zim.

"Gir… we never had an assignment in the first place…" Zim revealed to Gir. He gasped as he couldn't believe it. "The Tallests banned us here because of me… Zim's sorry, Gir."

Gir took a few seconds to realize what his master was saying before giving him a loving hug. "It's okayyyy, I feel as though being here isn't so bad. We have tacos!"

Zim chuckled before returning the hug. "Yeah… having tacos isn't so bad."

Gir was back on the couch and Zim was standing next to it. He put on his usual bad disguise and went to the door.

"I'll be back, Gir, I'm going on a little walk." Zim announced.

"Okie dokie!" Gir responded.

"Oh wait, Computer!" Zim called out to the house.

It audibly groaned. "Yes?"

"Can you write Zim a 3 page essay about the Aztecs and their downfall? It's for History." Zim requested.

"Sure." It answered.

"Good, Zi- I mean, I will go out for a bit to think. Be right back." Zim told the computer as he left his house.

Zim walked through the city and soon found himself in the forest. He was still thinking about what his Tallests said to him, but he was also thinking about what Gaz had said to him. Zi- I will take Little Gaz's advice and keep on living. I promised her after all. He thought as he was walking off of the path.

Zim then remembered what the Tallests said at the end. What about pest control? Why would they ask about that? Zim pondered as he stumbled across a random and weird looking staff. Both of its ends were golden while the middle was red. It was resting against a tree and Zim noticed. He picked it up and examined it.

Hm… this is an interesting find. He thought as he was finished examining it and carried it on his shoulder. I'll keep it.

Zim kept on venturing deeper into the forest and stumbled across a weird looking headband. It was golden and he picked it up. Interesting… he thought as he put it on. He felt the headband tighten a little to perfectly to fit his head. Strange…

Little to Zim's knowledge, as soon as he put on the headband, he started to change. Zim's wig was now brown, his eyes were now yellowish-red and his outfit was different too. Instead of his standard Irken uniform, it was slim red chain mail armor with gold dragon faces as shoulder pads. He was now wearing baggy red pants with black boots and gold lining. His antennae was pushing against his wig, as if it were unable to fit under it and something was pushing against the back of his pants.

Zim all of a sudden felt a surge of power course through his body. What is… going on right now…? I think it's best if I go home now. He thought as he backtracked his way out of the forest.

Zim finally made it out of the forest faster than he expected and was now back into the city. As he walked the way to his home people were giving him strange looks. He just raised an eyebrow at them, not knowing why they were staring at him.

Zim made it to his base and opened the door, he deactivated his disguise and his antennae were longer than they originally were and were a bright red.

He walked past Gir and made his way to the kitchen to use that elevator. Once he was in the kitchen, he went up to the trash can and opened it. He stepped in the trash can.

"Elevator, take me down to my lab." He commanded. Soon, Zim was descending down beneath his house and to his lab. Once he arrived, he stepped out and went to the big screen.

"Computer!" He shouted.

"Huh? W-what is it?" The computer questioned as it just woke up. "Woah, sir… you look… different."

"How so?" Zim asked the computer as he cocked his head. The computer displayed an image of what Zim looked like and his jaw dropped. Zim rapidly looked himself over and saw that he wasn't wearing his original Irken uniform. "AHHHH!"

"Sir, calm down for a moment!" Computer shouted at Zim, making him freeze. "What happened when you went out?"

"Well, I was just walking in the forest when I saw this weird staff thingy." Zim explained as he held out the staff to the computer. "Then, I found this headband that perfectly fits my head, and it won't come off."

"I see… maybe I could try to find something about that staff. Let me see it." Computer told the confused Irken as a mechanical arm dropped down and was in front of Zim, waiting. Zim dropped the staff into the open mechanical hand and the hand got severed off as it dropped to the floor along with the staff, making some cracks in the tiled floor.

"Um… Computer… are you getting rusty?" Zim concerningly asked as he looked from the severed hand to the ceiling.

"I am most certainly not! I'm in peak condition! That thing must be really heavy if I can't pick it up." The computer answered.

"So then… how come I can? It feels so light." Zim wondered as he picked up the red staff with ease.

"I… have no idea…" The computer responded as it hummed in thought.

"Ah, Zi- I have an idea. Look up 'red staff' on the Google and click on the image that looks similar to this, maybe we could find it then." Zim suggested.

"Yeah, I'll get right on it." On the big screen, the computer began typing the words 'red staff weapon' and soon, a numerous amounts of staff showed up, but none of them looked like the one Zim was holding. He scrolled down a little bit and saw someone holding something similar behind his back. The computer clicked on the image, then clicked the link and it was sent to a wiki.

"Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang…? That doesn't exactly sound right." Zim commented.

"Hm…" The computer hummed in thought as a cursor hovered over the name 'Sun Wukong.' The computer went to a new tab and looked up the name. A millisecond later, and the computer read what was on the screen. It then scrolled down and found a wiki on the mythological being. Once it brought the computer to the wiki, it began skim reading. It went to the 'Possessions' section and read it. "Huh… that staff is called Ruyi Jin Gu Bang… and apparently it can change its form to the user's command... and weighs tons."

"How much?" Zim curiously asked as he picked up the staff and looked at it.

"It says 8.1 tons… but if it weighed that much I should've been able to pick it up no problem… so maybe it's wrong…" The computer read to Zim.

"Huh… and you said that it can change it's form to the user's command?" Zim double-checked.

"Yes." The computer confirmed.

"Hm… Ruyi Jin Gu Bang, extend." Zim spoke. The red staff instantly extended to the length of the roof. Zim stated in shock as he didn't expect it to work. "Uh… shrink, Ruyi Jin Gu Bang." The staff shrunk to Zim's command. Woah…

"Sir, it says here that the headband was used to control Wukong's powers under control. So don't use it too much or else you'll feel excruciating pain." The computer warned Zim.

"Hm… expand a bit, Ruyi Jin Gu Bang." Zim commanded. The staff got a little bigger. "Shrink again, Ruyi Jin Gu Bang." As he did this, the golden headband around Zim's head squeeze against his head. "AGH!" He fell on his knees as he held his head. Zim gritted his teeth as he couldn't bear the pain any longer. A couple seconds passed before the headband stopped suffocating Zim's head and went back to its original state.

"Told you." Computer smugly said.

"Shut up! I didn't know!" Zim shouted at the ceiling. "Seems like I can only do it 3 times… maybe I can do it more if I got some familiarity with these new powers."

"I could set up some training dummies for you." Computer chimed in.

"Ah! Perfect, that would work just fine!" Zim joyfully said. "Now, let's put you in my PAK for now. Shrink into capsule size, Ruyi." The staff shrunk, fitting in the palm of Zim's hand and he was able to store it in his PAK easily. After he'd done that, he transformed back to his normal Irken self, but the headband stayed on.

"Huh, that's interesting…" Computer noted as it saw this transformation.

"What is?" Zim asked.

"Well, whenever you put Ruyi in your PAK, you transformed back into your normal self." It explained.

"I did?" Zim looked at himself all over before realizing that he was, in fact, back to his normal self.

"Seems like that staff is needed for your transformation." Computer concluded.

"Well, after all of this fiasco I think I should sleep, we can dive into this more tomorrow." Zim said as he was heading for his elevator.

"Okay, sir."

Zim made it to his bedroom and hopped in his bed. He was still thinking about all the crazy events that had just happened. It seems like asnif my life is taking a weird turn… and I don't know how to handle it. He thought as he shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Shin: Man, Zim's about to be on a crazy adventure, huh? From being brought down by his Tallests to now accidentally finding a pretty cool looking rod with a strange power to it and being able to transform too. What else is in store for Zim? (Also this chapter wasn't intentionally supposed to be this long, but fuck it amiright?)

Gan: Also leave a review. We want your feedback.