A/N: *Insert Thanos Meme: You couldn't live with your failure. Where did that lead you? Back to me* Yup, I am back on the bullshit with this Harry Potter story. I had said I would never write for this group again, and that was a lie, I guess because I got to many ideas about this story and in general. Unfortunately for any fans of this, this story is a side project, expect an update about once every 2-3 months.



Bored was the best way to describe Harry Potter at this particular moment. He was bored, a single day into his summer "vacation" going into his 5th year. His aunt and uncle's house was empty, his cousin out with his with his gang bullying the younger kids around the neighborhood. His Aunt was out of the house, day drinking with one of the other stay at home moms down the block and his uncle was, of course, at work.

That left Harry alone, because even his owl had left, going out to hunt. So, what do you do as a bored teenager, well when you are under house arrest under the orders of your school headmaster an a bored teenager?

Apparently nothing because his lone attempt to go to the park earlier in the day was met with a letter appearing in his pocket that said "return to the house now" written in the loopy handwriting of his headmaster Dumbledore.

Sighing, Harry wished at moments like this, he could be invisible and sneak off and go wherever he wanted.

Blinking, Harry slapped himself in the face.

"How could I be so god damn dumb" muttered Harry as he rolled out of bed and opened up the floorboard under his bed. Pulling out the lone family heirloom that his dad had left him, Harry smirked as he draped his invisibility cloak and wrapped it around himself, vanishing from sight.

Grabbing his wand and keys, Harry pocketed them as he quietly walked down the stairs, out the back door, out the gap in the fence, and continuing on his way.

Harry walked under his cloak, avoiding anything that would point out that there was someone who couldn't be seen avoiding the puddles and bumping into someone.

After walking far enough for him to know that whoever was watching him at the house wouldn't be near him, he ducked into a dark alley and pulled the cloak off his body folded it into a small square before tucking it under his baggy Dudley hand me down shirt. Pulling his wand out, Harry jabbed his hand up in the air, wand tip pointed down.

A bang was heard and Harry slipped his wand back into his sleeve walked out to the Knight Bus whose doors were open waiting upon slamming to a stop in front of the alley way that Harry had ducked into.

"Would ya look at this, bloody hell, Harry Potter as I live and breath" said Stan as he laid eyes on Harry who climbed onto the bus while flipping him a Galleon with a quick "keep the change"

"Ah shove it, Stan, you say that close to 10 times a day, where did the lad say he was going to?" replied the driver Ernie

"Diagon Alley" answered Harry before they were off with a bang.

The bus ride was as chaotic as Harry remembered it being almost 2 years ago. They never slowed down, only increased speeds as they zipped through gaps in traffic and along the sidewalk at one point.

The dumped a dizzy Harry off in front of the Leaky Cauldron, which Harry didn't enter as he drifted around the corner and made sure no one was watching him before and slipping under his father's cloak again.

Harry then played the waiting game, waiting for that door to swing open. He didn't have to wait long, as the lunch crowd came in, the handful of young teens who went to Hogwarts but lived in London.

Following them into the pub was easy enough for Harry, just walking behind them. He was able to listen in on them too.

"So, do you believe that Professor Dumbledore and Potter were saying at the end of the year" said a confident raven hair male in the middle of the group of 5. Harry noticed they were all around his age but seeing as he couldn't remember any of them in his classes, they were either a year above him or a year below him.

"Um, my mum said Dumbledore is off his rocker if he believes a word of what Potter was saying" replied another boy, this time a blond.

"I dunno know, why would they make it up tho? I mean no one wants You Know Who to be back, right?" questioned a girl with short brown hair, hair that reached her shoulders.

"Shut up Mary, you're just saying that because you have a crush on Potter" said the first raven haired boy

"You're just jealous that the Hufflepuff girl, what was her name? Susan … Buffet … no, Susan Bones, turned you down for a Hogsmeade weekend because she had hopes that Harry was going to ask her. Why are you so against Harry Potter, Marcus" replied Mary the lone girl of the group

They were nearing the entrance to the Diagon Alley when Marcus turned around and snarled angrily "Because of what he represents. Think about it, a boy who clearly never knew about our world until he arrived at Hogwarts 4 years ago, comes into said world and everything magically revolves around him. From Quidditch to him being the very Heir to my house to half the girls in Hogwarts willing to pull him into a broom closet given the slightest chance he likes them back to the fact that he's the reason things are rough at home, his accusations have brought unneeded invasions of privacy into our house. Plus Malfoy has told us, he's nothing more than a glory seeking attention whore"

The Slytherin boy turned around and opened the walk way to Diagon Alley and walked through it silently, clearly unhappy with the past conversation.

The rest of the group and Harry followed through it but that is where they went their separate ways.

Harry walked into a clothing store, by passing the sales lady and finding an empty dressing room before pulling off the invisibility cloak and walking out. Noticing that he was still dressed in rags but surrounded by actual quality clothes, Harry actually stopped looked around. Pulling a deep gray turtleneck and a pair of black dress pants off the racks, he tried them on and found that they suited him much better than the clothes that he could swim in.

Feeling better with his change in clothing, even if it was only 1 outfit, Harry paid for the clothes, opting to wear it out and allowing the sales lady to throw the previous clothes out. After asking for an a bag, Harry placed his cloak in it. With a smile on his face, Harry walked out, bag in hand, and made his way towards Gringotts.

Greeting the bored goblin guard with a nodding of the head, Harry entered the wizarding bank with a purpose.

Standing in line, Harry waited as he slowly made his way to the front before he was directed towards a teller.

"Key and Wand for verification" came the tired toned voice of the goblin teller

Handing over his key and wand, Harry was surprised to see the teller straighten up before putting some energy in their voice "Hello, Mr. Potter. What can I help you with today?"

"Well I was hoping to make a withdrawal if possible" answered Harry

"Of course, Mr. Potter is that all? Would you like a copy of your statement and how much would you like to withdraw?" asked the teller as he slid Harry back his wand and key.

"I was thinking around 1000 galleons" said Harry after a moment of thinking

"One second Mr. Potter, I will be right back with your Galleons and your bank statement"said the goblin teller before he disappeared from view leaving Harry to his thoughts.

A 1000 galleons was a decent amount of cash to have on hand. More than enough to rent a room for the summer if he wanted, more than the 30-50 he spent getting school supplied. He would be set for summer no matter what happened.

That was a nice thought, I mean as powerful as Dumbledore was, who was he to tell him to be miserable during the summer.

'The wards need to be recharged to protect himself and 'family', what a load of bullshit. They weren't his family and that wasn't his home' thought Harry angrily

"Ah here you go Mr. Potter, this is your money pouch, try not to lose it, it cost 10 Galleons to replace. It is currently charmed to carry 1000 galleons like you asked for. You can upgrade the pouch to pull directly from your account for another 5 galleons at any time that you wish. And here is your statement, is there anything else that I can do for you?" finished the teller passing Harry a small brown money bag and a plain folder.

"Um, maybe give me one second to see how much money that I left over. I was thinking about renting a room for the summer" said Harry before he asked the teller "Is that something that you can help me with?"

"Absolutely, we pride ourselves on being the best service for our customers" replied the goblin with a smile that revealed sharp teeth, the smile not looking natural on the tiny person's face.

Opening the folder, Harry nearly choked on the number that he saw.

"Um is this number a mistake?" asked Harry referencing the document inside the folder.

"No sir, that number is up to date as the moment I had it created, I can go get another one if you want" offered the teller.

"Um, no if you say this correct, than this is correct. Can I ask how this number got to be so high" asked Harry

"I believe you would have to ask an account manager, we have another don't have any goblin ones available right now, but we do have a human associate who should be able to help you break down that number and how it got to be that number" said the teller before disappearing again

This time Harry was much more alert and hear the teller hissing at another worker, "I don't care if this isn't what you were hired for, there is a very important client out there who needs to be serviced and you will do it or you are fired"

Harry blinked as the teller came back and pointed him to the conference room 6 down the hall on his left.

Walking into the room, Harry was prepared to apologize for forcing them into this position, but he was surprised to see how he who was inside this conference room. Almost as surprised as he was when he had seen that number on the paper in the folder.

Surprise crossed the face of the person in the room when they looked up and saw Harry there as well.

"What are you doing here?" they both asked at the same time

"Um, I needed money" answered Harry at the same time they answered "I work here"

"You work here Fleur?" asked Harry as he and her both calmed down.

"Yeah, I kind of grew attached to this rain filled land and there was someone i liked but he's a stubborn jerk" spat Fleur

"At least your English is way better" said Harry trying to point out a silver lining.

"I don't come here to work on my English, I came here to learn how to be a curse breaker but then "Super cool and talented curse breaker" Bill Weasley left me behind because I would be a distraction" said Fleur with an annoyed voice

"That sucks, so what do you doing here now if not your actual job?" asked Harry as he finally took a seat across from the french beauty

"I mostly disarm cursed objects brought to the bank, it's similar enough but on a much smaller scale than someone who planned to make this industry their main source of living. 11 Sickles per disenchantment. This is embarrassing, that wasn't even enough to pay rent this past month. I had to pull from my savings, in another two months, I will have to either ask my parents for money, give up and go back to home to France, or get a serious break with my work." ranted Fleur, her pride evident from the tone of her voice.

Harry wasn't surprised, she seemed to be really prideful when they had met during this past school year. However looking at the beautiful french girl across the table from him say that she might return across the pond made his stomach twist. Her silvery blonde hair was down in a ponytail today, showcasing her gorgeous face. Her crystal blue eyes are magnetic and pulled you in. Her perfectly clear skinned face was second to none that Harry had ever seen. Her plump lips covered in cherry red lipstick made Harry shift in his seat as he had darker thoughts about what those lips could be used for, and it wasn't kissing.

"Well, maybe I can help you out with that. I overheard the teller telling you that I was super important or something, maybe I can leave you a good review and tip." suggested Harry trying to play it cool. Wanting her to know that he would help her, but not come on to strong.

"Harry, that is very sweet of you to offer but I'm pretty sure that he said you're important because of how famous you are." replied Fleur not knowing how much money that this teenager had before she realized that she still needed to do her job and continued on to asked

"What brings you here past pulling out some money" asked Fleur slipping back into a business mode

"I was just hoping to go over some numbers from this document in my folder, hopefully get a solid breakdown on what is going on here" said Harry as he reopened his own money

Fleur nodded and opened her much more detailed version of the Harry Potter account and her eyes widen, her jaw dropped and her previous comment slamming back into her prideful face.

"19,254,578 Galleons and 11 Sickles, what the fuck" whispered Fleur. *1

"Yeah, I was wondering the same" said Harry before finishing with "I was wondering if I could get a break down on how that number got that big."

Fleur nodded and quickly went about the process of scanning and reading through the documents. It quickly became clear to her that Albus Dumbledore was one of the best decision makers with money that she had ever seen.

"Okay the break down in pretty simple, Dumbledore hasn't allowed anyone in the past 13 and a half years to get away with using your name. The "Harry Potter and Friends" children book series book, figurines, and clothing apparel has given you 50 percent of profits since 1982. That is about 12 million galleons. You also own part of the local ice cream shop, The Leaky Cauldron used a promotion based on the room you used 2 summers ago, that netted you around 175,000 Galleon. Your parents left you 986,000 galleons. Your account has been piling on interest ever since. Your trust fund account has a base of 100,000 Galleons which tops itself over again and again every year on January 1st and on September 1st." explained Fleur

"So basically Dumbledore has managed my money wisely, setting me up for the future. Got it" said Harry overwhelmed with how simple it was made to be.

"The old man really know what he is going" muttered Fleur before she spoke louder asking "Is there anything else that I can do for you Mr. Potter?"

"Yeah, I am looking for a place to live" said Harry

"A place to live" repeated Fleur, her right eye twitching madly

"Yeah, I don't want to live at the Dursley's anymore, I want to find a place that I can call home besides Hogwarts" said Harry as he stood up.

"You want to buy a place or rent a place?" asked Fleur as she gather all the documents

"I was thinking about renting, how much are you paying?" asked Harry

"I pay about 335 galleons a month" whispered Fleur, but her voice carried across the room anyway.

"Wow that is quite the expense, I can see why you would be mad to be left off the actual curse breaking job. How much do you get paid here?" asked Harry

"I make about 75 galleons a week, but I also have to pay for my other things out of that pay." mumbled Fleur

"Wow, that is terrible. How much would you be making as a Curse breaker?" questioned Harry

"A little over 250 galleons a week" replied Fleur, her anger at Bill returning with revenge.

"Hmm, how much is a two bed room?" asked Harry "You know in case I want an office or something"

"That should run you around 390 galleons here in Diagon Alley and around 418 in actual London." answered Fleur having pulled out the Gringotts owned properties that she was given by her boss when she was looking for a new place.

"Ok, which one is the nicest?" asked Harry, trusting a girl like Fleur's opinion of what is nice over his own more plain style of taste .

"This one, it has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a balcony, an extended living room. The bathrooms are inside the bedrooms. There is the option of having the walk in closet in the main hallway turned into a half bathroom, meaning a sink and toilet, but no bathtub or shower. It is going to cost you 415 Galleons per month, the interest on your account alone would cover this." suggested Fleur showing Harry pictures of a nice open apartment, it was empty but clearly spacious for London.

"I like it, do you like it?"

Fleur nodded and said "Yes it was the first apartment that I wanted before I was forced to move into my month to month one that I am in right now"

Harry blinked as he slowly put together some pieces in his head. How could he make sure that Fleur didn't make Britain an uglier place by leaving? She needed a place to live and he needed a place to live but didn't feel like he knew what to do.

"Fleur, you said you currently have a month to month apartment right, well I am going to put down a year up front on this place and I have an idea that might sound a bit crazy" started Harry

Fleur raised and eyebrow but gestured with her hand for him to continue.

"Well I know that Gringotts is the best place in the world to break into the Curse Breaking job world from what my friend Ron and his brother Bill, the same one you mentioned earlier, has said. But you can't afford a place to live and I have more money that I will ever need, why don't you move into the spare room of that 2 bedroom apartment. You would have all the privacy you need because you would have your own bathroom. I wouldn't need any money from you, I have more than enough and you would be all alone during the school year to do whatever you wants. I want to help set you up for your future here in Britain, the best way is to metaphorically let you crash on my couch, then so be it."

Fleur made a face and said "I guess I could ask …"

However as she said this, a voice that sounded a lot like Tom Riddle had back in the chamber of secrets whispered in the back of Harry's mind 'Run it by who? You know she has a bit of a crush on Bill, but he left her here. This is your chance'

Harry mentally nodded and said "I understand you have to run this by your boyfriend Bill right? I guess that makes it worse right? I don't think I could leave the girl I loved behind from the experience of a lifetime, the tombs of Egypt, one of the greatest wonders of the world." repeating what the Tom Riddle like voice in the back of his mind was saying word for word.

Fleur's eyes grew narrowed at the beginning of his speech, but by the end, she might as well have transformed like the Veela had at the World Cup last summer because Harry could see the steam coming out her ears and the flames in her eyes. Knowing that he needed to give one last push, Harry went for the kill.

"It's okay, I mean I guess we can wait for him to come home before we get you set up in the spare room. I hope it's before the next month tho, I wouldn't want you to be homeless because your boyfriend didn't think about your financial situation when he left you here"

Fleur's teeth grit before mentally something in her snapped and she smiled widely at Harry, her perfect teeth shining at him.

"I went on a single date with Bill, I am as single as one can be Harry. Besides, I'm sure that you could use an adult female touch to your place, make it livable." taunted Fleur as she realized that every point that Harry made was 100 percent correct and that if she waited for Bill who had left her with little to no money in a foreign country she came to with him being 33 percent of the reason for why she did so, and she was going to wait for him.

Any chance of her feeling for him growing had withered and died right there. She was officially open for business.

"Yeah you can decorate it and I'm sure your one of the best curse breakers, you can ward the place so that we don't have to put our names and address on anyone's books." said Harry upon her agreement to live with him.

"Harry, this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship" stated Fleur as she moved him up several spots in terms of potential mates in England in her mind

Harry flashed a bright Tom Riddle 'Of Course, nothing can go wrong' smile while he thought to himself 'I am going to ruin her for anyone other than myself'

Neither knew the others mind but they both smiled as they went onwards with the business side of setting up this new jointly occupied apartment for themselves.

At Hogwarts: 5 hours later

Dumbledore tiredly climbed the stairs to his office, the return of Lord Voldemort had been as much of any other disaster had been taken, as negatively and dismissed as humanly possible. They didn't believe him and thus he was stuck fighting from the shadows, gathering allies and preparing for the underground battles that awaited him.

Opening his office door, his mind and eyes took in the familiar place before he realized that the silver device used to track the wards on Harry's family house was still and no longer floating.

"Oh Merlin no, the wards are gone" thought Dumbledore

A/N: So I've learned from readers ungodly amount of bitching to number my A/N and just explain my stuff down here. So the numbers will be explained down here. According to the Harry Potter Wiki ( wiki) page on Wizard Currency, the exchange rate from how much Daniel Radcliffe made 90 million pounds to Galleon is 18,255,578.1 Galleons but that didn't include 13 years of compound interest, spikes or deflation in value of currency, and changes to the type of account along with increases in the actual account. So I pro rated all of that with the rate .055 percent the average interest rate for millionaire bank accounts where I live. That is how I got the number in the story.

The conversation rate that I used is the 4.93 on the website.

Also, this is going to be a dark story, Harry isn't some normal good guy, he's out for what he wants, he more selfish in this story. Colder too.

This is obviously a Harry Potter / Fleur Delacour story, don't like it, don't read.

So yeah that is about it, I have another chapter that is half written and will be up by September 27th, 2019