Aizawa slowly walks down the hall. His every footstep leaden with the desire to turn around and go back the way he had come. The time is 6 AM monday morning and he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep the previous night. His destination is the newly claimed office near Recovery Girl's clinic, the office of one Momonga. He sighs deeply as he reaches the door and lifts his hand to knock.

Late in the night following the USJ, he had been sitting in the lounge sipping coffee, keeping the sleeping forms of his colleagues company. He was trying to modify the next exercise his class was going to do, to accommodate the additional hero studies teacher. If I can even call Momonga that, anyway. As he had been working, he was quite surprised to see Momonga open the door to the lounge and walk in. Momonga had the latest copy of 'Hero Digest' up to his face, and lowered it when he saw Aizawa.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Momonga asked with what would surely have been a raised brow, if he had one. Aizawa took a long pull from his mug and set it down.

"No, I need to restructure the next foundational hero studies course for my class, seeing as we have a new teacher." Momonga walked up to the couch opposite the one holding the passed out forms of Hizashi and Nemuri. He sat down and laid his magazine on the table.

"I see. To accommodate myself, then. Perhaps I could be of some assistance?" He asked while steepling his fingers together. "After all, I don't believe you are aware of just what I can do." Aizawa sucked in a breath and slowly let it out.

"You're right, I don't. That would be helpful." If Momonga noticed Aizawa's discomfort, he didn't show it.

"I am capable of casting over 700 different spells. Some more potent than others. I can cast divining magic as well as various spells to buff one's endurance, speed, and strength. I can cast spells of great destruction, but I doubt those would be helpful so for now I will omit those." Momonga recounted with a wave of his hand. Aizawa felt his blood pressure rise as he took another shaky sip of his coffee. With a nod from Aizawa, Momonga continues.

"I can create buildings and terrain, as well as other effects. I can create a fog to obscure vision or apply a field of magic darkness that is harmless but for the impossibility of seeing through it. I can create various undead servants that are utterly bound to my will. They can serve as obstacles, opponents, perhaps even civilians?" Momonga finishes. Aizawa blinks once and nods.

"Those could be helpful, but what nature of 'summons' do you mean? Like... zombies?"

"I could summon zombies, but in the interest of your noses I think I shall stick to more skeletal summons. Though I can summon other beings too, such as angels or demons or even a few dragons. But those would be far too powerful for your students to fight."

"Demons, angels and dragons…." Aizawa muttered as he slowly laid his head on the table before him. Oh my.

"Yes, though the spell to summon those is quite grand in nature, the spell circle is quite large. Those summons would be bound to my will as well, so there is no chance of them going rogue."

"Lovely." Aizawa near whispered. Angels and demons?! What kind of being can summon angels and demons for fucks sake?! A few moments passed in silence before Aizawa raised himself and fixed Momonga with a strange look. "Tell me, are you a god?" Momonga leaned back and cocked his head to the side, resting it in his palm.

"That depends on your definition of 'God'. I am powerful, and I am capable of doing a great many things that would boggle your mind, such as manipulating the weather." He can control the seasons then. He can do just about anything. The better question is, what can't he do? Aizawa's eye twitched in response but he kept his stare up, and Momonga continued. "So perhaps in the eyes of some, but in my view a god is one who is worshiped. So by my definition I am no god." He finished, and he reached a hand out to tap the magazine on the table.

"Now I have a question for you." He asked.

"Go ahead." Aizawa answered, quirking a brow at the roused forms of his colleagues. They seem to be waking up.

"I see your society is based largely around heroes. But the heroes here are not the heroes I know. As far as I know, the definition of hero is this." Momonga held up a finger, leaning forward. At this, the other two teachers in the room slowly sat up, Hizashi rubbing the sleep from his eyes and Nemuri watching Momonga as he spoke. "'The Hero, is the one who performs an extraordinary and generous act of courage, which will or may result in the conscious sacrifice of themselves to defend the good of others.' Whereas from what I have seen, the heroes here seem to be a combination of first respondents, firefighters, and police that use quirks. Is that accurate?"

Nemuri and Hizashi slowly traded looks. Aizawa took a moment to consider his answer as Momonga leaned back into his seat.

"That, strictly speaking, is accurate. But is a firefighter not a kind of hero?" Aizawa responds.

"Not by dint of being a firefighter." Was Momonga's immediate reply. "However a firefighter is much more likely to be in a position to act heroic and become one. It seems so strange to me that something as sacred as heroes are a profession." Aizawa mulled this over a bit and found no fault in the logic. He glanced at his colleagues and saw them each with an expression of thought. I suppose 200 years ago the concept of professional heroes existed only in fantasy.

"Your reasoning is sound. But most professional heroes do fall under your definition as well." Nemuri chimed in. Momonga looked over at her.

"Most, but not all of them I imagine, though that is of little consequence. What I'm curious about is why you call yourselves that. How did the term 'professional hero' come about?"

The three Pro-Hero teachers proceeded to educate Momonga on the history of heroics, starting with the advent of quirks 200 years ago.

Presently, Aizawa's hand knocks twice on the door before he hears a muffled "Come in". He swings the door open and enters the room. And his eyes widen comically. The room is decorated in some of the finest luxuries he has ever seen. A rub of embroidered silk covers the floor, jet black with gold trim. The desk is made from an extremely dark material, either some dark wood or simply obsidian. The chairs before said desk are black and gold, and of a strange and ornate make that reminds him of the imperial era. Paintings of mystical and fantastical landscapes adorn the walls, with numerous portraits of strange beings interspersed among them. In the corner he can see an ornate wardrobe of similar make to the chairs. He completely remodeled the place.

Behind the desk sits Momonga, seated in a chair that is honestly more of a throne than a chair. Made of the same material as the desk. If I ask he will surely say it's just a chair. But I know a damn throne when I see one.

"Good morning Aizawa." Momonga greets him with a small wave of his hand. "Is it time for me to start preparing the exercise then?" Aizawa scans the room another time before responding.

"Yes, I am going to lead you to the battle site. How quickly can you make those skeletons? And how long do they last?" Aizawa takes a seat in one of the chairs and nearly melts into it. This is so comfy. He pulls a jello pouch from his pocket and sips from it, eyeing the skeletal figure before him. Momonga you are definitely not helping your 'I'm not a god' position.

"I can make them five at a time, and I can make them every thirty seconds. I could make upwards of fifty rather easily but I doubt you need that many. They only last for about an hour, however. And I understand heroics is scheduled for near the end of the school day?" He could make an army in a matter of minutes. Holy hell what am I supposed to say to that?

"Yes, the class begins at 2pm. The students would be geared up and ready to start the exercise around ten minutes later." Momonga nods and strokes his chin, and Aizawa is secretly glad he perfected his poker face years ago.

"The fog and other environmental spells should last about six hours, but by using extend magic I can prolong the effect to twelve hours. So we can set those up now. Have you finalized where you want all the skeletons?"

"I have." Aizawa somewhat reluctantly stands from his comfy seat and motions for Momonga to follow. "I can show you where I want them. But I won't be there for the actual class. It's taught by All Might now so he may ask exactly how they function and what to expect." Though I will be watching through the school's security system. I can't wait to see All Might's face when he works with the God of Death. Momonga nods as he rises from his own seat and follows after Aizawa.

"I understand, I think this class will turn out wonderfully." Momonga answers after a moment. If the God of Death has high hopes, who am I to disagree?

Midoriya pulls on his red boots and stands. He glances at the mirror to make sure he didn't do anything stupid in regards to his gym uniform. Satisfied after a moments scrutiny, his thoughts turn toward the impending class. All Might said we are going to do some rescue training to make up for last week, and he had a new assistant teacher to aid the class. His brows furrow. He looked so nervous, and I can only think of one thing that would make All Might himself nervous.

"Momonga." Midoriya mutters to himself. Slowly falling into a mumble spree. This does not go unnoticed by one Katsuki Bakugou, who upon hearing the name and seeing Midoriya's trait mumble spree, stalks over.

It has to be him. I'm certain the new assistant teacher is Momonga. But why? I suppose someone with that kind of power needs to be kept watch over. But is it really safe for him to be here? I suppose he never hurt any of us. He actually saved Aizawa-sensei, but does that mean he is trustworthy? Or does principal Nedzu not have any other choice? He must think that this is truly the best option then, but how will he assist All Might? Maybe his magic can do more than we have already seen. Maybe-

"Ow!" Midoriya mutters quietly, his hand going to the back of his head.

"The fuck you mumbling about Deku? I heard 'Momonga'." Kacchan growls from behind him. Midoriya spins around to face Kacchan. Who has a look of anger on his face. So normal then.

"H-hey Kacchan. I think Momonga might be the assistant All Might-sensei was talking about." Kacchan's eyes widen for a moment, before he turns and stomps toward the door muttering a semi-audible "Fuck" as he leaves. Midoriya rubs the back of his head a moment longer before locking eyes with Iida.

"Momonga? Midoriya you can't be serious. The school wouldn't possibly make him an assistant teacher!" The others in the room quiet their conversations as they listen in.

"I think they did Iida, why else would All Might of all people look so alarmed?" Iida's mouth opens and closes his mouth for a moment before rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I really hope not. I owe him an apology but I would rather not speak with him. He is….." Iida trails off.

"Terrifying?" Kaminari chimes in. Just finishing putting on his own uniform. Iida looks distinctly uncomfortable.

"I wouldn't normally use that term! But yes, terrifying." Iida reluctantly admits after a moment's thought.

"Come on guys!" Sero shouts from the door, gesturing through it. "We might as well go meet that spooky, scary, skeleton man." Midoriya nods as he walks toward the door.

"We shouldn't keep All Might-sensei waiting." He says before walking through the door himself. Hopefully this goes better than last time. He thinks while crossing his fingers.