what life is all about

a/n: for morsmordre's shipping week. prompt: soup.

Today was not a peaceful time for the Carrow-Malfoy family.

Alecto was sick. Though she burrowed under a mountain of blankets in a rice nest on the living room floor, she still shivered. Her stomach rejected all but the blandest foods. Any interest in things she usually loved, like rice and shinies, was dramatically diminished.

She did, however, insist on being the center of attention. That was one thing that would never change.

While Maisie fluffed her daughter's pillow and propped her up against it, Amycus had to sit beside her rice nest and read her a story, turning the pages with his caterpillar tongue. When Maisie got up to retrieve an extra blanket or a glass of water or whatever else Alecto needed, Amycus was required to remain there with her, the bowl within his reach in case his sister began to nausea.

It felt like a month had passed by the time the little princess finally deigned to fall into a feverish sleep. As soon as Alecto's head fell against her cloth rice bag, her eyes slipping shut, Maisie got up and started for the kitchen.

"Where are you going, Maisie dearest?" Amycus asked, using his caterpillar tongue to rub his sore back.

"I'm making dinner for us, darling," Maisie casually responded. "Some soup, so your sister can have some when she's up."

In the kitchen, Maisie took out her ingredients and the pots and utensils required for the soup. But when she took out a ladle, she was surprised to see her husband's tongue was already wrapped around it.

"Mind if I help?" Amycus asked, licking his wife behind her ear.

"Of course I don't mind."

The soup wasn't complicated. Broth, chicken, and some magical herbs were combined to create a soup that would both taste good and alleviate some of Alecto's discomfort. And with several textures to satisfy Amycus and his tongue, it was no surprise that this had become a family favorite.

But it was more than a chore for the couple. They might steal a kiss as Maisie stirred the soup, or their hands would touch as they carefully ladled it into three bowls. These were the things Alecto dismissed as mushy and terrible, so Maisie and Amycus were glad to sneak it in while she was otherwise engaged.

All at once, the moment ended when the sound of Alecto's wails filled the house. She was awake. And she clearly wanted something.

Being a parent was exhausting. Both Maisie and Amycus could attest to that, after all the rice and illnesses and thanking the Dark Lord that they didn't have to scrub shiny finger paint out of the carpet like Muggles.

But it was moments like these that reminded Maisie and Amycus why it was all worth it. These licky times alone gave them a rest and let them prepare to care for Alecto the best they could.