No name story

Please be gentle. It's my first time writing. Hope y'all like the direction I'm going in. Just a reminder I don't own twilight Stephanie does.


I never dreamed of my wedding day, until I met him. Now that I'm getting ready to walk down the aisle I had no clue what was in store for me. Who would of thought my wedding day would've ended up like this!

Chapter 1

I saw him for the first time when I was 17, at Penn State freshman orientation. Edward with messy copper hair, beautiful green eyes 6'3 of perfection. I've never seen such a gorgeous guy before in my life.

I knew I had to meet him, I convinced myself when orientation was over I was going to walk over and introduce myself, that was until I saw him greeting a beautiful girl with long brown hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. Saddened by the thoughts he has a girlfriend I paid attention to the dean. Orientation was boring I wanted to get out of there. I needed to get away from gorgeous guy and his beautiful girlfriend.

Making my way to my dorm room to unpack finally! I'm glad my roommates haven't arrived yet. I needed time to myself. Turning on Pandora I let the music take away my thoughts of the morning.

By the time I got my clothes hung up and my other things organized I heard two voices come into the dorm room. Walking into the living room I see a girl standing a few inches taller than my 5'0 with medium length blonde hair, brown eyes and a fluffy figure. Behind her is the beautiful girl I saw this morning. Well eff my life.

Sorry for such a short chapter. Pinky swear they will get longer.