I was going to wait until I finished a few more chapters before publishing this one, but since there are questions I will publish this and answer a few of them. As you will see the K.O. vs heads fight was only a scene from this chapter. Hope you enjoy the whole thing. I will keep the story just containing the fight up for now and will consider publishing more like it as sneak peaks of what is to come.

K.O. carefully looked through his backpack, making sure he had everything he needed. Today was a day he had been looking forward to for a few weeks now. He was finally going to go to P.O.I.N.T. Prep and learn to become a hero like his mom.

"K.O. are you ready?" Carol asked.

"Yes, mom."

Carol entered the bedroom and looked around for a few moments before sighing. She walked closer to K.O. and gave him a hug.

"It's still hard to believe my baby is leaving me for P.O.I.N.T.," Carol sobbed.

"Mom!" K.O. snapped embarrassed.

"Sorry. I just can't help it," Carol said before letting go, "I do have something for you before you leave."

"What?" K.O. asked.

Carol smiled, "Follow me and you'll see."

K.O. gave his mother a confused look but followed her to her bedroom. K.O. pondered what his mother wanted to give him. Was it something to help him on his path to become a great hero and follow in her footsteps. K.O. took a quick breath, when Carol led him to her closet. He recalled her telling him about his father, Laserblast.

"Sorry for reminding you of him," Carol apologized before opening the closet and pulling out Laserblast's helmet.

K.O. gasped as he realized what his mother was planning on giving him, "Are you sure?"

Carol nodded, "There is no one more worthy then his own son."

"Even though I don't have powers like most people."

Carol sighed, "Not this again."

K.O. frowned, "Sorry. I know I shouldn't dwell on it like daddy and instead embrace what I have, but I just can't help wanting powers of my own and getting stronger."

Carol placed a comforting hand on K.O.'s shoulder, "You have gotten stronger and could rival any hero at the plaza and all without powers of your own."

K.O. smiled, "Yeah."

"I don't want you bringing yourself down. Just because you don't have powers doesn't mean you are powerless."

"Ok mom."

"Good. Now take the helmet."

K.O. entered his living room and was slightly surprised to find Mr. Gar standing there. Mr Gar walked right up to K.O and gave him a stern, but proud look.

"K.O. I am here to say bye before you head out on the next stage of your life. Despite, my grievance for P.O.I.N.T, I am happy for you and hope you become the best hero you can be."

K.O smiled at his boss, "Thanks Mr. Gar."

"Unfortunately, I also have to let you go."

"Go?" K.O asked stunned.

Mr. Gar looked upset, but managed to keep his stern look, "You will spend all your time at P.O.I.N.T and won't be able to juggle your schooling with a full time job."


Mr. Gar gave K.O a small smile, "When you graduate from P.O.I.N.T feel free to come back for your job, or of you decide on a different career feel free to use me as a reference."

"Thank you sir."

"Now I must make my leave and make sure my new employees aren't slacking off," Mr. Gar said before moving towards the front door, "Best of luck K.O.."

K.O smiled as he watched Mr. Gar leave. Carol was watching the exchange between the employer and former employee with a smile of her own. Mr. Gar may have gotten a lot stricter over the years, but he was still a big softie deep down.

"Shall we go Mom?" K.O. asked.

Carol took a deep breath, "Actually, sweetie you are going to be picked up by Foxtail."

K.O. gave his mother a confused look, "Why? Is this how new students usually go to P.O.I.N.T?"

"Well, no. Foxtail just wants to keep an eye on you."


Carol was hesitant to answer, as she feared how K.O. would take the answer, "She is just being a good friend of mine."

K.O sighed before crossing his arms, "Right. The answer is that simple."

Carol smiled nervously, "It really is."

Before K.O. could respond and try to get an actual answer, there was a knock on the door.

"Must be Foxtail," Carol said before walking to the front door.

"Good thing Mr. Gar left before she showed up." Carol mumbled with a chuckle before opening the door.

K.O. didn't respond and nervously rubbed the back of his head as he focused his attention on Foxtail. Foxtail was one of K.O.'s favorite babysitters, as she was stern, but with a sweet side. Especially, with little kids and babies. Foxtail took a quick breath, as she looked at K.O.. He has changed a lot once he became a teenager. Foxtail could see the similarities between him and Laserblast. Not only were there facial similarities, but they seem to suffer from the same mental issue, wanting more power. Foxtail cringed as she remembers Laserblast constantly dwelling on how his own strength wasn't good enough and it ultimately led to his death. Now his son seems to be going through the same thing, just not to the same extreme. Foxtail swears she will not let K.O. go down the same path as his father. As long as she is in charge of P.O.I.N.T., no more heroes will die on missions.

"Um... Ms. Foxtail," K.O. greeted nervously.

Foxtail snapped out of her thoughts and managed to give K.O. a stern, but caring look.

"Well, the day has come. You finally decided to come to P.O.I.N.T.."

Seeing that K.O. was too nervous to respond, Carol spoke up, "Foxtail we have already discussed his reasons for not going until now."

Foxtail sighed, "Yes, and I still think he should have come sooner. We have seen his growth and are impressed. Just imagine the amount of growth if he had joined us a few years ago."

Carol rubbed her head, "We have gone over this. It was for a personal reason he didn't go."

"Yes, I don't know why anyone would associate with Gar, but I have no control over it."

"Just be glad he is coming now," Carol mumbled.

"Now at any rate we should get going," Foxtail announced before turning her attention towards K.O., "Are you ready?"

K.O. nodded before following Foxtail out of the house.

"Have fun sweetie and please be careful!" Carol shouted after him.

Enid was looking at a mirror, making sure everything was neat enough for P.O.I.N.T standards. Her purple hair was in a short ponytail and she was wearing the standard P.O.I.N.T. uniform. She normally wouldn't care about such a thing, but Foxtail is really strick about the rules. To be honest she was actually putting more of an effort into it, as news have spread of a new student joining them. Normally, Enid wouldn't care about such a thing, but this student was rumored to be the child of Silver Spark and Laserblast. Enid managed to hold back a blush, as she recalled finding Silver Spark attractive. Back to the point at hand, Enid was actually interested to see if the rumor is true and if it is, what the child of those two legendary heroes is like.

"Enid, what is taking you so long?"

Enid turned around and saw Elodie giving her a questioning look.

"Elodie... I..." Enid stuttered nervously.

"What's wrong Enid?" Elodie asked in mocked concerned, "Normally you are chilled and calm. Is the latest rumor behind this?"

Enid sighed before nodding her head.

"Can't say I blame you," Elodie conceded, "I am curious myself about the supposed child of Silver Spark and Laserblast coming here."

"You are?" Enid asked.

"Of course! As top student at P.O.I.N.T. I am curious at meeting the offspring of two legendary heroes."


"Now come on let's go meet up with the others and perhaps discuss the rumors with the others," Elodie suggested before leading Enid out of the bathroom.

Enid simply nodded. Truth be told Elodie may not be the greatest friend Enid has, but they both have a deep history together and Enid rather not give that up. Sure, Elodie has her bad traits, but so does everyone and to be honest years of being school mates has caused Enid to get used to the way her friend is. At the very least she is much more enjoyable company than Rad.

"Hey Enid!"

Enid sighed before turning towards the sound of the voice. Speak of the devil. Rad was rushing towards Enid with his little group of friends following behind him with eager faces. Enid rubbed her head as she prepared for the upcoming conversation. Elodie chuckled at Enid's misfortune, causing the ninja girl to give her a glare.

"Enid have you heard the rumors?" Rad asked.

Enid faked a smile, "The one where you were expelled? No, but I hope it's true."

Elodie started laughing before trying to hide it by covering her face, while Rad frowned at Enid.

"Geez. Why are you always like this?"

"I don't know. It's not like it has anything to do with you know what," Enid answered with her arms crossed.

Rad cringed before sighing and rubbing his head, "You are still upset about that?"

"Upset that someone I thought was a nice guy ended up being a complete jerk?" Enid asked sarcastically, "Yes, I am."

"It has been years. Let it go."

Enid gave Rad a death glare, that managed to scare him, "Perhaps, I would be able to if you weren't still a jerk."

Rad opened his mouth to say something, but closed it. He then left with his group of friends. Enid took a deep breath and managed to calm down.

"Are you alright Enid?" Elodie asked.

"Yeah, he just gets on my nerves," Enid answered, "I still don't understand how he and his group of friends ended up as students of charisma."

Elodie chuckled, "It's simple when you realized that boys like them would target Ms. Sunshine, the most attractive of the heads."

Enid placed a hand under her chin, "Now that I think about it, you might be on to something."

"Of course I am! As top student I have to be incredibly intelligent and strong, to go along with my good looks," Elodie answered.

Enid rubbed her head and decided to ignore her friend's egotistical response. The two girls continued on their way to find their friends.

Rad rubbed his head in frustration, "What is with her?"

"It's women dude they never make sense," Bell Beerfer answered.

"Yeah, dude if I have to guess she is playing hard to get," Mega Football Baby added.

"Is that why she broke up and decided to hold a grudge for years?" Rad asked

"Yeah man. Women they really play hardcore." Bell answered.

"What should I do?" Rad asked.

"Just keep at it man until she gives up."

"Yeah, I just can't give up. Thanks guys."

Mega Football Baby whispered into Bell Beerfer's ear, "You really think that will work?"

"I don't know, but I rather keep Rad like this," Bell whispered back.

Enid and Elodie were sitting and chatting with Ms. Pastel and Koala Princess.

"While I hope the new student really is the kid of Silver Spark and Laserblast, he could just be somebody else," Ms. Pastel pointed out.

Enid nodded, as she had already considered that possibility.

"Do you have any ideas to who it could be?" Elodie asked.

"Well, it might be that powerless hero that works at Mr. Gar's."

Suddenly, Elodie gritted her teeth and had the scariest look on her face.

"I hope it isn't," Elodie snarled, "Honestly, the idea anyone could be a hero without powers is just ridiculous."

"Elodie," Enid said concerned.

Elodie ignored her and continued, "Many are blessed with their abilities and to see someone without any, trying to become like us is just insulting," Elodie took a deep breath, "Though, I guess I shouldn't worry to much. I mean there is no way anyone without powers could rival those that do, right?"

Koala Princess and Ms. Pastel nodded, while Enid pondered Elodie's words. A part of her wanted to agree wholeheartedly with her statement, but the idea that there was a hero without powers walking around made her curious. Another part of her had to concede that is could be possible for a powerless being to rival those with them, if they work hard at it.

"Anyway, If there is a new student and regardless of who they are, I want them to be welcomed," Elodie said.

"Unless they are powerless," Enid teased.

Elodie gave her a dirty look, before chuckling, "Trust me Enid. I doubt any would come here."

Before Enid could respond there was an announcement from Chip Damage, "Students, please report to the gymnasium for a surprised announcement."

Elodie smiled, "Looks like the rumors might be true after all."

K.O. nervously followed Foxtail to a stage in the middle of the gymnasium. His eyes widened when he saw Chip Damage floating in the air. His days of collecting Pow cards might be behind him, but he will always be in awe of heroes like him and a certain blue hedgehog. Chip noticed him and lowered down towards him.

"You must be K.O.? It's a pleasure to meet the child of Laserblast and Silver Spark," Chip greeted.

"Trust me it's a pleasure to meet you too Chip," K.O. responded.

"Good to hear! In a few minutes you will be announced and will be tested to determined your discipline."

Foxtail placed a hand on K.O.'s shoulder, "I don't want to spoil the test, but know that I can't hold back."

K.O. gave her a confused look, "You are making it sound like we have to fi.." He gasped in realization, "Oh."

"Smart Kid. I better join my fellow heads and prepare," Foxtail responded before leaving.

K.O watched her leave before nervously rubbing his hands in anticipation. He might not have powers of his own, but he knows how to fight like the best of them.

"The students are arriving. Get ready K.O." Chip announced before flying off.

Before K.O. could respond he a curtain moved in front of him.

"Alright K.O. time to put your years of training at Mr. Gar's to the test," K.O. mumbled to himself.

"Welcome students to this surprise assembly! I am sure rumors have spread around P.O.I.N.T. about certain things and we can confirm one of them is true," Chip announced.

Enid face lit up and she paid more attention to Chip than she usually does. Elodie was rubbing her hands in anticipation, hoping the new student would be good P.O.I.N.T. prep material. K.O. took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself for the upcoming announcement.

"We have a new student joining us today! Please welcome K.O." Chip announced before the certain moved, revealing K.O.

Enid looked at K.O and had to admit he was cute. he had what appeared to be long hair that was held in a red headband, making it look like a brush. He was wearing a simple white tank-top with a blue sleeve-less jacket. Enid pondered how strong he is and if he is nice. Elodie was making mental notes on K.O. Like Enid she thought he was attractive and she was curious to see what he is like. She could tell that he was nervous and couldn't blame him. Almost anyone would be in his position.

"Now. K.O. It's time for you to face the 3 heads. Doctor Greyman, Sunshine, and Foxtail," Chip announced.

K.O formed fists and got ready to fight.

"Ready K.O.?" Chip asked receiving a nod, "Then start."

Suddenly, the mentioned teachers turned into 3 giant heads and got ready for action. Foxtail rushed towards K.O.

"Let's see how well you learned from Sparks?" Foxtail asked before trying to bite him.

K.O. expertly dodge and started punching the head as hard as he could. To Foxtail's amazement he was actually doing some damage.

"Not bad. You pack a decent punch, but the battle has just begun," Foxtail remarked before forming into a giant version of herself.

K.O gritted his teeth before managing to dodge her trying to smash him into the ground with her hands. K.O seeing an opening, jumped towards her and deliver a power kick to her face. When he landed on the ground Foxtail slapped him away, sending him flying into the head of Greyman.

"Hello. If a tree falls and nobody is there to hear it, does it still make a sound?" Greyman answered.

"Yeah, because someone being there or not has no affect on the sound of two physical objects hitting each other, or in this case the sound of the tree hitting the ground, right?" K.O. answered confused at being asked a question during a fight before punching Greyman.

"Fair enough my boy. Good thinking," Greyman complimented.

K.O seeing an opening gave Greyman a good kick, managing to send him rolling away. Suddenly, he felt rain around him.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" Sunshine asked.

"Sorry about that," K.O apologized before preparing himself.

"That's quite alright. Now get ready."

Sunshine formed a few storm clouds and tried to shock K.O. with lighting, but he managed to dodge and got ready to counter when the other heads showed up. K.O sighed in frustration. How was he going to fight 3 heads at once? K.O. decided to just give it his all and hope for the best. K.O jumped on Foxtail and landed a few blows before jumping on Sunshine and so on. K.O. was getting frustrated at his lack of progress. How tough are these heads? No standard robot from Boxmore gave him this much trouble, but he wasn't giving up yet. He faced all three heads and gave them all a determined look.

"I have only gotten started," K.O. declared.

"Good. We have one last surprise for you." Foxtail told him.

The three heads formed together into one big three headed monstrously. K.O. gasped in both surprised and slight fear before deciding to face the thing head on.

"Bring it," K.O. simply said before rushing towards the creature while holding his fist out.

K.O. managed to land a good blow against it, causing the creature to stagger. He prepared himself for another attack, as the creature managed to right themselves.

"I almost beat them. They can't last long now," K.O. mumbled to himself before rushing towards them for another blow.

Unfortunately, for K.O the heads were ready for him and managed to smack him away, sending him flying onto the floor. K.O moaned in pain before getting up and rubbing his head.

'Come on K.O! You almost have them beat. Your mom and Mr. Gar trained you for this day. Do it and make them proud,' K.O. thought before rushing towards the heads again.

The heads began to launch storm clouds at a rapid pace. K.O. managed to dodge most of them before one shocked him. K.O groaned in pain before getting an idea. He jumped onto one of the creature's arm and rushed across to the top of the middle head.

"Get off!" All three heads roared before forming a giant storm cloud.

"If you insist," K.O. responded while jumping off, in time for the cloud to shock the figure instead.

Taking advantage of the opening he created K.O. once again jumped towards the figure, with his fist held out. K.O. focused his thoughts on his mother, Mr. Gar and how much they helped him train over the years and unknown to him for a brief moment before his punch landed his hands glowed a light blue. When his attack hit the creature it caused the heads to explode, making him the winner. He started breathing heavily, while the teachers got over their shock and congratulated him.

"Impressive fight K.O.," Chip complimented, "No one has defeated all three heads before in the school's history. Which begs the question on where to place you."

K.O turned towards the three teacher who were in a discussion. After a few moments Foxtail turned towards K.O.

"Since you showed remarkable strength during your fight, it's only fitting you become a student of strength," Foxtail announced to cheers from the crowd.

"As a student of strength, you will need this," Chip told K.O. before handing him a dumbbell, "You can set this dumbbell to any level you are at to get a good workout."

K.O. smiled, "Thank you."

Foxtail walked right up to K.O., "Today will be a free day, since you are finally with us. Before you meet your fellow students, I want you to meet with my fellow heads."

K.O simply nodded before following Foxtail.

Enid watched K.O. leave with Foxtail and the other teachers with a stunned look on her face. The fight amazed her since K.O. didn't appear to use any powers and yet was able to fight well. He even managed to defeat not 1, or 2, but all 3 heads!

"Hey Enid. The new kid impressed you I see."

Enid cringed as she turned to face Rad giving her a questioning look. Enid gave him a dirty look.

"Yes, who wouldn't be impressed at his fight?" She answered simply.

"Perhaps, I should talk to him and let him know you are off limits," Rad responded.

Enid gave him a glare, "Excuse me! What makes you think you can decide if I am off limits?" She asked the alien harshly.

Rad began to sweat and nervously rubbed the back of his head, "Well... I..."

"You don't get to decide that for me," Enid answered.

"Yes, of course," Rad agreed reluctantly before frowning.

Enid decided to ignore the alien and focused on Elodie, "What do you think Elodie?"

"Either he is hiding his powers and is on another level, or the new student really is that powerless hero," Elodie responded.

"Are you alright?"

"I need to get some answers."

"When he is done with Foxtail, we can meet him and get some."

Elodie rubbed her hands in anticipation, "Believe me I will."

K.O. nervously took a seat in a large office. In front of him were the 3 heads, giving him proud smiles.

"K.O. it's great to see that Sparks has managed to train you well," Foxtail told him.

As much as K.O. wanted to tell her Mr. Gar also played a huge part in his training over the years, he kept silent as he didn't want to anger her.

"You really are your mother and father's kid," Greyman added, "So many memories of the good old days."

"It was really hard for us to decide to place you," Sunshine admitted, "Greyman and I wanted you as well, but Foxtail managed to convinced us that strength was the best place for you."

K.O. nodded but didn't complete buy her statement. It seems to him that Foxtail was chosen in order to keep an eye on him.

"Regardless of who was chosen, you have showed you have potential to become just as legendary as your parents were. Maybe even greater, but it's up to you," Foxtail told him.

"I promise not to let you and everyone else down," K.O. responded.

"I trust you won't."

K.O. was nervously walking across the hallway, as a few students gave him friendly greetings.

"Hey K.O.!"

K.O. turned and saw a blue alien walking towards him. K.O. took a quick breath and got ready to introduce himself, "Hi."

"I will get straight to the point. My girl was watching your fight and don't get me wrong you seem like a cool dude, but don't think of getting between me and her."

Before K.O. could respond a female voice spoke out, "Rad! What did I tell you before?"

Rad cringed in fear before turning towards an angry Enid, "Enid, I was just saying hi to the new kid."

Enid faked a smile, "Really? That's nice, but there is just one problem."

"Problem?" Rad asked.

Enid gave Rad an evil grin, "Yeah, I am not your girl!" She snarled before giving him a flaming kick, knocking him into a wall.

K.O. nervously rubbed the back of his head as he pondered what was going on.

"Sorry you had to see that," Enid apologized.

"It's fine. Could you tell me what's going on with you two?" K.O. responded.

Enid sighed, "I don't like to talk about it, especially with someone I don't know. Just know he thinks we are or should be a couple and I disagree."

K.O. simply nodded.

"Anyway, I'm Enid and I have some questions for you."

"You aren't the only one."

K.O. sighed before turning to find a blonde girl walking towards him and Enid.

"How many people are going to show up?" K.O. mumbled.

Enid chuckled at his statement before turning towards Elodie, "Alright Elodie you first, since I am sure you have the same questions I do."

Elodie nodded before turning towards K.O., "Ok, there are rumors that you are the son of Laserblast and Silver Spark."

K.O. took off his backpack and pulled out Laserblast's helmet, "I can confirm I am."

Elodie and Enid's face lit up in excitement.

"Your fight against the heads was very impressive, considering you didn't use any powers against them. Right, Enid?" Elodie gushed.

Enid simply nodded, while K.O. nervously rubbed the back of his head.


"You must be really powerful to not need to use your powers against them."

"Actually, the truth is I don't have any," K.O. answered.

Suddenly, K.O. felt chills and began to regret saying that, as Elodie was frozen in shock. Enid's mouth was wide open for a few moments before snapping out of it and giving K.O. an impressed look.

"What do you know. It looks like you don't need powers to be powerful after all, huh Elodie."

Elodie snapped out of it and gave both Enid and K.O. a dirty look, "No! There is no way he deserves to be here."

Enid sighed while K.O. frowned at Elodie's sudden coldness towards him.

"Elodie, he was accepted and managed defeat all 3 heads at once, something nobody has done before," Enid said trying to reason with her.

Elodie ignored her and focused on K.O., "You don't deserve to be the son of Laserblast and Silver Spark!"

K.O. felt tears form in his eyes as he gave Elodie a glare, "What do you mean?" He asked harshly.

"Powerless scrum like you don't deserve to be related to legendary heroes like them," Elodie answered with crossed arms.

K.O. became more angry at Elodie's remark, than he has ever felt before and gritted his teeth. Elodie took a step back as she could have sworn for a brief moment K.O.'s eyes turned purple. K.O. took a deep breath and calmed down, but he still gave Elodie a frown.

"I don't care what you think," He declared, "My mom feels differently."

Elodie scoffed, "Maybe not, but I see the truth."

Enid gave Elodie a glare of her own, "Elodie, you have no place to say that to him."

"I think as top student of the finest hero academy on the planet I do," Elodie simply said before leaving the group.

K.O. watched her leave with a frown. He never thought there would be somebody that could get on his nerves other than Fink.

"Sorry about Elodie. Apparently, she has a thing against someone without powers being heroes," Enid explained.

"Does anyone else?" K.O. asked.

Enid sighed, "I don't know. My other two friends seem to agree with her and a part of me did too, until your fight."

"My fight changed your mind?"

Enid smiled, "Yes, brushhead it did. Just know if anyone else agrees with her, atleast I don't."

K.O. smiled back, "Right, thanks."

"No, problem."

Rad nervously walked up to the two with minor injuries, "Anyway, the name is Rad and now that I know you won't..." Rad looked nervously at Enid, who was grinning at him before gulping, "Anyway, you seem like a cool dude. Maybe if my friends are ok with it we can hang out."

K.O. smiled and nodded, "Sounds good."

Rad left before he could do something else stupid enough to anger Enid.

"Enid, what kind of powers do you have?" K.O. asked.

"I am training to become a ninja. I have many stealth based techniques."


"Maybe I will show you. See you around K.O. and try not to let Elodie get to you," Enid told him before leaving.

"I will thanks again!" K.O. called out.

K.O. started walking to his dorm room with a smile on his face. He might have run into some complications with Elodie, but he also seemed to have made some new friends as well.

To answer a few things I am sure is on everyone's mind.

Will T.K.O. appear? Yes, everyone's favorite emo preteen or teen in this story will make appear eventually. He is currently dormant if you can't tell. Here Shadowy figure haven't been able to find a way to get K.O. angry enough to unleash him, but that will change.

Everyone seems to know about Sparks and Laserblast. Is he still Laserblast? No, he is still Venomous. I was debating how to Change and handle his backstory. Ultimately I decided to have him stay as Laserblast for longer and he and Carol managed to make more of a name for themselves that they are remembered years later. Also Carol isn't dating Mr. Gar yet, but he will.

I will reveal some more background information through flashbacks later on and go into more detail. Please be patient. If you have any questions, I will try my best to answer. Just know that I won't spoil anything and that I don't have everything planned out.

I am planning on releasing a few chapters at a time, so updates may be slow, especially with me working on my other fics. I am already pretty far in the next chapter, so we will see how this goes.