A/N: Tython here! I've decided to try out writing the very first Star Wars/Toaru crossover. If any of you are interested in reading it, feel free to review, follow, and favorite.
And without further ado, enjoy this new story.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
'For four years… the Empire have spread their terror across the galaxy. The Dark Side has clouded our vision, and our ancient enemy - the Sith - have won. And while the last of the Jedi continued to be hunted down, the power of the Dark Side still grows. The galaxy has fallen in the hands of the Sith and no mortal man… can stand in their path…'
15 BBY
The TIE Advanced flies from the planet Mustafar's orbit as it makes its way towards a castle in the shape of a tuning fork. The ship then lands in the fortress's hangar with only a few other regular TIE fighters in it as well. A welcoming party of Stormtroopers form a variation of a salute as the doors to the hangar slide open, revealing a man clad in black armor and a cloak. His mechanical heavy breathing was heard as he walks past the white armored soldiers. This is the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader.
Vader then enters the elevator that is on the far side of the hallway. The door closes behind him as the lift takes him to a specific floor beneath his fortress. Not long, the lift's doors open, and Vader walks the floor's hallways, turning on every corner of the prison level in his fortress. He then approaches a cell door guarded by two Stormtroopers. When they noticed the Sith Lord, the two then stand straight as the door opens and Vader walks inside before the door closes behind him.
Standing beneath him is a boy no older than 12. He has short brown hair and brown eyes along with his skin tone being peach white. He appears to be handcuffed to the floor and looks to be tortured due to the tears and burn marks on his current clothing. Unfortunately, the circular floor grate keeps him from getting out should he breaks free from the cuffs.
"A whole month in isolation." Vader's voice booms inside the cell. "Impressive. And to think that you wouldn't last long here. No one ever had."
"The Force gives me what I need." The boy sitting on the floor answers to prove his point.
"The Force?" Vader questioningly says calmly.
The boy rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"The Dark Side, my master." He corrects himself with hatred in his voice.
"Rise." Vader commands as he uses the Force to lift the circular floor up to where the Sith Lord stands.
The boy then stands up and looks straight at Vader, who is so giant to the prisoner.
"When I found you, I saw the potential that you possess. The Force is strong within you. And for a year, you've exceeded my expectations in embracing the Dark Side without letting it consume you."
"Well, your harsh training sessions did pay off after all." The boy sarcastically comments. "I've got the few scars to prove it."
Vader ignores his joke, however, as he has more to say.
"However, you've still not yet earn the right to become an Inquisitor. And your training isn't completed. Tomorrow, you're first true test will begin." Vader announces, much to the boy's surprise.
Vader then turns around and walks toward the exit before stopping and turning his head back towards him.
"I do not expect you to survive. But if succeed, then it'll be the first real step into serving the Empire."
After that, Vader exits the boy's cell before the door closes, leaving him alone as usual. Why is Vader so interested in him, you ask? It's because of how powerful he is with the Force that could rival some of the strongest Jedi to date (though they're all dead since Order 66 was issued). And the interesting fact is that this boy was a padawan learner to a Jedi Master in exile before he was slaughtered by one of Vader's Inquisitors. Too bad that this boy's Jedi training lasted for 11 years, considering that he was founded by the exiled Jedi Master as an infant. From what he knows about his mentor, is that he is one of the last descendants of a long-forgotten Jedi known as Revan prior to the fall of the Old Republic a thousand years ago. Of course, no one within the old Jedi Order remembers him as it was only the stuff of legends.
The boy then sighs heavily when Vader left.
"Thank the Force he's gone." He says.
He then looks around his cell before looking at his chained cuffs on the floor.
"No way in hell I'm gonna sit around and end up as an Inquisitor that's waiting to be cast aside as an expendable threat to the Empire."
The boy then moves back and begins pulling on the chains harder. And like that, they finally tear off the floor.
"I'll have to worry about getting these broken cuffs on my wrists off once I recover my lightsaber that I constructed on the planet my master raised and instructed me on."
The boy then runs toward the exit and takes out a hydrospanner that he smuggled into his cell during Vader's harsh teachings.
"And don't get me started on the food here. Ugh, I want to try something tasteful for the rest of my life." He comments on the food he's usually served for over a year as a prisoner while using the hydrospanner to work on the door's control panel.
It didn't take long, but he manages to get the door open only to see that the two Stormtroopers guarding the door outside are knocked out by an astromech droid he's all too familiar with.
"R4?!" He says in surprise.
The red/white astromech known as R4-P23 looks like an R2 unit due to the red R2-styled head dome except it is modified R4 unit.
"Kept you waiting, huh?" He bleeps and whistles.
"Of course! But boy, am I glad to see you again!" He hugs his droid before letting go. "Could you do something about these cuffs on my wrists? They're a little too tight for me!"
The astromech then uses one of his tools to remove the cuffs and the boy then ease the pain on his wrists.
"Thanks, buddy." He says to the droid. "By the way, how'd you end up here anyway?"
"Well, it was out of pure luck." He beeps proudly. "It took me a whole year to find you throughout Imperial-controlled space. I managed to stow away aboard a supply ship meant for the troops stationed here and make my way inside the castle to find where they were keeping you."
"Then we should get moving now, R4." He says. "I need to get my lightsaber back in the armory. It's just three floors above us. Plus, I don't want to stick around fighting Vader to the death. THAT is the last time I'm sparring with him."
"Vader?" R4 beeps confusingly.
"The Sith Lord who built and lives in this monolithic castle." He answers the droid's question. "And apparently, it's only a matter of time before he finds out I'm not in my cell."
"Oh." The droid beeps in realization. "Then let's go! I'll help you get to the armory."
The two then make a run for the elevator as they need to recover the boy's lightsaber before leaving.
A few minutes later…
After making their way inside the armory without alerting the guards, the boy sees his lightsaber (one-bladed Jedi Lightsaber hilt design from the Old Republic 'Deceived' cinematic trailer) on a table and picks it up and activates its sapphire blue blade (Anakin's blue lightsaber color), giving off a cool humming sound before turning the plasma blade off.
"Got what you need, Theron?" R4 beeps while keeping a lookout for any troops coming their way.
"Yeah." The boy Theron answers as he clips his saber to his belt in a non-dangling position. He then notices a holster and a modified blaster pistol that once belonged to a smuggler that is kept prisoner. Theron then adds the holster to his right thigh before placing the modified blaster in it.
"I managed to rig the ships in the hangar with explosives. We should be to detonate them once we're airborne." The droid beeps in suggesting manner. "Though there will be a few Stormtroopers posted there."
"Then we'll have to fight our way through. And quickly before Vader shows up along with back up." Theron says after grabbing a dark brown hooded Jedi robe from another table.
The two then make there way back to the elevator as the hangar is located back to the Mustafarian surface. While the elevator takes them to the hangar, R4 beeps in excitement.
"Oh! You won't believe this!"
"What is it?" Theron curiously asks.
"I just noticed a blue and white Eta-2 Actis-class Jedi starfighter in the hangar when I first arrived her a few hours earlier. We can use that to escape this planet."
"Nice!" The former Jedi apprentice smirks with cockiness in his voice. "Seems to belong to a previous dead Jedi prisoner from before. Too bad those ships were decommissioned when the Empire took over. *sighs* Good thing I was taught how to pilot ships before Vader captured me, otherwise we'd be in big trouble getting the hell out of here."
The elevator door then opens as the two exit and are on a catwalk just above the said hangar. Seems like R4 was right about a few Stormtroopers stationed below them.
"Ready?" Theron whispers to his droid.
His droid whistles in confirmation.
And just like that, Theron drops from above that caught the troopers off guard.
"Halt!" One of them said.
The Jedi immediately takes out his blaster and shoots him, knocking the trooper down as he dies.
"Blast him!" Another said as the troopers open fire on him.
Theron evades the blaster fire and takes cover behind a few crates and returns fire on them, killing a few of the troopers in the process. Putting his blaster away, he then pops out of cover and Force repulses away the remaining troopers, knocking them outside the castle and into the molten lava, killing them.
"A little overkill, don't you think?" Theron asks R4 who hovers down with his jet thrusters on his legs.
"You're the one with the Force, smartass." He beeps rudely. "I'm not an organic meatbag."
"Hey, it was just a question." The Jedi defends as his droid gives a rude nudge to him before landing inside the starfighter's droid socket.
As the droid starts up the fighter, the castle's alarms go off loudly.
"Attention all personal!" An Imperial officer announces. "Prisoner escape in progress! Secure the hangar and all exits! Recapture prisoner! Lord Vader wants him alive!"
"We should be going!" Theron shouts, more troops arriving in the hangar.
"I've almost got it! Just keep them off my back!" R4 beeps while he is starting up the Jedi starfighter.
"Don't have to tell me twice!" Theron replies before taking out his lightsaber and begins deflecting blaster fire from the Stormtroopers back at them. He then lightsaber throws at them, leaving slice marks on their chest armor plating that left them seriously injured or killed. He catches his flying saber back with the Force and continues to deflect more blaster fire.
"Theron! I've got control of the fighter! Get your ass on board so we can get the hell out of here!" R4 bleeps as he has taken control of the starfighter.
"Way ahead of you!" He answers before putting his lightsaber away and Force pushed the Stormtroopers away, sending them flying.
Theron then enters the ship's cockpit and closes the hatch as he is in his seat.
"Go!" He exclaims.
And then, the Jedi starfighter takes off and flies out of the castle as it is heading for Mustafar's orbit.
"Okay." Theron says as he takes out a detonator. "Time to give Vader a going away present."
When he pressed the button, the castle's hangar lights on fire as the ships inside all blow up, including Vader's TIE Advanced.
"Hell yeah!" Theron whoops as he sees the explosion below him and gives the finger. "Good luck finding another Dark Side candidate, Vader!"
"Hey, save the celebration AFTER we're in the clear because we got two Star Destroyers in orbit!" R4 beeps into Theron's pilot headset.
Theron looks straight and sees two Star Destroyers already in position as they have already left the planet's stratosphere.
"Now would be a good time to make the jump to hyperspace!" He exclaims. "Those Destroyers are in position to tractor beam us!"
"Where should I set course?" R4 beeps as they're getting closer to the Imperial cruisers.
"Anywhere that's not here!" He shouts.
A few seconds later, Theron sees the stars getting brighter as they then have already entered hyperspace, seeing the blue surroundings they're in.
"We're in the clear." R4 informs his best friend. "Imperials won't be able to track us now that I was able to scramble this ship's signature."
"Whew!" He says with relief. "It's good thing this ship had its hyperspace docking ring. If it didn't, we would be sitting ducks and you being taken for recommissioning."
"You got that right, meatbag." He beeps, earning a death glare from the Force user as he could tell the astromech is laughing.
"Laugh it up, pal." He annoyingly says. "I don't know why you keep calling me meatbag."
"Because I want to, and I can." He raspberries his friend.
"Whatever." Theron shakes his head before changing to another topic. "Anyways, what coordinates did you input since going to Imperial-occupied space is out of the question. And don't get me started on going to a planet that's strong in the Dark Side. NOT a good idea of where to camp out."
"Yeah, about that…" The droid whistles nervously.
"If there's a problem R4, then out with it." He says impatiently.
"Look, I didn't have time to choose a destination. So, I might've plugged in some random coordinates."
"And we have no idea where we're going?" Theron facepalms. "You're either a genius or just plain stupid. We could be heading for our deaths, R4."
"Well you're the one who said to make a jump to anywhere that's not Mustafar, meatbag!" The droid roasts at his remark.
Just when Theron was about to argue with his companion, a beeping sound is heard on the nav computer.
"R4, what's the nav computer telling us?"
"I don't know but it looks like we're headed straight for a large object."
"Drop us out of hyperspace."
"What, right now?"
"Yes now!" He exclaims in panic. "Drop us out or we're done for!"
R4 immediately then drops the ship out of hyperspace just in time as the ship is now in orbit of an uninhabitable moon.
"Seriously, we really need to plan out our escape routes in hyperspace." Theron sighs in relief. "But other than that, where in the galaxy are we? We almost collided with an uninhabitable moon, so there's got to be a planet here."
The Force user checks the nav computer's star charts, only to show that the galaxy map hasn't popped up. This shocked Theron in confusion.
"None of this makes any sense." He says aloud. "It's telling us we're no longer in our galaxy anymore. But how's that even possible?"
"Maybe it has something to do with the random hyperspace route we took to escape." The astromech theorizes in binary.
"That is possible." He agrees with his droid. "We could've ended up in an entirely different universe. If the multiverse theory is true that is."
"Isn't that just all theories scientists spent centuries speculating on?" R4 deadpans with his whistles and beeps.
"Not unless we investigate this new universe's unmapped galaxy." Theron says. "R4, scan for any inhabitable worlds nearby. We'll need to conserve whatever fuel we have left if we're to make it to at least one of them."
R4 then scans, which didn't take long since there must be a planet that orbits a moon.
"Scan complete." The droid beeps. "You're right about one thing. There is a nearby inhabitable planet in this star system. However, I'm unable to confirm if there's civilization or not due to my scanner not acquitted beyond an entire world."
"I'll take us close then." Theron suggested as he takes control of the starfighter.
As the ship flies over the moon's horizon, Theron and R4 sees a planet green and blue planet. Theron then scans the planet for any sentient life.
"Looks like there's civilization after all." He deduces. "Huh, this planet's technology seems primitive but advanced at the same time. And this world looks familiar somehow. I can even sense how strong this planet is in the Force. Extremely strong, in both the light and dark side."
"Whoa, whoa, hold on!" R4 interrupts him. "That shouldn't even be possible. Not even worlds like Tython can be ridiculously strong in both sides of the Force."
"At least my master implemented forgotten knowledge about the stuff that's been passed down from his legendary bloodline into your databanks." He casually says before working on the controls to jam the planet's orbital satellites and other forms of electronic communication. "Let's land on that curved large island, but away from civilization. We don't need to attract unwanted attention."
The Jedi interceptor detaches from the hyperspace ring away from the planet's orbital range and opens its S foil wings before flying down to the surface. The ship passes through the clouds and Theron sees a few small cities and towns that are miles apart from each other. The ship then closes its S foils and lands in a forest away from prying eyes, it's landing gear setting foot on unknown ground.
After taking off his headgear, Theron climbs out of the ship with R4 ejecting out of the ship's astromech socket. Theron takes a moment to breath in the fresh air that he missed for the past year.
"Are you gonna keep breathing in the fresh air or are we gonna explore this place, meatbag?" R4 beeps impatiently, excited to see what this planet has to offer.
"Shut up, R4." The Force user says to his best friend. "I need you to wait with the ship in case we need to relocate should we come across any hostiles."
R4 wanted to argue with him but chose to obey since they don't know what surprises this planet has in store for them.
"Very well." He whistles as Theron then throws his robe's hood on and walks away from the ship. "Bring back anything useful we can use!"
(Time Skip)
Theron continues to walk towards the edge of the forest with a cliff alongside. When he exited the forest and then his eyes widen in shock with his mouth agape.
"Whoa…" Theron mutters in awe and excitement.
From where he's standing, he can see how great the view is with the hilly, mountainous landscape being filled with animal and plant life. He then notices a small city in the background.
"It would seem that this place is very interesting to explore." He says with a smirk on his face. "And maybe I can start learning how this place looks and feels familiar."
And so, the young Jedi's first adventure begins…
To be continued…