Hello, hello, hello. Plutonian here, gracing the scene with my first Cowboy Bebop fan fic. I've been a fan of the show for, I'd say about two years now, and I've admired some really good bebop fiction writers, so I decided that maybe I could give it a try. My first Sailor Moon fan fic was pretty successful, check that out if you like Sailor Moon or if you just want to read it, whatever.

Let's see… this story revolves about my made up character's search for an answer to the question on everyone's mind: why did Spike fall so madly in love with Julia? I probably don't answer the question as well as some people might, but this is how I felt, and that's how it's supposed to be, right? Now, I know it's really cliché to make up a character for a fan fic, but the regular Bebop characters are just so perfect, I didn't want to mess with them too much. Don't hate me, it had to be done! Any questions either pertaining to the story or not feel free to email me at [email protected]. Read on, if you dare…

Dreaming to Live

By Plutonian Thunderstorm

Disclaimer: Well, of course I don't own Cowboy Bebop. Do you think I'd be writing fan fics if I did?

Prologue: The Cat's Meow

Julia had told me once that the only man she ever loved had two different colored eyes. I found this hard to believe, not the fact that he had two different colored eyes, but that Julia was once in love with someone. I didn't think that a person like Julia could ever love. She didn't strike me as the type. However, when I finally met this notorious man who had stolen Julia's heart, I couldn't blame her for falling for him. His gaze alone could make a girl weak, add that to his smile and she could melt. His mop of untamable green hair and lean, tall figure made him stand out slightly above the rest. I had to admit, he was gorgeous.

            But, upon meeting him, I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing with a girl like Julia. Don't get me wrong, I had known Julia for quite a while before she even mentioned her funny-eyed Romeo, and, ignoring her connections with the one of the most powerful syndicates in the universe, she was a decent human being. A little world weary, but that was understandable, considering what she'd gone through in her lifetime. Though, despite this, the question remained: why Julia?

            His background was quite diverse. Julia told me that he had grown up on Mars, which lead me to assume that, at some point, he had a hell of a lot of money. Julia, on the other hand, worked hard to live at least semi-comfortable, that is until she got involved with Vicious and the Red Dragons. He was in the syndicate as well for a couple of years, in fact, that was how they met. After a botched attempt at running away together, he became a bounty hunter. Of all the people I would pair with Julia, the last would be a bounty hunter. I had a weird image of the man before I saw him, and that was one of the reasons I was compelled to meet him. That and the fact that I still had my curiosity. Even though, curiosity did kill the cat.

            Now there is nothing wrong with Julia. She has qualities that I'm sure any man would die for. I always saw her teasing guys at the bars with her beautiful golden locks, startling blue eyes, and low seductive voice. I watched with jealousy as they bought her drink after drink when all she would do is smile.

            Nevertheless, I still couldn't picture her with the man she described. So, that is why on one rainy night I decided to seek out this Martian bounty hunter. I was amazed with what I found out along the way, then shocked even more when I finally saw him. The man with the mismatched eyes, Julia's love, Spike Spiegel.


Yeah, slow, I know. I'm hoping that it gets better, but I'm the writer, won't I say that the story is good? Anyway, do the review thing, and I shall return. No flames please, I'm quite the sensitive. There's a thin line between constructive and mean, so be sure not to cross it. Oh, and if I do have any mistakes throughout the course of the story, please forgive me. To err is human…

P. Thunder