Disclaimer: I do not own Fate/Stay Night or Harry Potter



Illya could only wince from her secret compartment as she saw her Berserker get torn apart by whatever servant was down there. From her position, she could make out everything that was going on. Towards the left, she could spot Shirou desperately trying to get down there to save her homunculus and the only thing stopping him was Rin. Illya didn't know how to react to that. After all, Shirou was the reason Kiritsugu abandoned her in the first place. It was his fault that she had to go through hell and in retaliation, she tried to kill him. So why did he want to save her? She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. Now wasn't the time to get distracted. If everything went the way she wanted it to, then by the end of the night she would be on a one way trip to England.

It was only a few years ago that she decided that she wanted no part in the Holy Grail War. She thought back to that day, to the day when she discovered that wizards exist. Ever since she accepted the fact that Kiritsugu no longer wanted to be with her anymore, she had the same recurring nightmare where she was chained to a table. It was the same table that was used to modify her body to be able to fight in the next Holy Grail War. Jubstacheit would then come in with a marker and no matter how much she tried to break free, she couldn't get away. After he would mark where he was going to operate for the day, he would leave to go grab his tools and as he did so, Kiritsugu would barge in the door. Every time Kiritsugu came, Illya would turn to face him, tears and hope in her eyes that this time he would save her and get her out of there. However, instead of Kiritsugu coming to her aid, he would run right past her, not even sparing a glance, and pick up an orange-haired boy from off the ground. He would then smile, kiss and hug the boy close before turning around to leave. As he passed, Illya would be pleading and begging for Kiritsugu to take her too, to not leave her there. He would continue walking to the door and when he got there, he would turn around and ask "Why bother with you when I have Shirou?" He would then leave and Jubstacheit would then come in with his tools. Tears would run down her face as she realized that she would never get away. Jubstacheit would then pick up the first tool, but before he could start operating on Illya, she would thankfully wake up.

Whenever this dream occurred, she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep and so she would either get a book to read, grab a midnight snack, or bother Liz or Sella if they were awake. Tonight, she didn't feel like reading, wasn't hungry, and unfortunately, Liz and Sella were asleep, so she decided to just aimlessly wander around the mansion. She walked for a while when she realized that the door she had just passed was Kiritsugu's private room. Illya was never allowed in there and she never knew why. When she asked about it, Sella and Liz explained how there was a possibility that the room was trapped with something and they didn't want to deal with it.

The thought crossed her mind that she was now a capable magus and could handle any traps Kiritsugu could set up. She reached for the handle and the moment she laid her hand on the knob, she hesitated. She had no idea about what could have been inside, sure she was capable of handling herself, but was it worth the risk? After debating in her head if satisfying her curiosity was worth the risk, she decided that it wasn't and that it was best to leave his room alone when the thought occurred to her, that maybe, just maybe, there was a clue about why he hasn't come back yet, or why he betrayed her or just something.

The idea was tempting and in one timeline she would fight off the temptation and go back to her room, however, this is not that timeline. Steeling herself for whatever may come she tried to twist the handle.

Locked. Of course, it was. In hindsight, she should have known that his room was locked and now that she thought about it, the door itself might be trapped as well.

Illya looked up and down the hall making sure that no one was looking and seeing no one around, casted a simple spell. One that revealed any type of traps or alarms that Kiritsugu had placed. Sure enough, there was a simple alarm spell that was set to trigger when someone had broken the lock and would notify Kiritsugu. Knowing that it wasn't going to cause a loud sound or harm her in any way, Illya conjured up one of her storch ritter's and had it shoot into the keyhole, breaking the pins inside.

In Japan, an alarm went off inside Kiritsugu's mind as his spell rang throughout his head. The spell revealed the intruder to be one Illyasviel Von Einzbern. He couldn't help but smile as he thought about his daughter. Next to him was a briefcase full of different tools and a set of tickets to Germany. This time for sure, he would bring Illya back with him. Shirou came in and brought some tea. As he sat down and started talking with him, Kiritusgu couldn't help but wonder how well Shirou and Illya would get along. His smile grew as he imagined Illya next to Shirou, he longed for the three of them to be together.

Dismissing the Storch Ritter, Illya walked into the dark room and searched around for a light switch. Finding it on the wall next to her, she flipped it on and found that the room was pretty much empty except for a bed, a set of drawers, a table, and a ton of dust. Illya berated herself for getting her hopes up. Of course, it would be empty. Despite that, she walked around and looked at the table. Nothing there. She went to the drawers and opened them one by one, from top to bottom. The only thing that she found were a couple of stacks of paper in the bottom drawer along with a box. Her heart skipped a beat. Maybe one of the papers or inside...no no no she thought to herself, there's no way a clue about Kiritsugu would be in those papers or the box. She bent down and sure enough, the papers held no clues. They were simply targets that Kiritsugu was either planning on going after or had gone after.

She shifted through the pages, not having anything better to do. About halfway through, she stopped and read this contract over a second time. Then a third time to make sure she read it right. Every contract that she looked at had been about some kind of magus or dead apostle that Kiritsugu succeeded in, this contract, however, was talking about wizards and was never accepted. The contract read like this.

Magus Killer,

I need you to kill a man by the name of Peter Pettigrew.

I've included a photo of the traitor.

He should be hiding in England. I'm sure your magic can locate him from there.

Peter is an animagus and can turn into a rat so be aware of that.

He's also missing a finger.

This next part is the part that intrigued Illya.

I know that magi and wizards don't get along at all, especially since the war, but everyone in the Wizarding World believes Peter to be dead.

If you need to speak with me any further, I'll be in Azkaban. Ask the guards for Sirius Black.

I've also sent a portkey in the form of a boot, inside the package will also be a down payment of 100 galleons.

Touch the boot and it'll teleport you to the Leaky Cauldron.

It's a tavern meant for wizards, so make sure you don't talk to any muggles about it.

I trust you know what to do from there. Bring me proof that Peter's dead, and I'll tell you where the dropbox is with the rest of your payment.

Also, don't worry about the curse. If it affects you, I know how to reverse it.

Sirius Black

Galleons? Muggles? Azkaban? Illya had never heard of these terms before and wondered who wizards are. From what it sounded like, a wizard seemed to be a magus, but the words used were confusing. Illya set the contract down and opened up the box. Sure enough, there was a boot inside and what appeared to be a hundred gold coins. She had no idea how much that was worth.

She decided that she'd talk to Sella or Liz in the morning and ask them if they knew what a wizard was. Illya folded the paper back up and stuffed it into a pocket and went back to her room to think about this new development.

While laying in bed, Illya rethought about joining in on the Holy Grail War. Her entire life, she was told that participating in the war was the only thing she was made for and that there was no escaping it.

Even if she tried to run away before the war started, she'd have to sneak past all of the servants, get past the front door, and make it all the way down the snowy mountain, all of which would have to be done before Jubstacheit found out and used his scrying ball to locate her. The only motivation that kept her going was her want to get revenge against Kiritsugu for abandoning her.

With this discovery of wizards, it opened a new path to her. She thought about the boot under her bed and was tempted to use it right then and there and head off to England, but she didn't know who these wizards were. If they were just a group of mages that used some weird slang, then they'd have no reason to help her and if they found out who she was, would use her. She could end up in a worse situation then the current one she was already in, on the other hand, if they weren't mages and something else, maybe they would have something that could fix her. Turn her back into being human. In the end, Illya decided that it was best to learn more about the wizards before going to them. With that matter aside, Illya, unable to sleep due to her fear of her nightmares, decided to grab a book to read.

That following morning, Sella walked into Illya's room with breakfast. She walked over and found Illya with a book, peeking at the cover, she saw that it was Alice in Wonderland. Sella placed the tray down in front of Illya, gaining her attention as she lifted her head from her book.

"Morning Sella," Illya said with a yawn. She placed the book down next to her and looked at the tray. On it was different types of bread with jams and sausages as well as some hot chocolate to go with it. She picked up one of the pieces of bread and started to put some jam on it, when she turned to Sella, intent on asking about the Wizarding World.

"Hey Sella, so I was going through some of Kiritsugu's stuff and found this old, tattered up paper" Illya realized at some point in her book that Sella would want to know how Illya knew about the Wizarding World.

Remembering that the contract mentioned a teleporting boot, she grabbed the contract from her pocket and started to crinkle and tear it, specifically the parts about the boots. The result was the contract looking very worn and torn.

Sella frowned in disapproval while taking the paper, "you know you're not supposed to be going through Kiritsugu's things. What if something had happened to you?"

"I know, but I'm a capable magus now. I can handle myself"

"And Kiritsugu would hunt more capable mages then you. What if he had some leftover device that was meant for an assassination and you got injured by it?"

"Oh please, as if he would have left something behind. We both know he's too thorough to leave something."

"And if he did make that mistake? What then?"

"Then he wouldn't be as good as everyone claimed."

There was a momentary pause where Sella looked down at her with an annoyed look. Illya thought to herself that Sella was over worrying.

"Oh, whatever!" Illya exclaimed, and then hurriedly made to change the subject and pointed towards the bottom of the contract "the last half of the contract, it talks about wizards. What are they? I've never heard of them before."

Sella looked over the last half and saw what Illya meant. She then folded up the paper and tucked it into her front pocket. "Don't worry about it. They're nothing of importance. And don't go looking through Kiritsugu's old things."

Ignoring the last part, Illya pressed on, "What do you mean they aren't important? What if one of them was chosen by the grail to be a master in the next Grail War? Shouldn't I know about them in case that situation arises?"

"Impossible. The way they perform magecraft is fundamentally different and inferior from how we do it. They would never be able to summon and maintain a servant."

This only served to increase Illya's curiosity and seeing the look on her face, Sella couldn't help but indulge in her curiosity. She sat down by the foot of the bed. Illya, seeing that Sella was willing to talk, began her questioning.

"How is their magecraft different from ours?"

"There are a lot of different ways that we differ from them, the most being that they don't have any magic circuits within them."

"But then ho-" Sella put up her hand, silencing Illya for a moment already knowing what she was going to ask.

"They use a catalyst called a wand to perform magecraft. It acts as a magic circuit and allows them to perform magecraft."

"Wait, so anyone can become a wizard as long as they have a wand?" Illya didn't know how she felt about that. A part of her was hopeful that these wizards could be her ticket out of the Grail War. Another part was offended that they didn't have to go through the difficult training that a magus had to.

"Not quite, for unknown reasons, only certain people can use wands and be wizards or witches and as far as we know, mages can't use wands either." Illya gave her a confused look.

"Why are the reasons unknown? I figured the mage's association would investigate this sort of thing?"

"Oh, they tried. Once wizards and witches were discovered, all different types of magi moved to try to study and dissect them to figure out what they were. However, the Wizarding World didn't take too kindly to that which led to war. The magi had more power and were more experienced, however, the wizards had a larger army and each one had a variety of spells that they could use. Eventually, the mages began to slowly overpower the wizards and when the wizards called for a truce, the magi agreed only because everyone wanted to go back to their previous research to get to the Root. So the wizards created a treaty that neither world would interfere with the other and whoever did would receive some sort of curse. Ever since, the Moonlit Morld and the Wizarding World have remained separate. It's probably the reason Kiritsugu never accepted this contract."

Illya's head was running through all the info she had just taken in. Wizards used a different type of magecraft. A magecraft that Mages don't know. A magecraft that could get me out of my situation. Sella got up after a moment of silence, assuming that Illya had no more questions. Taking the now empty tray, she went off to the kitchen and left Illya to her thoughts.

As Sella left, Illya started to plan. If she wanted to leave, it'd have to be at some point in the next Holy Grail War. The only time where she wouldn't be monitored by Jubstacheit. Something would have to be done about Sella and Liz, but Illya figured that she could convince them to help her and if not, well, she'd cross that bridge when she got there. The only thing she needed to do was figure out how she would leave and at what point during the war. There was the fact of her condition after all. That would have to be the first thing that would need to be taken care of.

The second thing she needed to consider was the treaty between the Moonlit World and the Wizarding World. How far could Illya interfere with the Wizarding World before the curse took effect? What would even happen?

Illya didn't know and quite frankly, she wasn't sure if she cared either. She was bound to die if things kept the same, so if breaking the treaty killed her, then so be it. That was her outcome anyways.

She also would need the other masters and servants to think that she was dead. Illya doubted that her servant would just let her abandon the war and therefore, that servant would need to die as well as Illya.

It took her a little bit of thinking, but the answer was obvious. A homunculus. With it, Illya would have it do her battles for her, with exception to fighting Shirou, and would have her homunculus and servant die at the first servant battle unless of course, it was against Shirou. With this idea in mind, she would work harder to perfect her alchemy and magecraft, and at night she would sneak around, puttering her homunculus together.

It was around the time that Illya was supposed to head out to Fuyuki that she completed her homunculus. Dubbing it Chloe, she packed it up and hoped it would fool everyone.

Illya blinked. She couldn't believe that she had just spaced out just then thinking about everything that led up to this point. She thought about Sella and Liz and as she did so, could feel a tear threatening to come out. She forced it back in, they were merely tools she told herself, same as Berserker.

'Still, even if they were just tools, Sella and Liz were the closest people I had to family and Berserker was the closest thing I had to a friend' Illya solemnly thought to herself.

The tears once again threatened to emerge. She slapped the sides of her face and told herself that she needed to focus. She peered through the hole to observe what was happening.

She could feel her heartbreak as she saw Berserker's body all chained up with a giant spear going through his chest. Chloe was on the ground bleeding out and Shirou was fiercely trying to shove Rin off to get down there. She looked on as the servant walked up to Chloe and then proceeded to rip her heart out. Judging by his satisfied look, she had succeeded in tricking him.

At the same time, Berserker was trying to break through the chains and Illya tried to tell him through the telepathic link to stay down, that he could still live if he did. Whether it was due to his madness enhancement or seeing the copy that looked exactly like her get murdered, Berserker didn't listen and broke through the chains. The least she could do as Berserker's master was witness his last moments.

Swearing vengeance against that servant and whoever his master is, she grabbed her luggage and the boot and went on a one way trip to the Leaky Cauldron.