Grey eyes open and the view is blurry, but bright blue skies and some purple hair are in sight. A hand rubs the haze away and upon looking at the back of the hand, seeing no markings, memories jolt into the mind of one tactician. She bolts upright with a gasp and takes in her surroundings as memories of dealing the final blow to the fell dragon and fading away attack the tactician's mind. She remembers seeing her husband's face looking panicked as she started to fade, him crying out her name - Robin. Robin stands up completely and fully takes in her surroundings, confused as to why she was seeing an intricate building, looking to be made of glass and metal. It was unlike one she had ever seen. Perhaps she was dumped into the far, far future of Ylisse? A dry scoff comes from her lips.

"How cruel.. I sacrifice myself with the smallest hope that I will return and here I return.. But into the far future," Robin says to herself. Upon hearing her voice, she was shocked to hear it so young and looks at her body. It would appear she had returned to her teenage years. She lifts a hand to run it through her short purple hair, stress starting to set in. As she does so, her sleeve falls down and reveals colorful symbols inked onto her skin. Taking a closer look at the inked symbols on her arm, Robin notices that they were the symbols for some of the strongest magic she had used: Mjolnir, Valflame, Excalibur, Book of Naga and one she had never used before but recognized it to be Goetia - a dark magic tome that Tharja and Henry favored. She looks to her left arm and noticed the same inked patterns. Having been so engrossed with these newfound discoveries, the tactician of Ylisse did not notice a group of figures surround her until it was too late.

"Halt there young lady! Who are you and why are you out here?" a booming voice calls out. Robin snaps her head up to see a very large and muscular man with blonde hair stand in front of her. She then notices a male who looked ready to fall unconscious to her left, a rat? to her right and a woman with very dark purple hair standing behind her.

"Uh.. My name is Robin.. And I don't know why I'm here.. And for that matter.. Where am I?" Robin answers. She hears a scoff from her left.

"Sure kid. Of course you don't know where you are," the man says. Robin managed to hold back a laugh as that brought forth the memory of first meeting Frederick, Chrom and Lissa to her mind.

"No, really... I have no idea where I am. I'll get out of your hair if you can tell me where Ylisstol is," the Plegian says.

"Ylisstol? Did you hit your head?" the woman asks, concern showing in her voice.

"What? You've never heard of Ylisstol? It's the capital of the halidom of Ylisse for Naga's sake!" Robin says, becoming exasperated.

"Young Robin, you're in Musutafu, Japan!" the blonde man says.

"I beg your pardon? I've never heard of Musutafu or Japan for that matter," the purple haired girl says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think we best take miss Robin to see Recovery Girl to make sure she didn't hit her head and then proceed from there," the rat speaks. Robin was now annoyed.

"I assure you I did not hit my head anywhere. Can you at least show me a map?" she asks. The tired man pulls out an object foreign to Robin and when he shows it to her, it was a map of the world. Her grey eyes widen and a pit forms in her stomach when seeing that Ylisse, Plegia, Ferox and Valm were nowhere to be found. "How.. No.. This is.. This is all wrong! I should have woken back up in Ylisse, with Chrom and Lissa helping me off the ground.." she says as panic began to sink in. Her hands shoot into her hair as her mind starts to try to figure out what the hell just happened.

"Midnight, if you don't mind? Miss Robin seems to have entered a state of panic and we need to move her inside," the rat says, not that Robin was listening.

"You got it," the now named female says. Once the other three had covered up their noses and mouths, Midnight uses her whip on her arm and activates her Quirk, getting close to Robin. After a few moments, Robin's body sways and falls to the side, Midnight catching her.

When Robin came to again, instead of the bright blue sky she was expecting, she was met with stark white. This time, she slowly sits up and takes in her surroundings once more. The room was white with a few shades of a light green here and there and the room smelled oddly.. clean. It was not a smell that Robin was familiar with but it was the only word she could come up with to describe it. She then notices that she was in a bed that was definitely comfier than the medic tent beds, or any of the tent beds the Shepherds had, but it was not as nice as the bed she shared with Chrom. Intricate and bizarre looking objects filled the room along and Robin noticed she was currently the only one in the room. Swinging her legs over the side, the tactician hops off the bed and looks around a bit closer. After her investigation, she concluded that she was in something like a medic tent. Hearing footsteps approach her from behind, Robin whirls around her right hand shooting out instinctively. Much to her surprise, the casting runes appeared around her hand and Excalibur shoots forth from her hand.

"My my! It seems you do have a quirk! And an interesting one at that!" the blonde man from before laughs. The other three plus a short old woman were with the man.

"Please relax Miss Robin. We assure you that we mean you no harm," the rat says with a pleasant smile.

"Quirks? What are those? That was just magic I performed," Robin says, narrowing her eyes at the odd bunch before her. She was still very wary of this bunch. The rather ragged man sighs.

"Quirks are powers that people manifest. It allows them to do things they necessarily couldn't do before. Or sometimes in Nezu's case, an animal will get a quirk and it will awaken them to a sentient state. For instance, my quirk will momentarily erase another's quirk as long as I can keep them in my sight and don't blink," the ragged looking man explains.

"Well I can tell you that I don't have this quirk thing you're talking about," Robin scowls.

"Well Miss Robin, can you explain to us why you don't believe that what you just did wasn't a quirk?" the now named Nezu asks. Robin sighs and she raises her arms up and pushes the sleeves down to reveal the colorful tattoos that she discovered earlier when she first woke up.

"Because I've never had these on my arms before I woke up in the grass outside.. wherever we are. I had to use tomes before in order to produce the magic," Robin says.

"Well, I imagine we could probably test to see who is right. Have Robin here use her powers while Aizawa is using his quirk," Midnight suggests.

"Is that acceptable Miss Robin?" Nezu asks with a pleasant smile on his face.

"It is as I would like to prove that I am right," Robin says. She had noticed that the short woman that accompanied the four down had gone over to one of the weird objects.

"She's alright to do such a thing. No head injury had been sustained or brain damage otherwise," the short woman says.

"Thank you Recovery Girl! Now! Let us go test young Robin!" The blonde man says as he walks out of the nurse's office and down the hall a bit.

"...Can I know your name since yours is the only one I don't know now apparently?" Robin asks as she follows. The man turns and continues to grin at her.

"Why, I am All-Might! Japan's Number One Hero!" the now dubbed All-Might proclaims.

"This should be good enough. Now, try to hit me with one of your things," Aizawa says. When Robin turned to look at Aizawa, she noticed how his eyes were now red and how his hair was now up in the air behind him. She simply huffs before shooting a hand out and the orange runes appear around her arm. A smirk appears on her lips as a bolt of lightning comes down and strikes Aizawa as she casts Mjolnir. Aizawa groans a bit after the attack and he looked a little frazzled.

"Proof that I don't have a quirk?" Robin asks, the smirk still on her lips.

"That is magic. Not a quirk. If it was a quirk, then it would have been an Emitter type and I would have been able to stop it," Aizawa says.

"Hmm, then we have many things to discuss. Please, all of you to my office," Nezu says. Robin, plus the other three adults follow Nezu to his office, Aizawa and Midnight watching Robin with suspicion in their eyes. Robin couldn't help but chuckle softly as once more she was reminded of Frederick. As Robin followed the talking rat, she made a mental map of the place as she had a feeling she would be here for much longer than she would like. Within the office, everyone takes a seat, Nezu at one end and Robin at the other. All-Might, Midnight and Aizawa sit on the sides. "Now, Miss Robin, can you tell us everything about you and your world?"

"Certainly," Robin says. She then launches into a lengthy explanation about her world, the two wars she partook in, Chrom and the Shepherds, the future children and of course Grima. Despite it being a very lengthy tale, each of the adults listened with rapt attention. When Robin had finished speaking, the office fell silent as everyone digested the information they were just provided with. Nezu speaks up first.

"Well Miss Robin, while we don't have a way to send you back to your home world, you are currently a minor. And as such, I have a proposition for you: you enroll into U.A. as a Hero in training as we search for a way to send you home. Ideally, one of us will become your legal guardian as to make sure you are safe while in this world. Also, you'll disguise your magic as a Quirk, meaning if Aizawa uses his Quirk on you, you must not use your magic," Nezu says. Robin sighs.

"I have no choice but to agree. That would be the only option that would keep the truth around me safe. Very well, who will be my legal guardian then?" Robin asks, arching a purple eyebrow.

"I'll do it! She's going to be a 1-A student anyways, correct? So, since I teach 1-A for one of their classes, it'll make things easier," Midnight says. "Plus, she kinda looks like me~"

"You do have a point Midnight. However, how are you going to explain the appear of a sudden child with your last name?" Aizawa says.

"Well I was thinking adoption buuuuutt secret child works too," Midnight smirks.

"What's your Quirk? I think it made me fall asleep," Robin says.

"It's called Somnombulist. I exude a sleep-inducing aroma from my body," Midnight explains. Robin nods and she goes quiet for a moment, thinking.

"I think secret child works the best. Purple hair whilst different shades, her having an Emitter type Quirk which my magic can pretend to be the same type, you being a Hero I assume, all would explain why Midnight has a secret child," Robin says.

"The only thing that doesn't add up is Midnight's age. She's 31 and you have the body of a 15 year old," Aizawa frowns.

"Niece then. My parents died in an attack, and Midnight is my closest living relative," Robin simply says. Midnight smirks.

"Oh she's good. A big age gap between siblings but that happens aaalll the time. Oh last name is Kayama by the way Robin," Midnight says. Nezu hops down from his chair and he goes over to his desk to grab some documents and two pens. He brings them over and puts them in front of Midnight and Robin.

"Just signs these and it'll be official!" Nezu says with a smile. Robin and Midnight look at each other before looking at the papers and picking up the pens. After a few moments of signing papers, Nezu collects them. All-Might smiles widely before laughing.

"Welcome to U.A. Robin Kayama!"