*Note* So sorry for not updating, I felt like no one was going to read it or whoever does wouldn't like it but I've decided to try once more and continue the story. I'll try to update weekly. I'm trying to write a different way, like with more conversation. Please tell me what you think I'm the comments (: also if you have any advice on how I can make it better, I'm all ears!. Thanks and bye**

"Severus is here because he also remembers" said Lily not looking at the boys and instead walking to a nearby armchair and sitting on it, with her legs crossed. "We found nothing of use" she huffed placing her chin on her hand. "The only thing we managed to find was Snape" added Remus with a not so subtle eye roll.

"You sure you want him with us lol? He did bully your Har-"

"Shut up Sirius!" Yelled Remus, jumping onto Sirius and putting his hand over his mouth.

Lily looked over at Snape, "What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Son". She walked over to Snape and each step she took, Snape tried to make an excuse. "Well lils-"

"you have no right to call me lils"

"Okay sorry, it was just- I never got over you and he was a reminder"

"We were never a thing!"

"I know but-"

"No buts Severus! You were the one that ruined our friendship! The least you could have done was make sure my son was happy!", Lilly sounded genuinely desperate and upset.

"Look I can't change the past!... Or in this case the future?"

Remus decided to chime in, "Look, let's calm down"

Lilly didn't take Remus' words well and exploded

"If you had a child Remus, you would understand how I feel!"

Remus was the one to snap this time.

"I had a child! I finally able to become some bit happy after Sirius' death and died! I had a son, I could have survived and lived happily with them but just like you, I was killed! You don't see me complaining about my shitty life!" Remus let out a deep breath after his out burst.

"A child…?", another voice sounding just as desperate and upset as lily had but deeper and more hoarse.

"Ah Sirius-"

"So right after I die, you go and knock up my cousin?"

"Sirius it's not like that. She was the only one there for me at that time"

Sirius had left the room before Remus could explain further. James finally joined in the conversation after everything had calmed down. "Remus I think you and Sirius need to have a private talk, and Lilly I need you to go in another room so I can kill Snape for hurting our son"

"Before you kill anyone I think we should figure out what the situation is, killing Severus might ruin our second chance".

James nodded but had a pout that told Remus he really didn't want to oblige. Snape decided to go to the library to try and figure out the situation, Peter fell asleep and James and Lily just talked. Remus left to look for Sirius. Remus knew exactly where Sirius would be. Remus walked down to the lake and took a right turn and found Sirius slumped down next to a tree. "Mind if I join?" asked Remus with a small smile. Sirius said nothing but Remus took it as a yes. "Look Sirius I'm sorry about getting with your cousin".

"You know I don't care about that Re. It's just I thought it would be the two of us together forever, maybe later on, when we were older add an animal or something"

Remus let out a little chuckle which made Sirius giggle in return.

"Pads you know if you didn't leave that would have happened but Voldemort had come back and everything was going so quickly."

Sirius nodded in agreement but still seemed unhappy

"Look we have time know, we only really discussed this subject after you were released from Azkaban, at least now we can stay together"

"What if I go back? What if history repeats it's self? I don't want to die again Re-"

Remus grabbed Sirius close to him and kissed him on the forehead.

"I promise ill never let that happen. You deserve to have a happy life. We all do."

After an hour or two, Remus and Sirius returned hand in hand, everyone was asleep and Remus and Sirius decided to sleep too. They were too exhausted to deal with the situation anymore. Tomorrow was a new day and hopefully a new chance to find a solution.