Author's note/ 1-I want to thank ncsupnatfan for her advice it helped me adjust some things in this chapter and I hope that it's better this way ;)

2-Thank you so much to everyone who favorited, followed and reviewed this story, it really means a lot to me that you decided to stick around to read it (even though it's definitely not as good as a lot of stories out there lol).

3-I've been super nervous about this chapter ever since I wrote it about 2 and a half or 3 months ago because I don't know if some of you will accept this explanation or if it'll make sense to you, I really hope it does and that you like it.

4-Updates may get a bit slow or delayed because of college but I promise I'm gonna do my best!

Disclaimer/ I don't own anything.


Sam stood there for a minute, breathing hard and looking around with a shocked look on his face. He took a step back then turned around, intending to go back through the door that he came from but stopped abruptly and his eyes widened with surprise as he realized that it was gone. It was gone!

He was alone in what he was sure was the woods, God knows where with no cellphone to call his parents or anyone to come get him because he was in his stupid sleeping clothes and the thin t-shirt and sweatpants aren't doing anything to protect him from the somehow freezing weather even though they were in the middle of May in freaking Lawrence!

It took him about two or three minutes before he realized that he was close to hyperventilating and another three minutes of taking deep breaths before he calmed down a little, enough to start thinking about his next step from there.

He looked around, with a cautious look on his face, trying to spot anything that'd help him recognize where he was but couldn't find anything but trees so he picked a direction and started walking, hoping to find the road soon.


He walked for about ten minutes before coming to a stop in front of a weird looking tree. It had two holes that looked like angry eyes like it was glaring at him and when he looked down at the ground he could see a disturbance in the leaves on the ground and broken twigs.

"I know this place," He mumbled to himself then looked up again at the tree. He let out a loud gasp as he took a step back from it. The two holes were shining with a yellow light.

He let out another loud gasp but this time it was from pain as he clutched his head and fell down to his knees. His forehead was almost touching the ground and his face was twisted in agony. He couldn't help the pained whimpers that escaped his mouth, it felt like his brain was being stabbed repeatedly. At that moment it was like a floodgate has opened in his mind allowing memories to come back to him in rapid pictures and voices.

Moving from town to town and from motel to motel without knowing why.

Spending holidays in motel rooms without their father.

Finding out that truth about their mom's death.

Sully encouraging him to be himself and leave the family business.

Going on hunts.

The case.

Mutilated corpses.

Doing research and suspecting it was a witch.

One second he was walking towards the school and the next he was staring at a weird looking tree.

A man creeping up from behind him but when he tried to move his body wouldn't budge.

The man put a hand on his head and everything went black then he was waking up in his "family's" house.

Sam finally snapped out of his trance, his chest heaving with loud gasps, to the sound of slow clapping. He got up to his feet and turned around quickly to find the same man from his memories standing in front of him with a pleased look on his face.

"Who are you? What did you do to me?" Sam growled, his eyes narrowing with suspicion at the man in front of him. He was getting really creepy vibes from him.

"You'll know the answer to the first question soon enough, as for the second oneā€¦let's just say that I needed to test the goods before I collected them," The man said with a wink and a smirk. He looked very pleased with himself like he just accomplished a life goal.

"What the hell does that mean?" Sam said with a weary look on his face and took a step back when the man in front of him moved towards him.

"You're my favorite Sammy but that doesn't mean that I'll accept you if you were weak. And I don't just mean physically," He said sternly but then his face split into a wide smile "Thankfully this isn't the case with you!" He said cheerfully "from the first moment I put that spell on youn you were fighting it tooth and nail to get out!" He looked like the cat that ate the canary when he said that and Sam really wanted to punch that smug look off of his stupid face.

"And it's a bonus that I get to screw with John, he's been a real pain in my ass lately" He added with an annoyed look on his face and for a second Sam felt a swell of pride in his chest before the realty of the situation came crashing down again on him.

"Out from what?!" Sam yelled angrily clenching his fists by his sides, he's done with all the cryptic crap, he wanted real, straight forward answers right now!

"Why, out of your head of course," The man said with that annoying smile still plastered on his face. "If I'm being honest, I'm a bit disappointed you didn't figure it out sooner. I mean with hearing John and Dean's voices when they're not there and seeing all these memories yet you never suspected that you were just dreaming."

He stopped talking for a second and stood there with a thoughtful look on his face then said, "Well, I guess we'll just work on that later." He shrugged and the smile was back on his face again.

"So what now? You''re just gonna just..what? Keep me trapped here? Do your evil.. witchy things? My dad and brother aren't gonna let you do whatever the hell you've been planning." He's not gonna lie, he felt a bit of satisfaction when he saw that, what he assumes is the witch in front of him, seemed to take offense from his words.

"Oh please!" He scoffed and flicked his hand. "Do I seem like a lowly pathetic witch to you? I'm more powerful than most things on this planet kid," He said with a scowl on his face.

"You said you cast a spell on me, if you're not a witch then what the hell are you?"

"Doesn't matter right now. Like I said before, you'll find out soon enough. I'm afraid our time's over, your mind and body are fighting real hard to break the spell even if you don't realize that," The man said and took a step back. "See you soon Sammy," He said with a wink and just as everything started to fade away Sam could have sworn he saw the guy's eyes turn yellow for a split second but then everything turned black.


Author's note/ So Sam is finally awake but we still don't know what's going on in the motel room.

I really hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, I never intended on Sam meeting Azazel in that "dream" but the story just kept writing itself. Tbh, I never even intended on it going in that direction when this plot came to my mind but I hope you liked where it went :)

If you have a minute, don't hesitate to drop me a review, they're greatly appreciated ;)

P.s. How did you like the season premier? I think it was great!

See y'all next time,