This will be quick story for Song Woo Bin! I love writing Woo Bin because I get to be sweet, sarcastic, and very little drama since he was the grounded one of their group. Plus, writing a mafia prince with a heart of gold is just fun! After his story, I will do Ji Hoo to finally allow his happy ending without Jan Di. They are both a part of the Fake Engagement-Fake Engagement baby universe so Yi Jeong and Ga Eul will be featured along with baby In Ha. Now, for Woo Bin's story, you have to read the Fake Engagement meets Baby first in order because it's just a direct continuation. Thanks! And like always let me know how you like it P.S. This will probably be no more than three or four chapters.

Song Woo Bin rubbed his eyes tiredly. With the no sleep last night and early business meetings, he currently felt like a truck had hit him. He took another deep gulp of coffee with the knowledge he was getting old. Only a few years ago, he could have stayed up at the clubs all night drinking and then bounce around the halls of the school with the rest of F4 like nothing had happened.

Of course, yesterday was also different since he had spent the day tracking down the son-of bitch, Kang Ha Joon who dared to try and kidnap In Ha from her nursey. Even as he thought the words, nausea ran over him. Vividly remembering the fury on Yi Jeong and the whimpering from In Ha as she clung to him, crying about scary. Thankfully, his boys had quickly found him and Yi Jeong had taken care of the bastard. But still, the stress and worry over his beloved goddaughter weighed heavy on him.

"You all right there, boss?"

Woo Bin jumped slightly at the call from Choi Jin Yoon. The young man looked concerned as he wiped down the bar with a half eye on Woo Bin.

"Yeah," Woo Bin assured him with a chuckle. "Just a little tired." He forced himself upright and bite back another yawn. He had swung by the club where they had picked up Kang Ha Joon last night to ensure there had been no complaints or comments after the fact. His boys were good and his family name was enough to ward off any questions but it still never hurts to double-check. Plus, he had not visited this branch of their nightclub business for a while and as he looked around now, he realized it required some TLC.

The walls could use a fresh coat of paint and the bar needed a good sanding, along with re-staining the dance floor. Not to mention his staff had become lax in keeping an eye on the behavior of their guests since Ha Joon had been harassing an obviously uncomfortable young woman last night when they arrived. Speaking of which... "Did you make sure to take care of the ladies bill like I asked?"

"No," Choi Jin Yoon admitted sheepishly. "She never came back to the bar after you left and then I completely forgot about her."

He sighed annoyed but didn't push it. "Fine. But remember in the future to keep an eye on those kinds of things. I don't like men who won't take no for an answer. If they won't take the ladies to brush off then we will help them read between the lines." Woo Bin gave Jin Yoon a stern glare. "Understood?"

"I got it, boss."

Woo Bin nodded but before he could continue the club door opened and a young woman hurried inside. "Sorry," Jin Yoon called out. "We're not open yet."

She waved her hand as she ran to the bar. "I know. But did anyone turn in a purse last night? Small, black, with a red strap?"

Woo Bin studied her for a moment while Jin Yoon offered to go double-check in the back for her. She was tapping her feet anxiously and had a hurried, and slightly worried look on her face. Noticing his stare, she turned to give him a weak smile but didn't speak. His concerned spiking a little sensing her distress and he scanned her carefully.

His first thought was on how tiny she was… She barely came to the center of his chest and he could probably wrap one hand completely around her waist. At first glance, he would have guessed her to be in her teens but after careful scrutiny, he realized she was probably closer to his age. Although she hid it well with the out of fashion clothes and no makeup. Her skirt was long with no shape and her crème colored blouse looked more than a few years out of date.

Her long hair was pulled into a tight grandmotherly bun at the top of her head and she wore no jewelry or adornments. She leaned against the bar chewing nervously on her bottom lip and her big round eyes clearly revealed everything she was feeling. Which right now was a bundle of nerves.

Since she still had not bothered to acknowledge him, Woo Bin cleared his throat and she jumped sheepishly. He tilted his head intrigued. It was not every day he was so blatantly ignored by a female. They usually recognized him within a few seconds and then went above and beyond to ensure they caught his attention.

"Are you all right?" Woo Bin asked curiously. "You seem awfully upset over a lost purse."

She blushed. "It has my phone and wallet inside. My boss has probably been trying to reach me all day and is furious by now."

He looked at his watch with an amused grin. "All day? It's barely eight am."

"Trust me. By now that's all day." The girl said dryly and turned her head to really look at him. "Do I know you? You look familiar."

He smirked waiting for it as she suddenly gasped. "Oh. You were at the club last night. You were the one who got that guy away from me."

He paused in surprise. She didn't recognize him as Song Woo Bin or an F4 member? Had she been living under a rock? How could someone visit one of their clubs and not know who he was? But then her words sunk in and his eyes widened at the realization this was the woman from yesterday who Kang Ha Joon had been harassing. He could only blink in shock over her dramatic difference from last night to this morning. She seemed smaller and somehow more… delicate in the daylight.

Last night she wore a dark dress and her hair had flowed half-way down her back, but he noted that her eyes were the same. Wide and full of expression with a touch of sad. He inwardly growled, aggravated he didn't recognize her earlier. His skills for memorizing faces was legendary. It came with the territory of being a Mafia Prince and always slightly on guard for opposing forces.

"That would be me," Woo Bin said slowly with an unusual edge to his voice.

Her blush deepened. "I'm sorry. I know I should have properly thanked you last night but I ended up quickly leaving afterward. It's why I left my purse."

Realizing he had been rude; Woo Bin shook off his odd annoyance that she didn't seem to know who he was or that she appeared different today. He chalked it up to being tired and smiled at her.

"No, I'm sorry. Normally, we don't allow guests here to be harassed so openly. Don't worry though, that particular customer has been...dealt with." He finished delicately and she looked surprised. "Oh. Well, thank you. Although, I feel bad if I caused any trouble."

Woo Bin frowned. "You didn't do anything. The trouble was from him. Don't worry about it."

She thanked him with a nod. "Truthfully, I was a little taken aback last night. All I wanted was some water and he just wouldn't stop talking to me." She made a face. "I hate places like this."

Woo Bin chuckled and her eyes widened as she realized what she said. "Oh, sorry! I mean it's a nice place I-I just don't really um," She trailed off and buried her face in her hands. "Never mind."

He leaned against the bar thoroughly enjoying himself now. "What's your name?"

"Park Myeon Gi," She mumbled still hiding her face.

"If you hate clubs, why were you here last night?" He asked curiously and she peeked up at him sheepishly. "It was my sisters birthday. She dragged me."

"Ahh," Woo Bin nodded. "I was wondering." He gave her another long scan, taking in the shapeless clothes, lack of makeup, and her sensible scuffed heels. "You didn't strike me as the whole going out on a Friday night drinking at the club kind of gal."

Myeon Gi frowned at his assessment but then shrugged. "No. I am more of tea at home in my pajamas kind of gal. By the way, you never did tell me your name."

"You really don't know?"

"How would I know?" Park Myeon Gi asked confused. "Did we go to school together or something?"

Woo Bin chuckled. "Not exactly."

"Then why- "She started but once Jin Yoon walked back in holding her purse, she let out a squeal of relief. "Oh thank god!"

She grabbed it and quickly pull out her phone, whimpering at the missed calls. She pushed a button and cringed when a loud voice started yelling through the phone. "President, I- "

Woo Bin couldn't make out the exact words but the violent tone on the other end was enough to make him sit up a little straighter. Myeon Gi hastily agreed before hanging up and gave Woo Bin and Jin Yoon an apologetic bow. "I have to go. Thank you both." She took out her wallet. "When I left last night, I forgot to pay my bill. How much do I owe you?"

Woo Bin pushed her hand away as she tried to hand some bills to Jin Yoon. "On the house."

"Oh no," she said alarmed. "I don't want you guys getting in trouble or anything. I'm sure your boss was aggravated enough at you."

"He is the boss." Jin Yoon supplied, pointing to Woo Bin. "Not to mention the owner of the place."

"You're- "Myeon Gi didn't finish but her eyes were as big as In Ha's on her first Christmas. "Oh well if you're sure?" But as her phone began ringing again, she didn't wait for an answer. Without another glance over to them, she hurried from the building.

"Huh," Woo Bin shook his head. "That was interesting."

Jin Yoon grinned. "Did she honestly not recognize you?"


"That's a first." Jin Yoon looked to the ground and shook his head. "Uh-oh, she dropped her wallet."

Woo Bin looked over and sure enough, Park Myeon Gi's wallet lay abandoned on the floor by the door. No doubt from when she was trying to stuff it back in while running out the door. He bent down and scooped it up with a sigh. "Great."

"Want me to take care of it?"

He shook his head pulling out a business card. "Her work building is only a few blocks away from the office. I will swing by and give it to her."

Jin Yoon grinned at him while he wiped down the glasses. "Are you going to tell her who you are this time?"

Woo Bin only sent him a smirk before leaving. As he pulled on his sunglasses and hit the busy streets of Seoul, he couldn't help but feel a little more energized. His coffee must have finally kicked in.

Park Myeon Gi half-walked, half-ran down the hall towards the Vice President's office. She was late which was enough to raise Chairman's Kim ire but the fact, she didn't have her phone last night or this morning meant that she would be lucky if he didn't scream at her and then just fire her. She paused for a moment outside his door, smoothing her hair back and then with a deep breath went inside.

Chairman Kwon looked up momentarily but gave no recognition that he noticed her standing in front of him. This was not a good sign. "I'm sorry I am late. I had to- "

He held up his hand silencing her. He slowly finished his work on the computer before leaning back in his chair studying her. Myeon Gi forced herself not to squirm under his watchful eye. Kwon Joo Eon was one of the youngest executives in Seoul. His family owned and ran a large pharmaceuticals company which provided most of the research and new medications for various cancers. His father was a ruthless businessman who ruled Kwan Corporation as Chairman with an iron fist. Joo Eon was his only son who had been raised solely for the company success. He was handsome, fit, smart, and obscenely arrogant.

Standing there in her worn down clothes while he openly showed his distaste for her, Myeon Gi felt every inch of the poor girl who was brought up by her father and went most days without food in order for him to have his next bottle. The one who raised her sister by working three jobs throughout her teen years, somehow managing to keep them both off the streets.

She knew what Kwon Joo Eon thought of her but Myeon Gi didn't mind since the only reason she could even afford to send Myung Ri to University was because of her job with the Kwon corporation.

Kwon Joo Eon's older sister ran the public relations department and had seen her working in the mailroom one afternoon. She thought it would help their image and boost morale within the company by promoting one of their lesser employees. So, Myeon Gi was moved to the upper floor to become Joo Eon's personal secretary.

That had been six months ago and she had not slept a full night since. Joo Eon had no qualms about calling her at all times of the night for her to write up a fax or email or send his car to pick him up from his various jaunts.

It was worth it though if it meant Myung Ri could finish her schooling. Now, Myeon Gi felt like crying at the possibilty of losing her job and ending her sisters future. Not having her phone the past twelve hours meant she had not seen any of his messages or been able to answer his calls.

Joo Eon would never give her the chance to explain that she had lost her purse, so she had no way of picking up her phone. All that mattered was she had ignored him. And the one thing Joo Eon would not tolerate is being ignored.

Seeing him beginning to turn red, Myeon Gi closed her eyes and braced herself for the fury.

Woo Bin could hear the yelling from the elevator. He bypassed the desk where people downstairs had claimed Myeon Gi worked and went directly towards the screaming. Her earlier nerves surrounding her boss missed calls more clear. Especially since it had only taken about five minutes of him walking into Kwon Corporation to find her.

Everyone had known who she was because of the top office she currently served. Plus, all the other employees had quickly recognized him so they had all but jumped on top of each other to help answer his question on her whereabouts.

To say Woo Bin had been surprised when he asked for Park Myeon Gi and found out she worked as the secretary for President Kwon Joo Eon would be an understatement.

She had not been dressed as someone working with high salary nor did she carry herself with the confidence of someone who climbed the ladder. However, he had a new respect for her to be willing to work Kwon Joo Eon. They had been classmates at Shinhwa together and the punk made the arrogance of Jun Pyo seem humble.

He didn't have the money or power of the F4 so he wisely didn't try to get into their circle but everyone else was a mere stepping stone of abuse. Woo Bin had intervened more than once to stop the downright dangerous plans he had on some of his targets. Even Yi Jeong when he was still the Casanova of Korea had held him in disgust for his abundant womanizing.

Woo Bin ignored the curious stares and pushed open the door with his foot. "Still charming the ladies, Kwon Joon Eon?"

The young man halted mid-yell, his eyes widening at the sight of him leaning casually in the doorframe. "Song Woo Bin? What are you doing here?"

He didn't answer focusing his attention on Park Myeon Gi. She had been standing straight while Joo Eon had blasted her although she kept her head down. She seemed even smaller in the large office and her raggedy clothes glared more openly making a rush of tenderness come over him. Her eyes were bright but she wasn't crying or shaking, causing another notch of respect. Clearly, she was upset by the treatment from Kwon Joo Eon but didn't want to get him the satisfaction of tears.

Myeon Gi turned cautiously, unsure why he was there but he saw the faint tint of embarrassment at being caught treated in such a fashion.

Hoping to ease her mind, Woo Bin sent her a flirty smile. "Hello again."

She dipped her head but still didn't willing to speak, her eyes darting over to Joo Eon anxiously. The President looked quickly between the two. "You two know each other?"

Woo Bin shrugged, "recent acquaintances." He pushed himself off the door and strode into the office to plop down into the chair opposite him. "Is there a particular reason you feel like popping a blood vessel at her?"

Joo Eon tightened his lips in annoyance although he kept his tone light. "I am not sure on how I choose to discipline one of my employees is any of your concern but Park Myeon Gi is my secretary who failed to fulfill her job duties this morning."

He raised an eyebrow. "Already? The sun is barely up and she's already failed?" Woo Bin sent her a jaunty wink. "I'm impressed. That requires a certain skill."

Myeon Gi flushed uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, Sir. I lost my- "

"Be quiet," Joo Eon snapped. "We will finish this conversation later."

"Or you could let her finish her sentence." Woo Bin said lightly but Joo Eon caught the slight edge of warning. He stiffened at being talked down to in his own office but recognized it would not be a good idea to push Woo Bin further.

"Fine. Yes, Park Myeon Gi? You were saying?'

She looked between the man sitting in the chair to President Kwon trying to figure out their dynamics.

"Uh yes- "She swallowed her nervous stammer. "I left my purse last night at- "Myeon Gi stopped unsure if it would help her cause if she revealed that she went clubbing for her sisters birthday. "An um, restaurant."

Woo Bin snorted low in laughter but thankfully President Kwon didn't seem to notice. Myeon Gi hurried on shooting Woo Bin a pleading stare. "My phone was inside and I couldn't go back to retrieve it until this morning."

"There you go," Woo Bin told Joo Eon softly. "An explanation. Maybe next time you should hear your employee out before you start biting her head off."

Myeon Gi ducked her eyes down at the blistering glare President Kwon was giving her. She was going to pay for this later but she couldn't deny there was a slight tingle at being defended from someone who radiated so much power. She didn't may not know this Song Woo Bin but it was obvious his stance and position were greater than she had previously believed. Especially since Kwon Joo Eon whom she never seen back down from anyone didn't seem willing to cross him.

"Apologize." Woo Bin commanded easily and Myeon Gi's mouth dropped in shock.

President Joo Eon clenched his jaw. "I am not going to apologize for being upset by my employee's lack of responsibility. I have made it clear; in this position, she needs to be reachable at all times." He turned to her, "However, I will reconsider my decision to fire you so long as you understand I won't tolerate this again."

"Yes, President Kwon." Myeon Gi bowed low feeling a rush of humiliation. You would think she would be used to his "gum on the bottom of his shoe," tone by now but apparently not. Normally, she could ignore it but for some reason him doing it in front of the gentlemen from last night made her feel ashamed.

She began to leave but Woo Bin's hand shot out to wrap around her wrist. He scanned her carefully almost like he was checking to see if she was okay. She forced herself to meet his gaze, her lips trembling slightly by the sympathy in his eyes. It had been a long time since anyone had bothered to worry about her. For a moment all she wanted to do was put her face into his chest and cry but she settled on smiling instead and gently pulled out his grasp.

"I will go back to my desk now."

"Please have everything ready for my one clock meeting," Kwon Joo Eon barked. "I won't be behind all day simply because you decided to come in late."

She nodded before leaving. The door shutting softly behind her and Woo Bin felt a strange feeling of protectiveness. He quickly rose to follow her but Joo Eon held up his hand confused. "Didn't you have some business you wished to discuss with me?"

"No," Woo Bin told him simply. "I have business with Park Myeon Gi."

Joo Eon narrowed his eyes. "Why? What is your relationship with my secretary?"

Woo Bin grinned darkly. "The kind where the next time I tell you to apologize you better do it. Especially if I ever catch you yelling at her like that again."

Not bothering to acknowledge the high flush of rage, he strolled out with a casual wave. "Enjoy the rest of your day, Kwon Joo Eon."

Myeon Gi was sitting at her desk, her hands holding her head, her skin almost gray in the harsh lightening. Woo Bin sighed and sat on the corner of her desk. "Kwon Joo Eon always has been an arrogant chaebol."

She looked at him wearily. "I have a feeling you are even more of a chaebol than he is since he didn't dare throw you out of his office."

"Yes but I am a charming chaebol."

Myeon Gi actually laughed at this and Woo Bing grinned down at her. She leaned back in her chair with a sigh. "I'm sorry but what are you doing here?"

He held out her wallet. "You dropped this at the club."

She plopped her head down hard onto the desk and he winced at the loud clunk. "I'm a mess."

"A little bit," Woo Bin agreed unable to resist teasing her slightly.

"I didn't even drink last night!"

"Really? That's a shame… You should have. I only serve the best selection of drinks."

She barely lifted her eyes to glare at him. "Not helping."


"No." Myeon Gi took her wallet with a groan. "I'm sorry. I feel bad you came all this way just for this."

"It's fine," Woo Bin shrugged. "My office is only a few blocks away."

"Who exactly are you?" Myeon Gi asked curiously. "I mean it's obvious you are someone…" She trailed off unsure as he just smirked at her. "Well, someone important."

"You still don't know?"

She shook her head. "I am not even clear on what your name really is."

"It's Song Woo Bin."

Myeon Gi only continued to stare at him blankly and he couldn't help but laugh. He tapped her computer as he stood up. "Look me up."

"Oh well…"

"Trust me," Woo Bin shot her a wink. "I make fascinating reading material."

She rolled her eyes but he could tell she would be typing his name into the search engine the moment he left. "See you around, Park Myeon Gi."

"I doubt it," Myeon Gi called after him. He turned with a curious expression and she spread her hands apologetically. "I only mean we don't exactly run in the same circles. And like you noticed this morning; I am not one to frequent your club. So, I highly doubt we will even see each other past today."

He began walking backwards to the elevator; his eyes bright with mischief. "You sure about that, Park Myeon Gi?"

She nodded firmly; confident she was far from the kind of women men someone like him normally hung out with. "Very."

"Hmmm," Woo Bin's eyes traveled slowly over her body, his lip curling slightly and she barely resisted from melting into the floor. The man did have a wicked smile. "We will see about that."

"What do you mean?" Myeon Gi asked confused by his behavior. He stepped onto the elevator but hung back for a second to send her one last grin. "You will soon find out." Woo Bin dipped his chin, "Look me up. I know you're dying too."

"Yah! I am not. Why do I care who you are?" Myeon Gi yelled after him but he only laughed in reply as the elevator doors closed.

He folded his arms leaning against the wall, feeling more refreshed than he had in a while. While Myeon Gi was not exactly the type of woman he normally associated with, he found her lack of airs or high-class attitude refreshing. Plus, he was man enough to admit he was curious about the woman hiding under the old-fashion clothes and submissive secretary demeanor.

"Oh yes, Park Myeon Gi" Woo Bin whispered with a knowing nod. "We will definitely be seeing each other again."