When I first watched Ugly Betty, I was totally a Detty fan. I didn't like how the series had an open ending, but it was good enough. As I rewatched the series, the more I thought about it, the more I didn't like Daniel and Betty getting together. I see their relationship as more platonic than romantic. Daniel would be better with a girl more like Molly, who was a perfect fit for him (RIP :'( ).

I felt like Matt and Betty could have bloomed into something more, but the writing ended their relationship poorly. There's all this build-up in the beginning of Season 4, where they both are secretly in love with one another. However, because they keep reading and sending the wrong signals, they end up intentionally/unintentionally hurting each other.

Finally, they get back together (thanks, Amanda), and you can see how much they are in love. Matt barely blinks an eye with the thought of Betty being pregnant, and actually hopes she is. He quits Mode for her (and I'm sure partly because he wasn't the right person for the job). Then Matt wants to leave for charity work, they break up (sort of? The reasoning didn't make much sense), Betty writes a quick blog, and he's never mentioned again. It's just weird; with all of the build-up and romantic tension, and it ends just like that. Yes, Matt was flakey, always jumping from one thing to another, but his feelings for Betty were always there. The 6 month trip to Africa would have forced him to stay focused and actually follow through on his commitment. It would have made him a stronger and more stable partner for Betty.

From poking around on the internet, I feel like I'm the only one cheering for Team Matt and turned off by Team Daniel. No matter what team you are cheering for, thank you for taking the time to read this (and if you are Team Matt, please comment!)