
Kanatasha: Yes, I am at it again and as always I DO NOT OWN YU-GI-OH! SUBWAY! LUVS! MEOW-MIX! or PETCO!




Subway Employee: *looks up, over the half-domed glass cage that protected the sandwich fixings.* "Welcome to Subway! Would you care to try one of our many delicious sandwiches?

Marik: No, I want the power of the pharoah!

SE: I'm sorry sir, but we don't have that here. Might I suggest a Cold Cut Trio or a Roasted Chicken Breast?

Marik: No, you insolent bafoon! What I want is the power of the pharoah! Now hand it over or else!

SE: I do appologize, but Subway does not carry that sort of thing. Here at Subway we have many different kinds of sandwiches, with at least six different types of bread, four types of cheese and fresh vegetables. In fact, seven of our Subway sandwiches only carry six grams of fat! Now with that in mind, what can I get for you today?

Marik: *growls lowly, small twich* If you will not obey me willingly, perhaps my Millenium Rod will help to persuade you!

*Flash Marik has taken over the mind of the Subway Employee*

Marik: No, my worthless mind slave, I demand that you bring me the power of the pharoah.

Mind-Slave Subway Employee: *in a trance* I can not master. Such a sandwich does not exist yet here at Subway.

Marik: *about to pull his hair out* I WANT THE POWER OF THE PHARAOH! Yami's power should be MINE!!!!!!

M-SSE: That is nice master, but until that day comes, how about trying one of Subway's delicious sandwiches, wraps or salads?

Marik: *folds arms across chest, releases a gruff sigh, narrowing his eyes* Alright! *Looks at the menu for a few seconds* Six inch turkey on wheat. Chedder cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, jalopenos, oil and barbeque sauce!

M-SSE: *smiles, putting on his protective gloves* Excellent choice! *makes the sandwich, happily humming* I hope you enjoy you Subway sandwich! *hands the sandwich to him*

Marik: *snatches the sandwich, a small devious smile creeps upon his lips. Reaching into his robe, retrieves the Millenium Rod once again, points it at the Subway Employee.* Since you did not do as I had commanded, I shall place your pathetic soul in the Shadow Realm!

*Sends Subway Employee to the Shadow Realm*

Marik: *walks out of Subway*

Malik: *MARIK!!!!*

Marik: ^It's ok! I had Subway!!^

Subway. Good, so you don't always have to be.

Yugi: Since when is Marik good? *walks off, scratching his head confused.*



Announcer: Now Mr. Kaiba, sir you are our best canidate!

Mokuba: NO! Get away from me! *slowly backs up*

Announcer: Mr. Kaiba, your the only one who can play this part. *Advaces slowly, holding out a package*

Mokuba: I am NOT wearing THAT! Make Yugi wear it! he's shorter then me!

Announcer: Actually, your about the same size and you ARE younger.

Mokuba: My brother will sue you if you make me wear that!

Announcer: Your brother is paying us!

Mokuba: *gasps* You lie!

Announcer: *smirks* Sorry but no. Your brother told us to sell this product. He never said how to. Now, get into your costume unless you want Mr. Kaiba to loose a multi-million dollar deal.

Mokuba: *growls deeply, snatches the costume, quickly walks off* "You had BETTER make this quick!

Announcer: *trying not to laugh* O-o-o-k si-sir!

*clears throat*

Announcer: *deep, calm soothing voice* With it's powerful leak guard, you baby will feel fresher, longer!

Mokuba: *yells offstage* I changed my mind! I'm nooooooot!

*hand pushes him onstage*

Mokuba: NOOOOOO! *wearing nothing but an over-size diaper and a pacifier hanging from his neck. Cheeks turn a bright red from embarrasment.* I'll get you for this!

Announcer: *gwaffs* LUV your baby!

Mokuba: *screams* BIG BROTHER!



Kaiba: *Alone on his cruise liner, Seto Kaiba lets out a deep sigh as he stares up at the clouds.* "Finally a day with no work or no duels. Just relaxation and this time, NO ONE can find me! Not even my little brother!"

*Boat gently rocks back and forth on the waves*

Kaiba: *Leaning against the rails, the cell phone in his pocket begins to ring. Looking down, he growled lowly at the sound.* I told them all to leave me alone!" *Snatching the phone from his pocket, Kaiba gruffly answered* WHAT IS IT?!?!?

*Mysterious Voice* Duel duel duel duel! Duel duel duel duel! Duel duel duel duel! Duel duel duel duel! Duel! Duel! DUEL!!!

Kaiba: *growls* BAKURA!

Bakura: *snickers, hangs up*



Scene: *Park with trees, benches and a sidewalk. There are many people standing around talking, some are walking, running or roller-bladding. A few are just sitting quietly. From over the hill, a voice cries out* "IT'S OPEN!" *Everyone rushes over the hill to the new store located at the bottom. Pushing and shoving each other to be the first one there. As everyone reaches the store, they gape out for standing in the display window is Jounouchi Katsuya wearing a dog costume. The song "How Much Is That Doggie In The Window" plays over the entercome. Above the window is the stores name and logo. PETCO. WHERE THE PETS GO! (Yes, even worthless mutts!) *Standing in front of the store, smiling with pride, is the store's owner, Seto Kaiba.

Kaiba: Welcome! And enjoy but do keep away from the display dog, he hasn't had his shots yet!

Jounouchi: *growls lowly, whimpering slightly.


Kanatasha: Okay, that's it for another round of YU-GI-OH! COMMERCIALS! I'll try use more of your suggestions next time. Until then, review or be wary of the potatoes!!!!!