"So, Izu, where do you think you'll go for your internship?"

Izuku pulled his head out of the pile of internship offers he had gotten when he heard Pony ask her question. He had over 4000 offers to look through, and he wanted to be sure.

Turning to Pony, who was rifling through her packet, he just smiled and shrugged. "Not sure at the moment. My original thought was to just intern with Mr. Aizawa, but he's our teacher already, you know? Would be good to get a different perspective."

He felt a hand on his shoulder and smiled when he saw that it was Mo's, placing his own on it as she spoke up. "Quite. We get his input into our strategies and combat skills almost daily. It would be beneficial to intern with a hero that could broaden our horizons! That's why I'm planning on going with Uwabami!"

"Uh, what? No! She'll just make you do commercials and shit!"

Momo looked at Izuku in surprise at the outburst. She raised her eyebrow at him, urging him to continue. "Every year around this time, Uwabami is in a commercial with a few of the female first-year students. If you go with her you're just gonna get drafted into that."

Momo pouted, crossing her arms. "Seriously? She does that? That is incredibly disappointing."

Itsuka plopped down in the seat in front of Izuku, letting out a huff as well. "Tell me about it! I was planning on going with her as well! I didn't think that such a high ranked hero would be so one-dimensional."

Izuku laughed. "You do realize that most of her 'Hero Work' is just minor community service, right? She barely has any reported arrests every year. Most of her popularity comes from her commercials and her costume."

"And what a costume it is, am I right?!" They all jumped in surprise as Setsuna made herself known, smirking as her head dropped onto Izuku's desk. "Gotta say, the dress is damn good."

Izuku nodded slightly, accepting that fact. Momo, on the other hand, created a small plastic bat and tapped Setsuna's forehead with it. "Go to horny jail, Setsuna."

There was silence for a moment, before everyone burst out in laughter, with Itsuka nearly doubling over. "Did Momo just meme? And say the word 'horny'? I've been blessed today."

Izuku picked up Setsuna's head and threw it back over to her body like a basketball. He then turned back to the others and held out his hand. "Here, I'll help you all decide! It'll be easier if you know details about the heroes, right? I've been studying these people my whole life. I can help."

Momo nodded, passing over her packet first, and let Izuku rifle through it, pulling out a few slips of paper almost immediately. "Well, from the looks of it, your best bet is to go with Sir Nighteye, All Might's former sidekick! He's all about predictions and fighting with tools, just like you are! I'm surprised he sent out requests to anyone! You must have impressed him!"

Momo smiled brightly, her hand moving to her chest as she almost literally started sparkling with joy. "Truly? Someone of such high standing requested me? I won't squander this! Thank you, Zu! I'm going to go tell Aizawa that I will be accepting Sir Nighteye's offer! I will be in the dorms later for cuddles!"

Izuku chuckled and nodded to her, waving goodbye with a smile. Itsuka let out a whistle. "You really are something Izuku, finding the perfect fit for her so quickly. You gonna help me out too? Or is that a girlfriend only privilege?"

Izuku laughed. "Nah, chuck them here. I'll give yours a look through as well if you want! What sort of thing are you looking for in your internship?"

Itsuka hummed, leaning back and putting her hands behind her head. "Well, maybe something more along the lines of using my Quirk for rescuing people? I've got a lot of combat training, so something like that might be more beneficial than just more fighting."

Izuku nodded, and started to look through her offers. He pulled a few of them out and handed them to her. "There aren't many in the way of pure rescue in that list, but there are people like Backdraft and Fat Gum who might be a good choice!"

Itsuka pouted. "I guess the sports festival is pretty combat-focused, but it makes sense that not many rescue heroes would be offering spots based on it. I'll give these two a look. Thanks Izuku! I'll see you back at the dorms later, kay?"

Izuku waved to her as she ran to the other end of the room, sitting down next to Hitoshi and leaning up against him briefly. He smirked, filing that information away for later teasing. He then turned back to Pony. "So Pony, you got any ideas? Any offers catch your eye?"

Pony nodded rapidly, smiling brightly, responding in English. "You bet! There is an American hero who's been in Japan for a few years now named 'X' that sent me an offer! Her whole thing is looking like a bumblebee, so I think she wanted to send me an offer 'cuz of my horse theme."

Izuku patted her on the head and smiled. "Don't think so little of yourself! You were really impressive during the festival! I have no doubts that you impressed this 'X.' You're gonna do great!"

Pony let out a little neigh-like noise (not that she would ever admit it), as she leaned into the headpats, smiling brightly. "Thanks, Izu! I know you're gonna do great, too! Did helping the others out give you any idea on who you're gonna do your internship with?"

Izuku flipped over another page, smiling when he saw the name at the top of the page. This one was perfect. Helpful for him, a good gateway into semi-underground heroics, and a way to mess with Aizawa.

"You know what Pony, I think I've found the perfect person to intern with." They continued talking as they exited the room, and Izuku handed his paper up to Aizawa, relishing in the poorly-hidden look of panic on the man's face as he did so.

Izuku laughed as he walked away, looking forward to his internship.

Izuku huffed as he dodged under the punch thrown at him.

Dropping to the floor, he spun, aiming to kick out Todoroki's feet from under him, but the boy jumped backwards, dodging, before throwing another punch as Izuku rose from the ground.

"So, I heard that you're going with your dad for your internship. Are you crazy? You can't just walk back to him after what he's done."

Todoroki huffed as Izuku redirected his punch and kneed him in the gut, pulling back for a moment, before getting back into his stance. "While I would like nothing better than to never see him again, he's the best in the world when it comes to fire."

He raised his arms up and blocked Izuku's kick, grabbing onto his leg and spinning, throwing Izuku, who rolled and hopped back up to his feet, before charging him again. Todoroki instinctively reached for his ice to skate backwards, meaning he hesitated when it didn't appear, which gave Izuku the opening he needed to punch him in the face.

"There are other great pyrokinetics! You don't need to go back to him, even if it is just for a week!"

Izuku grunted as Todoroki punched him in the chest, pushing him back for a moment. The boy pushed forward and landed a few more hits to his chest, before Izuku hooked the boy's knee, causing him to stumble.

"You don't get it! I don't want to be a good pyrokinetic; I want to be the best! And I can only learn how to be that from my scumbag father. So if I have to deal with him for a few days to help me reach that goal, then I will!"

Izuku jumped as he roared, putting his hands together and slamming them down on Todoroki's guard, breaking through and smacking him in the face, knocking him to the floor. In an instant, Todoroki found himself getting flipped onto his stomach, with Izuku on top of him and pinning his arms.

After a few seconds of struggling, he patted the floor, and Izuku got off of him, helping him up. He shook out his arms, willing the pain to fade away, and felt the power under his skin return, his sides cooling and heating up respectively.

Izuku crossed his arms. "I can't decide what you do with your life Todoroki, no one can. But what I can do is give you my phone number so you can call me immediately if shit hits the fan, alright?"

Todoroki nodded and placed his phone into Izuku's hand, unlocking it for him and letting him input his phone number. Izuku then handed it back and tapped his fist to Todoroki's chest. "You can call or text if you just wanna chat, too. You're my friend, so you have permission to bug me at any time, okay?"

Todoroki stared at him, nodding slightly as he put his phone back into his bag. He offered the boy a small smile, and started to move towards the door of the gym, now that they had finished their sparring. "I will be sure to hold you to that, Midoriya. But I do want to warn you that I am fairly new to having friends, so I might mess things up sometimes."

Izuku waved his hand, smiling. "Pfft. You can't mess up being friends, Todoroki! Unless you're secretly a major asshole? I already have to deal with an explosive one."

Todoroki snorted, smiling softly. "I don't think I'm an asshole. I do have to go now though. I will make sure to notify you if any issues occur with my father this week. Have a pleasant evening, Midoriya."

Izuku winked, giving him a two-fingered salute as he left. "Gotcha! I'm gonna be here a little while longer, wanna get some weights in. Have a good one! Good luck with your internship, dude."

Nodding, Todoroki left the gym, leaving Izuku to his workout. He smiled to himself as he walked back to the 1-A dorms.

It was nice having a friend for once.

"Izuku Midoriya. I swear to god, if you say anything to her this week, I will kill you myself."

Izuku stared at Aizawa as he said that, before cracking up with laughter. They were the last two left on the train platform, and Izuku was waiting for the train to arrive so that he could head to his internship.

He knew why Aizawa was so concerned. Izuku was doing an internship with the woman that he was in love with, and Izuku had a history of teasing. "What? Do you think I'm just gonna spill your beans? I wouldn't dare!"

Aizawa glared at him, crossing his arms. "Yes, you would. I've known you for almost a year and a half now, kiddo. You one hundred percent would. But I promise you that if you do, your training will become even more hellish than it already is."

Izuku nodded slowly, understanding what Aizawa was saying. He thought about what he would have done if someone had told Mo how he felt about her before he did. He wouldn't put Aizawa through that. "Fine. I won't tell her anything, OK?"

Aizawa hummed, uncrossing his arms and nodding subtly. They were silent as they waited a bit longer for Izuku's train to arrive. When it did, Izuku stepped onto it and waved goodbye, a smile on his face.

Aizawa turned back to the bus they had taken to get to the station and smiled softly to himself as he did, hiding his face in his scarf. Seeing both Izuku and Hitoshi going off to their first internships had made Aizawa feel proud.

He reached into his scarf and pulled out the necklace that had barely left his neck for the last ten years, opening up the small clasp and smiled to himself as the picture of him and Hisashi came into view.

'You'd be proud Hisashi, both our boys are going to be excellent heroes'

"Doctor, what are your opinions on Tomura's plan?"

The doctor looked up from his work as his master, All for One, asked his question. Thinking for a moment, he hummed. "It has merit, sir, but I believe that his immaturity will scare Stain off."

All for One nodded. "Even so, I believe that allowing him to go through with his plan will be a learning experience for him. Even if the Hero Killer does not join Tomura, or at the very least partner with him, this experience should help him grow."

The doctor hummed, pressing a few buttons and watching the machine in front of him poke and prod the almost-complete Nomu in the tank, chuckling as it howled, its skin growing darker as the 'Status Screens' Quirk was pumped into it.

All for One's mouth tightened as he 'watched' the scene unfold. The doctor might be a brilliant mind, but that same mind was incredibly twisted and sadistic. And while you might think that would be the pot calling the kettle black, he had standards. All true professionals did.

He blinked as a console to his right beeped, notifying him that Kurogiri had returned with the Hero Killer. He used one of his many Quirks to access the camera in the bar with his mind, readying himself to step in, in case Tomura was in serious danger.

'Alright, Hero Killer Stain, let us see what you're made of.'