/This is a crossover of Fullmetal Alchemist and Percy Jackson. The story is also an AU on the Fullmetal Alchemist side.

When Truth talks, the speech is bold. Amestrian is italicized. English is regular.

Anyways, enjoy the story!/

It was suppose to be simple, Edward thought. Draw the circle, put the correct amount of each ingredient in, activate the circle and they will have their mother back. But then everything went wrong. The little black hands appear. They grab ahold of Ed's left leg and Alphonse's right arm. They cry out as they watch their limb break apart and disappear. Then, everything went black for a split second, before all they could see is pure white.

"What the," Edward mutters as he looks around.

"Brother," Alphonse call as Ed turn to the left to see Al there.

"Hello~ there Little Alchemists~. I'm so~ glad you could join me," a voice says as they turn to see the black outlined white figure of a man sitting there.

"Who are you," Edward demands as he and Al stand next to each other.

"I'm so glad you asked! I am called by many names. I'm the World. I'm the Universe. I'm a God. I am Truth. I am All. I am One. And I am also...You," the being says as the two gates behind the brothers open. "You have dared to knock on the door. Now, the door is open."

The black hands shoots out from each door and they each grab Ed and Al.



"Quiet children. This is what you want, isn't it? I will show you...the truth."

The two doors close at the same time, sending a loud bang out. Ed cries out as knowledge is forced into his brain.

"Ahh! It's too much! It's too much! Make it stop! Make it stop," Ed shouts out as he spots a figure in the distance. "Mom! Mom help me!"

Ed reaches his hand towards her outstretched hand...and suddenly he's back in the pure white room with Al and the being.

"Brother. D-did you see," Al ask as Ed looks at his hands.

"Yeah. So it can be done," Ed mutters as he glance at the Gate.

"Now then, you must pay the toll."

"Toll? What toll," Ed ask as the being smile.

"Why this one. Didn't you know?"

Ed looks down and he gasp to see his leg disappearing. Al cries out and Ed looks at his brother to see his right arm disappearing.

"It's the law of Equivalent Exchange. Right, Young Alchemist?"

They gasp as Truth smiles widely.

"Be thankful that your blood protects you from the full punishment," the being says as he and the world slowly disappears.

Ed cries out as he clutch his leg.

"Brother," Ed hears Al says.

Ed looks over at Al to see him holding onto his right shoulder. Al stands up and he hurries over to Ed's side.

"Al! Y-you arm," Ed says as tears well up in his eyes. "Mom! I-is she-?"

The brothers glance over to where their mother should have been, to see a disformed figure there instead.

"N-no! It wasn't suppose to be like this," Ed cries out. "Damnit!"

"Brother! W-we need to patch your leg up. Or else you're going to bleed to death," Al states as he kneels beside Ed.

"Y-you too. W-we need to get to the Rockbell's place," Ed tells Al as he hands him a cloth to wrap his wound up in.

Al nods his head in agreement as Ed finish bandaging his leg up. Ed helps Al bandage his arm up. With Al's help, Ed stand up and they make their way to the Rockbell's place. Once they make it out of their place, they start heading up the road. The rain pours down on the brothers as they hurry towards their destination.

"Hold on Brother. We're almost there," Al tells Ed as they spot the house in the distance.

To say Pinako was surprise, was an understatement. When the Elric Brothers show up at her front door bloody and missing limbs, she's in horror. With Winry's help, she is able to stable them both. While Winry watches over them, Pinako heads to their house to find some answers. She gasp out as she discovers the dead being.

"Oh my. Oh no," Pinako mutters as she forms a plan.

She hurries around the basement as she bury the...that...thing in the backyard. She then tries her best to clean up what happened down there.

"That's all I can do. Now then, I must head back and make sure everyone's alright," Pinako says as she leaves he basement and closes the door.

She then turns her back to the house as she hurries on home to watch over Winry and her new patients.

"You sure about this boys," Pinako ask Edward and Alphonse. "The process will be painful and it will take a long time to recover from the installment."

Ed and Al look at each other, before nodding their heads and turning back at Pinako.

"Yeah. We can't keep moving forward missing limbs," Ed states as Al agrees with his brother.

Pinako sighs as she looks at their determined faces.

"Alright fine. We'll do Ed's leg first. Then while he's resting, we'll do Al's arm," Pinako states.

"Alright! Wait, did you say 'we'?"

"Do you honestly think I'll let Granny do the surgery on her own," Winry says as she looks at the brothers. "Besides, it's good to have two people working on it."

"Now then, shall we get this started?"

Ed and Al stands out of the Rockbell's place with Pinako and Winry.

"Make sure you call us when you find out if you made it or not. And don't forget to dry the Automail off after you get clean. Are you even listening," Winry ask Ed as he looks at her.

"Yeah yeah. I'll make sure I take care of it."

"Make sure you come back and visit us. Though you burned your house down, ours will always be your home," Pinako reminds the boys.

"We will. I promise," Al says as he smiles.

"Alright then, Let's go Al," Ed says as he turns around with his suitcase in hand.

"Ed wait," Winry says as she holds a box up. "I made this for you. I thought it could hep you protect yourself."

"Oh uh, thanks Winry," Ed says as he takes the box. "What exactly is in it?"

"Its an arm guard for your right arm. Since Al's arm can be used as a weapon and a shield. I though I would make an arm guard for you. Knowing you Ed, you'll need it."

"That was very thoughtful of you Winry! I'll make sure Brother uses it," Al says as he smiles.

"Yeah uh, thanks Winry. I'll call you when I pass."

"You better. Safe travels," Winry says as Ed puts the arm guard on his right arm.

They wave goodbye to the Rockbells and Den as they head towards the train station.

"We're one step closer to our goal Al," Ed says as they walk side-by-side.


"Watch out Central, the Elric Brothers are coming," Ed says as he smirks.