Ch. 28

A few hours passed and Cat Noire came at the same place she started patrol as usual. Though that night was supposed to be Mister Bug's time, she knew they had to talk about the new heroime and the strange creature. Maybe that was the final daily patrol and then thry'll have it only during weekends.

Luckily, after the battle all kidnapped people were alive and healthy. They only forgot about what happened grom the night when they were cought. Therefore the saviors of Vilnius were the first thing to write about again. Probably even more than usual, because they were three now.

The third one was that mysteriaus girl calling herself Firefly with the light/heat povers. But how she possibly could have been there? Marinette had never mentioned about her plans to bring some more heroes to her team. Olivia didn't even know Marinette had that miraculous at all. No firefly miraculois holder was mentioned in Ladyblog before either.

Soon Mister Big showed up. He didn't look surprised she was there. Maybe expected her to come.

"Good evening" he said simply when he came.

"Hey" Cat Noire said back and there was an awkward silence between them for some time.

Cat Noire was burning inside. She perfectly rembered how she called her partner before. It still was in her head. But she had to say something. She had to either confirm that what she said was her true feelings for him or lie saying it was an accident and she actually didn't mean that.

"You did a great work today" Mister Bug broke the silence. "If not you, I don't know how everything would have ended."

"It was Firefly who defeated it eventually. Not me. So don't thank me" the girl sighed.

"I guess we have to get used to her being here" he said. "I asked her to come at nine tonight for the patrol."

Cat Noire turned at the boy for a moment, who was calmly looking at the city in front of him.

"But it's after an hour. We start patrol at eight. Why did you ask her to come later?" the girl asked.

"I wanted to talk to you before she comes. Privately" he answered and Cat Noire blushed brightly.

"About what?" she pretended not knowing why he did that.

Mister Bug took a deep breath. He couldn't believe he actually had to tell her. But he wasn't redy to play with her.

"How long?" he asked. He didn't play games. He didn't need to hear again anything. He woildn't listen her excuses.

"How long what?" the girl burned even more.

"You know what, Cat Noire. Don't play with me. Not now."

Cat Noire sighed. She had no choice but to tell him. She couldn't pretend, because he was smarter than that.

"I don't know. At first I tired to not think about that. I didn't want to accept. But the longer time I know you, the more..." she cut herself. She didn't want to say that again. She was afraid. This whole talk felt a little awkward.

"But when you accepted then?"

"Umm... A while ago?" Cat Noire squeaked.

"Really?" Mister Bug finally faced the girl. His eyes were so deep and serious. But at the same time so amazing and hypnotizing... "You know, you should have told me that."

"What? Why? So... You aren't mad at me?" Cat Noire blinked. She got really confused.

"No, I'm not mad. The previous cat miraculous holder fell for ladybug too, so it doesn't surprise me that much. Maybe it's a curse or something" he said but then shut up.

Cat Noire didn't know what to say. He thought that was a curse. He didn't think what she felt was true. That meant he didn't actually believe her. Cat Noire felt her heart cracking.

But Mister Bug noticed that he hurt her. He bit his lip.

"I'm sorry, Cat Noire. You should have known this can't happen. You know we couldn't be together even if I returned your feelings. Ladybug and Chat Noir were lucky they ended up together, but it doean't mean we are destined to be more than partners or friends."

"I understand. I didn't even want you to know that. I didn't want to mess this all up" the girl said looking at her feline boots.

"It doesn't matter now. But you shouldn't see this as a love or crush or whatever. You have your own life and even if you don't see it yet, eventually you'll find someone you'll be able to be with without your mask."

Cat Noire was quiet for a moment. Someone I'll be able to be without mask? I lied so many times. I hid so many secerets, I still hide so many. I'm wearing a mask all the time. Nobody knows the true me, except Louis. He knows much more than anyone. Far from everything, but I don't need to hide anyghing from him. Did Mister Bug mean him? No, I couldn't be with him anyway, she thought. How could she if she always see the heroes in him, if she see Mister Bug in him? She couldn't live normally if she thought about another guy while being with Louis. She'd feel so guilty, like cheeting on him. No, she needed more time. She had to get used to it, she had ti know Louis better, to prove how different they actually were.

"Well, there's someone I know likes me, but... Everything around me is so complicated."

Mister Bug put his hand on Cat Noire's shoulder. He looked at her waiting when she'll return the gaze.

"My life is complicated too, but it doesn't mean I can't be happy. Try to look at this in a positive way, maybe everything will go just fine eventually, you just have to give it a try" Mister Bug smiled weakly.

Cat Noire stared at him for some time. He really rejected her but he was reasoneble. Even though he hurted her, he tried to make it up and encouraced to move on and not think about him that way. She knew what he did was respectful, because not many people could say that. Others would either return their feelings back or rudely reject. But Mister Bug didn't fit in neither type. He was just so... unique. These thoughts made Cat Noire love him even more even though he asked not to. Therefore she knew it will be harder than both of them could think.


After a coiple more days when one more monster was defeated Plunksna sat on her couch not knowing what to do. There still was no news from Gabriel. She didn't even know if he was able to sneak to Lithiania's teritory at all. She was afraid he will never show up. Of course, it wasn't like she cared much, but she had a plan and he was in a part of it and if he didn't show up, the plan had to change.

But everything become more complicated. Plunksna could have expected any new miraculous holder to join the duo, but not Firefly. Her ability was so confusing her. Marinette didn't have that miraculous in her box. Plunksna had never heard of its existence at all. But even if she did, it was really unfair to fight alone against three. And hard, of course.

Duusuu layed tired on the woman's chest. She liked how warm her holder was especially after the battles. Sometimes it seemed she wasn't trated like she deserved and this was making Plunksna to overthink if Adrien was right saying that Gabriel can't be his father. That this person was too cold and selfish to be a loving and worth respect father. Or there was Nathalie to blame? No, she was just Gabriel's minion redy to do anything for him. But before her Duusuu belonged to Emilie. Could it actually be that she wasn't as good as Adrien saw her? Could it be that she was even worse than Gabriel? After all, she used that miraculous before Gabriel become Hawk Moth.

Well, Plunksna will never find out what kind of person Emilie actually was. Cabriel was imprisoned before he could have reached his goal. Therefore it left thousands of other mysteries and secerets nobody could be able to find out.

The woman softly tikled Duusuu head. The peacock kwami giggled still eyes closed. "Stop it. It tikkles really badly!"

The woman giggled too. The kwami was so adorable. During those couple of months she couldn't handile but fall under that strange spell when holder can't imagine their life without their kwamis. And how she was able to live without her befote? Duusuu was everything for her - a friend, a pertner, a roomate, her bigest seceret, her advisor and a lot other things. Duusuu become a pert of Plunksna's life she didn't want to lose.

But suddenly the door bell rang. Duusuu hid somewhere immediately when the young woman stared at the door. She wasn't waiting for any guests. It wasn't like she had any guests offen either. Usually it was only her and Duusuu at the house.

The woman stood up and unlocked the door. She looked at who was standing trhough the small crack. There stood a tall brown-haired woman with caramel skin and big mint green eyes. Near her was the wheelchair and an old woman sitting in there.

The tall woman tried to look closely at the person inside.

"Emma?" she asked not sure.

The doors oppened widely.

"Lila" the young woman said back. "You finally came. B-but who is this?"

Lila looked at the person next to her. The old woman glared at Emma.

"I think I did a great job. It was much easier to hide him as a woman. But can we go inside? It wouldn't be very nice to talk about that when anyone can hear" Lila looked aroud at other flat doors.

"Oh, right. Come in" Emma said and let the guests come insede her house.

"Wow, your place looks lovely" Lila said looking around. Emma locked the door and glared at her.

"Where have you been all this time? You should have come here in two weeks after everything started" the young woman said.

"Do you think it was that easy? I had to make a fake pasport and dress Gabriel as an old woman. I had to hide him for longer than you think. We traveled from one place to another in case someone recignized him" Lila tried to explain. "Besides, when Gabriel got out of prison, there were more police patroling near Cabriel's mansion, so it was really dificult to sneak out."

"But you managed to do that" Emma crossed her arms on her chest.

"Of course I did" the Italian said and grabed the little fridge box from the back of the wheelchair.

"How many of them did you take?" Emma took it from the middle aged women's arms.

"Enough" she simply answered when the blonde woman opened it to look what's inside. There was countless number of white cocons with butterflies inside. Emma smiled a little.

"At least you did something right" she closed the fridge and glanced back at Lila.

"I did everything perfectly. Just you two with Gabriel need a bit more patience. Speaking of which, where did he go?" Lila looked at an empty chair.

"Bathroom" blonde rolled her eyes.

Lila nod slowly. "So what are you going to do with those butterflies? And Gabriel?"

Emma stared at Lila for some time. Gabriel came out of the bathroom while there still was silence between the two women. He slowly came in the room and sat on the confortable couch in which Emma was sitting a few minutes ago.

"Gabriel will stay here. I'll take care of him while living with my family. I'm going to use butterfly miraculous, of course, as well as peacock. Maybe I'll let you to join me, but I don't trust you. You were supposed to come a while ago, but you didn't. Therefore I don't know where you're planing to live, but definetely not here" Emma finally said calmly looking how Lila's expression slowly canged.

"But I have nowhere to go!" she freaked out.

"That's not my bussines. I'm sure you can fihure something. You may leave now."

Emma showed the door side. She stood calmly coldly looking at Lila's sad and worried expressions. The young woman couldn't believe how fake Lila was. There were plenty of places around the city she could live. So many hotels perfectly suited for any guest, but no, that woman had to pretend like that. She wasn't even a pert of Emma's family. She should be glad the blonde is considering to give a buterfly miraculous to her at all.

Lila glared at Emma but stayed quiet. She sighed calmly showing that she wasn't hurt and left.

Emma came to Gabriel. "Hello, granfather."

"Emma" he answered heawily breathing. The long hair wig was already taken off, the ridiculous chlothes were changed into an formal sand colour suit. Big round glassers changed into his usual ones. "Don't you think you were a bit too harsh for Lila?"

"Maybe, but if I let her do whatever she wanted, she'd start comanding me and I don't want her to clinb on my head. I'm in charge here, not her."

"Heyy, Gabriel!" someone said and the two adults saw a little blue kwami flying their way. But the kwami suddenly stoped. It's expresion changed from happy to surprised. "Wow, you look really old."

Gabriel groaned almost unhearably but before he could have said anything, Emma interupted.

"Duusuu, be polite, he's our guest" she said.

The blue kwami blinked. She was embarased a bit, but stayed friendly.

"Sorry. It just slipped out of my mounth. But you look good as an elder" she tried to make it up to him, but it didn't help much. Emma showed her to come to her and the kwami flied back laying on the woman's chest. She layed there corfortable enough and tried to sleap. Emma put a palm on her holding her from falling. Duusuu smiled of how warm it was and how happy she was being so close to her holder.

"Anyway, you have my miraculous, right?" Gabriel asked breaking the silence.

"Of course, but I won't tell you where I keep it. You won't get it anyway" Emma said.

"Then why you needed the butterflies? Oh, you're going to give it to Lila, right? Or you think you'll do better with akumas?"

"Maybe I want to use them both at the same time? My parents managed to do that, so I think I'll be able to do this too. But yes, I'm planing to give it to Lila. But not now, she has to lover her anger. Ugh, I can clearly feel it" the woman looked at Duusuu who was already sleeping. Emma felt tired too it was quite late after all.

"Then why you need me? Why you took me out of prison if I can't be Hawk Moth anymore?" Gabriel asked.

"You know how to grow butterflies" Emma said and giggled from her own joke. "Don't worry, I won't leave you without activity."

"So you won't tell me?" the old man asked.

"I will, but not now."

"Then why are you doing all that? What's so important to you that you need the miraculous?"

Emma sighed. She had to tell someone. Of course, Duusuu already knew it, but it was different. Nobody at her home never listened to her. They had too much work all the time and even if they had some free time, her younger brother was going outside to take some pictures, her older brother was interupted by his friends or grangparents. Sometimes mom called him, so he had to hung up. She didn't see dad for quite a long time and when she tried to talk to mom, when she wanted to say what was wrong, that obsest jounalist had to come. So nobody knew. Not even her family. Yet. Because she had to tell them in case she fainted or something else happemed.

"I'm sick. I have a tumor in my head. But my wish isht that selfish. I want everyone to heal from such deseases" she said. Emma knew that it will have a prise, it will have consequiences. Maybe create a new desease but she had to do that. She didn't want anyone to feel the pain she was feeling, she didn't want people to go through what her family will when she'll be gone. She didn't want to die either.

"But that will cost you a lot" Gabriel said.

"I know and I have everything planed."


Olivia stood near one of the classrooms. She didn't have one lesson and during that time she decided to talk to Louis. After what happened with Noah, something was weird between them. Maybe it was because he stood up for her that day, maybe because she knew what he felt or maybe something else she didn't know. But in either way, they had to clear things between them. This couldn't stay like that for any longer. Even though Olivia didn't feel about him the same way Louis did about her, she still didn't want to lose Louis. He meant a lot to her.

Finally the bell rang informing about the end of the lesson. After 7 seconds the first pupils left the class. Louis was the one leaving the classroom the last together with Dominic. They were walking casually, not hurrying anywhere. Talking about something Olivia didn't pay attention to.

But at the moment he left the class, he froze. Like always. Dominic stoped too and smiled a little.

"Hello, Olivia."

"Hi, can I steal your friend from you? Only for this break" the girl asked.

The boy sighed and left. He was the whole head taller than Louis. Bright brown hair brushed almost formally, dark eyes looking so mysterious and breath taking.

But Louis was never tall. He was a little taller than Olivia and she was one meter and half height. Not very tall either. But Louis's mother was Chinese-blooded and they aren't wery tall people, so it probably coused Louis's height. But maybe not. He might still grow as tall as his father.

Louis blushed of her gaze at him. "D-did you need anything?" the boy stuttered.

Olivia smiled weakly and grabed his sleave. She calmly brought him hear one of the benches and sat hoping he'd do the same. Luckily, he did.

"There's something I needed to talk to you" she said straight forward.

The boy blinked without response.

"Oh, God. This is so awkward" Olivia took a deep breath and blushed. How even start that conversation?

"Awkward what?" Louis blushed too. She looked too adirable like that.

Olivia stayed quiet for a few seconds thinking what to say. Eventually she didn't manage to think of any plan so just blurred out.

"I know! I know you like me. I shouldn't tell you that and wait until you tell me that yourself, but I can't hold it. I can't torture you like that every time you try to speak with me" she said out loud before she lost all her breath.

The boy blushed even more. He froze into a living statue. Well, he definetely didn't expect her to say that. Ok, that is REALLY awkward, Louis thought.

"I'm sorry" Olivia said seeing his reaction. She quickly hid her face under her hands.

"D-d-on- ee" Louis was bitting his lip hardly. He felt his own blood in his mounth but he was nervous. When? How? How long? Was I too obvious? But how he had to feel about it? Be happy or sad? Was she about to reject him or maybe return his feelings? From her reaction it was hard to understand.

Louis slowly put his hand on her wrist. He didn't know if it was right decision but she let him do this. He slowly revealed her bright red face, but didn't look at him.

"So?" Louis murmured. He had nothing else to say but even if he had, he wouldn't be able to say it out loud.

"I know I shouldn't know that. And this is bothering me for quite a long time. When you stood up for me last week, I already knew everything. I knew much longer than then. But that day I understood that it's different. That it isn't just a silly crush and this means a lot. Umm... I know it wasn't right to do that. To play with your feelings like that. I'm sorry" Olivia said and glanced at Louis for a moment.

"But... Umm... Err... I'm n-not angry" Louis tried to think of what to say. "But h-how..." do you feel about me? the words stuck in his head but he stoped himself. That was the stupidest thing ever.

Olivia shook her head.

"You don't understand. I kept one more seceret from you. And I still have so many you don't even imagine of. But I'm sorry not only for being quiet all this time, but because I might will break your heart. I don't know how I feel about anything anymore. I thought I'll be fine after Noah, and I was until..." until he came to this school and said all those things. "And after..." after what Mister Bug teld me. "I feel like having a hole in me. And I want to heal it. I want some time to overthink all that. I know you won't push me, but I want you to understand my reasons. I wouldn't handile if anything happened because of it. I cannot let everything to end up same as what happened to Noah. I won't be able to handie it" Olivia almost cried.

Louis stared at the girl for a moment without a word. Maybe she was right. She had to overthink everything and he shouldn't be pushy. He never wanted to push her. He was already waiting for months and was about to let himself wait more. It wasn't like he'd be able to tall her any time soon anyway. Louis understood her desire to have some time. Though it hurted, he still had hope. She didn't fully reject him, so this meant that she might chose to be with him.

Louis wraped his arms around Olivia. She seemed so sad about it. Though he knew he wouldn't manage to say anythung properly, he knew that he had to do something to calm her. To show her that he could wait. Olivia held him back. Her breathung slowly become normal and she whispered to his ear. "Thanks."

The bell rang informing everyone that the break was over. Olivia slowly pulled away, like she didn't really wanted to. She gave Louis a weak smile.

"So, friends?" she squeacked.

Louis smiled and nod.

"Will you come to the mass tomorow evening? I'd really apreciate if anyone come to listen our performance."

Louis nod harder. "Worry not. I ill- till... Um will c-come."


There came really many people for the mass. A lot of students were with their parents, some of them came alone or with friends, some were only for the mass not even knowing about the special program. That was making Olivia super nervous. That was her first perfirmance after a long time.

But everything went surprisingly well. All the stress wasn't enough to fade the joy in her. She was preparing too hard to do mistakes, she was waiting too long to quit. Olivia couldn't stop smiling knowing that her all friends from class came and Louis was too. She wasn't sure but she thought she saw him with his mother in the crowd. Therefore she knew - she wasn't alone. Almost everyone came. Even her grandmother. It was wery weird that this woman agreed to come, but she pretended going there for the mass.

The only one person missing was Olivia's mother. Like she said - she couldn't come. She was in Paris at that time. Olivia talked to her last day and was confirmed that she will come back only on the weekend. But Olivia wasn't sad. There came too many people she knew to be sad.

Meanwhile Louis couldn't stop but stare at Olivia. She wore the full school uniform, her hair in a high ponytail he adored so much. He didn't care that his mom and dad smiled at his gaze. He didn't pay attention at them whispering. He didn't even hear the mass, because all he saw and heared was Olivia and her violin. That was all he wanted to hear and see.

Just when the mass ended he was distracted by leaving people. One moment and Olivia was out of his sight too.

"Should we wait for her?" mom asked looking at people leaving the chirch.

"Maybe Louis could text her and ask if she need a ride home." dad responded.

Both looked at still daydreaming Louis for a moment.

"Or maybe I should text her" Marinette decided and grabed her phone.

MARINETTE: we''re waiting for you. When can you come?

After a minute she got an response.

OLIVIA: five minutes. I have to talk to my teacher first :)

"She'll come soon" Marinette said. "We should wait outside."

Louis blushed a little. Did she know I was staring at her the whole time?

"She played really good. The soundracks were a clasical mass ones, but she played it really well" Adiren said. "She's as talented as Luka is."

"Yeah, he was a great musician. I wonder how is he now?"

"Let's hope he's fine. After all, he still has Juleka and Rose by his side" Adrien huged his wife with one hand.

Marinette looked downwards. She missed Luka even though he used to like her. Adrien did too. He wasn't mad at neither Marinette she was with him, nor Luka who fell for her. It was his own foult he didn't see Marinette like that before. He was blind to not notice his lady for so long. He was stupid to hold himself from falling for her. But at least eventually he was with her. With his lady, his princess... With Marinette.

"Hey, Louis!" they all heard a female voice coming closer. Olivia ran towards Louis and jumped into a hug. The boy was confused but put his arms on her back. After a second she pulled away smiling. "I'm so happy you came." she said and huged Marinette.

But when she pulled away her skin turned white. She stared at Adrien not knowing what to say. He smiled to her and was about to introduce himself, but she said.

"Hello, you must be Louis's father, am I right?"

The man nod. "You can call me Adrien. And you must be Olivia."

Her skin changed its color into pimk and she shook his hand. He stared at her hand for a moment and Olivia could admit, he knew her Identity. He recognized his ring.

But Olivia didn't think about it. It was a legend in front of her. Adrien Agreste himself. Chat Noir. The hero of Paris. One of the main ones. She had no idea he came. She didn't even imagine she would be able to meet him so soon. Howewer, she couldn't introduce hersrlf being Cat Noire, she couldn't let Plagg meet him, because of Louis. She had to hide her identity, her knowledge.

"You played amazingly today. Louis couldn't atop looking at you" Marinette broke the silence glancing at her son who brightened in red even more.

"Well, I practiced a lot..." Olivia said awkwardly smiling. She glanced at brightly red Louis. He didn't respond. He didn't disagree.

"Anyway, are you hungry? We're going to the restourant for dinner. You could join us" Marinette suggested. "Because it's wery cold here. I don't want neither of you to get ill because of it."

"I think I should just go at Cornellia's. My mother went abroad, so I'm staying at her place right now, so I shouldn't worry her staying with you for long" Olivia scrached the back of her head.

"Then you could sleep at our place. Emma moved out quite a long time ago, so you'd have your own room. Or stay until your mother comes back, I bet you don't want to bother your friend's parents stayung there for long" Marinette tried to convince the girl

"She's right. You'd have a lot of space for yourself, besides, our house is always full of pastries, we hardly manage eat all of that" Adrien added and Marinette rolled her eyes at him.

"Umm... I don't think that's a good idea..."

"C'mon. You know, Louis is a musician too. He plays a piano, so if you come, I bet he'd play you somethung" Marinette smiled.

"Mom!" Louis burned in red.

Olivia glanced at him again. He looked so cute like that. But she really wanted to hear him playing piano. She didn't know he played an instrument at all, but it didn't surprise her.

"Fine, you got me. But I'll come only if Louis promise to play it" Olivia agreed. She knew that Marinette found her weak spot she just used against her,but Olivia let it go. She just wanted to hear what Louis can.

"I- I'm not a profesional or anything..." Louis looked downwards. He was ashamed he would make mistakes.

"It doesn't matter. I'm bad with a guiter either, so don't be shy" Olivia tried to make him feel better.

Louis bit his lip and looked at his parents. His dad showed him thumbs up and his mom just nod. Then the boy looked back at Olivia.

"O-okay. I can try" he murmured.

"Perfect. Then let's not waste any more time. I bet you guys are hungry" Marinette said smiling. She won.

After the dinner Louis's parents brought Olivia to Cornellia's place to grab her things. The pink-haired girl was a little surprised but couldn't stop talking trying to prove that Olivia actually liked Louis back.

"If you're going to say one more word, I'll leaving much faster than you can blink" Olivia said shuting up her friend.

"I bet you two will be dating by the end of the week" Cornellia said before Olivia left.

"I'm already thinking about giving him a chance. I want to got to know him first but I need time. So we will not be dating that soon" Olivia said back.

"But you like him. Admit it."

"Sut up" the girl said and kissed Cornellia's cheek. "See you tomorow."

When Olivia was brought at Marinette's house, she was amazed. Louis lived really close the city centre, though those houses were really old, the flat was renovated from the inside. The flat had two rooms downstairs and two more in the attic. Each of them were really unicue, with one or another kind of painting on the wall. She was informed that it was Marinette's work. Olivia gasped.

"Wow, this must have taken a lot of time" she said.

"Yes, but I liked painting in these walls. You know, when I was about your age I already had my own desighned room" the woman said.

"I bet that place was your personal paradise" Olivia said and Marinette smiled.

"I guess" she said and almost fell for her memory. She wondered if that place still looked the same or her parents redecorated it. After all, Hugo was staying there now.

"I think we should show Olivia her room" Adrien interupted females.

Olivia nod. "That'd be great."

All four of them went up the stairs. Adrien opened one of the doors showing Olivia to go inside. The room was a little smaller then Olivia's but quite empty. Pink walls matching with light blue furniture, a few pictures on the shelfs, and a small carpet near the bed.

"This used to be our doughter's Emma's room, but she moved out this summer, so this room is empty ever since" Adrien said.

"You can stay here as long as you want. I don't think she'd mind you staying here" Marinette aded.

"Thank you. This plase is really amazing. You're being really generous" Olivia steped inside and put her things on the ground.

"Louis's room is in front of this one. Come there when you're fully established. He'll play you something" Marinette said and was already leaving when Olivia stopped her.

"What about you? Will you listen him playing?" Olivia asked.

"I'm too tired. I have to get up earlyer for work, so that isn't surprising" the woman said and left. Adrien did the same.

"I think I should give you two some privacy" he added.

Both teens blushed a bit but didn't respond. Pretending that the man didn't say anyghing. Louis helped Olivia to establish. Then they both went to his room. His place was bigher, of course, a bit more crowded, he kept a few pictures on his walls. Olivia stoped hear them. She had heard he was into photography. That day they met in the art gallery he said that himself, but she didn't know what he liked to photograph. The pictures didn't even look like taken by camera. It was clear he was working with a photoshop programs to make it different. Olivia's eyes cought an collage with Gediminas tower. It was actually a lot of small pictures of better known places in Vilnius all shaded and put perfectly making The Gediminas tower.

"I made it last year" Louis said noticing what she was staring at. Olivia nod. "It was for photography contest."

"You probably got the first place" Olivia said.

"No. I w-was third, but I-I got a new camera for this" he said shily.

"It's still cool. I'd have given the first place if I were in the jury" Olivia said and came next the piano. "But the new camera is an awesome prize, what you could have got if you won?"

"Dron" he sinply answered. He really wanted to have one. He'd be able to make such awesome pictures.

Olivia noticed he felt sad he didn't get it, so she decided to change the subject.

"So, will you play something for me?"

Louis blushed, but came closer the instrument. In a few seconds he managed to forget the previous subject. "W-what do y-you want me to may- play?" he stuttered again.

"Something not clasical. I think It's enough for me today" Olivia smiled.

Louis took a deep breath. He had no idea what to play, but put his fingers on the piano. He started playing trying to let a rhythm but still not knowing what exactly he was playing. He knew the notes of that song but he forgot how was that called until Olivia started singing.

2 plius 2 man visad bus 5/ Sukuek man tris Kanadas/ Aš pažadu tau dvi.

Eng[2 plus 2 it's always 5 to me/ Make me three Canadas/ I promise you two.]

Louis stopped. He looked at the gir all red.

"Y-you... Nice voice" he whispered.

Olivia blushed a little too. "Thanks. I'm not profesional at it either."

Louis gigled shortly. It felt so good having her close. She was smiling and enjoying the time with him. Maybe it was the begining of their relationship. Louis was hoping it was. He couldn't think many reasons why this shouldn't be happening, but wasn't afraid to wait. He could be pacient.

Olivia put her head on his shoulder as he was playing some more music. She sang a few songs at first, but soon stoped. Louis didn't even notice how she fall asleap. She was so tired after everything that happened that day.

But when he did, he stoped and carefully took her ih his arms. He slowly brought her to his sister's room and put her in the bed. He didn't want to wake her up, so to do all of that was pretty hard. But she didn't. She just mumbled something shortly through her dreams.

Louis stared at Olivia for a few momsns. She looked so beautiful, so naturel, paceful, just perfect. Louis closed the door of his sister's room and whispered.

I love you


Well, I guess this is the end for the book. You finally know that Emma was behind it all this time, that she was the one responsible for Cabriel's escape out of the prison. You also know her reasons and why she used peacock miraculous insted of butterfly. Meanwhile Olivia is getting closer to Louis, she cleared things with Mister Bug. Also, there's another miraculous holder and therefore other box to find.

For the other book I wanted to orientate in the new Miracle box, Emma, Olivia's and Louis relationship, Cornellia, Dominic and of course Otilia. I was also thinking about bringing more MLB characters to the story, but I'm not sure if this story will be continued. I guess I hoped more people will like the story than it did, but I shouldn't have hoped much anyway. But it is not my last story for sure. I have another story to continue and I might get some ideas for other fanfics.

What else did I miss? The song is called 'Trys Kanados' by Vaidas Bareikis ir Jurga. I chose this one because it's nice and lovely one and I wanted something like that for the end. Seven seconds until the first students leaved the class after the school bell is the fact. Don't believe me? Count yourselves. ( Fine, sometimes it takes 5.)The idea of tumor came because my aunt has it. It won't kill her, but doctors can't take it out either because she could end up being blind. I don't know why, but Emma had to have it too, but of course a deadly one. I think now that's everything I wanted to add.

I hope you all enjoyed reading the story same as I enjoyed writing. Thank you all for reading it and managing to handile it untill the end. This means a lot to me