Coco: Hey, guys, it's me back with another chapter for Young Justice...obviously XD And for those of you, who don't know, this chapter comes from the comics. It's not something I just made up on my own. I mean, yeah, I've made my own personal spin on it, especially near the end, but this is from the comics XD And the next chapter will mostly be from the comics too with a more dramatic end than what was given in the original work. At least, I think it's going to be a bit more dramatic. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. :D


JULY 9, 13:12 CDT

"I still disagree with your decision to involve Aqualad and Kid Flash," Natalie said very bluntly as she and Dick—both of them in civvies— stepped out of one of the many zeta tubes in Central City.

"Noted," Dick said while looking amused by Natalie's unhappy expression.

The expression only deepened when seeing that the boy wonder wasn't really listening to her. She shook her head. She had no idea that when she showed up at the Wayne Manor today that she was going to be dragged down to the Batcave only to zeta to Central City to join Wally and Aqualad at a café of Wally's choosing. Seeing her look, Dick nudged her.

"It'll be fine," Dick said. "Think of it as team training. The four of us need to get a handle on working together, right? Well, we can do it now."

"We shouldn't test the waters of how well we will work together on the League of Shadows," Natalie retorted. "You and I would be sufficient enough. We are adding two variables that are unneeded and can jeopardize the mission."

Dick paused in their walk with Natalie stopping back to look back at him as she wondered what the hold up way.

"Ya know, I think this is the most you've talked in a row," Dick commented.

Natalie just silently narrowed her eyes at him in a clear 'don't you even try to change the subject' look. Dick shrugged. It had been worth a try.

"Don't worry," He tried to assure her again. "We did pretty good on the Cadmus job and we hadn't even had any information before hand or even a strategy."

"It was a disaster," Natalie disagreed. "Text book speaking, we should have failed. We lucked out."

Dick sighed wishing Natalie would just try to be more positive. Yeah, he understood why she was on edge. This was personal considering those involved, but he figured strength in numbers was the key as they were doing this without their mentors. The two dropped the subject as they reached the café Wally had told them to meet him at. They saw the redhead was sitting at one of the tables outside the establishment and Aqualad was with him. The two seemed to have already ordered something for themselves as well.

"There you are, you slowpokes," Wally called out when he saw them.

Dick waved back in reply as he and Natalie walked over to join the two. Wally pat the seat next to him for Natalie to take and she nodded her thanks to him as she sat down.

"Sorry, Trance was dragging her feet." Dick said. "Took me a minute to even get her through the zeta tube."

Natalie resisted the urge to stick her tongue out childishly at Dick as the dark-haired boy remained standing.

"It is alright," Aqualad assured him. "Now, why is it that you wished to meet?"

Dick wordlessly pulled out a picture of who he and Natalie were quite certain was the League of Shadow's next target.

"So, why am I looking at a picture of…?" Wally trailed off trying to get Dick to explain.

"Her name is Gonzalez. Selena Gonzalez." Robin said.

"And we care why?" Wally prompted. "Other than the fact that she's a hottie?"

"Because in less than 24 hours we suspect Ms. Gonzalez to be dead." Natalie said pointblank though made sure to keep her tone low so not to be overheard.

Aqualad and Wally looked at her with wide eyes as she sat calmly in her seat with her fingers laced together and elbows resting on the arms of her chair. She was unbothered by their looks, which made Dick sigh quietly.

"Yeah, what she said." Dick said.

"Care to elaborate?" Wally inquired.

"We suspect her to be a target for a hit while she's here in Central City." Dick said. "We're not entirely sure on the reason, but we have found—or think we've found something related to her."

That didn't clear up too much for Wally and Aqualad, but what Dick gave them was more to go on than what Natalie had so bluntly stated.

"Related how?" Aqualad asked.

"Looking through some of Batman's files I found that there have been a few targets. Seemingly unrelated, but with Trance's help I cross-referenced a ton of data and we think we found a pattern."

Trance nodded in agreement as Wally's mouth dropped open in shock as he realized exactly what they had done.

"Looked through?" Wally scoffed rather loudly. "You mean you hacked into Batman's files!"

When given exasperated looks from both Dick and Natalie, Wally realized what he had done as he looked around at all the people within earshot. Anyone could have heard him just then. He bit his lip looking apologetic.

"Anyway," Dick returned to what he had previously been saying. "We think this CEO might be next. All of the other 'hits' have been made to look like accidents—random muggings gone wrong, kidnappings ending on a bad note—things like that. I figured we could look into it, which is why I had Trance help me shift through the data faster before too many more people were hurt."

And a few more have been hurt while the two have been putting together their information and comparing notes.

"And what brought your attention to this in the first place?" Aqualad asked.

"After the incident at Cadmus, Trance and I both decided it was best to look into them more closely." Dick explained. "We both had a feeling things weren't over, and while looking into the information I had pulled from Cadmus the night we rescued Superboy along with other things such as corporate holdings, who they do with business and such, we noticed people they have had dealings with have recently met untimely accidents."

"They're obviously being silenced." Natalie said. "At least that's what we believe. Cadmus is trying to tie up loose ends most likely."

It was the most logical deduction anyway, and Natalie was certain nothing could change her mind on the matter.

"You want us to look into this on a hunch that someone might have put a hit on the CEO of this company?" Wally asked while once again forgetting to control the loudness of his voice due to his excitement. "Cool!"

He was again given a look and he gasped realizing he had done it all over again. Dick sighed shaking his head. He was beginning to agree with Natalie that maybe Wally shouldn't be involved.

"What about Superboy and Miss Martian?" Aqualad inquired about their teammates who weren't brought in on the briefing.

"We don't want to get them in trouble before the Team even gets going, do we?" Dick replied back with his own question. "Besides, if you think about it, we haven't even had a real outing as a team yet."

That was something Natalie was very much well aware of. Hence her misgivings about allowing Aqualad and Wally in on such a mission. She and Dick have worked a few gigs together, and they both had similar training. Not to mention, Dick has actually dealt with the League of Shadows just as she has. Their two friends, who are currently present, haven't.

"C'mon, Aqualad, let's do this." Wally encouraged the Atlantean. "This could be fun."

Natalie sighed. This wasn't meant to be fun. The League of Shadows should be taken seriously. Of course, they haven't gotten around to telling Wally and Aqualad of their possible involvement yet. And by possible, Natalie was 100% certain the Shadows were involved.

"Okay, think of it as a training session, then." Dick tried to tell Aqualad. "We haven't even had one of those as a team yet."

All the more reason to wait until they do have one of those before involving others in this kind of affair. At least in Natalie's opinion, but Dick has already shown that he isn't going to listen to her, so she doubted saying anything now would help.

"Then why are Miss Martian and Superboy not here?" Aqualad insisted. "They are part of the Team, are they not?"

"Yes, they are," Natalie said. "However, they don't even have a week's worth of hero work underneath their belts. It would be bad strategy on our parts to involve them on such a mission. I am against even inviting the two of you to be quite honest considering who our opponents will most likely be."

This caught Wally's attention as he looked at Natalie curiously. Now, he was really interested in this mission. Meaning Natalie's words had the opposite affect of what she was hoping. Something she realized when seeing the excited gleam in Wally's eyes. She mentally groaned.

"And who do you think is behind all this?" He asked with a grin.

"The one pulling the strings?" Natalie inquired. "We do not know. However, the one executing these accidents is most likely the League of Shadows."

Dick nodded in agreement as Wally's grin seemed to grow even wider. Natalie shook her head once more. She didn't understand his excitement at all.

"Whoa, really?!" Wally asked. "If so, then "executed" really is an appropriate choice of words."

Aqualad seemed a bit confused as he looked at his teammates. Wally seemed positively thrilled about hearing this League of Shadows could be their culprit to these untimely accidents of company CEOs. However, Dick was more sober about it and Natalie seemed positively grim as she stared at Wally unhappily. He realized they had to be some kind of big deal, but he had no idea who they were.

"Wait…who is the League of Shadows?" He asked.

All three of his teammates looked a tad surprised he didn't know who they were talking about. However, Natalie gave a sigh once she realized why he wouldn't know.

"I suppose the Shadows aren't as well known in Atlantis." She said with a slight hum. "Even with all their connections and resources, I don't even think they could pull off assassinations that deep underwater. At least not as well as they do on the surface."

Dick nodded realizing the same as Wally, who had opened his mouth to ask Aqualad how he didn't know the Shadows, closed his mouth.

"So, they are assassins?" Aqualad summarized.

"Partly," Dick said. "The League of Shadows is a deadly organization with their dirty hands stuck in a whole bunch of stuff around the world."

"Allegedly." Wally added. "Nothing ever seems to get proven against those guys."

Aqualad understood. This League of Shadows is good at what they do and what they do is very, very criminal.

"So, to reiterate, you want the four of us to look into what may or may not be a sanctioned assassination attempt on this CEO, carried out by a covert organization called the League of Shadows, without either of our other two teammates…and without authorization from Batman or the rest of the Justice League?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Dick said with a casual shrug.

"What are we waiting for?!" Wally asked.

Natalie sighed knowing so many things could go wrong on this mission.


JULY 9, 19:54 CDT

Trance, who once again adorn her costume, frowned as she sat perched on top of a building not too far from the Shadows' target's workplace. Robin was next to her crouched form as he was watching the building closely with his binoculars. Aqualad watched from a distance silently as he waited for their next move. However, he was the only one being silent behind them as a certain redhead was currently munching very loudly on his snacks as he sat up on the small level above them. Natalie turned to frown at Kid Flash as he was eating away happily as if they weren't trying to have a stakeout at the moment.

"Why is she still at work?" He inquired over the mouthful of food he was currently trying to eat. "Everyone else went home hours ago."

That was true. Everyone else had called it a day some time ago. Selena Gonzalez was the only one left in the building. Trance almost wanted to scoff at the lack of security this place had. Even if security guards—normal ones anyway—could do very little against the Shadows, at least it'd be come kind of protection.

"Could you not chew so loud?" Robin retorted to Kid Flash's question instead of really answering it.

"At this point, I wish he could feed with a filter much like a humpback whale would. It would be less nauseating to watch," Aqualad quipped.

Trance couldn't disagree there as having to watch the speedster eat was a bit gross and she doesn't even flinch at the sight of blood or anything related to such.

"Haha, very funny," Kid Flash snorted.

"Could you just keep it down?" Robin asked.

He sounded quite exasperated at this point. He's never had to deal with such annoyances during any of his other stakeouts. Of course, all those had been with Batman and the Dark Knight has shown he can stand for hours without making a peep or moving.

"Which one? My voice or my chewing?" Kid Flash asked.

"Both." Robin practically growled.

Kid Flash either didn't notice or care he was getting on Robin's nervous as he let out a loud sigh while dropping his bag of chips.

"I can't help it!" Kid Flash whined. "I'm bored and I need to eat! We've been sitting here for hours. Do you know how hard that is for me to do?!"

Kid continued his rant, but Trance tuned him out as she suddenly felt alert when she could have sworn, she heard footfalls behind them. She turned her head seeing no one, but she was almost positive she had heard someone's feet touch down on the roof as if someone had jumped down from a higher vantage point onto the roof they were on. There were several taller buildings around them. Perfect for people to watch them as they were trying to watch Selena.

However, her attention was brought off of behind them when in her peripherals she had caught movement. Her head snapped back around seeing a man dressed in a dark purplish-black body suit climbing up the side of the building much like a spider would. She wasn't the only one who noticed as Robin's eyes were already trained on the man.

"There below the window," Aqualad said seeing him too. "Movement."

Kid Flash finally spotted the assassin who was moving in closer to target. But he wasn't the only one getting closer. Trance's eyes flickered behind them once more as she tried not to move her head too much. There was definitely someone there. Possibly two. Before she could find a way to warn her friends, Kid Flash was already gone as Aqualad was trying to come up with a plan. When seeing the speedster already gone, the Atlantean turned to Robin.

"Robin, we—!" Aqualad was cut off by Robin's cackles thus making him sigh. "This isn't team building."

He looked to Trance who silently nodded in agreement before shoving Aqualad to the side quite roughly. He gasped in shock, but his eyes really widened when seeing the large hook swinging where he had been standing. His took in the owner of said hook as he was smirking at the two teens.

"I wouldn't worry about them," The assassin said. "Because in a few minutes, you won't have a team."

He took another swing at the two protégés who dodged his attack. It wasn't a smart move on his part as his hook, which he slammed into the roof of the building was now stuck.

"Who are you?" Aqualad asked the man.

"Hook," Trance replied for the white-haired assassin. "Black Spider is his accomplice it seems for this mission."

As soon the words left her mouth, she had to draw her sword to deflect an attack she had saw coming from her right. As her sword cut the offending object in half, she saw it was an arrow. This had her brow quirking silently at the projectile.

"And an unknown," Trance added without missing a beat. "No, most likely two—possibly three—unknowns. The League of Shadows do like to cover all their bases."

Hook didn't seem too worried that Trance was able to deduce the amount of Shadows they currently had running this mission. It was only meant to be four, but their Master had thrown in one extra player just for the little mistress.

"So, you can figure that out, huh?" Hook asked. "So what? That information isn't going to help you because there's nothing you can do with it!"

He managed to get himself free and immediately went for Aqualad as he did so. Trance was going to run interference, but was stopped as a small volley of arrows was sent her way. The arrows forced her back away from Aqualad as she had to jump backwards to avoid being hit. She mentally cursed. They're being separated purposely, so they can't work as a team.

As Aqualad faced off against Hook, Trance's eyes shifted around looking for her attacker. When another arrow was let loose, Trance's eyes zeroed in on where the arrow came from. Without hesitation she dodged the attack, drew a few of her shuriken, and threw them towards her attacker's location.

She saw someone flee the spot, but couldn't make them out enough for a distinct profile. They disappeared into a blind spot, and as Trance knew they'd have to find another point to attack from, she returned her attention to her teammate who was currently losing against Hook. She threw out a flash bomb, which exploded in Hook's face. He cried out trying to cover his eyes, but the damage had already been done. Thinking quickly, Trance sheathed her sword, grabbed Aqualad, and jumped off the side of the building just as the mysterious archer shot another arrow her way.

It barely missed her as she and Aqualad went falling down as gravity did its job. To keep them from falling to their deaths, Trance deployed her grappling hook to snag onto the building in front of them. Once it hooked, they swung towards the building Selena Gonzalez worked in. They went crashing through one of the windows and rolled out across the floor with Trance gaining her bearings much quicker than Aqualad.

The room they had crashed into was none other than the one Selena was working in. She gasped at their entrance and nearly screamed when Black Spider made his own through the window beside her. He went to make a grab for Selena, but was forced to flip out of the way when Trance threw more of her shuriken. At this rate, she knew she was going to run out.

"Ah, if it isn't you!" Black Spider said when seeing her.

He didn't get a chance to say much else as Kid Flash zoomed into the room. The redhead looked surprised as he saw Aqualad and Trance.

"When did you two get here?" He asked.

"Just grab Ms. Gonzalez and get out of here!" Aqualad ordered. "We will handle this."

Kid Flash nodded before he zipped pass Black Spider to grab onto Selena. Before she even knew what was happening, Kid had her out of the room and out of harms way.

"Hey, that's not cool, Fast Dude," Black Spider complained as if Kid had just taken something minor of his instead of the woman he was ordered to assassinate.

He then had to flip out of the way when Aqualad had used his water bearers to make whip-like weapons, which he had slung at the assassin. Black Spider nimbly moved around the room avoiding Aqualad with well-trained ease.

"You'll have to do better than that," Black Spider taunted. "You are dealing with me, after all? Isn't that right, Trancey?"

Trance frowned at the nickname before jumping out of the way of the webs he sent her way. She then dodged backwards when Black Spider tried to take her out with a swift kick to the face. She retaliated by going with the momentum of her dodge and flipping backwards. Her feet came up and landed a swift blow to the underside of Black Spider's chin. He was sent for his own loop and then hit from the side by Aqualad. He quickly gained his bearings as he faced the two teens.

"Better," He said. "But not enough~"

Before the words even fully left his mouth, Hook came crashing through the remainder of the window Trance and Aqualad had come through earlier. Without any hesitation and before his feet even fully touched the ground, he shot his hook forward and it caught Aqualad just right on the jaw. The Atlantean went flying backwards and crashed into the wall behind him. He fell forward landing on the ground with a hard thump. Trance wasn't surprised at all when he was left unmoving. He took a pretty hard hit. Not to mention the ones he had taken earlier.

"Good job!" Black Spider gave a thumbs up to his teammate. "Now, I'm going to handle those other two junior do-gooders. You got her, right?"

He gestured to Trance who stood at the ready as she knew rushing in would be a bad idea considering she was currently outnumbered.

"Oh yeah," Hook said as he raised his large metal hook. "I'll handle the little mistress, no problem."

Black Spider nodded then disappeared threw the window to go and intercept Robin and Kid Flash.

"Sorry, girlie, but I won't be going easy on ya, ya hear?" Hook warned as he took a step forward.

Trance merely tilted her head at Hook as she kept her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Oh, am I supposed to be frightened?" Trance questioned. "If so, you might want to work on your intimidation tactics."

Hook let out a roar of anger as he took a swing at Trance who flipped over him. She placed a few low charge bombs on his back as she was behind him and when they went off, he shouted in surprise. He went tumbling to the side, which gave Trance time grab Aqualad and book it out of the room. She didn't have time to play with Hook as keeping Selena alive was the main objective.

That means she needs to regroup with Robin and Kid Flash to come up with an actual strategy than the stupidity they've been pulling so far. So far, she knew for certain there were at least three members of the League of Shadows here. Hook, Black Spider, and the unknown archer. She didn't recall anyone in the League of Shadows being an archer. At least not one of the members who pull off more important missions like this. Of course, her father could have recruited more people since she and her mother left. Not that that mattered right now.

Trance let out a huff as she turned the corner with the unconscious Aqualad laying heavy against her shoulder. He was heavier than she thought he'd be. Perhaps he was more muscular than she gave him credit for during her first assessment of him. She needed to put him somewhere safe and then come back for him once the target was safe and the threat neutralized. With that thought in mind, Trance found the nearest supply closet. She placed Aqualad inside—propped against the wall—where he'd hopefully be safe. She moved a few boxes around him, so if anyone just peeked in, they'd most likely over look him.

"I will come back for you," Trance promised her unconscious teammate.

She then left Aqualad behind in the closet to hurry and try to get to the other boys. However, after reaching the next level, she was once again stopped. But it wasn't by Hook or Black Spider but a hooded figure with a bow and quiver of arrows on their back. Her mysterious archer friend.

"Well, well, there you are," A feminine voice said that had Trance, who was reaching for her sword, freeze.

She knew that voice. She knew it all too well, and even if it has been near a decade since she's heard it, she knew exactly who it belonged to.

"Nyssa." Trance said.

The archer—Nyssa—chuckled before lowering her hood to reveal a young woman that resembled Trance. However, instead of dark brown hair, her hair was jet black. Her skin was also a bit paler, but they shared many of the same facial features. They even had the same green eyes. Green eyes passed down to them by none other than the Master of the League of Shadows Ra's al Ghul.

"Hello, little sister," Nyssa greeted the youngest of the al Ghul family. "Miss me?"

Coco: Okay, for those of you who don't know, Nyssa Raatko is legit one of Ra's al Ghul's daughters. She is canon and she sometimes is known as Nyssa al Ghul. I personally don't know a lot about her as she's not as popular as her half sister Talia, but I'm going to base her kind of off of the Nyssa we get in DC's Arrowverse hence why she uses a bow and arrows. Her personality is also just something I'm kind of giving her since like I said I don't know a lot about her. So, I'm not sure what her exact personality type is, but I hope you enjoy her being added in to the Young Justice Universe alongside my OC Natalie. Anyway, hope you liked the chapter, and I look forward to when I have a new one to share with you. See ya!