Sitting on the couch of the Jabot office in her soaked gown, staring out of the window into the stormy night, Summer contemplated her life. The choices that led her to this disastrous point. An as she reviewed each decision, starting from a child all the way up to now, she realized most of her choices were poor. Acts of rebellion or decisions made that put her in worse situations than before. And she found two common denominators with most of the decisions she had made.

Emotional first responses.

Kyle Abbott.

Either one or both influenced the decisions Summer made in the winding journey that has been her life so far. And what did she have to show for it? A broken heart. Growing need for alcohol that she fought daily. A missing piece of her liver. An attraction to unavailable, dangerous men. And in the deepest parts of her soul, a desperate need to be wanted.

The storm raging outside the window blurred as Summer's eyes filled with tears. A bright flash of lightning illuminated the dark office briefly before fading back to black. Thunder boomed. And the rain continued to pelt the window. It felt as if Mother Nature was giving life to the maelstrom of emotion swirling with her. Raging and crying with her as she reviewed her memories.

Suddenly the door to the office opened. Summer blinked her tears away. She couldn't risk someone seeing her crying in the dark. That would the image of her being a pathetic loser even more credence. And if there was one thing Summer Newman feared, it was destroying the family name because of that thought running rampant around town. Especially after the fiasco of her wedding to Kyle Abbott.

There was that name again along with a poor life decision.

A curse from a familiar, deep timbered voice made Summer freeze. She watched in silence as a tall, shadowy figure entered the office and shuffle along the wall to a nearby lamp. With a faint click, the lamp didn't flare to life. Another curse sounded out.

After she swallowed the lump in her throat, Summer said, "Power's out. Doubt you'll get anything to come on anytime soon."

"Shit," Kyle Abbott shouted. "Summer? Is that you?"

Summer turned on the flashlight app on her phone, shining the light on her. "Yeah." She flipped it around, illuminating him. "What are you doing at the office this late? Why aren't you out enjoying your date with Lola?"

After Kyle adjusted to the sudden light, he said, "I came to do some work. What are you doing here this late? I thought you would be at the Grand Phoenix celebrating."

"I forgot about some contracts that needed to be looked over," Summer said.

"Why don't I believe you?"

"I don't know."

She wasn't trying to be evasive with him, but Kyle had a way of getting under her skin. Digging his way to the parts of her she tried to keep hidden. The vulnerable, broken parts that shined as bright as stars once someone uncovered them. And besides Fen and her brothers, Kyle was the only other one that saw those emotional scars. But he was also the only major one adding to the collection.

The silence between them felt heavy. As if more words needed to be said but neither could find the right ones to say. Summer blamed it on their close proximity again. Their working relationship having become more entwined since Billy and Jack stepped away for various reasons. She had seen Kyle struggling with the late hours and the juggling of the various departments. And like the good friend she was striving to be, she had stepped in. Helped manage the day-to-day operations with him.

That meant long nights and some weekends. Which turned into the two sharing lunches and dinners. Talks about life. Remembering good and bad times. Summer watched Kyle struggle with Lola missing him. Argue with his new bride about his work hours and chasing his dream.

He saw her sadness at missing dates with Theo. The pair argued over her closeness with him. But Kyle also watched Summer pledge her loyalty to him, agreeing never to share the New York secret with Lola. Even though she, once again, encouraged him to do so. And he genuinely listening and contemplating her advice.

But the pair never bothered to discuss them. Discuss their past. The strange atmosphere that had been brewing for the past few weeks between them. The lingering glances. Slight touches. The ease in the silence between them. The excitement shared when a new deal came through. Or the strange way conversations of late had veered towards the past, tapering off when one or the other was afraid to go further.

It lingered over them like a phantom. A ghost of a memory that haunted until confronted. But Summer knew she didn't have the courage to confront it head on. She could barely survive the drive by she did in the past. And Kyle couldn't face it head on. Facing the past led to one of two choices for him: drinking or outright denial. He'd already done the first choice with them, now he was steadfast in the second.

"I'm going to find us some candles or something. We can't sit in the dark forever," Kyle said. Before Summer could reply, he disappeared back out the door. It seemed he was still choosing option two.

Summer sat in the dark.


Another metaphor for her life, she supposed. Always in the dark. Never to be seen in the light. Because who would want someone that would embarrass them in the light? That would choose to marry someone in the hopes of making them fall in love with them again? That would play games with the man that had her heart, mind, body, and soul but she was too afraid to realize? That wasn't pure, sweet, kind, and honest?

Why would Kyle choose her?

Summer sneered. Once again, she was basing thoughts on emotions and Kyle Abbott. And viewing herself through his eyes instead of her own. And coming up lacking against Lola in every category. Which she swore she would stop doing once she and Theo were enjoying each other's company. Because she had broken free from that mistake. She chose to be the bigger person in that disaster of a failed marriage. And Theo provided the perfect distraction.

Until he was no longer a distraction.

And she realized he viewed her as a ticket to Kyle.

Another clap of thunder followed by a bright strike of lightning. Mother Nature, once again, gave life to the raging thoughts in her head. But before she could sort through everything, Kyle had returned.

"Candles found," he said. "Seemed Nora the cleaning lady is superstitious an always packs a few away in the offices she cleans."

Summer replied, "Great. Now how do we light them?"

"Got a lighter right here, Miss Doubter," Kyle said. With that, he placed one on the coffee table and lit it. He placed two near the window, lighting them. Next, he sat one beside his desk. Finally, he sat the last two against the wall opposite the window. In seconds, the office was cast in a hazy, romantic glow.

"Let there be light," Kyle said with a grin as he spun around to face her.

Summer clapped with a slow cadence, demonstrating her annoyance. "That's great and all, but not possible to get work done with a power outage."

The grin slipped on Kyle's face. He stared at her. Shadows danced along his handsome face like a scene from a romantic movie or something described from a novel. Something twisted in her gut. Her heart squeezed. Her breathing slowed. The familiar steps that had been resurrected in the past few weeks. A dance that, with a flood of dread, she realized would never break from unless she did something drastic.

"Is something wrong, Summer?" Kyle asked. He crossed the floor to her. The candle on the coffee table illuminated his entire form. The black suit hugged his broad shoulders and tapered waist like a glow, revealing his fit form. And the classic white, button down shirt had been partially drenched, showcasing strips of skin that held her attention. Skin that she had explored. Kissed. Touched. Nibbled. Bit.

"No. Why do you ask?" Summer replied, tearing her gaze from his body. The desire flooding her veins terrified her. It was happening again. She was falling under that Abbott spell after only a few weeks of time together. And the mood created right now fit a silly dream of hers that she long gave up on after Austin.

Kyle said, "You just seem angry about something." Footsteps walked around the coffee table. The opposite end of the couch dipped. Summer flinched. "And you're soaking wet."

She held her tongue.

A warm, gentle hand cupping her chin brought tears to her eyes. When he delicately moved her face to stare directly into his eyes, the chain broke on the box hidden in her heart. The tender, pure feeling of love tried to make a jail break. And Summer struggled to contain it, no matter how much she repeated his wrong doings to herself.

"Seriously, what happened?" Kyle asked. "Was it Theo?"

A hot, fat tear slid down her cheek. "He saw Lola at the hotel," Summer whispered. Kyle's eyes widen. "I had just finished talking with my mom when I spotted him crossing the room. I realized who he was heading towards and I sprinted towards him. I didn't want him to be the one to reveal what happened in New York."

With a mumbled curse followed by a sigh, Kyle said, "I'm sorry he put you in that position. I'm sorry I put you there." His thumb caressed her cheek. She swallowed by a cry. "Why is your dress wet?"

"I dragged him to a secluded corner after making excuses to Lola. Berated him for always wanting to cause drama. I first thought it was just with you, but Theo's been doing small things to antagonize my mom. My dad. He even tried something with Adam earlier."

"Adam?" Kyle asked. "I didn't realize Theo was that insane."

"I didn't either," Summer said.

"What else?" Kyle questioned.

"It turned into something quickly. And that's when I realized I had to end things. He was becoming this walking time bomb where you were concerned. But it felt like he wanted to plant new ones." She shrugged. "He claimed I was a 'lame bitch' for always protecting you. Even after everything."


She didn't give Kyle a chance to interject. "He disappeared for a bit again. I stayed close to Lola after seeing you go talk to Abby. I didn't approach her though. When Mariah and Tessa show up, I assumed things would be fine so I went to the bar. That's where I found Theo and Zoe. But they didn't see me." A degrading chuckle, hollow and free of humor, escaped from behind her lips. "I overheard them talking about spiking a drink. At first it would be Lola's and Theo would pretend to sleep with her. But then Theo realized you would never believe it. So they suggested you. And then Zoe would pretend to have slept with you, but would make sure to cover her face."

"Summer…" Kyle whispered. The look in his eyes, the rage burning bright mixed with the horror of what she was saying made her stomach twist. He knew what was coming, she realized.

"They were going to make it appear we slept together," Summer said. "That was when I realized, Theo may enjoy my company, but he loves hurting you and stirring the drama around town. Me and my bad boys right?"

Kyle shook his head. "No Summer, this isn't on you."

She ignored that statement because it was a lie. This was on her. She reacted without thought and jumped into bed with the first good looking man she saw. And the bonus of him not falling to Lola's feet or caring about Kyle thrilled her. Because she ached for someone to be on her side.

Summer continued. "I had heard enough, so I confronted him about it. Told him I would report him to security. He didn't take that kindly, but I didn't care. I warned him that if he tried anything with you or Lola, I would make him suffer. Zoe got scared and ran off. He told me off again before saying he was leaving and I should find my own ride own. Then he made a sly remark about me being your whore. Always willing to sacrifice my body for you."

Which, she admitted now, was partly true. Summer would always give Kyle what he needed. She would lie, steal, and cheat to get him what he wanted. Because of their history. Her love for him. Her adoration for his family. She never wanted him to truly suffer. Not like she threatened.

Summer knew how to work a deal, too. She would make sure to get something in return for helping Kyle. But somehow, it never quite measured up on his end. She didn't think he did it intentionally. It came with the territory of having a powerful, rich family. But somehow, it always ended up being her that paid a price in whatever mistake Kyle made.

Kyle growled. "That son of a bitch. I'll kill him, Summer. I swear it."

A smile struggled to appear at his words. He promised her such sweet things. But now, they rang false. She wasn't the one he would risk it all for. "I slapped him before turning and walking out the door. I didn't care that it was raining. Didn't care that I didn't have a set destination. I just needed to get out of there." She sniffled. "Especially after seeing you walk up to Lola looking as handsome as you did." She closed her eyes after that slip up. "Please forget I said that."

Summer waited for the hand to be pulled back. For the warmth to disappear. But to her surprise, another hand joined the first, cupping her face. Her heart skipped a beat. Her lungs ached from lack of air. And when he whispered, "Summer, look at me," she could only obey.

When she opened her eyes, Kyle stared back. The intensity in his eyes made the heat pooling low in her belly grow stronger. The only times she could remember him staring at her like that, the pair fell into bed together. "Kyle," she said.

"Don't ask me to forget that," he said. "I can't and I won't."

"Stop," Summer pleaded.

Kyle shook his head, droplets from his hair falling on her skin. "Summer, you deserve someone loyal. Someone that doesn't use you to hurt others. Or hurts you by turning to others. Theo was a piece of trash that never should have been allowed to breathe the same air as you. And that is my fault for not protecting you against him."

"You're not my babysitter, Kyle," Summer said. "I walked right into that mess all on my own."

"Because I left you wide open for someone like him to take advantage."

Was he….?

"Kyle?" Summer asked. She wasn't sure what it was she was questioning, but something in his tone told her there was more to his words. Had something else happened at the celebration that she wasn't aware of?

"I told Lola about New York," Kyle said. "After seeing you stop Theo from telling her."

Summer was stunned.

He swallowed. "She took it about as well as I expected. Tears. Angry questions. Accusations of not being the man she thought I was." He released a long, slow breath. As if releasing a heavy weight off his shoulders, Summer thought. "And she stormed off."

"Oh Kyle," Summer said. "I'm sorry."

Kyle shook his head. "Don't be. You were right when you told me I needed to tell her. You were also right when you said this secret was bad, but not as bad as I had built it up in my head."

Reaching up, Summer wrapped her cool hands around his warm wrists. She squeezed. Trying to push a small modicum of comfort into his body. "Give her a day or two to cool down and she'll see the same thing. I think it is just the not trusting her part that stings the most."

"You're incredible," Kyle said. She refused to acknowledge the warm tone to his voice. She wouldn't name it because if she did, that would be another step closer to having her heart broken.

"Yeah," Summer said. "Incredible."

With that, she made to break free from his grasp. But to her surprise, he pulled her closer until she bumped noses with him. Their breath intertwined. She had nowhere to look but his eyes. And his hands moved from cupping her face to one bracing the side of her neck while the other mixed into the tresses of her wet, blonde hair. He held her captive once more.

"Kyle, what are you doing?" Summer asked.

"I don't know," he replied, voice low. "I just know I want to kiss you right now."

Shock would not cover what Summer felt in that moment. Hearing that last phrase sent her emotions into a tailspin. Disbelief to confusion. Which morphed into fear. That quickly turned into acceptance. And that made the anger awakening in her blood hotter. Her head spun trying to decipher all the emotions his confession created.


"You heard me. I want to kiss you."

Summer tried to pull back, but Kyle wouldn't let her. "You're married Kyle. And you're just hurt that Lola stormed out on you."

"No," Kyle said. "No, this…this thing between us has been building for weeks, Summer. Making us feel on edge the entire time. You can't tell me you don't feel it brewing inside of you now."

Her silence damned her.

Before Summer knew what to do, Kyle's lips were on hers. A hot, passionate kiss that stole her breath. He made love to her mouth. Kissing her and teasing her in a way that she had forgotten about. But he reminded her with each taste of her lips. With a mouth like his, she could easily fall to her knees.

When air became a necessity, Kyle pulled back. Their harsh breathing mixed with the raging storm outside. Something was building. The tension felt too tight, like a bow about to snap under the pressure of a notched arrow. And with one slight move, everything would crash down around them.

"This is wrong," Kyle said. But he made no move to distance himself from her.

Summer nodded. "It is." And she knew in her bones she would suffer from him. He would have her feelings all tangled up in a knotted mess she would never be able to unravel. Unless she made the hard, harsh decision to shut her feelings off for him. Quit him cold turkey. Which also meant cutting off their friendship. Because no matter how hard she tried, a friendship with Kyle Abbott only led to another path of destruction.

"Give me one night," Summer said.


The idea was crazy. And would test the willpower of her Newman and Summers spirits, but she knew she had to. Closure was needed if Summer planned to thrive again. So one last night before she severed all ties to Kyle Abbott. One last time to cut open that vein and bleed herself dry. All the while knowing he would run back to his wife in their little apartment once she got over her mad spell.

"Give me this night, Kyle. Afterwards, it never has to be spoken of again. Lola never has to know and if she asks, say I seduced you."

Kyle shook his head. "Summer, I wouldn't throw you under the bus like that."

He would, she knew.

She still craved him, though.

Without saying anything, Summer reached behind her an unzipped the top part of her dress. Fitting the gown would be black as she was burying the love she had for this man after this night. She would give all of herself to him tonight, letting her body say goodbye in a way her lips never could.

Kyle seemed to be struggling internally. But once he saw her slip the thin, spaghetti straps from her shoulders, he accepted whatever it was. And like before with his kiss, he attacked her neck with abandon. Kissing. Licking. Nibbling. Biting. Leaving marks that would bruise tomorrow. Reminders of this last night. But like everything else, it would fade overtime. Still, he devoured the tender, white flesh as if he were a starving man discovering water.

Summer leaned back, giving him better access. Kyle braced her back with his hands while kissing down her neck to the top of her dress. He lavished every inch of her available skin with attention. She felt wanted. Needed. Like a delicacy that should be savored. Something she hadn't felt in years.

"Off," Kyle ordered as he tugged at the top of her dress.

Summer, in her mindless haze, pulled her arms free from the straps and pushed the top down. A moan escaped her mouth as Kyle's lips encircled a pert nipple. He swirled his tongue around it while his fingers pinched and twisted the neglected breast. Summer ran her hands through his thick, dark hair. She didn't know if she wanted to pull him closer and push him away as the sensations grew.

Kyle pulled away from one breast to pay attention to the other. His warm, wet mouth nibbled at the pebbled peak. Then he bit and tugged. The pleasure and pain mixed made Summer cry out. He knew how to play her body like an instrument. Pulling out sounds she didn't know she could make. Creating an orchestra of pants, moans, and whimpers. And like before, his free hand cupped and squeezed her other breast. Adding to the pleasure building within. Heat flooded Summer. Her panties were soaked. And her mind was nothing more than an obscure, lustful haze.

"Kyle," Summer whimpered. "Kyle, please,"

Suddenly, the zipper of her dress was pulled down with force.. She gasped, eyes flying open. He stared up at her, his eyes blown wide and black. "Stand up, Summer," he commanded.

On shaky legs she rose, hands braced on his shoulders. He pulled the dress free from her body, tossing it to the floor. She wore no bra, so her bare breasts were exposed to his heated sight. And he made quick work of the black thing, snapping its thin straps without much effort. Under the glow of the candlelight, Kyle gazed up at Summer. His eyes created a path from the top of her to the tips of her toes. As if he had physically touched her, a trail of heat mapped her skin. She closed her eyes, soaking in the sensations he evoked in her.

Until a gentle kiss touched her surgical scar.

With a gasp, Summer's eyes snapped open. She stared down at Kyle. Who stared at the thin, light pink scar above her hip. As wide as a razor and the length of her little finger, such a small thing reminded her of the biggest decision she made thus far. All in favor of the man tracing it with his fingers.

Emotions surging, fear leading the charge, Summer reached down and grasped Kyle's face. He looked up at her. A charged moment in the glow of the candle. But Summer refused to let it linger. She pulled him upwards.

"Kiss me," she whispered.

Kyle obeyed. While his mouth mated with hers, Summer started working on his clothes. She pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders. He let it drop off his body. Then, she worked on unbuttoning his shirt. As soon as the first few buttons were undone, Summer snaked her fingers beneath the shirt. She raked her nails down his toned torso. That made Kyle pull back and gasp.

"God, what you do to me," he said, lust clear in his voice.

Summer smirked. "I enjoy making you come undone."


Before Summer could say anything else, Kyle's lips were on her's once more. He bit her lip eliciting a gasp. With that chance, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth. She moaned at the feel of him tracing a path from the roof of her mouth down to the bottom. Their tongues fueled, but as Summer knew, he would win.

While they continued to kiss, Summer finished unbuttoning his shirt. She tugged on it, trying to pull it off his broad shoulders. Kyle helped with the removal once he broke free if the kiss, needing air once more.

"On the couch," Kyle ordered. "Legs apart."

If anyone were to know Summer Newman enjoyed a man taking charge in the bedroom, they would laugh. She was brash. Bold. Take no prisoners in schemes. Why would someone like her enjoy letting another person control her pleasure?

Because it made her feel delicate. Cherished. Desired. That someone would enjoy finding new and interesting ways to please her. To make her feel safe in their arms. And of all the men she had been with, she trusted only two enough to go down that path.

Kyle and Austin.

Summer did as Kyle ordered. With anticipation building, she watched him kneel before her. He caressed the insides of her knees. Tickling sensations spread throughout her body sending shivers down her spine. He leaned forward and nipped at the tender flesh. Summer gasped. Then he placed hot, open mouth kisses below her stomach to the beginning of her slit. She moaned.

"Kyle, please," Summer begged.

Instead of words, Kyle shared a heated look with her before directing his attention to her aching, wet core. He gently opened her up before placing his mouth against her center.

Kyle's lips were magic. Summer's toes curled with each swipe of tongue along the inner lips. When he kissed her clit, she released a cry. Sweat started to form a light coat over her body. Heat built up beneath her skin, searching for an exit in desperate need of cooling. For a brief moment, she imagined being beneath the thick curtain of rain drenching the city. But with the gift of Kyle's mouth that raised the heat within her with each touch of his lips, she doubted the torrential downpour would be enough.

Summer screamed and threw her head back when she felt Kyle's tongue inside of her. He inserted a finger to add extra pressure, skyrocketing the pleasure to a new height. She whimpered, moaned, begged knowing her release was right there. It came with a flourish when Kyle pulled back and swirled his tongue around her clit before giving it a kiss.

He could make her explode with pleasure. Sex had never been the issue between them. Kyle knew what drove her insane as much as she knew what brought him to his knees. But this time felt different. It reminded her of their first time. And the warmth of happiness that filled her because she finally thought she had her happily ever after.

As Summer came down from her orgasm and the pain of that realization, she wondered about continuing this. Extending the game between them would only end in her suffering. She should tell Kyle this was a mistake. That she regretted pushing him to this idea. Not so much for his sake, but hers. Because the lid on her deepest desires was continuing to crack. And when she sealed it back with tapes and staples, Summer knew her bleeding and battered heart would forever be changed.

But then Kyle kissed her.

Tender and sweet, he pulled her right back into the madness. As the storm continued on the outside, the one raging within the office heated up again. Kyle vanished the earlier thoughts from her mind with his kiss. Light pecks that made butterflies dance in her stomach. Her head felt light as a cloud, drifting away on the sweetness he brought out. She didn't even mind the taste of herself on his lips.

Summer opened her eyes at the sound of a zipper being pulled down. Again, their gazes locked. The heat erupted once more. As Kyle dragged his black slacks off along with his briefs, Summer maintained her gaze on his eyes.

A mess of emotion swirled within them. In an instance, it would change from regret to need. Desire to shame. Desperation to anger. It seemed she wasn't the only one dealing with a hurricane of emotions inside. But unlike before, Summer refused to ask. This night would be about what she wanted. She needed. Because it was the last time she would get it.

Needing a breather from his eyes and the window they provided, Summer looked down. Shadows were cast all along his naked body. Dips and ridges bringing to mind hidden desires she would enjoy. If only it were to last. And the thick, erect length that spawned another flood of heat from her core.

When Summer reached for him, Kyle batted her hand away. "This night is yours," he said. "Only about you."

Tears sprung to her eyes. Summer tried to say no, but Kyle sealed her lips with another passion kiss. He maneuvered her to lay back on the couch. It groaned under their combined weight. Leather squeaking with their movements.

The mindless lust overcame her again. Summer surrendered to it as Kyle's fingers traced a scorching path from her neck to the back of her knee. Their bodies were soon coated in sweat, the heat of the office and their passion combining to make the room hotter. Summer enjoyed the feel of Kyle's slick skin rubbing against hers. It heightened the sensations, driving her mindless with bliss.

Before she knew it, Kyle had entered her. The fullness first took her breath her. But when she pulled back to stare into his eyes, a feeling of home descended upon her. Kyle held still and Summer stared. Emotions swirled. Memories resurfaced. Fantasies emerged. It was as if this night was designed to both bring her pleasure and pain.

Needing a distraction from her thoughts, Summer said, "Move."

Kyle snapped his hips forward. Summer cried out. Again, he drew back before pushing inside of her. With each thrust, the pleasure continued to build. Summer grasped Kyle's shoulders, digging her nails into his flesh. She raised her hips, cradling him within her middle. And she kissed him with abandoned, desperate for the feeling of home to continue to flood her veins.

Kyle's movements grew faster. Summers kiss turned sloppy. Their passion was crashing together like the rain beat against the window. The heat cocooned them, driving their pleasure to greater heights. Summer was lost in the middle, spinning and twirling the storm.

A scream.

A cry of her name.

The pair came down from their high. Breathe ragged and hearts pounding. Summer let a lazy, sated smile spread. Kyle pushed back strands of her sweat drenched hair before placing feather light kisses. The pair stayed locked in their embrace. Enjoying the closeness. The human connection.

"God, you're beautiful," Kyle whispered to her in the stillness of the dark.

Just like that, Summer remembered the trap it was to fall for Kyle Abbott. Her smile turned forced. Her insides became cold. And she slammed door of the safe of emotions shut.

He wouldn't break her again.

Kyle noticed something off about her. But Summer never gave him a chance to question. She pulled him back under the hazy spell of lust. They spent the rest of the night enjoying each other. But also Summer was getting as much time with Kyle that she could. Satiating the thirst she had for him

By the time the storm had relaxed in the early hours of the next day, Kyle and Summer were cuddle up together on the couch. After a round of lovemaking on the desk, a quickie against the wall, and another round of the couch, both were exhausted. The even breathing and steady rise and fall of Kyle's chest told Summer he was fast asleep. Something that alluded her.

Because it was time to leave.

She rose from her position underneath Kyle's arm, gently moving it to cover his chest. She escaped from underneath the blanket he had found in a storage closet nearby. Nora really was a superstitious sort. Always has to prepare for disaster.

When she got to her feet, Summer searched for her clothes. The thong was beyond repair but her dress was salvageable. She slipped it on along with her heels had lost in the process. She threw her hair up into a messy bun before walking to the large desk in the center of the room.

Kyle made a noise. Summer froze. She waited, her heart hammering hard against he ribs. But when no other sound came, she continued on her path. When she circled around the desk, she searched for a piece of paper and pen. Once found, she grabbed the still glowing candle and sat it close by while she wrote.

Summer didn't intend to write the letter. But after the night she shared with Kyle, she knew she needed to. To get the emotions out on something concrete. Something for Kyle to see and to know. Know what, Summer wasnt sure. How he hurt her? Made her feel so low about herself? Had her questioning every choice she made after the nightmare of their marriage? Made her wonder if love was even possible for her.

A tear fell on to the letter, setting the corner. Summer wipes at another trying to fall. She quickly finished the letter before blowing out the candle. Getting up from the desk, she crossed back to a still sleeping Kyle. She stared for a short while before laying the note on the coffee table. Another candle blown out. She finished blowing out the other still lit ones. She may dislike him and want him out of her life, but she didn't want him to die.

The room now encased in darkness, Summer walked back to Kyle. He mumbled her name in her sleep. Her heart froze over. Bending down, she placed a gentle kiss to his forehead. With a shaky breath, she straightened up. She turned around, grabbing up her cellphone and clutch. With one last glance on his shadowed figure, Summer said, "Goodbye Kyle."

She opened the door and stepped out. With a heavy click, the door shut behind her.