"Yes?" Kel asked exasperated. She hadn't meant to interrupt but by this stage she wanted to know so badly that it was almost killing her not to throttle it out of him.

"Well…" he seemed lost for words.

"Come on Dom, it's me. Your dearest friend. Surely you know you can tell me anything?"

"I do. Believe me Kel, I do. That's what is making this so hard."

"Making what so hard? Tell me and we can work through it together," said Kel, appealing to his sense of reason beyond doubt.

"Oh Kel," Dom sighed. Okay, well here goes nothing, he thought. "I have a child. But I would like you to take him to the new fiefdom you are starting, to look after him," he blurted.

"Whoa whoa whoa…. What? Who's child? How old is he? What's his name? What in the name of the Goddess?"

"Kel, please calm down and allow me to make it all clear." Kel was in a state of shock. All she seemed to be able to do was stare at Dom, incredulity written all over her face, guilt all over his.

"I was young. It was during the feasts of the Great Mother. We had all been drinking and we participated in the feasts and traditions of Beltaine. We were the worse for the drink and like many others, I took a maiden to bed that night. I never knew she fell pregnant until a few weeks before you returned. He is four years old, and my spitting image. His name is Rhun. His mother died the day before he turned up. I have thought about this and thought about it and I would like you to take him to the new fiefdom to take care of him. He could make use of all the things there are to learn and do there and there will be a lot of other children his age. Please Kel?"

Kel just looked at him.

What could she possibly say but


Dom sighed relieved. His hands still held hers and he began gently massaging her hands between his. Dom wanted her to become the mother of his child. And he had kissed her the other night. Did this mean that he liked her?

"Rhun," Kel said, mouthing his name. It was all so strange. This certainly wasn't what she thought he had to tell her. Dom had a child. His own flash and blood. And not her flesh and blood. Some other strange woman.

"Can I meet him at least?" she asked. Dom nodded, kissed her on the lips gently then went to find his son post haste.

He returned a few minutes later and Kel fell in love with him straight away. He was so gorgeous, just adorable. There was no way she could hold his maternity against him.

Kel also later found out that he had charmed the entire palace. Everyone was teary eyed to see such a charming, polite young boy leave. The Chamber certainly hadn't warned her about that fiasco.

And to Kel's utter disbelief, Rhun could ride a horse extremely well, and was able to shoot targets on the archery range. No further than fifty metres, but that was an incredible feat for one so young.