A/N: Hi! I wrote this oneshot before 3x20 aired, and I thought the bench scene was going to be something like this. Instead, I have to say that I am very happy with the way they wrote it, even though I was very surprised at the fact that it had not been made clear at the beginning, but now I think it is perfect as it is uwu. Anyway, I hope you like it! R&R.

It all fell down.

"Dad, dad! How was your first kiss?"

TJ Kippen sighed. Like a sudden tide, the memory of that night came to his mind. The crackle of fire filled the air around them. The wooden bench on which they were sitting seemed uncomfortable, like every single sentence coming out of their lips.

"I still can't believe Buffy won the last game, even though all the others were a disaster." TJ chuckled at the bonfire light. "A total disaster," he emphasized.

He hinted at a smile, without saying anything for a few minutes. "Do you think Andi will actually go to SAVA next year?"

TJ shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe." He looked at his eyes as black and deep as the night that enveloped them, bright as the stars above them. They had been looking at each another for quite a while, so he took the initiative, because he knew that those calm eyes would never do that. "Is there anything you want to tell me?" he asked, just as he looked down at their hands, almost too close.

Cyrus raised his head and TJ got lost in his dark eyes again. Cyrus' hand grabbed his in a fit of courage, while his lips opened a little, though no sound could come out. "It's just that... I'm sorry I was a bad friend. You spent a lot of time with Kira and I didn't want to intrude."

TJ shook his head. "You shouldn't apologize, but I should. Our friendship is more important than her."

Cyrus smiled earnestly, then his face darkened. "I saw you two on the swings that day. I came to the park to bring you the shirt I sent you the picture of, but you were with Kira and you looked really happy, so I left."

TJ felt his heart clenched in pain: he knew he had really hurt the only person he really cared about, and he regretted it bitterly. "I'm sorry, I had no idea."

Cyrus shrugged his shoulders. "How could you? I left like a coward, which I most likely am."

TJ even more squeezed his hand in a rush of pure courage. He held his breath as he shook his head. "No, Cyrus, you are the bravest person I know." Cyrus came out with a genuinely confused and surprised expression, so TJ continued. "I heard in the corridors you came out with your parents."

"What?" he asked in a high-pitched voice. "How long has this news been going on?"

TJ shrugged his shoulders, because he honestly didn't care. "The point is that I, as badass as I may seem, would never have the courage to do so. And I don't think I'll ever have it."

Cyrus raised his eyebrows. "What are you trying to say?"

The blonde sighed soundly. "I will never have the courage to tell my family that I'm gay."

Cyrus opened wide his eyes and straightened his back. He obviously didn't expect it. "If you put it this way, you might think it's a joke, but I swear it's not. I like you, more than just a friend."

TJ nodded. Cyrus thought he wouldn't understand him, but there he was, seriously considering the idea of trying with him that unique feeling that only the first kiss can give. He could already see himself go around the school, hand in hand with his Underdog, telling everyone that Cyrus Goodman was his best friend, his boyfriend and maybe even the only person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. "I like you too, chocolate chocolate-chip muffin," he said.

Cyrus' eyes shone even brighter. He smiled earnestly and embraced him with momentum. "I promise that I won't be a sticky boyfriend, neither too protective, nor toxic in any way, nor-"

"You made the idea" TJ laughed, taking him by the shoulders and gently pushing him away. "I should've told you a long time ago, Cy."

Cyrus hinted at a smile and belittled his words with a hand gesture. "The important thing is that you did it, Teej."

TJ nodded and smiled. There were a few moments of silence, but not the embarrassing ones: they remained to admire each other, as hypnotized by the face of their partner. "Can I?"

Cyrus frowned for a moment. "Can you what?" he asked, perplexingly.

"Can I kiss you?" His stomach decided to twist on himself, and TJ felt that clamp down on his chest described in all the books his mother kept stacked on her bedside table and that he occasionally browsed. He didn't expect a definitive answer, not even a proper answer, so he simply approached the guy next to him.

Cyrus put his hand on his chest, nipping his intention in the bud and causing him a shiver down his back. "I should probably tell you it's not my first kiss."

TJ frowned. "All right, you couldn't even tell me. I don't care, and you can even don't tell me who it was with."

Cyrus nodded. "But I want to tell you. It was with a girl, Iris. But the only two kisses we gave each other seemed so wrong."

"And so, you confirmed your suspicion of being gay." Cyrus nodded again as TJ finished the speech for him. "It doesn't matter." He winked before continuing: "I'll still be the first boy you'll kiss." Cyrus smiled softly, and for TJ it was the most beautiful smile of the world. He pulled the moor in a warm embrace. The party had been really fun and singing with his friends had pleased him: he was glad that finally both Buffy and Andi and Jonah had accepted him into their group, more or less.

Cyrus pushed him a little bit away, just enough to take him by the collar of the dark hoodie and take the initiative for the kiss. They both closed their eyes, tasting each other's lips and the sweet moment that enveloped them. Cyrus' lips tasted like cinnamon and chocolate, freshly baked Christmas cookies and holiday flavour. TJ felt the typical knot in his stomach that characterized every moment he spent with his little man, his breath blocked, his heart racing like it was in a Formula 1 race. Finally, he was home, he had found his soulmate. His greatest wish had come true: to love and be loved by someone who would make him feel accepted.

"It was really special, with someone I loved very much."

His daughter, Buffy, nodded. She looked seven or eight years old, even though she was only six. "Was he the daddy?"

TJ shook his head but smiled. He really loved his husband, but, as they say, you never forget your first love. "No, his name was Cyrus."

"And why didn't you two stay together?"

"It's complicated," TJ said only. He didn't think her daughter was ready for that story, for the cruelty with which Cyrus had been killed, for his sad tears poured day and night for months and months. "I loved him to death, but we were very young."

"And don't you regret not being with him?"

TJ felt the tears in his eyes after so many years. "Very much."