Have you ever imagined what would happen, if all the secerets were revealed to the public? What if everyone knovs who are the heroes and who Hawk Moth is? What will happen, when Ladybug and Chat Noir returns the peacok and butterfly Miraculous back to master Fu?

Well, this story shows what can happen in the future.

After Hawk Moth and his partner Mayura were defeated Marinette and Adrien become really popular and well known. Journalists started to follow them everywhere, people were trying to get their autographs or phone numbers. But all of this was too much for both of the to handle, so they decided to run where nobody knows them and start a new quiet life.

It is been 25 normal life years, but one day somebody stole all of the miraculous except Ladybug and Chat Noir ones. Soon there come a new villain and people neaded their heroes to save them. As a next Guardian Marinette decided to do the same as master Fu did and give the Miraculous to the good-harted people.

This is my very first story I update. English isn't my native language, so don't judge for my mistakes.

I don't own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir and anything what's related to it too.

I hope you will like the story!

Ch. 1

Marinette was hugging Adrien. He was quiet all morning. But how he is supposed to feel, when he'll go to his father's final trial? Even trough Gabriel Agreste never was the father his son neded, even trough he was a villain Adrien was trying to defeat so many yars, he still was a person who just wanted to bring his love back to life.

"I'm so sorry Adrien. I can't even imagine how hard it is for you. He's your father, after all. I know that you still care about him. And I won't judge you. Probably I would feel the same if I were you" Marinette said.

After a few more seconds Adrien slowly pulled away and deeply looked at Marinete's sad but full of love eyes.

"We have to go" was all he said.

To the final trial came really many people. Most of them were at least once akumatized, just a few weren't. This made Marinette and Adrien feel uncorfortable.

All the people felt sorry for Adrien, but wanted justice. They were willing to imprison Hawk Moth for life.

Adrien was holding Marinete's hand all trial. She saw how hard was for him to keep calm and not to let his emotions take over him.

"Everything will be OK, you will see" Marinette was trying to chear him up giving a lovely smile. But he was like in the other world. She couldn't even imagine what he was thinking about and this made her feel as bad as Adrien felt.

In the end the public got what they wanted. Gabriel Agreste, also known as Hawk Moth, was imprisoned for entire life.

When the trial was over, Adrien slowly stood up and still holding Marinette's hand tried to leave the place. Everyone was trying to apoligy for this situation and once again thanking for saving them, but Adrien looked emotionless.

"Adrien, everything will be just fine. Nobody will be ever akumatized again, everyone will be free to feall all positive and negative emotions as they normally should feel. And abaut your dad... I'm sure he'll find some friends, he won't feel alone. Mabye he even will become much better person. And if you wanted to, we could, like, visit him" whispered Marinete, but loud enough Adrien could hear her. She was the only person he was listening at that moment. She was the only person he had.

Finaly they left the courtroom but there were even more peoppe. Journalists started askung quescions non-stop, but any of the heroes answered.

"Was he a good father to you?"

"Had he ever told you his seceret?"

"Did any of you tought about Gabriel Agreste being Hawk Moth?"

"Adrien, how do you feel that your father was akumatizing not only adults, but also your classmates, friends, other teenages, children and even you?"

"Did you know Gabriel was keeping you mother's body at your house all this time?"

"How do you feel after you discovered that your own father was the one who coused that much damage?"

Jounalists asked so many quescions, that Marinette couldn't understand what they were asking. There were too many of them and they made too much noise. Marinete saw that it was too much and for Adrien.

"I don't have a father" he said with anger in his eyes and voice. He was so mad, that it almost sceared Marinette. But she tried not to pay much attention to his anger. "He was dead to me from the moment he akumatized Iven."


"I think we should move from there" Adrien said ir the evening. At that time they both were in Marinette's balcony looking at the view. It was almost a month he was stying at Marinette's, hecause he didn't want to go back to the house where he felt like in a prison. By the way, it reminds him his hartless father who turned out being a vilain all these years.

Marinette looked down to the street. There were standing a few hundred of people taking pictures of them and hopping to get autographs. Becouse of these people Sabina and Tom had to close the bacery. They both are baking just when there's a special order. Anyway, this was becoming a huge problem.

"Y-yeah, it is idea probably the best... I mean.. Probably it's the best idea" Marinette agreed and from that moment started dreaming about the place where they both are living in the future.

"You don't unerstand. I want us to move from this city, this country. I know it will be hard but we will manage to create a new life. You could open a bakery and I will be teaching French or Chineese. We will come here every few mounths to visit your parents because I know how much you are going to miss them" Adrien said looking at the sky. When he finished he looked back at Marinette to see her reaction.

The girl was shooked. She thought he want to find an accommodation here, in Paris. But she knew he was right. The whole month people were comming to see them and it looks like it wasn't going to end soon. Besides, wherever they will move these fans won'i leave them alone. Not anymore. Marinette took a deep breath.

"I'll go anywhere with you."

Marinete never imagined this day will ever come. She just agreed to leave her birth city, the one she was saving, the one which was inspiring her every day and the one where she fell in love with the perfect boy. Even the dreams of becoming a fashion designer didn't let her lleave. But she will never become one anymore. Especially since her Ladybug identity vas revealed. Alright, she could become a desighner, but what's the point, when people will love her items just because she was Ladybug.


The other day Marinette was talking to her parents about this decision.

"... and that's why we thought this is the best solution" Marinette finished her speach.

A few seconds everyone was quiet. The first to talk was Marinette's dad.

"It sounds really cool sweety. I'm very proud of you that you want to open your own bakery. Actually, we could go wuth you if you want. We could help you with this fresh start. What do you say?"

"Sorry papa, but I don't thunk it is a good idea. If you go with Adrien and me, everyone will notice us for sure. It will be safer if you stay. Besides I will alvays be visuting you" Marinette was trying her best not to make them sad. It was hard for her too. She really wanted to bring her parents with her but than it was pointless to go anywhere.

"Oh... We understand. But where will you go?" Sabine asked her doughter.

"Emm... I... We don't know yet. Firstly, we thought it's the best idea to ask your opinion abiurlt that moving thing and after that try to find the best hiding country for us."

Sabine took her doughter into a tight hug. After a second, Tom did the same.

" You know we will always be by your side whatever you decide, Marinette" Sabine said.


"Soo.. Have you already decided where we will go?" Marinette asked Adrien after conversation whith her parents

At that time he was in the other room listening the conversation between Marinette and her parents. So he already knew what her parents thought of that idea.

" Actualy I'm thinking about Switzerland or Norway. What do you think?" Adrien suggested.

Marinette thought for a littpe bit.

"This would be awesime, but don't you think that there goes too many tourists? I mean... They will notice who we are?"

"But you can find a lot of turists ir each country. So we'll be found anyway."

"Yeah, I know but it's not what I wanted to say. I... I think we shoul think about less known country, because if the country wasn't well-kmown than, logicaly, not that many people travel there, right? And than the posibility of being exposed won't be that big" Marinette tried to explain. Adrien nodded and took his phone.

"What are you doing?" Marinette asked and come closer to Adrien. She still felt a little unconfortable being close to him, but she liked that feeling. After all these years having crush on him it just become the best feeling.

At that moment Adrien started looking at the map. They had to find the best country for them to hide in, after all.

"But how we are supposed to find less known country, if we don't know about this place either? And.. This sound kinda risky" Adrien thought loudly.

"But we are risking anyway. If you are so scared than fine. We are not going anywhere. We will just have to get used to this popularity. And remenber that you were the one who suggested to move, not me."

Adrien sighed. He understood she was right. He gave the idea of running from everybody and now he wants to quit. Of course it was risky, but it was much better than staying in Marinette's house forever. It is almost the same as spending all these years in Agreste mansion.

"You got me, Marinette. Soo... Do you have any suggestions than?" Adrien smiled at Marinette. He knew she will find something. She alvays does.

Marinette looked at the map aagain.

"Honestly, I don't know" She said still looking at the map. But after some time Adrien cought her giggling.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing... J-just that country looks like a brain" Marinette said still giggling and showed the country.

"Yeah. It surely reminds brain" Adrien smiled. "Do you know this place? Lithuania?"

Marinette shook her head.

"Not really. The name sounds familiar, though."

"Than it's done. We are moving to Lithuania. You are genious Marinette" Adrien kissed her cheek. She just blushed and stayed quiet.

"But before leaving... Don't you think... we should visit master Fu? I mean... He should know that we won't be there anymore" Adrien thought loudly.

"Y-yeah. We should. We have to tell him" Marinette agreed.

"Than when are we going to tell him? And when are we leaving?"

Marinette thought for a little.

"Well... Since we can't leave the house during the day, logicaly, we will go during the night. Everyone will be sleeping at that time, so we won't have to run or hide. However, we'll wake master Fu up but I don't think we have a choise. People must not know where all Miraculous are. Anyway, we could visit him tonight if you wanf't Marinette suggested.


During the night all Paris looked so quiet, so Marinette and Asrien could enjoy their trip to master's Fu place without worrying about anyone following them.

"i'll miss this place very much. I still can't believe we are moving and leaving so many people. All our friends are there. I think we should visit them before we're gone" Marinette said.

"Sure we will. But we can't say where we are moving."

"Even to Alya and Nino?"

Adrien sighed.

"Even them. Nobody must know. It's almost like hiding that we are Ladybug and Chat Noir. We kept this seceret for many years, so this should he easier."

Marinete sighed. Adrien was right. If nobody must know, than there can't be exceptions. If they tell where they are planing to go, than others will find this out too. And there won't be any point of running. All this effort would be for nothing.

Finaly they reached master's Fu place. Marinette carefully opened the door.

"Master Fu? Are you sleeping?" She whispered.

But he was sleepping. Wayzz flew to them.

"Ladybug? Chat Noir? What brought you two there?" the kwami aasked.

"We came here to talk to master Fu. It's important" Marinette answered." It would be great if you wake him up."

"Is something wrong?" Wayzz guesed.

"No. We just decided to emigrate from France."

Wayzz nodded and flew to his master to wake him up.

"Master! Master! Ladybug and and Chat Noir wants to talk to you. They say it is important" Wayzz informed.

Master Fu slowly got up and went to the heroes. He was really interested to hear what brought these two here so late. Maybe something wrong happened?

"Hello Ladybug. Hello Chat Noir. How can I help you?" master Fu asked his visitors.

"Actually, we came to tell you something" Marinette began telling him what Adrien and she decided. She told him the whole situation and explained why it is for the best. Meanwhile, master Fu listened quietly not interupting the girl. When she finished, he said:

"I understand why you want this. I hope you did the right choise. But where will you go?"

Marinette sighed. He was the only person who knew their secret hero identities and never told this to anybody. Mabie it's right to trust him with this too? Marinette tought.

"We were thinking about Lithuania" Adrien said first.

Master Fu nodded.

"Well, than I have to tell you something too. Marinette, all these years I was preparing you for this. I knew this day will come and now it's the time. From now on, you will be the next Guardian" master Fu said.

Marunette was in shock. Of course she remembered everything she was tought. But she never expected that. She thought this was important for her as Ladybug, not as Guardian.

Meanwhile master Fu took The Miracle box from its hidding spot and gave it to Marinette. She slowly took the box from the maser Fu still not processing the information.

"Keep this box in the safest place you can find. You are really creative and full of ideas. I know you will figure something out. When the time will come, find another Guardian and teach him or her everything I told you. Be vise before choosing one. Understood?"

"Master Fu... I-I don't think I can do this. Being Ladybug is one thing but The Great Guardian... I think you should find someone else" Marinette said. She was scared that she won't be able to handile this task.

"There's no way to find other Guardian, Marinette. Your hart is so pure and selfless, so you are the perfect candidate. Besides, I am really old and I do not think I will have enough time to find and teach another person everything. It took more than one and half of the century for me to find a girl like you. It can take same time to find another one as perfect as you."

Marinette went pale. What if I'll be looking for another Guardian my whole life and won't find anyone? Who will take the miraculous box and all secerets then? No no no. This wasn't meant to for me to become the next Great Guardian, was it?

Adrien kept quiet all this time. He was also surprised that marser Fu choosed her to be the next Guardian and he didn't knew what to say. But he couldn't see his love tike that either.

"It's OK to feel scared, Marinette. But you should stay positive. If master Fu gave you The Miracle box then this means he trully believes in you. I believe in you too. There's nobody in the world as special as you. I know you'll find someone for sure. Besides, I'll always be with you if you ever needed help" Adrien said trying to make her feel better about the idea. And it looked that it helped.

Marinette took a deep breath.

"OK. I'll take care of the box and what's inside it. I promise to protect the jewelers with all my strenth, master Fu" she said and turned to the door to leave.

"Marinette, wait. One more thing" master Fu said. He turned to Wayzz. "You helped me to keep the Miraculous safe for all these years and it was a honnor for me to have you as my kwami."

"Thank you, master. It was a honnor for me too" Wayzz answered.

Master Fu took off his bracelet and gave it to Marinette.

"He can feel when a person with a negative aura lays hands on the Miraculous. You should keep him with you. He will help you."

"Thank you" Marinette said taking the bracelet.

Adrien looked at his phone.

"Ummm... Marinette? It's already morning. Don't you think it can be dangerous to walk trough the streets with this box?" Adrien asked.

She immediately looked at her phone.

"Y-yeah. You are right. Nobody must see the box" she said, but then she got an idea. She opened the top of the box and took the red earrings with five black dots on each and the black ring with a green paw on it .


Sorry that I chose this place, but I feel better to write about the country I know. Lithuania is a small country near Baltic sea ( for those who don't know where it is). It's quite beautiful place with dramatic but rich history. I hope you'll still like this story.