THINGS I DO NOT OWN: MasterCard~I hate plastic! Cash only please! Klondike Bar~but I'd love one! YU-GI-OH!~oh how I wish I did!

~MasterCard Commercial~





*being able to kill Anzu slowly-priceless

There are some things money can't buy. For every thing else, there's MasterCard. Accepted where Anzu bashing equipment are sold
~Klondike Bar Commercial~

take one

Mr. Announcer: *walks up to Anzu.* Excuse me, miss.

Anzu: Yes?

Mr. Announcer: What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Anzu: Ummmmmmmm

Mr. Announcer: Would you give up your Friendship Speeches?

Anzu: *gasps* Of course not! Friendship is very......*goes into friendship speech*

Mr. Announcer: *runs away screaming* AH! The horrors!

Director: CUT!!!!!

take two

Mr. Announcer: We have here Mai Valentine. Extrodinary duelist and a beautiful woman.

Mai: *blushes* Please, don't flatter me......okay! You can! *looks self in her compact mirror*

Mr. Announcer: Mai, what would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Mai: Oh, I don't eat those things. They make you break out.

Mr. Announcer: *pretends not to hear her.* Would you not wear make-up for a day?

Mai: *death glare.* Don't you EVER suggest that! I would just look horrid with out it!

*Rex Raptor- pops in*

Rex: And what would be the difference from what you look like now?

Mai: *warrior yell* I will kill you Rex Raptor! *chases after him*

Director: Not again! CUT!!!

take three

Mr. Announcer: Why do I have to do these? No one will eat these things!!!

*lightening strikes Mr. Announcer.*

Director: Because I said so!

Mr. Announcer: *coughs*....okay........*walks up to Bakura who is in the middle of a duel with Yami.* Excuse me, sir

Bakura: Not now! Can't you see I'm in a very important duel!

Mr. Announcer: *comes up directly behind Bakura.* Sir, what would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Bakura: *turns around and gives Mr. Announcer the death glare.* I don't care about your stupid Clone dike Bar!

Mr. Announcer: It's Klondike Bar. Not Clone dike Bar! And would you loose this duel for one?

Bakura: You innsolent moron! Didn't you hear what I just said? I don't care about your stupid Clone dike Bar! I must defeat the baka na pharaoh!

Yami: *impatiently waiting on the other side of the dueling arena, decides to move.* I now combine Gia The Fierce Knight and Curse of Dragon to create Gia The Dragon Champion! Gia! Go! Destroy his monster and depleat his lifepoints!

*Gia charges Bakura's monster, Dokuroyaiba and brings his life points down to zero.*

Yami: *smirks* I win again Tomb Robber

Mr. Announcer: FINALLY! Someone does something for these things! *hands Bakura a Klondike Bar.*

Bakura: NOOOOOOOOOOO! *turns to Mr. Announcer.* You will pay! *sends Mr. Announcer to the Shadow Realm.*

Director: *sighs* I seem to loose more victims.......erm.....I mean announcers that way!

Bakura: *picks up Klondike Bar that Mr. Announcer had dropped. Unwraps it and eats it.* Oh YOWIE! This is good! Ohhh! *points to Yami.* Mr. Ferrny-poo! *mad giggle, prances around the arena, singing I LIKE CANDY!*

Director: *shudders.* sugar-hyper Bakura. That's scary! Okay! Cut!

Bakura: Cut? *grabs scissors and runs after Yami.* Oh Pharaoh! Time for a hair cut!*

Yami: *look of sheer horror, runs in the opposite direction.* YUGI! SAVE ME!!!!!!


Announcer: Do the bullies at school like to pick on you? Do you have a hard time making friends? Then you need YAMI! Yami will teach the school bullies to respect and fear you and will force others to like you or threaten them to send them to the Shadow Realm. Order NOW! Dial 1-888-227-YAMI. Operators are standing by! Order now and recieve with your order a free Millenium Item!

~commercials end, YU-GI-OH! comes back on.~
Kanatasha: Okay, probally not the funniest, but hey, it was 4:00 in the morning when I wrote this stupid thing! Couldn't sleep so decided to write a humor fic.

Kayko: What's funny about this?

Katrena: Well Bakura chasing Yami with scissors!

Kayko: *pouts* But I wanted to do that!

Katrena: There, there sis, it's alright. You'll get your chance. We both will get our chance to kill Yami!

Kanatasha: NO YOU WILL NOT! HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU TO LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *eyes glow an angry red*

Kayko: Uh-oh!

Kayko/Katrena: *runs away* Mad lady! Mad lady! Run for the hills!

Kanatasha: *turns to normal, smiles sweetly to the readers.* Please review. You don't want to upset me now do you? *evil glare*