Starfire: Kitties?

(Robin hides behind a chair where Starfire dosen't see him & throws a note at Starfire)

(The note says Starfie weez go bye bye xoxo kittyz)

Starfire: (gasps) My babies have departed! (drops cat bowl) Oh the sad times are here! I truly have nothing in this world without love! My sweet tweet tweet tweet kitties!

Robin: (In his cat costume) Star, I'm really sorry about your cats.

Starfire: Robin? Were you disguising as Sassypants the whole time?

Robin: Yes.. I'm really sorry for disguising as a cat. The reason why I did this because I want to love you.

Starfire: Really?

Robin: Yes. It's been like several months since i've been in this place. I miss my friends, fighting crimes, and especially hanging out with you. But can you change your clothes please?

Starfire: Oh right! (Changes back into her regular clothes)

Robin: Much better. And I also want to give you this. (Shows her a pink cat)

Starfire: (gasps) (She screams loudly in the entire motel) OH MY GOD ROBIN! IT'S SOOOO CUTE!

Robin: Yeah, I know. I shall name it Pinkie.


(The other titans are just walking to Starfire's appartment to check on her)

Beast Boy: You think Starfire is just having a fun time with her kitties?

Cyborg: I don't know Beastie. But let's go and see.

(They open the door & they see Robin & Starfire kissing)

Robin: (Pulls away) What the?

Raven: Oh hey Robin! how's it going?

Robin: Uh... It's fine!

Beast Boy: Were you two kissing?

Robin: (Slaps Beast Boy in the face) MIND YOUR BUSINESS!

Raven: (Sees Pinkie) And what's this?

Starfire: Robin gave me a pink cat named Pinkie!

The 3 titans: AWWWW!

Cyborg: She's so cute!

Raven: Look at her adorable face!

Beast Boy: How did you do that Robin?

Robin: Well, It all started when..


(At the pet store)

Robin: (Looking at some cats) Hmm.. These cats are really cool, but I don't know what to choose..

(Sees a pink cat)

Robin: (gasps) A pink cat? Never saw that one before.

(At the checkout)

Cashier: That will be $100.

Robin: (Gives him the money) Here you go!

Cashier: Thank you! Have a nice day!

Robin: (walks out of the pet store) I wonder how Starfire would feel about this, I gonna name it.. Pinkie!


The 4 titans: Wow..

Starfire: Robin, You are so sweet! (Hugs him)

Robin: I know Star, I know.

Beast Boy: (Tears up) *sniff* I promise not to cry.. (Raven gives him a tissue) Thanks.. (blows tissue)

Starfire: This is like the best present ever.

Robin: I'm glad you liked it. (Then the two kissed)

Raven: (Looks at the camera) Hi, I'm Raven. If you live with pets, there's never a dull moment. (waves) Bye!

The end! Like & review!