A/N: "Shituation" is a term that I coined by accident when typing too fast while liveblogging during NCIS LA. A shituation is when you already have a very bad situation, and then things REALLY go to shit. It's a very apt title for this fic. There is whumpage of two of our beloved SEAL team members and a whole heck of a lot of drama. This is pre-Savis, but there's definitely a little something, something going on there. You know what I mean. Enjoy!

Blackburn hung up the phone, shaking his head. "They're not going to allow it unless we send a woman. Her father won't let her leave without a female chaperone."

"Well seeing as we don't have any lady SEALs on the payroll, I'm thinking that might be a little hard to come by," Sonny said with a grin from where he lounged in his chair, feet up on the table.

The mission on their docket deviated significantly from the norm. A girl, twelve years old, had been sent to visit her father in country. She lived in the states but a shared custody agreement dictated that she spend her summers with him. Things had gotten heated with a neighboring tribe and both mother and father had agreed to let the girl return home early to Indiana. The mother had gone to her senator for help in getting her daughter out (with a significant amount of media coverage) and now Bravo was responsible for pick-up and delivery; with a few difficult stipulations.

"Anybody have something helpful to share?" Eric asked pointedly.

"I'll do it." Lisa sat forward in her chair. "I'm serious," she said when nobody responded. "You need a woman. As it turns out, I happen to be one."

"Davis you're too valuable here in TOC." Eric was already shaking his head but Lisa persisted.

"It's a quick in and out right? Get the girl, bring her here, ship her back to her remaining family in the states." Lisa shrugged. "She shouldn't have to stay here just because her father demanded a visit. It's not her fault things got heated and now she's in danger."

Eric looked at Jason. "She might be the only chance we've got. The girl is an American citizen. If something happens to her and the press find out we didn't do anything…" he let the sentence hang as they both weighed their options.

"Look unless one of you is going to put on a skirt and play Mrs. Doubtfire, I think we're out of time and options here," Lisa told them pointedly.

"Well, Clay would make a very pretty girl," Sonny drawled with a grin.

Clay used his own foot to shove Sonny's off the table. "All right," Eric said, hands on his hips. "Davis goes with you. Get ready, you roll out in twenty."

Sonny saw the smile on Lisa's face and felt his own coming on in response. It wasn't too often that she got to tag along and she was clearly pleased with the turn of events. "Look who gets to go on a field trip." He sauntered up to her as she was pulling on a vest. "That's quite a look you're sporting there Davis. Sure you're up to carrying the extra weight?"

"You're just jealous that you don't have the right bits and pieces to get this job done," she told him.

Seeing her in the gear was a little sobering. It was a cake mission. In, out, everybody back home by dinner, but he'd been on many a cake mission that quickly went sideways. He swallowed and told the little voice inside of him to stop saying things were going to go hinky. It would be fine. He was just borrowing trouble when he should be enjoying the fact that he'd get to see her face for a change instead of just hearing her through the comms.

"Here." Sonny reached for the straps on the back of the vest that she couldn't quite get and began pulling them snug. "You just uh, you promise you'll be careful out there right?" Sonny tried not to let nerves color the tone of his voice. If she knew he was worried she'd laugh in his face.

"You're gonna be right there next to me. If anything happens, it's your fault," she teased.

"It's always Sonny's fault." Clay came up behind her and clapped her on the shoulder. "You ready Bravo Seven?"

"Is that what we're going with today?" she asked with a wry smile.

"Why not?" Ray joined them, still adjusting his vest as he walked. "You're part of the team. Unless you'd rather your call sign be something like Butterfly."

"Or Dandelion," Clay offered.

"I'm partial to Kittycat myself," Sonny said, shaking off his worry to join the fun.

"Bravo Seven's just fine," she told them drily.

"Bravo Seven is," Jason declared. "Let's ride."

"Shotgun!" Lisa yelled, hopping aboard the transport vehicles.

That was how the day started, all of them joking and laughing as they pulled out of the base. An easy day.

It was not how the day ended. They didn't make it home by dinner. They didn't even make it to the village at all.

Sonny cursed as a bullet hit the sand next to his head. At first it had just been a flat tire, then it had been an ambush. Rebels had taken out both trucks with rockets, leaving them stranded with nothing more than the ammo strapped to their backs and nowhere to seek cover.

"Fall back!" Jason yelled over comms.

Clay and Ray were with Lisa, taking her into whatever overwatch position they could find. Sonny had dug in behind a small boulder with Brock, both of them popping up to return fire whenever possible. "Where the hell are we falling back to?" Sonny yelled.

Brock just shrugged and sent off another round, hitting one of the militants squarely in the chest.

Sonny squinted as he looked around, trying to find Jason's position. "Bravo Three! On your six. Set of caves." Trent's voice crackled over the comms.

"Go," Sonny told Brock. "I'll cover you."

Brock grabbed Cerb's leash and ran as Sonny let off cover fire in rapid succession. "Bravo Two how you doin' up there?" he asked.

In response there was a shower of gunfire and five more baddies went down. "Doing just fine," Ray said.

Sonny wanted to ask if Lisa was all right but there was no time for extra chatter right now. She was one of them and he trusted the boys to take care of her. Instead he grabbed his gear and took off after Brock, catching up with Jason and Trent on the way.

"You know once we go in there, we might not be able to get out," Sonny said, looking at the mouth of the cave.

"This area is full of caves and passages," Trent said. "There'll be a back door."

Sonny decided not to mention that meant the bad guys had two ways of getting in. They needed a moment to recover and this was their only option so in they went.

The caves had clearly been occupied recently because there was functional lighting inside. Sonny took a second to investigate as they cleared the space and found a small generator and battery powered lanterns. "Jace, I think we just walked into baddie headquarters," he said.

"All right, make sure we don't have any unwanted company," Jason ordered.

The narrow passage in gave way to a larger area with room enough for all of them. At the back was another narrow space in the rock, barely big enough for a grown man to squeeze through. Sonny didn't want to think about who might be waiting for them on the other side of that.

Trent set up a defensive position at the front entrance and Brock took Cerb to cover the back while Sonny continued poking through the supplies that had been left behind. "No weapons or food boss," Sonny said.

Jason nodded. "Bravo Two, Bravo Six, get down here," he ordered once they were certain they didn't have any unwanted company.

"Roger that Bravo One," Clay said.

Sonny felt his nerves settle a bit. They were coming. Lisa was coming. Soon he'd be able to see for himself that she was fine.

"TOC this is Bravo One how do you read?" Jason asked.

"Read you loud and clear Bravo One. What's the situation?" Blackburn asked.

"We're hunkered down for now," Jason said. "Bravo Two and Bravo Six inbound with Bravo Seven."

"She all right?"

"Everybody's fine. But we're going to need a little help getting out of here."

"Roger that. Standby."

Jason looked around the room. "Everybody good?"

"No movement here," Brock said, keeping Cerberus tight to his side.

Trent shook his head. "Nothing here either."

Static crackled loudly over the line and they could hear garbled shouting from Ray. Sonny felt a prickle of fear down his spine. "Bravo Two, say again your last?" Jason demanded.

"Clay's hit!" Ray yelled back. "We're coming in hot!"

Sonny locked eyes with Jason as Trent shrugged immediately out of his pack. Things had just gone from bad to worse.

A/N: Oh no! Clay's in trouble! WHAT A SURPRISE! Stay tuned to find out what happened!