Kirito groaned as his eyes slowly opened. The room that had been dark not an hour ago was now filled with bright sunlight. He sighed and looked at the ceiling. So much had happened last night that he had fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Waking up in a world you don't recognise and then immediately being thrown into a fight with a crime boss and some kind of magic user was bound to take a lot out of anyone. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before taking in his surroundings. He had barely seen the room he had been given the night before. It was a nice place. There were two beds and a desk with a laptop on it. The room felt strangely familiar. Either way, he was grateful that Ruby's dad was letting him stay here.

(Flashback. The night before)

"Welp here we are," Ruby said as she and Kirito stepped off of the airship that had transported them.

"Yeah" Kirito muttered "But where exactly is here?" he asked

"Oh, this is Patch the island I grew up on." Ruby explained, "Ozpin did tell you that you're staying with us until we go to beacon right?"

"He didn't but Glynda mentioned it" Kirito muttered

"That's not an issue is it?" Ruby asked worriedly

"No no, it's fine" Kirito reassured "Just wondering why Ozpin didn't tell me"

"Perhaps he didn't know when he was talking to you." She suggested "Anyways come on. My house isn't far from here"

They both then started walking on the path from the Airship dock. They were mostly silent on the walk so Kirito took the time to take in the scenery. Patch was a beautiful place. The green of the forest and the chirping of birds could be heard as they walked. However, if Ozpin was telling the truth, and Kirito had no reason to think he was lying, then these trees hid a dark evil. The creatures that Ozpin had mentioned, the Grimm, were lurking in the shadows. waiting to attack anyone who should pass by. The thought made Kirito shiver. He didn't have the swords he had taken from Torchwicks goons as they had been taken for evidence so the only defence he had was Ruby and that Scythe of hers. Ruby had told him it was called Crescent Rose.

Kirito didn't know what the Grimm looked like but he had gotten a general idea from Ruby. She had described them as evil incarnate. Their eyes an evil red, Their bodies pitch black and they were covered in bonelike armour. Kirito had never seen nor heard of anything like it, Not even in SAO or ALO.

They had been walking for about fifteen minutes before the house finally came into view. It looked like a large wooden cabin. The design was reminiscent of that at least. The yard was large. Wide enough for the combat training he assumed Ruby did often. He couldn't help but notice a gap in the tree line that seemed out of place "What the hell happened there" He thought to himself. It looked like something had charged through it. Knocking down the trees as it went.

"Well this is it," Ruby told him as they approached the door

"It looks like a nice place" Kirito complimented. He wasn't lying either. The place genuinely looked nice. "Why does my chest feel so tight though?" He thought to himself "It almost feels… nostalgic. But I've never been here before… Right?

"Thanks, I think so too. Although I might be biased" Ruby chuckled

Ruby opened the door to the house and Kirito followed her in. The house was cosy to describe it in one word. Judging by the tv and the couch Kirito guessed he was located in the living room of the house. The room had family pictures hanging on the wall. The most noticeable feature was the large green rug that dominated that floor. Kirito was dragged out of his thoughts by a small bark. He then noticed the dog bed in the room and saw a moving figure running up to him.

He looked down and saw what might have been the cutest dog he had ever seen. It was a small black and white corgi who had the absolute dumbest look on his face. Almost like he was smiling. Ruby smiled and bent down to pet the dog.

"This is Zwei" she explained, "Don't worry he's harmless. A bit of a goofball though"

"I can see that" Kirito smiled as he also knelt down to pet the Corgi

"Oh, your back. The kid with you to" A voice called

Kirito looked up and saw a man standing in the kitchen doorway. Judging by his looks he was in his early to late thirties. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore brown cargo shorts and a brown vest over a dress shirt.

"Hey, dad." Ruby Greeted "And yeah he's with me. Kirito this is my dad" She explained while gesturing towards the man

"Hey, there" Taiyang greeted "I'm Taiyang, welcome to my home.'' His tone was cheerful and friendly, He walked over to Kirito and offered him a handshake

"Thanks for letting me stay here sir. I'm Kirito" Kirito responded shaking his hand

"Nice to meet you. And please call me Tai. Sir makes me feel way older than I am" Tai laughed "I set up the spare room upstairs for you. Hope your hungry, Dinner's almost Ready" Tai explained before heading into the kitchen

Kirito was shocked by how kind the man was being. He had been told randomly that some kid was staying at his house and he had done all this for him already. It almost made him uneasy. He was dragged out of his thought by the sounds of footsteps from the upper floor of the house and the sound of someone running down the stairs

"Oh no" Ruby groaned

Before Kirito even had time to ask what she meant, someone appeared at the bottom of the stairs. They looked around the room for a second before noticing Ruby standing there. Tackle hugging her and knocking the girl in red over

"I can't believe my baby sister is going to beacon with me" The person yelled.

Kirito, Tai and Zwei just looked at the scene before looking at each other. Kirito and Tai then promptly burst out laughing and Zwei let out a bark of what could be assumed to be amusement.

Kirito smiled remembering the night before. He hadn't spoken much after that though just eaten the food that Tai had given him and gone to bed. He could hear the sound of someone cooking in the kitchen. Figuring it must be Tai. Kirito attempted to get out of bed to go talk to him. However, when he tried to move, he felt a strange weight on his feet. He looked over and saw Zwei peacefully sleeping on the end of his bed. Kirito looked at the dog for a few seconds. He knew he should just pick him up and move him but Zwei looked so peaceful just sleeping there. Would it really hurt to just stay there forever?

Fortunately, Kirito's mental debate was settled for him by a knock at the door. This prompted Zwei to wake up and jump off the bed. Slightly upset that Zwei had been moved Kirito turned his attention towards the door just as the person walked in.

"Oh good you're awake," She said

Kirito tried to remember her name. She had been the one who tackled-hugged Ruby last night. She had long blonde hair and lilac eyes. What had Ruby said her name was again.

"Don't tell me you forgot who I am already" She chuckled "It's Yang remember me. Ya know the best looking girl on this side of Vale"

Yang that was it. Kirito had no idea why he couldn't remember that "Yeah sorry. Most things from yesterday are kind of a haze" He apologised

"Eh don't sweat it. Just came to tell you breakfast is almost ready if you want to join us." Yang explained before turning around to leave "And by the way don't take too long. We gotta get you ready for that entrance exam"

Kirito watched the girl exit the room. Zwei followed closely behind her. Kirito sighed before finally getting out of bed. He put on the clothes he had been wearing the day before. He sighed missing the simplicity of changing your outfit in VR. It was as simple as opening your menu and voila. Clothes Changed.

Opting to check the laptop on the desk instead of heading downstairs right away. Kirito flipped open the top and pressed the on button. He hadn't had the chance to read up on the world he was only hearing about it from Ozpin and Ruby so he was hoping he would have the chance now. The laptop booted after a few seconds and came up with a password screen. Kirito raised an eyebrow at this.

"Well shit, there goes that idea" Kirito complained mentally kicking himself for not expecting that.

"Kirito you better come down before I take all the food!" Yang yelled

Deciding to figure it out later. Kirito headed over to the door and exited the room. Heading down the stairs and into the living room. He looked at the tv and saw a report on the Dust shop that Torchwick attacked last night. The criminals escape worried Kirito. Kirito had witnessed the guy blow a hole in a wall with just his cane yesterday and he seemed to be going easy in that fight. Who knows what he'd do if he got cornered by someone trying to catch him.

Shoving the thought to the back of his head. Kirito walked into the kitchen. The first thing he noticed was that something smelled good. Looking around he assumed it was whatever Tai was cooking. Yang was sitting at the table already tucking into her food. Zwei sat down next to her. Hoping to get some of her food.

"Morning Kirito'' Tai said to him briefly looking up "Breakfast is almost ready. Hope you like pancakes"

"Good morning Tai" Kirito greeted as he sat down at the table "And pancakes sound great. Again thanks for letting me stay here"

"It's like I 're a guest. You don't have to thank me" Tai responded kindly

"So are you ready to start training today?" Yang asked before taking another bite of her pancakes. "After all you've only got one week to get weapons and get ready" She added

"I hope so, Although I don't know how I'm gonna find two swords that'll be strong enough to take on the Grimm" Kirito explained

"Two swords you say?" Tai mused as he put a plate of pancakes down in front of Kirito which Kirito eyed hungrily

"Uhh yeah. That's my fighting style. Dual Blades" Kirito explained unintentionally referencing the name of his old unique skill from SAO.

"You got any ideas Dad?" Yang asked noticing the look on her father's face

"Maybe." He said thoughtfully "Kid I'm gonna head out to the shed. Meet me out there once you're done eating" Tai told him as he took off his apron and headed outside through the back door.

"Wonder what's got him so excited?" Yang asked. An eyebrow raised

"No idea. You know him way better than I do." Kirito chuckled. "Wait a second, where's Ruby? He asked noticing the girls absence

Yang's expression changed when Kirito asked from a cheerful to a sad smile. Yang had been happy for almost all the time Kirito had known her so this dramatic shift was noticeable "I think it's better if she tells you. It's kind of personal." Yang explained

"Sorry I didn't mean to intrude" Kirito apologised.

"Don't worry. It's just, it's a delicate topic" Yang explained. "Anyways eat up, You wouldn't want to keep dad waiting would you?" She told Kirito as she got up to wash her plate.

Kirito took this as a cue to start eating. He knew how good Tai's cooking was from dinner last night so he was excited to start eating. As he was about to start eating he heard a small bark from near his chair. He looked down and saw Zwei sitting there patiently almost expectantly. Kirito sighed. He knew he wouldn't be able to deny those eyes for long.

(30 minutes later,)

Kirito walked out of the house after finishing the pancakes Tai had made for him. Kirito couldn't help but wonder what the older man was thinking but, to be honest, it didn't matter. The fact of the matter was that Kirito needed some way to fight. He was a swordsman at heart and there was no way he was passing the entrance exam with his bare hands. He needed at least one sword whether he liked it or not.

Kirito arrived at the door of the shed. Figuring he should probably knock. He went to do so before he heard a yell from inside the shed. Reacting quickly Kirito opened the shed door and ran in.

"You ok Tai?" Kirito yelled in concern for the elder Xiao-long

"Fine. I finally found them" Tai called back from the back of the shed.

"Them?" Kirito questioned "What the hell is them," he thought to himself

Tai emerged from the back of the shed. The man was covered in dust, the non-weaponized kind, and had a huge smile on his face. "You said you used swords right?" Tai asked

"Umm Yeah. Why? Kirito asked confused as to where Tai was going with this.

"Because I may have just found a solution to your weapon problem" Tai explained excitedly

Tai then reached behind him and pulled out something from behind him. It was a pair of one-handed swords. But these weren't just any swords. They were swords Kirito was all too familiar with. Kirito's eyes widened when he saw them. The first was pitch black from the blade to the grip. The handguard was circular. The blade itself had a grey outline. The second blade was an aqua colour. Though the grip was darker than the rest of the sword. The handle led up to a perpendicular cross guard. At the centre of the crossguard was what looked to be an aquamarine gem. They were or at least were based on, Kirito's old swords from Sword Art Online. The Elucidator and the Dark Repulser.

"Wha... What the fu... Tai, where did you find those" Kirito asked, shocked. He didn't know how to react. These swords had been his weapons of choice during the final months of SAO. Seeing them brought back a whole lot of memories for Kirito and not all of them were good. But most importantly what the hell were they doing here. Had Kikouka added them for him to find while he was diving in the STL? But that still wouldn't explain why they were in some small shed on a small island in the middle of nowhere.

"I've had em for years. I found them down the side of the house when I was gardening one day. "Tai explained "I've got no idea where they came from or who put them there but I decided to put them in the shed in case a use came up for them and I guess this is it. They're yours if you want them". He offered. Placing the swords down on the workbench.

Kirito looked at the swords. An apprehensive look on his face. Why were they there?. It bothered Kirito to no end. More importantly how. But one fact remained. Kirito still needed weapons for the entrance exam. Kirito sighed knowing what he had to do. Kirito reached down and picked up the swords. As soon as he did he felt an instant wave of nostalgia. They felt exactly the same as they did in SAO. Only he noticed triggers underneath the crossguards that definitely weren't there before.

"Hey Tai what are these triggers for?," Kirito asked curiously

"For the swords dust feature, I'd presume. You know what dust is right?" Tai asked

"I'm gonna go ahead and assume it's whatever the hell lets Ruby's scythe also be a gun" Kirito guessed

"Almost. Ruby's scythe can turn into a sniper rifle because of the way she built it. The ammunition for it is dust based though." Tai explained

"So these things are also guns?" Kirito asked

"In a nutshell yeah. You'll have to get Ruby to have a look at them when she gets back. That girl is one of the best when it comes to weapons" Tai told him "So they look good to you?"

Kirito hesitated for a second. Before smiling "Yeah, They look great to me. Thanks, Tai." Kirito responded.

"Don't thank me yet. The hard part comes next. Are you ready to start training?" Tai asked

"You bet" Kirito nodded attempting to sheath the swords on his back before realising he didn't have anything to hold them in. Earning a chuckle from Tai.

"Sorry force of habit …. I think" Kirito explained

"Looks like we'll have to go gear shopping at some point as well huh" Tai chuckled

"Seems like it" Kirito agreed

"Well, time to get training, Hope you're ready kid. I won't go easy on you." Tai told him

Kirito was worried about what Tai meant by that. But surely it wouldn't be that bad right?.

It was very soon after they started training that Kirito learned that it wasn't that bad. It was way worse than he thought. Tai's idea of training, at least the first part, Largely centred around Tai relentlessly trying to kick the crap out of Kirito while Kirito had to block and dodge as much of it as he could. Needless to say, this led to a lot of pain on Kirito's part in the early stages as he was not used to fighting someone who focused on hand to hand combat using swords.

Luckily he was a quick learner though. Years of fighting mobs on the floors of SAO had given Kirito somewhat of a sixth sense for noticing attack patterns. Allowing him after about an hour to finally get some idea of Tai's fighting style. The only thing left to do was to put his knowledge to the test.

"Alright kid you sure I haven't kicked the crap out of you enough" Tai taunted

"Nah I'm good" Kirito responded "Give me your best shot old man"

Tai smirked before darting forward. Kirito quickly got into a stance standing up straight, Both his swords held in his hands angled toward the ground. As Tai got in close. He threw a powerful left hook at Kirito. Kirito jumped back to avoid it but Tai was quick to keep attacking and tried to hit Kirito with a roundhouse kick. Kirito crossed his sword blocking the hit. This allowed cross block to trigger. Blocking Tais hit and launching him back a few feet. Tai threw another punch at Kirito which Kirito leaned to the side to avoid.

Kirito's plan was working and Tai was growing visibly more frustrated. Tai ran at Kirito again. Kirito got into the same stance. Ready to block the hit. Tai smirked at this and jumped as he neared Kirito. He jumped over Kirito and threw a punch at the back of the boy's head. What surprised him was that the blade met Dark repulsors blade. Kirito had Put the blue blade behind his back to block the hit. Kirito then span around and slashed at Tai. The man's Aura shielded him but the hit did knock him to the side a few feet.

Tai looked shocked for a few seconds before bursting out laughing "Oh man kid. You learn fast." Tai complimented "I didn't expect you do get that good that fast"

"It's nothing, it's just that I'm good at noticing patterns," Kirito responded. Rubbing the back of his head nervously. "By the way Tai. What happened when I hit you with Elucidator. I know you huntsmen have some kind of force field but what is it?" The black swordsman asked curiously

"Elucidator? You named it already" Tai chuckled "Also what do you mean what happened. You do know what aura is right?" he asked

"Sorry, no clue. No memories remember" Kirito told him

He hated that lie. That he couldn't remember anything. But it was necessary. What else was he supposed to tell them "Oh hi. I'm from a different world and by the way, you're all in a simulation". They'd probably lock him up for being crazy.

"Well this is probably gonna take some explaining," Tai told him. Dragging the boy out of his thoughts. "First up Aura is basically a manifestation of who we are. Our personalities, Our fears. It all fuels our aura. Some say our Aura is a physical manifestation of our souls. Aura is a huntsman's most invaluable tool. It shields us from damage and it fuels our semblances" Tai explained

"Semblances?" Kirito questioned

"Kind of like a superpower that's unique to the individual. Some say one's semblance is an extension of their personality. Not sure how yours applies to that though" Tai chuckled

"What do you mean mine?" Kirito asked

"Your swords glow. Not everyone's weapons do that." Tai laughed

"So my semblance lets me use sword skills," Kirito thought to himself lifting up Elucidator and looking along the blade "Wonder if it lets me do anything else".

It was at the moment that Zwei looked up from the spot in the shade he was lying in and barked. Kirito looked up to see what he was barking at and saw Ruby walking back down the path towards the house. Back from wherever it was that she had gone.

"Welcome back sweetheart," Tai said walking over and hugging his daughter

"Hey dad" Ruby smiled hugging him back "Hey Kirito" Ruby greeted

"Hey Ruby '' Kirito waved back awkwardly.

"How were things Rubes?. You run into any Grimm?" Tai asked breaking the hug

"Eh, only some Beowolves. I took them down easy enough." Ruby explained "What about you? What have you guys been doing?" She asked curiously

"Starting my training mainly" Kirito responded. "Tai found me something that I can fight with so we've been training"

Kirito noticed that Ruby wasn't paying attention to him anymore. Instead, she was eyeing the two swords in his hands. "Your swords look so cool!" She complimented

"Uh, thanks. They are called Elucidator and Dark Repulser" Kirito explained. Those names still felt strange to him. He still had no clue why in the hell they were here but he was kind of glad that they were in a way.

"Actually now Ruby's here. This creates a good opportunity. We know that you can handle yourself at training level combat but what about in an actual sparring match?" Tai asked

"Woah Woah Woah. You want me to fight her?" Kirito asked worriedly. There was no way in hell he would even stand a chance against Ruby. She was way too fast and he doubted that he could get close.

"You need practice in actual combat." Tai pointed out "Besides it's either her or Yang and believe me. Ruby's fighting style is a lot less painful than Yang's" Tai chuckled

Kirito sighed. He knew there was no way in hell he was getting out of this "Fine. Just go easy on me ok Ruby" He pleaded.

The girl in red smirked at that. "Not a chance. Hope you're ready to get your butt kicked" She laughed

"No, but I probably should get ready" Kirito sighed.

The two then walked to opposing ends of the garden. Kirito sighed as he got into a stance. One that he had used quite often during his time in SAO and ALO whenever he dual-wielded.

He stood up straight. His left foot forward. He angled his right hand holding Elucidator, down behind him. His left hand holding Dark Repulser was raised in front of him.

Ruby watched Kirito as he got into stance. The way he looked caught the Red Reaper off guard. He looked so composed. Like he had practised this hundred's of times before. She could also sense something strange coming from him. Like he was radiating power. Not one to back down, however. Ruby unclipped Crescent Rose from its position on her back and unfolded it. The large mechanical scythe appearing in all its glory.

"Alright, Standard rules. First to drop their opponent's aura into the red wins. Is that clear?" Tai asked to which both Kirito and Ruby nodded. "Alright then Begin" Tai yelled

Almost as soon as Tai gave the go-ahead. Ruby burst into a swarm of flower petals and dashed towards Kirito. Kirito swords quickly began to glow as he began to charge a skill. Ruby closed in and slashed downwards at Kirito. Just as she did Kirito moved as well. Using Elucidator he slashed upwards to meet Ruby's attack, His swords glowing. The two weapons clashed as both combatants tried to gain ground. The metal of each of the weapons could be heard grinding against each other as they both tried to overpower the other.

Eventually releasing the power struggle between the two wasn't going to end anytime soon. Ruby dashed back using her semblance to attempt to distance herself. A smirk appeared on Kirito's face however as he stepped forward and slashed down with Dark Repulser as soon as she did this. Caught off guard Ruby barely managed to raise Crescent Rose to block the hit. The impact of the skill still knocked her back several feet though. The Reaper looked at Kirito surprised as he recovered from the skill.

Figuring a change in strategy was required Ruby once again used her semblance to Dash backwards. Realizing what she was attempting to do, Kirito ran forward. Trying to give her as little breathing room as possible. Ruby spun her scythe before planting the tip in the ground. She then aimed down the sight and pulled the trigger.

Kirito figured out what she was planning however as soon as he saw he plant the tip of the scythe in the ground. Time seemed to slow for the Swordsman as he continued to run towards Ruby. The shot barreled closer to him at incredible speeds. But just as it approached him. Just as it was about to hit him. The elucidator began to glow and Kirito slashed upwards with it. Deflecting the shot. Ruby was stunned at what she saw. No one had deflected shots from Crescent Rose before. Even the combat teacher at signal had opted to dodge them rather than try to deflect them.

Quickly getting over her shock. Ruby spun her scythe around and angled it behind her and down. She pulled the trigger and launched herself into the air. Kirito recognising the attack from their fight with Torchwick. Stopped his advance and angled both of his swords down behind him. As Ruby began to fall down. She raised her scythe above her head before slashing downwards. Kirito quickly crossed his swords as she did. Catching the tip of the blade between them stopping it inches from his forehead.

The weight of Ruby's scythe pushed down Heavily on Kirito. The swordsman dug his feet into the ground. Attempting to push back. Eventually, however, the familiar glow began to shine from his swords. Finding new strength from the skill. Kirito managed to push back against Ruby's attack. Ruby flipped backwards as she was pushed back through the air and managed to land on her feet.

Kirito then began to attempt to charge a skill to take advantage of Ruby's position. Ruby, having learned from the last skill he used, wasn't going to make the same mistake twice. While his skill was still charging, Ruby used her semblance to dash behind Kirito. She then slashed horizontally at Kirito's back, Knocking the boy a good few feet forward and off his feet. Luckily his aura shielded him from taking any serious damage from the hit.

Kirito went to get back on his feet but before he could. Ruby used her semblance to dash over to him and place her scythe to his neck. The barrel of Crescent Rose pointed at his head. Kirito took a second to realize what the hell just happened. He knew Ruby was fast but it still caught him off guard

"Alright I give, Your way to good for me" Kirito admitted

Ruby smirked as she withdrew her scythe and folded it back up and replaced it on her back. "You did great too though, For someone who just started, it's amazing that you were even able to keep up" She praised offering him and hand up which he gladly accepted.

"She's right," Tai added "For someone who's new to this your abilities are way above what they should be. Hell, I don't think I've ever seen someone cut through one of Ruby's shots like that." He explained

"You're exaggerating," Kirito told them embarrassed at the praise

"Dad's right," Ruby told him. "I think Ozpin was right to give you a shot at the entrance exam"

Kirito took a moment to ponder her words. Had he really done that well?. During the fight, it felt like Ruby truly had given it her all. So the fact that he had been able to land at least a couple solid hits gave him hope. So in his eyes, there was only one place to go from here.

"Hey Ruby," He said to the girl in red

"Hmm?" She asked concerned

A smirk appeared on the swordsman's face "You wanna go again?" He asked confidently.

A smile then appeared on the Red Reapers face. "If you're ready for me to kick your butt again, bring it on" she taunted.

Tai looked at the Swordsman and the Reaper as they each returned to their starting positions and redrew their weapons. "That kids got huge potential. He reminds me of Qrow back in the day" Tai thought to himself as he watched Kirito get into position.

"Woof!" Zwei let out a bark as he looked at Tai.

"Don't worry about it Zwei" Tai told the Corgi as he bent down to pet him. "Why don't we go and get dinner started? I don't think these two are gonna be done for a little while" Tai suggested as Kirito and Ruby began to spar again.

(One week later)

Kirito looked at himself in the mirror. He had to say he looked damn good. Yang definitely had a great sense of fashion. After all, she had helped him pick out his new outfit. He wore a black leather coat that went all the way down his back. One of the shoulders of the said coat was a light-grey. He had a few belts across the said coat that were coloured blue. In Fact, the whole coat had a blue outline which Kirito particularly liked. It was nice to wear something that wasn't all black for a change. He wore a pair of black fingerless gloves and a pair of black boots. Finally, he had two sheaths on his back. It was obvious what they were designed to hold.

A knock on the door caused Kirito to stop looking at himself as she turned to the door "Come on Kid, We gotta leave in five minutes" Tai called through the door.

"Uh right be out in a sec" Kirito called back. Realizing just how long he had spent getting ready.

Kirito walked over to the desk in the room. On which the two swords he had been training with for the last week lay. Elucidator and Dark Repulser. Two names which were both foreign yet nostalgic to him. They represented a lot. Most importantly, they represented the Kirito he used to be. The Black Swordsman. Kirito sighed. This would be his first real combat experience with them in years. That wasn't just sparring. He looked at the swords before saying one line. "Please, I need your help. One last time" He said. Almost as if he was talking to the swords. He then reached onto the desk and picked the swords up before sheathing them on his back. He was ready.

He then walked towards the door. Ready for the entrance exam and whatever else Remnant could throw at him.

(Three hours later, Edge of the Forest of Forever Fall)

After travelling by airship from Patch and returning to Vale. Kirito had arrived at the forest of Forever Fall, Accompanied by Yang and Tai. Ruby had wanted to come but she was visiting her friends at Signal one more time before leaving for good.

"So this is it?," Kirito asked

"Yup this is Forever Fall. The most dangerous forest in Vale." Yang told him

Dangerous?. Not from the looks of it. The forest itself looked beautiful. The leaves on trees were all different shades of reds,oranges and yellows creating an image which looked like it was straight out of an art piece. The view stunned Kirito. It was like the forest was in autumn while everywhere else was in summer. It was like nothing he had ever seen before.

"How is it dangerous? It looks so peaceful." Kirito asked.

"While it does look beautiful the place is infested with Grimm. It's estimated that there's thousands in there". Tai explained.

"And that's where I've got to fight through for this exam. Should be interesting" Kirito observed.

"Ah don't sweat it. Your good dude. You're able to match me and Ruby and you've only been training for one week" Yang said encouragingly. "Sure you still haven't beaten either of us but it's still way better than where I thought you'd be at"

"Thanks, Yang" Kirito nodded feeling slightly better about his odds. Though he was still nervous about the whole thing.

The three fell into a comfortable silence as they continued to walk towards the forest. Kirito was feeling confident. Well about as confident as he could be walking into a forest infested with evil monsters. He had trained every day with Ruby, Yang and Tai for the last week in preparation and had gotten a whole lot better at fighting. He even discovered skills he didn't know he had access to. He still maxed out at eight hit skills though as he hadn't been able to perform anything with more hits than that.

As they drew nearer the sight of students gathering outside the forest could be seen. Each with varying different emotions on their faces. A few of them stood out to Kirito. There was a boy with flax-brown hair wearing an outfit with a blue colour scheme who was looking cheerful who was talking to a blonde girl who was dressed in gold and had the appearance of a knight who had a serious expression on her face. Kirito's eyes were also drawn to a girl standing on her own reading a book. She had long black hair with a bow in it and looked impassive to the whole situation. Kirito then noticed Ozpin was also standing there. The man noticed him approaching and smiled.

"Well this is where me and Yang are gonna take our leave," Tai said quickly "Good luck Kid. Though I doubt you'll need it" He added putting a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder

"Yeah make sure you kick some butt and get into Beacon" Yang added

"Thanks, guys. I'll make sure to defeat some Grimm for you" Kirito smiled

He then walked away from the two and headed towards the group. The huntsmen and huntresses in-training seemed to notice his approach but didn't make any moves to interact with him.

"Ah Kirito, I'm glad you decided to come," Ozpin said with a smile on his face "I see that you are now more adequately equipped for what is to come"

"Yeah, you can thank Tai for that. He made sure that I would be prepared for whatever you threw at me" Kirito told him

Ozpin nodded at that "I see, however, there is only so much we can prepare for. This exam will test how prepared you truly are." Ozpin said cryptically. "Please. Join the others. Now that you have arrived I can explain what your task is"

Kirito followed his instructions and stood near the others taking the exam. Kirito had to wonder what the exam would entail. One thing was for sure, however. It would involve fighting and perhaps a lot of it.

"Welcome future students" Ozpin announced to all of them "This is the final entrance exam for Beacon academy. Meaning it is the final chance for you all to enter my school. As such this exam will be the toughest of all. Professor Goodwitch will now explain your task. But be warned this task is not for the faint of heart. Those who do not think they can handle it. Should leave now" Ozpin told them. There were a few murmurs among the crowd but none of them made a move to leave. "Very well" He nodded before stepping aside to allow Glynda to explain.

"Your test may sound easy but I assure you this task will test everything you have learned up to this point ." Glynda began "A creature of Grimm known as a Goliath has been seen moving through these forests" She explained

This caused the group to whisper to themselves excitedly. Kirito was also shocked at this. He had seen goliaths in some of the textbooks he had borrowed from Yang. They were giant creatures of Grimm that looked like elephants and were incredibly hard to defeat. Luckily many of them didn't care for attacking humans as they were far to wise.

"This Goliath is unlike others of it's kind. It has been acting out aggressively to anything that gets in its way. As such it is your job today to kill it" Glynda explained "The test will be split into phases. Tracking down the creature and then defeating it. The applicant's who deal the finishing blow to the beast will be allowed to enter beacon academy. Everyone else will fail. Is that clear '' Glynda asked receiving nods from all the students there.

Ozpin then stepped back up "Very well. The test will begin as soon as I give the go-ahead. But just know that in this test. Your own strength will not be enough. Sometimes you must rely on the strength of others to accomplish what you cannot on your own." The headmaster said cryptically.

"Is everything a damn cryptic message with this guy?" Kirito thought to himself

"If you are all ready, then you may now begin, I wish you the best of luck!" Ozpin called allowing the students to begin.

They all began to run into the forest in search of the creature. Kirito wasn't far behind. He was gonna be the one to kill this thing. He had to. If he was gonna find a way out of here. A way to return home to his friends and family he had to. He had so much to lose and he wasn't gonna go down without a fight.