Izzy watched the mans pen tap the smooth oak table. It was a steady beat. Tap. Tap. Tap. Over and over again. If it wasn't for the importance of this meeting, she was positive her anxiety might have gotten the best of her and caused an outburst. Something along the lines of.




But she remained silently smiling in her seat, as if this was the best moment in the world. The man glanced up at her for a moment and she raised her lips even higher to give him a more toothy smile. He frowned before looking back down at the photographs in front of him…Possibly too much of smile.

"Shit Izzy, calm down. Deep breathes"

Izzy closed my eyes and breathed in deeply and sat up straighter. How long had I been in this room? Was it getting hot in here or was it just me?

She opened her eyes to glance out the window.

Oh, the beautiful, polluted city of Los Angeles. Where half the population can only afford microwave meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the idea of health insurance was a joke unless you won the lottery.

The man cleared his throat and she quickly turned her attention back towards him.

"Izzy, is it?"

"Yeah, that's right" She gave the softest of nods. The man opened the folder and pushes it towards her. Inside it was a simple resume, along with a few photographs. The photographers were not necessarily flattering, as Izzy was wearing a bikini, posing up against a white wall. But it was all she had.

"You seem sweet, but we are really looking for professionals"

"Look, I can learn. I really need a job right now and-" Izzy was desperate. She leans forward, looking through the bad quality photos, trying to find the best one.

"All our ladies can handle making drinks, dancing and-

"I'm a super, super fast learner and I'm really in shape and- " Izzy attempted to explained. The man waved his hand in front of her shaking his head.


Izzy slowly stopped pawing through the photographs and glanced sadly up at the man.

"I get that you are trying to survive here, just like everyone else. But there are things you have to do to get to the point these girls have, to be getting the pay grade and working the clubs they do"

Izzy ran her hands through her hair frustrated and leaned towards him.

"Okay, what? Just tell me what to do, I'll do it, I need a chance here"

The man sank into his seat, before his smile raises into a toothy grin. He looked out the window. Although on at least the 6th floor, he found the need to reach over and close the blind. Izzy watched him, her eyes narrowing before he took his seat again. They shared a silent moment as she clocked his expression.

"Then, impress me" The man leans back and unbuckles his belt before putting his hands above his head. Izzy stared at him for a moment and then back to the photographs. Her fists clench and unclench at her side. Finally she relaxed and slumped. A soft sly smile creeping up to her face and she got up putting her hands on the table.

"I'm good at making great first impressions" She said with a sly smile. She flipped the folder closed and moves it away, giving her space to crawl onto the table towards the man. He watched her, absolute excitement fills his expression. Her hair brushed against the desk as she leaned forward, her red stained lips almost touching his. He closes his eyes. She leaned her head away and reaches to his ear instead, softly whispering. "Unfortunately, I fucking hate pigs"

If this man had actually listened to the words she had whispered so lovingly, he might have realized they were not meant to be taken in such the bittersweet way they had been spoken.

But, like a majority of rich white men who have their heads so far up their ass- they never question anything. So of course, he failed to notice Izzy grabbing the coffee from his desk. It was too late to stop her. The hot brown liquid splashed onto his perfectly ironed white shirt. A howl of pain escaped his throat as Izzy made a dash for the door.

Out the door and into the hallway, she stumbles in the tall heels. The bellowing of the older man was very rapidly closing in on her. She took the chance to glance behind her just in time to see the man slams into the hallway wall as he tried to turn.

Shit. Go. Go. Go.

Izzy looked over to the elevator.

Six people. More people going in. Can't risk getting stuck. Stairs. Where are the stairs?! She rapidly looked to the left. Stairs. Her heels click loudly on the cheap flooring, before she slammed the door open, disappearing behind it.

Ten seconds later, the Starbucks covered asshole opened the door. He caught his breath for a moment, wiping the sweat on his brow before his small beedy eyes spotted a single black heel laid perfectly upright at the bottom of the first staircase.

"I got you now, bitch"

With excitement in his stride, he took down the stairs, two at a time. If he would have just paused for a moment to look up, he would have noticed Izzy eyeing the scene from a flight above. Holding her spare heel in one hand, she made her way carefully down both flights of stairs to retrieve the left heel.

Holding both heels in her fingers, she reopened the stairwell door and walked calmly down the hallway. Back into the interview room, Izzy casually started going through the drawers. Papers, pens and pencils flew behind her as she emptied every single one.

"Binggoooo" She smiled as a wallet dropped perfectly into her open fingers. She opened it, snatching the cash out of it. Only 20's and 50's. It was a good day.

Quickly tucking the cash into her back pocket, she paused to look at the folder of photographs of herself. With a small grin on her lips, she brushed away some of the papers to find a pen and flipped over one of her photographs and started to write.

By the time the man had admitted defeat and made it wasy back to his room, it was much too late. He came back to find his personal belongings tossed and turned to no end with one of the photographs of Izzy taped up to the window with a comment- GO FUCK YOURSELF :)


Izzy opened her apartment door before dropping a bag on the floor and grabbing a remote off the couch. The news report immediately flashes to life on the Telly.

"On recent news, there have been reports of large…balls?...Falling from the sky-" The poor news reporter squinted, moving closer towards the prompter.


"Sara, I'm reading what it says-" He angrily defended himself.

Izzy laughed as she made her way over to the kitchen, filling up a glass of water. "Balls falling from the sky, Oh joy. Hey Siri, play voicemails"

She collapsed on the couch, drinking the cool goodness and grabbing the cash from her back pocket.

"First, unheard message….HEEYYYY…so- you stood me up. We were supposed to get drinks tonight at 7 and-

"Shit, Markus" Izzy squealed, choking on the water as she got up. She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed a number. "Hey, so, so sorry- I didn't forget about you. I'm on my way. Just got caught up with…work"

She quickly stripped out of her skirt and belly shirt, instead replacing it with camo pants, combat boots and a baggy sweatshirt. A small cat popped out from under the couch, meowing for attention as Izzy awkwardly hopped around the room trying to put herself together as fast as she could. "Not now Igby, love you, bye"

Within minutes, Izzy was on the street again, phone up to her ear.

"Hey, I'm like five minutes away from our spot, I'll be there in a few minutes"

She ended the call and continues to rush forward, seemingly unaware of the various of people pushing and pulling to go in the opposite direction. Izzy continued to irritably push them back, making her way up the crowded main street.

A loud bang caused her to slow to a stop. People continued to slam into her as they ran, terror in their eyes. Izzy didn't move from her position, trying to hold her ground as she began to take in her surroundings for the first time. The sound of gunshots rapidly firing ahead seemed to bring her into a good sense before bright lights exploded in the sky. She tripped backwards, startled as sparks from surrounding electric poles, sizzled and flew out, threaten to start fire to the little amount of surrounding greenery there was.

She finally comes to her sense and turns to join the crowd in running away, but isn't given more than a few moments before having to duck as a large fire truck flew over head, exploding on impact on an apartment building. Large pieces of concrete took to the sky before gravity started to throw them back down. Mother, fathers, and children cried for help. Izzy kept her hands on her head, watching what felt like a battle ground around her. Buildings threatening to fall as they were struck and electrical wires flew around, ready to snag and electrocute anyone who came in their path.

Trying to regain her breath, Izzy fleetingly backed up again and turned down an empty alleyway. The closest thing she could find as a safe haven was a large metal trash can, which she took to hiding behind. More and more people passed the alleyway, screaming and continuing to flee down the main road. She started to reach into her back pocket to pull out her phone, but her shaking hands dropped it.

A sudden screeching of tires triggered her to look up. A bright yellow sports Camaro peeled into the alleyway, it's lights and engine turning off as it came to a stand still. Izzy quickly grabbed onto the fire escape ladder as the ground shook under her, almost seeming to threaten to cave. Debris fell from different areas, fast and dangerously. Izzy put her hands over her head again before leaning towards the car.

"We need to find cover!" She tried to shout, but found the warning came out as more of a whisper. The car didn't move, nor did anyone exit at her warning.

Izzy bit her lip angrily before sneaking forward cautiously to the window. She hurriedly knocked on the glass. "Hey, it's not safe! We need to get out of here"

No response. She tapped on the window again trying to peer in, but the taint was too dark to see through. Another loud explosion caused the side of the building to fly out, pieces of brick hitting the car, along with the garbage bin. Izzy screamed ducking down, trying to cover her head. The rocks dropped roughly on top of her, the impact, slicing small cuts on her hands as she kept them up over her head. With still no response from the vehicles driver, she retreated back to the garbage bin.

Everything was quiet for a moment before…


The ground shook with the footsteps. Izzy's eyes widened, her body shaking with every step. Holding her chest, she made a slow move to peek out from behind the garbage bin. The yellow car was gone, it was instead replaced with a large black and white standing…robot? Its bright red eyes scanned the area, a deep growl, sounding from its throat.

"I know you're here" The large figure snarled as it took another step. Izzy turned back, placing her back up against the garbage can. Her hands instinctively went to her mouth, trying to keep her breathing as quiet as she possibly could. A few more footsteps. Izzy looked up at the emergency ladder, before softly grasping it with one hand. If there was any possibility of an escape, that would be it.

But she wasn't given a chance to even consider as the metal trash bin was thrown roughly into the main street.
Izzy quickly scurried back towards the building wall. The red eyed robot growled in disgust, his hand rapidly transforming into a cannon. A few orange sparks fly as it starts to glow as he pointed it towards her. Izzy was for a moment, mesmerized by the bright colors. If this was how she was going to die, then this was it. A single lone tear rolled down her cheek before she closed both eyes taking a deep breath. Waiting.

A large clash of metal and a large screeching of car breaks, threw Izzy out of her moment of peace. Her eyes flashed open just in time to see a smaller yellow and black robot land on top of the other's shoulders, madly throwing his curled fists towards the others red eyes.

The blue eyes flicker over to Izzy, momentarily. Izzy could have sworn it had a concerned expression on its face.

"Run, forest run!"

Izzy didn't need to be told twice, even if she was being told by some old playback of the movie Forest Gump.

She quickly got up and started making her way towards the main street. Her boots furiously pounded on the grey asphalt as her hair wipped out behind her.

The yellow bot was suddenly rolling roughly in front of her, his metal plating scratching into the concrete as he came to a halt. Startled, she skidded to a halt, slipping onto the pavement and landing hard. The light blue eyed robot stared down at her for only a split second before he beeped furiously. His arm slammed down around her and Izzy put her hands up, knowing the movement was black robot slammed his hand down onto the yellow bots in an attempt to get to Izzy. Metal fragments and yellow pain fell to the ground off the yellow bot.

"Bumblebee…You are foolish" He hissed. The camero bot beeped a few times before grabbing Izzy in his other hand. Frozen in fear, she grabbed desperately onto his fingers, trying to pull away, but almost as soon as she was picked up, she felt herself being thrown towards the other side of the alleyway.

In a bad attempt of tucking and rolling, Izzy hit the concrete roughly, her pants skidding across the pavement and splitting open. She managed to look up just in time to see the yellow robot be roughly punched into the ground.

"Bumblebee" She whispers lightly to herself. There is something familiar about that name. There was something familiar about these robots.

"Losing a battle, all because a lone insect got in the way? Pitiful"

Izzy paused for a second. Insect? Wait, was it referring to her in that way? She pursed her lips and turned back, but as Bumblebee brought his cannon forward and fired, she quickly turned back towards the ladder and started to stumble her way up. There wasn't time to be offended, nor was she in any position to be.

Her boots slipped on the wet metal, but she continued to climb up. The robots fought madly against each other below her as she continued. Izzy had only managed to get to the 8th floor before Bumblebee was roughly slammed into the building. Everything shook, causing her to loose her grip. A yelp escaped her mouth as she missed grabbing the ladder. She tumbled down a foot, attentively grabbing a window frame and holding on as tight as she could.

Her fingers already were shaking at the weigh and with a panic-stricken cry, she looked down. Bumblebee was pressed up against the wall, the black robots forearm, pressed tightly against his neck. At the sound of her sobs, his blue eyes quickly dashed up. Their gazes met for a split second. Izzy felt her fingers slipping even more and she managed to make out a small whisper.

"Help me"

It was all she could say. It was all she had time to say. Her fingers slipped, and she went tumbling down. Her arms flailed out towards the ladder, but it was too far away. Everything fading away as she fell.

Bumblebee beeped angrily and quickly shoved the black bot away, before bringing his cannon out and blasting a ball of orange energy towards him. In perfect time he reached up, grasping Izzy, mid fall, safely in his hand. He leapt up towards the building, his feet and hands slamming into the brick as he continued to climb further and further up.

He managed to get to the top and he quickly rolled over, gently releasing Izzy onto the ground. She knelt down immediately, vomit projecting a few feet in front of her. Her gasps of air were long and wheezy before she slowly looked up at the yellow and black robot before her.

Bumblebee beeped a few times with concern, starting to kneel down to look at her, but she instinctively kicked her feet out to back away from him. He put his hands up in surrender and took a step back before looking down below. A quick scan proved, wherever that other robot was, he was gone now.

"You're one of those robots, aren't you? Th-those…Autobots?" He gave the softest of nods. Izzy painfully started to stand, eyeing him. "Autobots, are the good guys, right?"

"We aren't going to….hurt you" The radio hummed.

"Bumblebee, right?" He nods again. Izzy swallows and brings her hands together nervously. "Well…thank you. I'm sorry for getting in the way"

Bee shakes his head and kneels towards her. Izzy held her breath, trying to be brave, her knee's shaking uncomfortably.

"Are you hurt?" He cautiously brought his finger up to point at her forehead and then her hands. She reached up gingerly to touch her face. Sure enough, a large cut going down her forehead, to the side of her cheek was bleeding. The sight of the dark blood on her hand made her woozy and she widened her stance in an attempt to stop things from spinning.

"No, I'm alright…Oh fuck" A few concerned beeps. Izzy stared down at her hands, blinking rapidly. The sight of blood had always made her queasy but now was not the time. A giant robot alien that could kill her with a simple twitch of his fingers was standing right in front of her. Her main concern should be getting down and getting the hell out of there. "I think I just need to…"

Her knee hit the ground. Forcibly she opened her eyes wider, cursing angrily at herself. "I'm fine" She reassured him as he beeped many times in concern. In a last ditch effort that he would leave her alone she gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up before she crumbled to the floor.

Izzy could hear a few beeps and felt the cold wind hitting her skin before she was completely passed out.