A fabulous story by guestsurprise, who owns Cassie. :)

Transformers belongs to Hasbro.

Transformers: When Worlds Collide

The great war had been over for a few years. Megatron and his men had been destroyed and the Autobots had gone into hiding for a while. The government could contact them if need be, but they preferred their solitude.

"And that is how we make a rocket from pieces of scrap metal," Cassie finished speaking. The entire audience applauded and watched how the young girl put her presentation together. She was only 15, but many were impressed with her knowledge of technology.

"How would you like to assist the government with a few extra projects," a reporter joked out.

"Nah, I prefer to do things in my own backyard," Cassie laughed, now returning with her guardian down the stairs. She was in a few foster homes, but she was notorious for running away. So far, this foster family was alright, but Cassie would run off continually when she felt under pressure. The issue was that Cassie never fully felt like she belonged anywhere and she wanted to check on her sick father that was in another city; sadly he was her only living relative and didn't have much longer to live. That being said, she would run off after a few months from any family that would take her in. It was nothing personal; she just preferred to be to herself, check on her father, and stay on the road.

As Cassie was discussing a few more things, she did not notice that a few trucks and vehicles were parked outside of the place and observing everything she said.

"She is very smart," a voice said.

"Very much so. We would need to keep an eye on this one," a baritone voice replied.

"Why?" A lighter voice asked.

"Because the government has been watching her too; her knowledge of technology is valuable, but I believe she may have found a hidden source of Energon on this planet," Optimus said.

"How do you know this?" Another voice asked.

"Because I read the government files; we need to keep observing her," Optimus replied.

"I will be the one to do that," a proper voice crooned.

"No, Tracks. You should be the LAST one to watch her," another said.

"Oh, hush now." Tracks growled back. But they all went silent the moment she walked down the stairs. As her foster parents turned their back, Cassie gave a smirk.

"Now what is she up to?" Optimus said to himself. He knew of Cassie's ability, but not of her tendency to be a runaway.

"I just need to wait for the right opportunity," Cassie said, now looking into the distance. "I'm sure that train leaves probably in a few days."

"Few days? Train?" Optimus asked, now gently turning his front wheels towards her.

"I wonder what she is planning on doing," Tracks whispered, still in car form.

"I am not sure; but we do need to stay alert," Optimus replied, now seeing Cassie slowly and reluctantly following her foster family.

A few hours later…

Cassie was in the junkyard and picking at a few items. She spent most of her time there and she was the happiest when she was alone.

"Now let's see…I need to collect more items if I'm gonna make that homemade torpedo," she said, now looking through various pieces of metal and trash. As she got to the end of the yard, her eyes opened wide. She saw something that was incredibly large and looked like a helmet. "Whoa! Nice!"

It looked positively dark and creepy. But as she got closer and wiped more of the mud off, she saw that it wasn't a helmet. It was a head!

"What is this?" She thought. She knew that the Autobots and Decepticons were always fighting hard and there was a rumor that Megatron was finally destroyed! After a few moments, her eyes opened wide! "Hey this must be what's left of a Decepticon or Autobot! What a find!"

As she placed the head in her makeshift cart, she saw something on the ground as well. It was a shiny glass and metal shard that seemed to shine in the sunlight.

"Wow…I wonder what this is," she thought, now about to pick it up. But the second she did, the shard sliced into her finger, as if it did it on its own! "OW! WHAT WAS THAT?!"

After a second, she threw the metal shard angrily into the pile and began to head back home. For you see, she was planning to hit the road soon. Where? To find her father and probably in the country rather than the city.

As she was walking with her backpack on her back, she didn't know that she was being followed. Followed by a large truck that was very interested in what she was doing.

"Now where is she going?" Optimus thought, now seeing her walk a few blocks towards a house. But he noticed why she was not wanting to be in this foster home. The parents were loving and sweet, but there were over seven children there. Optimus watched as the children ran out to greet Cassie and hugged her. She was one of the middle children because there appeared to be two older ones. "I see." He whispered lowly.

"Cassie, what's the big truck doing here?" A little child asked, now pointing at Optimus, who quickly stopped driving. Cassie turned and shrugged.

"I dunno. I guess someone parked it there," she said.

"But it was moving on its own a second ago," the child said.

"Ah, don't be silly; the Autobots aren't in this part of the city anymore," Cassie chuckled, now walking into the house with the other children. Tracks slowly drove up near Optimus and they both transformed and walked over to the house and peered in slowly. But as they looked over their shoulders and into the distance, they saw two black cars looking at the house too. Government cars.

"Something tells me that they are more interested than I thought," Optimus said. "Even if she does know of more Energon, the government would want to know first before they would tell us."

"Why?" Tracks asked.

"Because there are some that still want to know about our whereabouts. And they know Energon is the fastest way to have communication with us," Optimus replied calmly. But after a second, they saw the government cars leave. Optimus looked at Tracks and then noticed the top window open.

"Transform," Optimus said, now changing back. Tracks did the same, and both noticed Cassie slowly sneaking out of the window.

"So that adorable redhead is running away," Tracks whispered.

"We need to follow her and do more research," Optimus said. "She is going to need someone looking after her and we need to return her back to her family."

"But what if she doesn't want to go back? I have already checked her records and she always is on the move. If we return her, she will only run away. She has a father that is sick in the hospital; he is far away and I heard he is not doing good. That's why she always runs away; she doesn't consider anyone else her family and she goes to check on him," Tracks said.

"Well we Autobots cannot formally adopt anyone at this time, but we can at least watch over her. We need to let the others know. I am going to call in; follow her until then."

Tracks only revved his engine in response and slowly drove after the teen, who was hurrying towards the train station.

"We aren't going to let you disappear again, kid; at least not without knowing more about you," Tracks smiled, now seeing her pick up her pace. She was beyond excited to see what would happen to her future, but what she didn't know is that there were more individuals that were about to enter her world. But she then held her hand to her chest; it was throbbing still from that prick. What she didn't know was that was going to change her world as well.

guestsurprise's words: Hope you all enjoyed it! This is a precursor to 'Becoming One.' Goldie and I are still working on the other one together, but I wanted to do a story as well showing you first how Cassie and the others met. Don't worry; we both are working on a lot of stories and the next chapter of 'Becoming One' will come as soon as Goldie as able. After all, her muse has to give her just the right amount of magic! ;) Take your time, Goldie! And thanks for posting this! I hope you also like the precursor! :)

To guestsurprise: I love it so far, Amiga, and you're welcome. And thank you for understanding. You're one of the best. :)

To everyone else: Please leave guestsurprise a review, but no flames!
