Disclaimer: Big Hero 6 The Series is owned by Disney Animation. I don't own fanfiction . net. Or the other universe's.

Chapter 1 – The Write Direction

"I don't understand how she can do all of this."

Hiro Hamada was once again staring at his computer screen, the night trudging on without him. But he wasn't doing homework, or even looking for another project to do for school.

Nah, he was doing something far more dangerous.

"Like...how many stories can you make of yourself with Captain Cutie?"

Reading fanfiction.

It started out as morbid curiosity more than anything. All of his friends had tried to be helpful in getting his creative writing project done, but all of their examples were just an extension of Karmi's story. After dispensing of Noodle Burger Boy that day and coming to an internal realization, he had been able to complete his project and hand it in to Professor Granville.

He had gone up to his room to go to bed that night, but the computer screen was almost toying with him. And so, despite his head telling him no, he had opened up the internet and clicked on one of his bookmarks.

Thank goodness he could modify the color of the website to whatever he wanted, because Hiro wouldn't be able to stand the bright pink that Karmi had on her profile otherwise.

Hiro had read one of her stories before, but that was under different pretenses. He was just trying to figure her out back then.

...Well, he was still trying to figure her out, but at least they knew more about each other now.

Including the fact that she had an unhealthy obsession with Captain Cutie. AKA him. Not that she knew that, of course.

It looked like Karmi had made an update to her picnic story, which was the one he looked over when she was staying at his house. How she was able to continue with something as simple as a picnic in a sunny field he would never understand. In either case, it looked like his friends had already commented on it earlier today:

HoneySweetLemonSour, chapter 2
Ahhh! So adorable! This is awesome!

GottaGoGoFast, chapter 2
I'm just here because HL told me to. But good job, nonetheless.

XxLazerBladexX, chapter 2
Great story! By the way, how do you change your username? Fred made this for me, and I can't find how to edit it.

Fredilicious24, chapter 2

Baymax, chapter 2
Your writing skills are admirable. Please continue with the literature at your convenience.

Hiro's head snapped back to his robot, who was currently charging in his case. He shook his head in annoyance. "That's the last time I let Fred browse the internet on Baymax."

He was the only one who hadn't bothered to make a profile. It was good that his friends were supporting Karmi as a member of the gang, but this whole...thing...just wasn't his cup of tea. Writing in general wasn't something that came easy to him.

But he could still appreciate the effort. In the comfort of his own home. Without her ever knowing.

Hiro's phone vibrated next to the mouse. Strange, it was almost eleven at night. Who was texting him at this point in time? He looked down to see the icon: the long-haired girl with a dog filter on her face, acting surprised that her picture was being taken.

So what did you get on your creative writing project, GB?

He narrowed his eyes at the screen. "What?" he whispered to himself. He poked his finger at the phone to type out his response: What the heck is GB?

Her response came through quickly.

Genius Boy. It saves me time over typing it out.

Hiro rolled his eyes to no one. "Sorry I asked."

He pushed the phone away slightly, not really wanting to continue the conversation. However, Karmi apparently had other ideas; his phone continued to vibrate for a full minute before he plucked it off of the desk and brought it up to his face.


"Unbelievable." Hiro craned his head back as the texts kept flying in. His fingers went on the keyboard as quickly as he could.

I got an A, OK? Happy now?

The loading bubble went away, and for a moment, he thought he had been granted a reprieve.


"What?" Hiro said as he typed it out. "Disappointed that I didn't fail?"

No. Karmi responded. I just didn't think you'd be able to do it, that's all.

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence, Karmi."

Hiro went back to his computer, finishing reading through the page he was on. He had to get through this now, or else he wasn't going to be able to get to bed.

Soooo what are you doing up this late?

Reading, he replied.

What? You? Read? I am shocked!

He started typing on his computer, occasionally stabbing his index finger at his phone. Once he was fully done typing out his sentences, he went back to his cell and finished.

I do read, you know. Textbooks and all that.

Hiro clicked his mouse and got up from his chair. Now he was done, and it was time for bed. He loaded up his toothbrush and shoved it in his mouth, but not before continuing his thought.

What are YOU doing up, anyway? Isn't it past your bedtime?

He didn't even get a chance to spit out the suds before Karmi answered.

I was hit by a sudden burst in inspiration. Fanfiction waits for no one, GB.

Yeah, I'm sure your adoring fans will appreciate it all the same, Hiro replied.

I can tell you're being sarcastic all the way from my bed.

Hiro put his toothbrush away and walked to his mattress, flopping down onto it. He didn't want to think about her being in a bed, especially after-

Yup, caught himself there. His heart started beating faster just at the thought of it. Shaking his head, Hiro sent another text.

I'm going to bed. Got done with what I was doing. You probably should too. Granville's probably going to give us a pop quiz or something.

Hiro's head hit the pillow, ready to lull himself off into sleep. He looked up to see her response.

I am. Just one last thing.

The three circles stayed on the screen for an awfully long time. He just wanted them to load whatever diatribe she was going to say to him before the clock struck midnight. Finally, the next message popped up.

Only it wasn't a message.

It was a screenshot of her fanfiction profile, under the tab of her latest chapter uploaded that day. There was a list of comments left on the story, starting with the most recent one.

The one that was uploaded about three minutes ago, Hiro guessed:

Hiro4Hire, chapter 2
I don't normally comment on these things (or really at all), but something about this just...clicked for me. You're a really good writer, and I hope I can find the time to sit down and read the rest of your stories. Keep doing what you're doing, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Before he could even process what was happening, Karmi followed that up with one last text.

Have a good night...Hiro4Hire. ;-P

Hiro blinked twice, staring at the screen name he had made up in about two seconds. "There...there was suppose to be an 'e' there." He brought up his keyboard and pointed to both of the keys. "They're not even near each other."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So...by popular demand (or maybe just because I wanted to do it), we have Continuity...Part 2! If you're new to this sort of thing, I would suggest going to read my first Continuity, where I basically do short fics right after the new episodes have aired. It's really nice for exercising the brain, and also for possibly turning said brain into mush.

And the whole bed thing? Can't talk about that. That's coming up in the other story I'm currently on, Overnight. You should read that story as well.

As for the comment that Hiro left? I'll just leave that to your imagination. :)

I am going to be changing a couple of things from the first Continuity. The main thing is that these one-shots will probably be a little shorter compared to the first batch, just because I'm planning on updating Overnight this week as well. Last time, I put Part-Time on hiatus for a bit while I was working on the one-shots. That won't be the case here; the uploads will still happen together.

The schedule's still up in the air as of now, and that's the second change. I do want to give "Candlelit" (Chapter 6 of Overnight) the proper exposure, so I may upload that on Friday by itself, and push back the one-shot of "City of Monsters, Pt. 2" and "Mini-Maximum Trouble" back to Saturday and Sunday, respectively. This will also depend on how good the episodes are, and if they're as good as I think they will be (at least the first one), then who knows what'll happen?

Well, now that I've yakked your ear off, please read and review, if you like. Until next time, everyone.