CHAPTER 10: Ladybird, ladybird fly away home
Edward spent the next six hours listening to Bella endlessly recount how great their life was going to be once she was changed. She was planning, and planning and planning. He was regretting not asking his siblings to return with them, but they were cleaning up their trail in case James' coven sniffed them out. Thankfully, they had just reached the small two story house where Bella and Charlie lived.
"Remember to come by after Charlie falls asleep," she told him.
Edward kissed her absentmindedly and hid in the forest to watch. He watched Bella get scolded by her father. Charlie told her to call her mother again as she was still frantic. Bella ran up the stairs to her room. Back downstairs, Charlie called out to Harry who had been in the kitchen getting them something to eat.
Charlie took the plates from him, set them on the coffee table and pulled Harry onto his lap. They kissed each other passionately. Pure unadulterated jealousy boiled inside of Edward. He almost ripped the front door off its hinges as he entered the house. This startled Harry and Charlie, who pulled apart to see what the commotion was. Edward then pulled Harry off Charlie's lap and cornered him.
"What the hell? Get off!" shouted Harry trying to pull his arm away.
Charlie was trying to get to Harry but Edward make threatening growling noises. Harry told him to back up a bit.
"You're mine!" Edward growled.
"What are you talking about?"
"He shouldn't be touching you, kissing you. His disgusting scent is all over you." Edward leaned closer to Harry, smelling his hair and neck. "You're mine."
"Edward, there is nothing between us. You're with Bella," Harry said in a calm voice.
"I know you want me. I remember your thoughts when we first met."
"In September? Nothing happened besides a bit of flirting."
"You want me. We're perfect for each other."
"No, I really don't. And can you stop thinking with your dick? Listen to my words, I love Charlie."
"No," he shook his head. "You're mine."
"When did you decide this then?"
"What happened to James was the wake-up call I needed. Those shadow things took his soul. Took it to hell with them. There is no salvation for our kind. Condemned to damnation for being monsters."
"Um, okay."
"You did that. It all makes sense."
"The gravelings did that, actually. Or Luis. I was a member of the audience."
"Don't you see? There is nothing I can do to change the hand I was dealt. I don't have to fight this anymore!"
"Fight what?"
"Us. We're perfect for each other. You're just the same as I am."
"No, we're really not, Ed. And, you have a girlfriend. You know, the pretty little brunette upstairs."
"She's human, she'll move on."
"I'm human too."
"No, you're extraordinary. You can do impossible things."
"You love Bella."
"I love you. She was a distraction. Everything is clear now."
Unbeknownst to all, Bella had heard the entire exchange. She fled the nook where she had been eavesdropping. "I am nothing without you," sobbed a bleeding Bella. She stepped out of the kitchen, knife clattering to the floor. Cascades of blood running from the wrists.
The three men in the living room rushed to her. Edward knocked Charlie out of the way, throwing him hard against the wall causing picture frames to fall and break.
Harry was thwarted by moving shadows that restrained him.
Edward reached Bella with ease.
The screams of horror spurring on the monster.
"Get out of my way," Harry shouted at the force field created by the gravelings. They had let him go but he couldn't get to Bella and Edward. They shook their heads and laughed. "This wasn't part of the deal," he shouted as he tried to move them, blast them, burn them, levitate them, to no avail. He beat the barrier with his fists. Kicked it repeatedly all while cursing at them.
"I am Master of the Death!" He shouted with all his might. The gravelings stopped laughing.
A tall, dark, hooded figure appeared in the room in answer to Harry's call. A bleach white skeletal hand sticking out of a pitch black cloak holding a scythe. The figure's head moved slowly, seemingly to take in the room. It then turned its face, if you could call a black abyss under a hood a face, towards Harry and shook its head no.
Harry gave an anguished choking cry as he fell to his knees. Heart wrenching sobs escaped him.
A cold, hollow, languid, echoing voice from within the hood spoke,
"Into the woods my Master went,
Clean forspent, forspent.
Into the woods my Master came,
Forspent with love and shame.
But the olives they were not blind to him;
The little gray leaves were kind to him
The thorn-tree had a mind to him
When into the woods he came.
Out of the woods my Master went,
And he was well content.
Out of the woods my Master came,
Content with death and shame.
When Death and Shame would woo him last,
From under the trees they drew him last:
'Twas on a tree they slew him last,
When out of the woods he came."
"I can't stop you. You call me Master and do not take heed. What is the point?" Harry asked in a dejected quiet voice.
The hooded figure's reply in the same chilly tone. "To walk along with me," the figure then floated towards Harry, "as an old friend." It knelt down right beside him, wrapping his skeletal arms around him. "You have been so much more to me," and the black cloak blurred and shrunk into itself. Leaving behind a little girl. Harry clung to her and cried. Mara turned her head slightly away from Harry's embrace and was met with sad, understanding, brown eyes.
Four years later.
"Aren't we too old for bedtime stories?"
"Scooch over. I need more space."
"Stop complaining or go to your own room."
"I still don't think this would be considered a bedtime story, Princess."
"Don't listen to Papa, Charlie. Please read us the book!"
"Yeah, come on Charlie," cheered Teddy who was squashed next to his sister on her bed.
"Alright, settle down." Charlie cleared his throat dramatically, which caused the kids to giggles. "The buzz in the street was like the humming of flies. Photographers stood…"
1- Chapter title is from the following English nursery rhyme that dates back to at least 1744. Also, ladybirds are ladybugs in the UK.
Ladybird, ladybird fly away home, Your house is on fire and your children are gone, All except one, and her name is Ann, And she hid under the baking pan.
2 - The poem that Death recites is called A Ballad of Trees and the Master by Sidney Lanier.
3 - The book Charlie starts reading at the end is The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith, aka J.K Rowling's first detective crime novel.