Got this chapter up a little faster, and its hella long too. I just can't seem to write a short chapter if my life depended on it. Oh well... Thank you all for your love and support! It means a lot to me and I love you all dearly. Enjoy the new chapter!

Chapter 7: Coruscant - Intel


Skyscrapers rose up as far as she could see, the sky above nearly blotted out by the durasteel and duraglass structures. What sky Rey could see was gray and hazy. It was loud here. There were no street vendors like there had been on Tatooine, and no picturesque views or ivy that climbed the buildings like she had seen in Corellia.

Coruscant was dark and everything looked dirty to her. Speeders whizzed by, missing them by only a few feet. They zig zagged between buildings, some on the ground, while others flew far above her head. They were driven by creatures of every shape and size, some of which she knew and others she did not. To say the city was humming with activity would be an understatement. The noise was more akin to a roar.

Directly ahead of them, the buildings seemed to almost drop as the five hundred Republica came into view.

The Republica was three times as tall as any building around it. It consisted of multiple wings that were all connected to the main building, giving the look of buildings on top of buildings, jutting out from yet another building. Rey had never seen anything quite like it.

In front of the five hundred Republica was a half dozen storm troopers. The storm troopers were busy building a wooden platform. Next to their handywork, Rey saw the charred remains of what had once been a gallows. Someone had burned it down. She smiled, but said nothing as they passed.

She followed Kylo up steps that were at least ten feet wide and over a foot tall. A mortar wall rose above their heads, making it impossible to see anything except for the steps before them. There were thirty-seven total, and by the time they had made it to the top, Rey's legs were tired. A duraglass door slid open at the top of the stairs, allowing them entry into the Republica.

Rey's eyes had to adjust to the lighting as she stepped through the doorway. The building rose upwards farther than she could see, the center hollow. Movement could be seen against the walls all the way up, suggesting that the levels above were positioned with a loft like view of the main floor below.

Fluorescent lights were recessed in the walls and rose upwards with the interior of the building, forming a straight line that curved gently with the decor. The interior itself was a dull silver durasteel that looked so clean it could almost classify as clinical. The floor was shiny like duraglass, with a painted mural of Coruscant's skyline beneath it.

Above them, clear jewels hung from the next level up and were stretched across the vast hollow center of the building. Men and women of mostly human origin flitted across the main floor, wearing clothes that screamed of wealth and fortune. Rey would be willing to bet that one of the jeweled combs she saw in the women's hair would have paid for a years worth of rations on Jakku.

An older woman in silks approached them from across the main floor. "You must be Emperor and Empress Ren," she greeted with a smile. "Senator Arbo is expecting you. He's prepared a quarters for you and has maids standing by to tend to you. Please come with me."

She led them across the painted floor where a durasteel door slid open, almost on command. She ushered them inside. The elevator was made of duraglass and offered a view of the city that became more and more spectacular as they rose. After a few moments, the city scape seemed to fall away beneath them as the elevator took them upwards. The hazy gray sky became the view.

Rey looked down and immediately wished she hadn't.

Her stomach turned at the distance between herself and the city below. She nearly lost her footing, but her hand snagged Kylo's sleeve.

She dared a glance at him, certain that he would be wearing a scowl at her clumsiness. His dark eyes met hers and his lips quirked up in a half smile that was meant for her alone. Rey felt a strange heat in her cheeks.

The elevator came to a sudden stop and the durasteel door slid open.

They emerged from the elevator onto one of the highest floors in the five hundred Republica. Rey could see the floor wrap around the building, forming a circle around the middle. A glance over the silver-railed edge revealed a near endless void that she knew eventually would end where they had come in. The floor was translucent, with jewels of all colors strategically placed beneath their feet. Chandeliers that sparkled blue and white hung above their heads, marking the entrance to each penthouse.

The woman led them down the jeweled walkway until they were met by a handful of women who wore crests embossed with Coruscant's skyline.

"You're early," the woman in silk said, her voice sounding pleased. "Get the Emperor and Empress ready for the ball this evening. I'll inform Senator Arbo of their arrival."

"Ball?" Kylo asked, turning to face the woman in silks. "I was under the impression that we were here to meet privately with Senator Arbo concerning a possible alliance."

"Yes, your highness," the woman let out a lighthearted laugh. "You'll have your chance to meet with the Senator, don't fret. Senator Arbo is a man of principal, and he has decided your visit must be met with all of the pomp and circumstance worthy of your title."


Rey sucked in a sharp breath as the Senator's maid tightened the back of her dress until she could scarcely breathe. She had been scrubbed, plucked, and shaved. They had dressed her, brushed and pulled at her hair, and put makeup on her until she was ready to scream.

She had to admit, she liked the result though.

Her dress was crimson and hugged her upper body tightly. Material wrapped around her neck like a collar, and flowed down over her breasts, leaving a diamond shaped window of flesh that was very much focused on her cleavage. Her shoulders and most of her back were bare, with the material meeting just above the slight curve of her backside. The bottom of her dress flared out into tulle, giving it an airy look.

Her makeup was dark, giving her the look of a proud, but stern queen. Her hair had been pulled to one side and curled. Several red jeweled pins held the hair away from her face. Her lips had been lined and stained a shade of crimson.

Rey's eyes fluttered shut and she took in as deep a breath as her dress would allow. She heard the door open and several of the maids giggled.

Rey turned to see a stunned Kylo Ren staring at her. He was dressed in a doublet style black, long sleeve shirt with silver buttons. A flash of crimson peeked beneath the top buttons, suggesting that he wore an undershirt to match her. Kylo wore black pants that tucked into his boots, and a crimson cape that hung from his doublet. His raven hair had been tamed away from his face, and fell in waves around his shoulders.

Rey felt heat rise in her cheeks as they locked eyes. He blinked. She struggled for breath.

"Time to go," the woman in silks said as she burst through the open door. "The Senator is waiting."

And just like that the moment between them was over. Kylo straightened to his full height and offered Rey his hand. Together, they followed the woman out and across the floor until they came to a large set of durasteel double doors. The doors opened as soon as they came close enough. Rey gasped at the sight that awaited them.

It was the largest room she had ever seen, and it was decorated lavishly. A massive chandelier made of moonstones hung from the center of the room, opaque crystals attached to its center and strung out across the room in various lines like a canopy of jewels. The fluorescent lights climbed the walls like they had on the main floor, but these were set to an amber glow. The floor beneath their feet was painted with the Coruscant skyline and glittered with every step she took.

Wooden tables were strategically placed along the walls, boxing in the middle of the room. There were dozens of men and women sitting at the tables, chatting loudly. They were dressed like royalty, and Rey could infer that they were most likely Coruscant's elite. Food and wine littered the tables in all shapes and sizes. Rey wasn't sure she could identify even half of the food she saw, but the aroma was to die for. Her stomach growled and her mouth watered in anticipation of the meal to come.

They were led to the table in the very center of the room where three men and three women sat, chatting amongst themselves. On the opposite side of the table, two chairs sat empty with plates and wine glasses on the table in front of them. A man in a midnight blue doublet stood at their arrival. He had dark hair and a well groomed goatee and moustache.

"Emperor and Empress Ren," he smiled as he gestured to the seats across the table from him. "I'm Senator Arbo. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. Please, have a seat."

Rey and Kylo took the seats across from Senator Arbo. As soon as they sat down servants placed food in front of them.

The plate was full of fruit of all kinds, arranged in a colorful palette that overpowered her vision. There were colors on her plate that she was unable to put names to, but they were all so beautiful. And the smell… Rey inhaled deeply. She didn't think she could ever tire of the sweet and airy scent of the fruit.

She dug in with gusto, trying to remember her manners, but ultimately failing at the sweet, sticky taste of a bright orange fruit she'd never had the pleasure of enjoying before. She melted under its flavor.

"Do you like them?" Senator Arbo asked.

Rey felt her cheeks color and she dipped her head as she swallowed. "Yes," she admitted shyly.

"Those are jogun fruits," the senator explained. "They can be found on several star systems, but on Coruscant we grow our own variety. It's sweeter and has more body than most."

She managed to meet the senator's eyes and gave him a small smile. "They're wonderful."

"I was told you should have the opportunity to try them."

"Well, give my thanks to whoever suggested that," Rey smiled. "They're truly delightful."

Senator Arbo seemed pleased by her compliment. "Yes, I believe I will."

She glanced around her and noticed that no one else had a tray as colorful as hers. Kylo focused on his singular serving of a ruby red cluster fruit, seemingly oblivious to her glance.

A second course of soup and salad was brought out after the fruit, and Rey enthusiastically tried both. They were not as wonderful as the fruit, but the taste was rich and the texture smooth.

"So let's talk about why you're here," Senator Arbo ventured, giving both Rey and Kylo a hard look. "Do you really think you can take on the Empire and win?"

Beside her, Kylo leveled him with a look of his own. "I do," he admitted. "I can and will win this war."

"Coruscant is the largest fleet in the galaxy, and center of all the core worlds. If we support your claim, we will receive retaliation. The Empire will not allow us to defy them so easily. What makes you think I would side with you over our current Emperor?"

Kylo leaned in and spoke in a low voice. "Your citizens are burning the Empire's gallows to the ground," he noted harshly. "The fact that your men aren't out there rebuilding it, tells me all I need to know. The people of Coruscant don't support Sidious, and neither do you. If you did, you would be kissing his ass right now, and you most certainly would not be dining with me and my Empress. Give your people what they want. Allow Coruscant to build a new galaxy with us."

Music began to play, soft and slow, and the men around them stood and mingled about. They offered their hands to the women in the room and swept them out onto the painted Coruscant skyline.

Senator Arbo stood as well. "We can talk business again later this evening. For now, enjoy one of Coruscant's best events."

The senator swept away and Kylo stood in his wake. He offered his hand to Rey. "Would you care to dance, my Empress?"

Rey detected the tiniest bit of trepidation in his voice, and she was surprised to find it endearing. She stood and took his hand, allowing him to lead her onto the dance floor.

What followed was not at all the graceful twirl of bodies in the dim lights like the men and women of Coruscant made her believe. To put it quite plainly, Rey couldn't dance. She'd never needed to before.

She gripped Kylo's shoulders like her life depended on it, and stumbled along like a drunken Crolute. She stepped on Kylo's feet four different times within the span of half a minute and nearly dragged him down with her when she tripped. From the corner of her eye she saw blatant stares from several of Coruscant's elite.

"Relax," Kylo instructed her, a wild mirth sparkling in his dark eyes. His lips quirked up in a smirk as he tried to pull her closer.

Rey pushed away. "I can't relax," she argued. "Everyone is staring, and I'm just falling all over the place. I'm useless at this dancing nonsense." Even as she said it, Rey tripped over his feet and nearly fell.

Kylo snorted as he kept her upright. "You just need practice."

Rey stepped on one of his boots with her heels, eliciting a grimace. "I don't think all the practice in the galaxy would help me."

"Here," Kylo reached out wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his chest. She gasped with the contact, and struggled to keep a few inches between them. He frowned. "Don't fight it," he warned. "Just cling to me and let me lead you. I won't let you fall."

Cling to him? What were they, wanton lovers now? Rey might have laughed at the absurdity in his choice of words if Kylo didn't take that moment to move, bringing her with him.

He stepped wide, forcing her to keep a tight hold on his shoulders, the distance between them minimizing with their movement. She let him lead, stepping with him, and letting him support her weight when she couldn't move fast enough.

She didn't fall.

Rey felt a smile pull at the corners of her lips as they moved together, with only the slightest awkwardness. She was doing. Rey of Jakku was actually dancing.

She didn't have much time to revel in her newfound skills before the music changed pace and the men and women around the room changed partners. An older man with gray hair, dimples, and a moonstone studded doublet approached and asked Rey to dance.

She looked to Kylo, who nodded.

The next few minutes passed by in slow agony. Rey took small steps, focusing on not stepping on the man's toes or tripping as he babbled on about inane topics like Coruscant's weather or the newest nightclub in the underground district. Rey merely nodded and supplied a few words where necessary. Luckily for her, the man didn't seem to notice her discomfort.

Across the dimly lit room, Kylo danced with an attractive young woman in white lace. She watched just long enough to see the woman tilt her head back in laughter, spilling blond hair over her shoulders as Kylo gave her a tight smile. It was not the easy smiles he gave to Rey, and a part of her felt a strange sense of pride at that. She had only a second to watch before yet another of Coruscant's senators claimed her for a dance.

She danced with half a dozen more, pretending to be interested in their small talk, and giving just enough response to allow them to feel heard. Rey was about to make a break for one of the tables, when Senator Arbo intercepted her and asked for a dance. Rey reluctantly agreed, and allowed him to lead her on the dance floor.

The senator was not as quick on his feet as Kylo, and with some concentration, Rey found that she could keep pace with him and not step on his toes.

"You seemed tense with the Emperor earlier," Senator Arbo noted. "Is everything alright?"

"Oh," Rey breathed. "Yes everything is fine. I just…" she lowered her voice as if it were a secret. "I can't dance."

The senator raised a brow. "Is that so?" he questioned. "You seem to be doing just fine."

Rey was about to inform him that she was not in fact doing fine, and she was actually using quite a bit of her concentration just to keep from tripping all over him, but he didn't give her the chance to put her thoughts into words.

"So tell me, Empress Ren," Senator Arbo began. "What sort of man is your husband?"

Rey blinked. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. What sort of man is he when he's not trying to sway me to his cause. Is he a man of his word? Is he kind or cruel? Does he anger with you easily?"

Rey blinked again.

"You need not fear me, your highness," Senator Arbo said gently. "If he's hurt you, you need only say the word and I will take you under my protection."

"No!" Rey exclaimed. "He's not…. He wouldn't do that."

"Then he is kind to you?"

Rey let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She felt her lips curve up into a smile. "Yes," she admitted. "Kylo has been nothing but kind to me."

The senator nodded, though she could see a flicker of doubt in his eyes, most likely a product of Kylo's reputation. "Could I trust him operate in Coruscant's best interest if he retakes his throne?"

"Yes," Rey replied automatically. "Once the war is over, you will be placed on the Emperor's council. You will have a say in what happens to the people of Coruscant."

Senator Arbo raised a brow. "So he is not to be a dictator?"

Rey shook her head. "He will be head of the New Order, but the opinions of the council will be taken into consideration before any major decisions are made."

"And there will be much bickering between the members of the council," Senator Arbo noted sourly. "As such tends to happen with any democracy or even partial democracy. Very little truly gets done."

The music changed pace once again, and she felt Kylo's presence before she saw him.

"May I dance with my wife?"

Senator Arbo released her and gave Kylo a slight bow before retreating. Once he was gone, Kylo wrapped his arms around Rey's waist and began to lead her once again. Rey leaned closer to him this time, and let her steps fall in with his.

"Was the senator interrogating you?" he chuckled lightly.

Rey smirked. "He certainly had quite a few questions about you."


"He me if you would have Coruscant's best interests at heart. He didn't seem too keen on the idea of a council."

She grimaced. "And he saw us dancing… or attempting to dance, and is under the impression that I'm uncomfortable around you. He wanted me to tell him if you'd ever hurt me."

Kylo frowned, working his jaw. "I wouldn't ever - "

"I know," Rey interrupted. "And I told him that, but I don't know if he believes me. In fact, I felt like he didn't believe much of anything I said."

She saw Kylo look off and set his jaw in a tight line. "Then we make him believe."


As soon as the question left her lips, Kylo pulled her closer, so close that their chests were touching. Rey's breath left her at the ripple of muscle beneath his doublet as he moved. His touch on her back dropped lower and teased the curve of her rear, emptying all thought from her mind except the feel of his hands on her. The force between them rippled and sparked with excitement, and Rey could feel the rapid pace of her heart in her chest.

They danced together, a unity of crimson and black, graceful and deadly over the Coruscant skyline. The force seemed to take over and guide her, allowing her to move effortlessly in time with Kylo.

He planted one foot solidly on the floor, and turned her with one of his hands. Rey spun easily, the force flowing between them and allowing her to feel what he wanted.

He caught her fingertips with his own just before she spun out of reach. He gave a slight pull on the end of her hand and Rey instinctively spun back to him. When she was close enough, he pulled her to his chest once again and dipped her backwards over his arm, his upper body dipping down with hers.

Their faces were inches apart when he stopped, and the force screamed at Rey to close the gap as her heart nearly stopped.

Kylo did it first.

His lips met hers in a soft kiss that left her breathless and set her lips on fire. The force between them fanned the spark into a flame. Her very blood burned at the touch of his lips and her gut twisted with a need she didn't recognize.

Kylo pulled away from her and lifted her up to a standing position. He blinked, his dark eyes soft. Rey worried her bottom lip between her teeth, not sure of what to say. Kylo's eyes landed on her lips, and for a brief moment Rey thought he might kiss her again. Her heart raced, she couldn't breathe.

He looked away and frowned. Rey's eyes followed in the direction of his glance in time to see Senator Arbo ducking out of the ball through the double doors.


Rey stood in a dark room full of mirrors. Her reflection wore white, and stood out from the darkness surrounding it. She looked small and determined, her hazel eyes bright with novelty.

A sound behind her caused her to spin around until she was facing a dozen other mirrors. All of them reflected Rotta the Hutt's likeness.

A sudden anger flared through her and Rey reached for her saber staff before she could stop herself, the twin crimson blades flashing brightly in the darkness. She swung her lightsaber, slicing through two mirrors at once. The crumbled in half and fell to the floor, shattering on impact. She swung her blade again, taking out three more mirrors. The Hutt laughed at her failure.

Rey screamed and let the force flow through her. Mirrors shattered one after one, Rotta's laughter echoing in her ears. She aimed for the last mirror and was surprised when her blade sliced through flesh. The Hutt gave her a look full of surprise before he slid to the floor in pieces, black blood oozing down what was left of his body into a puddle at her feet. Rey turned, unable to look any longer.

Her reflection in the mirror had changed. She no longer looked like the girl from Jakku. Black robes replaced the white garments. A hood obscured her face, but even with the hood, Rey could see the hollowed out bones beneath her cheeks and the cold glare in her hazel eyes. The crimson glow of her saber staff colored half of her face, while the other was obscured in shadow.

Rey's reflection walked toward her and then stepped through the mirror, becoming flesh. Rey scrambled backwards as her reflection followed, raising the saber staff.

She tripped, the cold ground seeming to hold her in place. Her reflection raised the crimson blade and sliced downward.

Rey screamed.


Kylo waited for her among the daisies. He had sculpted the field perfectly in his mind during his waking hours, pouring so much detail into his surroundings that when he slipped into dreams it felt as real as if he'd been there before. The moon held full beneath the star studded sky, lighting the field of daisies in a pale silver glow. Kylo ran a hand through the waist high grass letting his fingers curl around the tendrils.

She should be here with him by now, the nagging voice in his head kept telling him. Her absence was indeed concerning, leaving him with questions he'd rather not think about. Once again he cursed himself for the boldness he'd shown in their last shared dream, and after the kiss he'd given her it shouldn't come as a surprise to him that she would want to block him out.

Still, his heart was heavy with dreams that would likely never come to fruition.

He sighed, closing his eyes as a breeze rustled his raven hair. He felt for her through the force, and found her signature as easily as if it were his own. She was asleep, but somehow she was not with him. Kylo frowned. He wrapped his consciousness around hers and his eyes snapped open.


He felt it on her in abundance. Wherever Rey was, she was afraid. He felt the fear heighten into panic, and his heart began to race. He wrapped his consciousness around hers once again and pulled. When nothing happened he pulled her consciousness to his harder, willing her to find him in their dreams.

The bond between them snapped violently, and he lost his footing, falling backwards into the grass. When he righted himself, Rey was gasping for air. Her eyes were wide and she clawed at the grass with open palms.

"Rey!" he tried, reaching out for her. He touched her shoulder and she snapped around, her hands swinging at him in self defense. Kylo barely avoided taking a fist to the face. "Rey!" he repeated. "It's me. You're okay."

She looked at him then, and he saw recognition light her eyes. She lowered her hands to her side, her lip trembled, and tears spilled down her cheeks. She sniffed and wiped them away with the back of her hand.

"Kylo," she croaked. "How did you - "

"I just found our bond and pulled," he told her softly.

She stared at him wide-eyed for a moment and then blinked. "Okay," she finally said. She looked off at the grass beyond them, saying nothing else.

"Where were you?"

Rey didn't look at him. "I don't know."

"You were afraid," Kylo prodded. "I felt your fear. What did you see?"

She pulled her knees up into her chest and let out a long, shaky breath. Her eyes finally met his with trepidation.

"Do you ever see Kylo Ren in your dreams?" she asked.

He quirked a brow. "What do you mean?"

"When you served Snoke and you wore the mask," she frowned. "Does he come for you in your dreams? Do you see all the people you killed?"

Understanding dawned on him like sunrise. "Rey…"

Tears ran down her cheeks and she turned from him, wiping her eyes furiously with the back of her hand.

"You did nothing wrong," he told her with certainty. "They tried to kill us. They almost did. And the slaves, Rey. Because of you they're free now. Rotta's slave trade will falter without him there to run it. They'll play it safe for awhile, and when we take back the throne, we can end it for good. All because of you, Rey."

"Who am I to decide who gets to live or die?" Rey whispered. "Even if they were evil, they were still alive. I took their lives from them."

"You made the galaxy a better place."

"Is that what you tell yourself?" she accused, turning to face him with eyes full of tears. "Are you making the galaxy a better place with every person you strike down in anger?"

"Rey -"

"Were you making the galaxy a better place when you drove your lightsaber through your own father?" her lips trembled. "Tell me how killing Han made anything better."

"Rey, don't."

"No," she growled. "You don't get to tell me what I can or can't talk about. I'm your wife, Kylo. I have every right to demand an explanation from you."

Kylo felt the corner of his mouth tic. "Snoke knew Han Solo was coming for me. He ordered me to kill him."

"So you did?" Rey laughed bitterly. "What a great reason to kill your own father."

"And what exactly do you think would have happened if I refused?" Kylo growled, suddenly very angry. "I didn't seek Han out. The old fool came for me. He confronted me in the open on a First Order base, where anyone and everyone could see."

He shook his head as if the very idea was ludacris to him.

"If I agreed to go with him, which I would most certainly not, Snoke would have captured us before we could even get off base. If I simply told him no and walked away, he would have been captured by someone who had seen him approach me, and Snoke would have seen through any deception I could muster. A different outcome would have meant a fate worse than death for both of us. He gave me no choice."

Rey stood from the grass, shaking her head. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she jutted a finger in his direction. Kylo scowled.

"You!" she hissed. "Don't you dare pretend that you're some sort of hero because you killed your own father! You're a monster, even without the mask!"

Shame. Anger. Betrayal. Kylo felt as if Rey had taken a knife and drove it into his heart, twisting it just to spite him. All the camaraderie they had built, the trust, the kiss they had shared. All unraveled into pieces, revealing them for who they really were, two enemies in a marriage of common goals and interests. Nothing more.

His brow furrowed and his jaw set tightly. He stood. "And there she is," he growled. "There's the Rey I'm used to. "Everything has to be black and white for you. Every cause has to be completely noble, or you can't take part in it,"

He closed the distance between them until he towered over her. Rey had to look up just to try and keep eye contact with him.

"But you're one to talk," he continued, his voice low and dripping with vitrol. "You cut my face open and leave me to die on Starkiller. Then you reach out to me through our bond. You beguile me. You touch me. You spin your lies about how you care for me until I believe you, then you leave me to die again when I kill my master for you. I'm sure your Resistance would have called you a hero for that one."

Tears made a river down her cheeks, and Kylo hated himself even in his rage.

Rey wiped her eyes and leveled him with a hard glare. "You're an ass," she whispered. The bond between them stretched in the back of his mind, and Rey dematerialized right before his eyes. She drifted away on the wind, leaving only the bent over grass where she had sat to remind him of her presence.

Kylo sighed and dropped down to his knees in the grass. "I know," he said softly, but there was no one there to hear him.


Rey sat at the window overlooking Coruscant in the guest room where she had been primped for the ball the day before. She'd left their quarters immediately after she ended their shared dream, not wanting to face Kylo anytime soon, and found her way here.

She was tired from a near sleepless night, and she'd spent every tear she possessed. Her spirit was heavy, just like the smog that covered the city skyline. She felt spent and listless.

The lines between good and evil were blurred with Kylo. Sometimes she saw the monster that hunted her down on Takodana, while other times she saw Ben Solo.

Her fingertips traveled to her lips unbidden, the kiss he'd given her still burned into her memory. Rey tried to push the feel of his lips on hers from her mind, and only succeeded in coming up short of breath.

It's wrong, she told herself. Passion leads to the dark side. I'll lose myself.

But maybe she had already. The accusations Kylo had thrown at her…

The door to the room opened and the woman in silks walked in, humming quietly to herself. When she saw Rey, her eyes went wide.

"Oh! Empress Ren! I wasn't expecting you," she smiled softly. "What brings you down here so early?"

Rey managed a small smile of her own in greeting. "Couldn't sleep," she lied.

The woman nodded, and from the knowing look in her eyes Rey could tell she saw right through her excuse. "I'm headed down to the business district," she said instead. "There's a diner there with the best jogun tea on all of Coruscant. Would you care to join me?"

Rey rose a brow, and the woman in silks gave her a soft smile. "If you're worried about security, I can have some of the senator's men accompany us, though I think with the right wardrobe, no one would suspect you aren't from Coruscant."

"No," Rey said immediately. "I would love to."


She'd found a red silk dress that fell below her knees in the room where she'd taken refuge. With some light makeup it was impossible to tell she'd spent the night crying, and with her hair in a half up fashion and coiffed with red stones, she looked like she belonged among Coruscant's elite.

The woman in silks was named Taula, and she told Rey stories of the many years she had spent working for Senator Arbo's family as they took a speeder to the business district.

"His daughter, Jaelyn," Taula laughed. "She's a spirited little thing. Drives the Senator mad, especially since she's become friends with all those idealists. He's constantly getting her out of trouble."

Rey laughed, but she was far more interested in the view. The speeder flew through the sky, zipping in between buildings. It left her breathless and terrified when the speeder would nearly run into one of the buildings, only to barely whiz by with only a few inches to spare. Other speeders flew in front of them, behind them, below them, and even above them. Rey halfway feared one of them would fall out of the sky and land on top of them.

The buildings around them went by in a blur of gray, leaving her disoriented. Just when she had accepted disorientation as her new normal, the speeder dipped down and Rey reached for something to hold onto.

Their descent was fairly quick, and the speeder broke free of the lanes of travel and came to a slow in an area of the city with endless shops and businesses. It was brightly colored compared to the rest of the city, with blues, reds, purples, and neon greens decorating the buildings on the street.

Taula left the speeder, and Rey followed suit, taking a moment to regain her equilibrium after the ride. She followed the older woman down the street and into a diner framed with neon green outer decor.

The inside was quaint, and not at all what Rey expected after the five hundred Republica. Taula sat down at a worn wooden bar. The bar stools were made of wood and upholstered neon green material, and they creaked under her weight. She gestured for Rey to sit on the stool next to her, so she did, ignoring the creak of the old wooden legs.

A friendly looking older man in a grease-stained t-shirt and apron exited the kitchen and grinned.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming," he admitted. "But I'm glad you could make it." His eyes landed on Rey, and he quirked a brow. "Who's this? She looks familiar."

Taula smiled. "This is Empress Ren. She and her husband are here to try and make an alliance with the senator."

The older man gave her a wide grin, his blue eyes lighting up with excitement. "Then there is hope."

"There is."

The man reached under the bar and withdrew two glasses. He poured a bright orange liquid in the bottom of the glasses, and topped them off with a steaming amber liquid. "Jogun tea," he announced as he sat the glasses in front of them. "Best in Coruscant."

Rey lifted the glass to her lips and took a sip. It was possibly the best drink she'd ever had. The flavor was rich with a hint of jogun fruit, the body of the tea pleasing to her palate. "You're not kidding," she grinned after taking a long drink. "It's wonderful."

"You can have a lifetime supply if you can talk some sense into the senator," the man grunted. "We've been holding out, hoping that daughter of his could do it for awhile now - "

"Hush, Mas," Taula chastised the older man. "You don't know where the ears are. Besides, I think Empress Ren has enough pressure on her already. Why don't we let her help with the handouts today. If she wants to, that is."

Rey gave the older woman a sideways glance. "Handouts?"

"Food," she explained. "For the hungry from some of the poorer districts. Once a week, we collect donations from local businesses, and distribute them to those in need. It's a tradition Senator Arbo's wife started many years ago, and after she died Mas and I took over. Would you like to help us this week?"

Rey smiled. "I'd love to."


Kylo watched Senator Arbo pace his quarters like a caged animal. He had been pacing for at least ten minutes, and there was no end in sight.

"What are you doing?" Kylo asked, though he knew the senator couldn't hear him. The durasteel wall cut into his back, and he adjusted his position on the iron railing of the balcony.

He was well aware that what he was doing would not be acceptable to most onlookers, but after a near run in with Empire officials in the hallway of five hundred Republica this morning, he had been more than curious as to why they were there, and headed up to the senator's suite no less.

Senator Arbo finally sat down at a desk in his quarters and scribbled something on a notepad before standing once again. He paced around the room a few times, and then left through the door.

Kylo watched for several minutes before he saw the senator again. This time he was in the elevator with his back to Kylo. Senator Arbo descended from his quarters on the top floor all the way down to the lobby. After a few moments, the senator exited the building entirely, where a speeder was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps.

Kylo slid off of the iron railing and went back into the building. He entered the hallway, and quietly found his way to one of the elevators. Once inside with the door shut, he pressed the button for the top floor. A screen lit up on the wall and flashed with the outline of a hand print.

"Verify identity," the elevator chirped.

Kylo frowned, but placed his hand over the outline. A click and whir sounded out, followed by an angry beeping noise.

"Access denied."

His frown turned to a scowl. He looked upwards to see the roof of the elevator had removable tiles and an idea came to him. It was not pleasant, but he thought it just might work. Kylo clicked the button for the floor just below the senator's, but instead of traveling upwards, the elevator descended.

He pressed the button twice more, but the elevator kept moving. It stopped on the main floor and opened to reveal Rey. She was dressed in a red silk dress that hung off her shoulders and hugged her curves suggestively. The neckline dipped dangerously close to her breasts. Kylo gawked for a moment before the sharp pain in his chest reminded him of her words.


He turned from her as she boarded the elevator.

She didn't speak to him as the elevator began to ascend, the buildings beside them falling away as they rose above, but her dress and her absence had him curious.

"Where have you been?" he demanded, refusing to look at her.

"Out," she replied tersely.

"Out where?"

"I went with Taula to pass out food to the impoverished citizens of Coruscant."

He blinked. "Who's Taula?"

"Senator Arbo's aide," Rey snapped. "She's the one who met us downstairs yesterday."

He turned to face her now. "And you went alone? With a woman we barely know?"


She still wouldn't look at him. Kylo began to feel his blood boil. He clenched his jaw and his hands balled into fists at his side.

"Did you learn nothing on Tatooine?" he growled. "We were almost killed, yet you waltz around like it was nothing. If you were to be captured by our enemies you could be used against me, or worse, you could be killed."

Rey rolled her eyes and finally turned to face him as the elevator slowed to a stop. "Well I didn't exactly feel like asking your permission, oh great Emperor Ren," she spat his title like it was poison.

The doors opened. Several of Coruscant's elite watched them with wide eyes. Someone pressed one of the buttons. The doors closed and they began their ascension once again.

"I don't need your protection," Rey continued. "I can take care of myself."

"No," Kylo corrected. "You can't." He placed a palm against the side of the elevator and ran a hand through his raven hair. "We're making allies, but we're also making enemies, Rey. Then there's Sidious to worry about too. He won't be happy when he finds out what we're doing."

"Then we kill him when he comes for us," Rey said flatly. "Isn't that your life's dream anyways?"

He ignored the barb. "You haven't seen him, Rey. You don't know what he's capable of. If you leave my side and he captures you - "

"He won't."

"He will if you keep running off."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened to an unfamiliar floor at the top of the building.

"Where are we?" Rey asked.

Kylo reached up and knocked the center tile loose from the elevator's ceiling, revealing the dark shaft above.

"What are you doing?"

"Gathering intel," Kylo answered gruffly as he reached up and gripped the sides of the opening he had created in the ceiling. "Go back to the room. I'll see you later."

He hoisted himself up and into the shaft above. It was dark, but he could see the cables that moved the elevator and above him was an opening in the shaft that had to lead to the next floor up.

"The kriff I will," Rey growled from below. "I'm going with you."

Kylo wrapped his hands around one of the cables and began to climb. He used his knees to keep him from falling as he gripped the cable above him and pulled again and again. Below him he could hear Rey move the ceiling tile back in place, and he sensed her frustration through the force when she began the climb.

The screech of metal on metal assaulted his ears and the elevator dropped out from below him, presumably to pick up more passengers. There was no going back. They were committed.

Kylo let out a grunt as he traveled the last few feet upwards to the opening in the shaft. The distance was too far to simply reach over and grab the edge. He would have to jump.

He climbed up a few more feet so that he was slightly above the opening. Kylo took a deep breath and pushed himself off of the cable and toward the opening.

The half second he was in the air felt like the longest second of his life. When his upper body hit the edge of the opening, he scrambled to pull himself up and over before he fell. When he managed to drag his body over the edge, he slumped over for a moment, allowing his heart to slow and his breath to return to him. When he felt like he had regained his composure he sat up and moved back so Rey could join him.

She held tight to the cable just slightly above him. He saw her inhale sharply before she plunged towards him. He felt his heart stop as she nearly missed.

Kylo gripped her hand tightly in his as she scrambled to pull herself up.

"I regret wearing a dress today," she mumbled as she managed to get her legs beneath her.

The durasteel door at the end of the opening whooshed open, revealing the penthouse beyond. Windows took the place of walls from floor to ceiling. Rugs of expensive threads decorated the floors and golden chandeliers hung from vaulted ceilings. The wooden desk that Kylo had seen sat in the corner, near one of the windows. He made a beeline for the desk.

"Is this Senator Arbo's quarters?" Rey asked from behind him. "Why… Why are we here?"

"I need to know who he is," Kylo answered as he reached for the notepad he had seen the senator writing on earlier. "I need to know if we can trust him."

"And why wouldn't we?"

"Because I saw some of the Empire's officials paying him a visit this morning."

Rey took in a sharp breath. "Do you think - "

"I don't know."

He read the notepad, a puzzling frown pulling at his lips. It simply read Gone for Jaelyn. Move money to pay informant if you get this before I return.

"Well that's odd," he mumbled. Kylo pulled open the top drawers of the desk and began to rummage through the senator's personal items. He found keys, a pair of glasses, a collection of pens, and more paperwork than he had imagined. He sifted through the labeled folders in Senator Arbo's desk until he found one labeled Jaelyn.

Inside was a birth certificate from the Republic City med unit. Several photos of a little girl with dark hair and a contagious smile, grade reports from a private sector school on Coruscant, and lastly a notice from the Empire dated two weeks ago. He read it with interest.

"What's it say?" Rey asked from behind him. "Is Senator Arbo working for Sidious?"

Kylo shook his head. "No," he decided. "But he is in trouble with him. Or more correctly, his daughter, Jaelyn, is in trouble. She was the one who burned the gallows. The Empire has sentenced her to hang for her crimes."

He began to put the paperwork back in its proper place, his mind assessing all possible scenarios.

"Do you think the officials you saw earlier were here looking for Jaelyn?" Rey pondered.

"Maybe. Or he's making a deal with Sidious to spare her life. I'm certain he could overlook one girl burning his gallows if he was handed the galaxy's rightful rulers."

He replaced the rest of the paperwork and closed the drawer of the senator's desk. Rey's eyes were wide with the implications of their predicament.

The elevator dinged, and the door began to open. Kylo reached for Rey and opened the first door he could find. It was a closet full of coats and boots. He pulled her inside and closed the door just in time.

The senator's closet was dark and there wasn't much room for the two of them. Kylo could feel the soft rise and fall of Rey's chest as she inhaled and exhaled. He could feel the warmth from her body against his, and he inhaled the scent of jogun fruit and sunshine that was unmistakably hers. Outside the closet, he could hear Senator Arbo's stern voice, along with a female voice he didn't recognize.

"And I have to come get you so you don't get in more trouble," he was scolding.

"Dad," the girl, who he assumed was Jaelyn, responded. "I can take care of myself. I don't need you to come rescue me all the time."

"Apparently you do."

"I have friends I can stay with, Dad," she argued. "It's cool. The stormtroopers won't find me."

"I assume these are the same friends that encouraged you to burn the Empire's gallows?" the senator questioned angrily. "What great friends they are."

"I did that myself. No one encouraged me to do anything."

"I just want to know why, Jaelyn," he demanded. "You're a senator's daughter. You have your whole life ahead of you, and you're a shoe in for my position someday. Why would you throw your life away to make a statement?"

"It's more than that, Dad. I'm taking a stand against tyranny and opression. Coruscant doesn't want the Empire here. Why don't you listen to them?"

"Because I want to live!" the senator nearly shouted. "And I want my people to live too."

"What use is it to be alive if you're not free? Everyone on the street is talking about the Emperor and Empress Ren. They want Coruscant to ally with them and overthrow the Empire. You should listen to them, and you should listen to your people."

"I can make this go away," Senator Arbo said suddenly, his voice carrying an underlying tone of panic. "I can turn them in and the Empire would spare your life. You would be safe."

"Do it and I'll never speak to you again," the girl replied coldly. "I mean it, Dad. It's time you stopped playing it safe and stood up for your people. They want to be free."

"It's complicated, Jaelyn."

"No it's not. You're just scared."

"I'm done talking about this."

"Fine," the girl huffed. "Don't come to me when the people of Coruscant turn on you."

A loud noise filled the room, followed by the sounds of a holonet playing reruns of old shows. Kylo shifted his weight, realizing that they may be there for some time. The seconds stretched into minutes. The minutes stretched into hours. Still, there was no sign of the senator or his daughter leaving.

Rey squirmed against him, letting out a frustrated sign. "How do we get out of here?" he heard her voice clearly in his head.

"We wait for them to leave."

"We could be here a long time," Rey argued.

"Have you changed your mind?" Kylo scoffed internally. "You were so eager to join me on this little adventure earlier."

"That was before I knew we were going to be trapped in a closet together for hours."

"You can't stand being this close to a monster like me, can you?" Kylo sneered. "It must be eating you up inside having to touch me at all."

The internal monologue between him and Rey went silent for quite some time. Kylo leaned against the coats in the closet, using them as a cushion against the wall to rest his back as he listened to whatever inane show the senator's daughter had found on the holonet.

"I shouldn't have said that," Rey finally said. "I was angry and I wanted to hurt you. I didn't mean it."

Kylo looked down at her for the first time since they'd found themselves in the closet. Rey looked up at him, her hazel eyes beseeching. Her chestnut hair was mussed and she bit down on her bottom lip.

"Okay," Kylo nodded. He could feel Rey visibly relax against him.

They waited for what seemed like days. Eventually, Rey leaned her head against his chest, and he felt her breathing slow. Only when he was fairly certain she was asleep, did he allow her to have one of the most secret pieces of himself.

"I think about him every day," Kylo told her through their bond. "I thought killing Han was necessary at the time, the right decision even, but now it only brings me pain."

Rey let out a quiet sigh against his chest, but she didn't move or give any indication that she'd heard him.

In the darkness with the senator's holonet droning on in the background, Kylo wondered if he and Rey were destined to repeat his parent's mistakes. He certainly hoped not, but marriage to Rey was proving to be just as difficult as reclaiming his throne.

"Force, give me strength," he mumbled into her hair as the holonet droned on. It was proving to be a very long night.


They had a plan, and Kylo would not waver. Senator Arbo sat across from Kylo Ren and Rey, surprise written on his features. They had decided to meet in his office, which was decorated quite similar to his penthouse, but held more practical flair. They sat at an oversized wooden desk with chairs that were built for comfort. In the corner of his office, a young woman in a ratty robes with dark hair and petite features watched them with interest. She was dressed casually and flipped half-heartedly through a holobook. Kylo was fairly certain she was Jaelyn.

"So tell me, Emperor Ren," the senator asked skeptically. "Why have you asked to meet with me today? I thought I scheduled our meeting for this weekend."

"We have a proposal that couldn't wait," Rey informed him.

Senator Arbo clapped his hands together and sat back in his chair. "Well then, let's hear this proposal."

"We know about your daughter and the gallows," Kylo said flatly. "We also know about the sentence Sidious has passed for her crimes."

The senator sat up at attention, shock coloring his features for only a moment before disappearing behind a mask of indifference. Behind him, Jaelyn had dropped the pretense of reading and stared at them openly. "Is that so?" he challenged.

Kylo smirked. "There's no reason to get angry, Senator. We want freedom from the Empire's reign just like you do, and in a show of good faith, we're offering you a deal."

Senator Arbo frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. "What sort of deal?"

"Coruscant allies itself publicly with our cause. You fight with us in the war to come, and provide us men, ships, and supplies as needed." Kylo leaned forward, lacing his fingers together on the desk. "In return, my Empress and I will take Jaelyn under our protection. She will leave here with us, and should any skirmish arise on Coruscant due to your new loyalties, she will be far from it."

Jaelyn stood and came to stand at her father's side. "Do it, Dad," she encouraged, giving him a hard look. "It's what your people want."

The senator sighed. "Okay," he agreed, extending his hand. "Coruscant supports your claim as Emperor."

Kylo gripped the senator's hand tightly and they shook on their new alliance.


Rey entered Coruscant's space port with a lighter heart than she'd had since Mandalore. Jaelyn followed her and Kylo, all of her belongings packed in a pair of pillowcases. She'd asked some questions about their journey and where they were headed next, but there was no hesitancy on her part to travel with them.

Rey stopped in her tracks the second she stepped into the port. Q'ira stood there waiting for them, the largest and most beautiful ship Rey had ever seen parked behind her. Next to her were three dark figures bearing wicked looking weapons. They all wore masks, but even without the eye contact, she still felt as though they were stripping her bare with their gaze. She unconsciously found herself putting up mental defenses like she had taught herself to do after she and Kylo had formed their bond.

"Emperor and Empress Ren," Qi'ra greeted them with a smile. "I'm truly happy to see you again, and I've brought you a gift."

She gestured to the ship behind her. "She's our newest destroyer model, beautiful and deadly. This one is yours, but we've built others and have many more to come in the war ahead. You will have the finest fleet in all of the galaxy. And it seems some of your friends have arrived as well."

Q'ira gestured to the strangers in black, who only seemed to intensify their mask covered gazes on Rey. She frowned while Kylo broke out into a wide grin and gave a shout of victory.

The Knights of Ren had arrived.