Izuku Midoriya POV

"...In other news, there have been no sightings of the masked vigilante Recluse for years now. Authorities believe he has likely given up vigilantism and reentered the workforce. Possibly due-"

"Izuku! Breakfast's ready!"

"Coming, mom!"

I turn off the T.V. and head into the kitchen. Looks like she made eggs and bacon. Dad loved those. I thank her for the meal and then start digging in. It's delicious. Then again, so is everything she makes.

"So, it sounded like you were thrashing around in your sleep. Is everything alright sweetie?"

The question caught me off guard, leaving me unable to answer. No, wait, that might be the eggs. I swallow what I'm eating so I can reply. "I'm fine, just felt a little off." I see her frown turn into a smile, so I guess that satisfied her.

My hand goes for the glass before it can even begin gaining momentum.

"Oh! Nice reflexes."

It happened again. Ever since a few months ago, I've...changed physically. Gotten stronger, faster, been more alert. It's the strangest thing. I mean, I thought I was going to spend my whole life quirkless, but in one night, suddenly I've got more power than I ever imagined. I'm not really complaining, though. Suddenly, I've got what I need to be what I've always wanted to be. I'm not going to screw it up.



Right on time.

I open the door to greet the man who's volume dial is always set to 11, my childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugo.

"Bout time you got your ass up. You got up late. We gotta haul if we don't wanna be late."

Same old Bakugo. Never letting me fall behind. "Just a second! I still have to grab my pack!"

"Hurry up or I'm leaving your ass behind!"

I grab my pack and head out the door, wishing mom goodbye on my way out. It finally hits me that I did it. I made it into U.A.. I accomplished the first step of my dream. I'm officially on the path to becom-"Oi, Deku." Aaaanndd there goes that train of thought. "Huh?"

"How ya feelin'? Any changes?"

He's asked that everyday since my powers first showed up. I think about it for a second. "My wrists are a little itchy, but nothing new overall."

"Hmm. Well, whatever. Let's keep going. I ain't gettin' a black mark on my perfect record 'cause your ass can't keep up."

"What do you think they'll have us do today?"

"I dunno, dumbass. I can't see the future."

Chapter 2: The Beginning