Disclaimer: I do not own Assassin's Creed. I only own the names; Gaspare Vespucci, Cattocchia Vespucci and I only own the characters; Carlo Fuorilegge & Matteo Angelo

Chapter 12: The long road to Romagna

Firenze (Florence) – January 16th, 1481.

In the middle of the busy streets of Florence, Lorenzo de' Medici was walking to a secret location, while accompanied by his two bodyguards. As when he entered an abandoned alley, together with his bodyguards, they're way was blocked by two hooded figures. The two bodyguards draw their swords to protect their master, but once the two hooded figures showed them their red-golden capes, with the symbol of the Medici on it, the two Florentine guards redrew their swords. Lorenzo nodded to them to leave them for a moment. Both guards nodded and left their master and his two 'contacts' alone.

The two hooded figures removed their hood, revealing to be Ezio and Cristina Auditore. Lorenzo smiled to see his two faithful allies again "It's good to see you two again, my friends" Ezio nodded "Grazie. It's always good to be back in Firenze. A strange place to meet in an abandoned alley, Singore" Ezio said as Lorenzo told Ezio and Cristina to meet him at a different place. Lorenzo understood their confusion and told "I understand your confusion, Ezio. There are… some people that I don't know I can trust in the city" "More conspirators?" Cristina asked. Lorenzo nodded a bit "Si. People that secretly supported the Pazzi, who their names were still unknown to us. They've tried invaded my home a few months ago, but I was this time more prepared then last time" Lorenzo explained, as he was now more prepared for any remaining supporter of the Pazzi since the city was almost taken over by Pazzi thugs, three years ago.

Cristina then asked "By sending us your instructions to meet us in secret, we trust that you have received our letter?" "I did," Lorenzo said "you had more information about this 'unknown person' that met with Jacopo?". Ezio nodded and told "Si, Signore. Our contact in the countryside was able to identify him. His name is Emilio Barbarigo, and it seems that he and his supporters are already digging their claws into the heart of Venezia".

This news bought not only great worry to Lorenzo, but also anger, as he could have known that it was the Barbarigo's who supplied the Pazzi with weapons "The Barbarigo's! Accidenti! (Damnit!) I should have known that it was those bastardi (bastards) who supported the Pazzi. Then la bella Venezia (beautiful Venice) is where your journey must take you…" "We were already planning to go there" Ezio told, with Cristina nodding while she felt a bit uncomfortable. Lorenzo smiled, as Ezio and Cristina were already planning to go to Venice. He wished them good luck before he left "Possa la fortuna favorire le tue lame (May fortune favor your blades)".

As Ezio and Cristina left, they decided to visit their old friend, Leonardo da Vinci, before they would make the long journey to Venice, as they hadn't seen him even since the wedding.

Ezio had noticed Cristina's uncertainty when they spoke with Lorenzo, and knew that going to Venice was making her uncomfortable, as she had very bad memories of Venice as a child, when her father had send her to that boarding school. He held her hand and said softly "It'll be alright, my love. I'm with you when you face your past in Venezia". Cristina smiled when her husband said that, and put her head on his shoulder.

It didn't took them long before they reached Leonardo's workshop. Ezio knocked on the front door and tried to open the door, but to his surprise, it was locked. Ezio knocked on the door again "Leonardo!? Leonardo!". Cristina then knocked on the door as well "Leonardo!? Are you home!?" when no answer came, Cristina said to Ezio "Looks like Leonardo is not home" Ezio thought it was strange, as Leonardo was mostly working in his workshop.

Just then, both Assassins saw Leonardo's assistant, Vincenzo. Ezio called to him "Vincenzo!" the man surprisingly looked, but then smiled as he saw it was Ezio and Cristina "Ah, Signore e signora Auditore! (Mr. and Mrs. Auditore!) It's been a while" "It sure is" Ezio said, as Cristina then asked Vincenzo "Do you know where Leonardo is? He doesn't appear to be home". Vincenzo scratched his head and said "Mi dispiace (I'm sorry), Singora, but he is gone" "Gone? To where?" Cristina asked "Maestro Leonardo was commissioned by a Venetian noble to paint some portraits. He paid for the Maestro to move his entire workshop to Venezia. It's quite an opportunity!" "How long ago did Leonardo left for Venezia?" Ezio asked, what Vincenzo answered "Oh, he just left this morning" "Grazie mile (Thanks a lot), Vincenzo" Ezio thanked him for the information. Vincenzo nodded and left.

Both Assassins looked at each other "To Venezia? What a coincidence" Cristina said as it was a coincidence that Leonardo was going as well to Venezia. Ezio agreed with his wife "Indeed. If we take our horses, we might catch up to him" Cristina nodded and both went back to the city gates.

Once they were back at the city gates, Ezio and Cristina drove with their horses to the road that would lead them to the mountains.

After nearly an hour of riding, Ezio and Cristina had found Leonardo, who was doing something to the carriage wheel, as if he had some trouble with it.

Both dismounted their horses and greeted their friend "Leonardo!" Ezio called. Leonardo looked and was surprised and happy to his two friends again "Ezio…?! Cristina…?! What a luck!" he scratched his head out of embarrassment "I… uh… I've run into a bit of trouble, as you might have guessed".

Cristina looked and saw that one of the wheels had been broken "Broken by the axle, Leonardo?" he nodded "Si. I… accidentally drove through a hole, so…". Ezio offered to help him with it "Let me see if I can help". Leonardo then told "I know how to fix it – but lack the means to do so. If you and… Cristina could just lift the wagon?".

Ezio looked at Cristina, who shrugged. Both then lifted the wagon together, so Leonardo could fix a new wheel on the wagon. However, inside the wagon, both Assassins noticed some kind of device, with wings and tail feathers "What is this thing?" Ezio asked "Eh?" Leonardo asked what he meant. Cristina then said "That thing inside your wagon. It looks like a giant bat" "Oh, nothing. Just an idea I've been working on… I couldn't leave it behind" Leonardo explained that it was just an idea he has been working on and couldn't leave it behind in Florence.

When Leonardo had attached the new wheel on the wagon, Ezio and Cristina dropped the wagon slowly. However, Ezio's curiosity to that 'idea' of Leonardo made him to ask what it was for "What is it for?". Leonardo doubted if he should say it, as it would make it a crazy idea "Well… I shouldn't really talk about it" but Leonardo couldn't it to himself "Beh, al diavolo! (what the hell!) I can't hold it in anymore" he then told them what that machine was really for "Ezio! Cristina! I think I've figured out how to make a man fly".

That Leonardo had made a machine to make a man fly, made Ezio and Cristina laugh "Seriously, Leonardo?! To make a man fly?" Cristina asked while trying to hold her laugh. Leonardo had expected them to find his idea crazy "I know it sounds crazy, but I really believe I've figured it out!".

Ezio chuckled a bit more and then said he'll drive the carriage "Come on. I'll drive!" "But I haven't even told you guys where I'm going…" Just as all wanted to step on the carriage, they noticed that the horses for pulling the wagon were gone. Cristina asked "Ehh, Leonardo… where are the horses?".

Leonardo looked around and then grunted in anger "Aaargh! Accidenti! (Damnit!) I forgot to when I loosed the horses to tie the reins somewhere!". Both Assassins tried hard not to laugh at Leonardo's clumsiness. Cristina then ensured Leonardo "Don't worry. We'll use our horses" Ezio nodded as he and his wife took their horses, so that they will carry the wagon. Leonardo couldn't thank them enough "Grazie a Dio! If you both hadn't come along, I would have been stuck here for a long time". Ezio tapped him on the shoulder "Ecco dove sono gli amici (That's what friends are for)".

After attaching their horses to the wagon, Leonardo and his two Assassin friends climbed up and drove further, to Venice.

Several hours had passed as they drove through the mountain pass. Leonardo had always liked Venice, and could already imagine to see all the magnificent structures and great architectural works with his own eyes "Venezia! Such a beautiful city! So many sources of inspiration! Ponte di Rialto, Piazza San Marco, L'Arsenale…" Cristina sighed heavily as she shook her head, without looking at Leonardo "Things that I prefer to forget…".

This surprised Leonardo, as he didn't expect Cristina preferring to forget Venice "Forget? You don't like Venice at all?" again, Cristina shook her head, while looking somewhere else. Leonardo still didn't understand. Ezio explained to him "Cristina had… very terrible memories of Venezia" "Oh my. But… what would be so terrible that-" Ezio stopped Leonardo before he could ask further "Leonardo. Not now" he said while shaking his head, that it was not such a good idea to ask about that now.

Cristina then ensure her husband "It's alright, Ezio. I'll tell him". Leonardo then listened to what Cristina wanted to say "You see… Leonardo… when I was still a child, I was a wild girl. My father wasn't pleased with what I was doing, and punished me harsh for my actions. One day… he had enough of it, and send me to that… awful boarding school in Venezia, where they forced me to become a true lady. If I tried to resist or try to run away, they punished me very harsh, even harder then what my father did…" those last words became hard for Cristina to say, as she was punished even harder on that boarding school, then what her father did to her.

Leonardo was nearly shocked to hear this "Dio Mio (My God), Cristina. That's terrible" Cristina wiped away a tear after saying this to Leonardo. He found it a bit rude to ask, but did so anyway "But, if it's so hard for you to go back to Venezia, then why did you came after all?" Ezio and Cristina looked at him, making Leonardo regret his words "Mi dispiace (I'm sorry), I shouldn't have asked that". Cristina gave a little smile and said to Leonardo "Leonardo, I made a vow to myself, years ago, that I would face with Ezio whatever danger lie ahead of us, together. And if I have to overcome my demons in Venezia, only to be by at husband's side, then so be it" Ezio smiled to Cristina and both held their hand to another.

But then, Ezio heard something "What's wrong?" Cristina asked "We're not alone". All looked back and saw behind them several armed men, driving on their horses towards them. Both Assassins knew they run into trouble, and Ezio instantly speeded up the horses. Leonardo held one as Ezio all of the sudden speeded up, only because of these armed man "What's happening!? Who are they?" Cristina looked back once more and said "Rodrigo Borgia's men…" "Why? What do they want with us?" Leonardo asked, not knowing why they were chased by Rodrigo Borgia's men. Just then, an arrow was fired, just missing them by a inch. Ezio speeded up more "I think they want us dead. Leonardo! Hide!" he said veryh serious to Leonardo that he should hide. He nodded and went inside the wagon for cover. Cristina draw her sword "Keep driving, Ezio! I'll hold them off!" Ezio nodded and speeded up more.

As they raced through the mountain pass, the Borgia soldiers tried to drive close to the wagon to climb on the wagon. Leonardo panicked "They're trying to climb onboard! Knock them off!". Two soldiers climbed on the wagon and crawled to get to Ezio and Cristina, but Cristina slashed with her sword and knocked them both of the wagon!

Because Ezio made sharp turns, was making the carriage roll "Watch out, Ezio! Don't let the carriage roll over!" Cristina said "I'm trying!" Ezio said as he tried to balance the carriage back.

Another three soldiers tried to climb on board. Cristina was able to knock two off with her sword, while Ezio used the carriage to drive so close to the wall of the mountain, making the last one to be hit at the side of the mountain, killing him instantly!

They tried to do this for minutes, till Ezio called to his wife "Cristina, hold on! Road blocks!" Cristina held herself on to something, while Ezio steered pass the road blocks, making the carriage roll again.

Two more soldiers tried to climb on the wagon. Cristina killed one with her throwing knife, while the other lost balance and fell of the wagon himself!

Ezio then saw in the distance, that some of Borgia's men putted the bridge ahead on fire! "Hold on tight, this is going to be a little rough!" Ezio warned his wife and Leonardo. Cristina looked and saw too that the bridge was on fire, making her eyes go wide "Ezio…!?" "Hold on!".

As fast as he could, Ezio was able to drive the wagon over the bridge, through the fire before it collapsed, taking some Borgia soldiers with it.

Borgia archers saw that the firing bridge didn't stop the Assassins and signaled to the rest to fire at will.

Cristina had just felt relieved that they had passed the firing bridge, as all of the sudden, flaming arrows were shot at them, creating fires along the path.

Ezio tried all he can to avoid the firing parts, but could not avoid all of them. Then, more Borgia soldiers on horse appeared, going after them.

Cristina draw her sword and was able to slash some soldiers of the wagon, but some lost balance and fell from the wagon themselves. More archers were firing more firing arrows, making it more difficult for Ezio to avoid all the obstacles, and the firing arrows.

They held this one for some minutes, till they were near an abandoned village, where more Borgia soldiers were. Leonardo appeared from the wagon as Ezio said "Go, Leonardo! They're after me and Cristina, not you!" he gave reins to Leonardo as Cristina nodded "You go, Leonardo! We'll catch up with you later!". As Ezio and Cristina jumped from the wagon, Leonardo went on at full speed.

Ezio quickly draw his sword as he and his wife stood ready to hold off the remaining Borgia guards, buying Leonardo time to escape.

Both Assassins were surrounded by over a dozen guards, ready to kill them. Ezio and Cristina fought hard and killed five of them with their swords. But then, a heavily armed guard swing his axe, knocking Ezio's sword away. When he was about to kill him, Ezio used his hidden blades to finish him, but then was hit in his side by another guard's sword! Ezio killed that one with his dagger! Cristina quickly killed the other two guards and rushed to her husband's aid.

After killing the last two guards, Ezio grabbed his sword from the ground and put it back to his belt, but held with his other hand his side. Cristina went to help him as Ezio nearly fell to the ground cause of the pain "Ezio, you're wounded! Let… let me take a look at it" They sat down somewhere as Ezio removed some clothing for Cristina to examine the wound. It wasn't a deep wound, but it kept bleeding. Cristina took out her medical stuff from one of her pouches "Okay… I'll do what I can, Ezio" he nodded as he chuckled despite the pain "I have full confidence in your nurturing" Cristina giggled a bit as she punched his arm "Stop it".

Once she had disinfected the wound, she used a string and a needle to close the wound. Then she put bandages over it "There, I did what I can. At least now it won't keep bleeding. We better let a doctor check it" Cristina said as she put her stuff back in her pouch, but Ezio then held her hand "Grazie…" and gave her a kiss, what she returned.

But then after ten seconds, she broke the kiss and raised herself "Come on, Ezio! We better keep moving, before more Borgia guards are coming". Ezio felt she had a point "Yeah… good idea" and raised himself too, and both walked further.

After some hours of walking, both were allowed to get a ride on another carriage, till the next city. What was the city of Forli.

The next day, they arrived at Forli. Ezio and Cristina thanked the man for giving them a ride, what he didn't mind.

Ezio had never been before in Forli. It almost looked like the city was built between a swamp and the near sea. The ground was almost moister, but the people seemed to manage to live around the fortress walls. Inside, it was looking like any regular city. The sphere was different for both Assassins, but could feel that there was happiness among the citizens.

First, both went to see a local doctor to check on Ezio's wound. Luckily, Cristina's treatment had worked a lot, so the doctor didn't had to do much, other than recommending Ezio to take a medicine against the pain and to keep the bandages on, or change them, for the next coming week.

Once they had paid for the few medicines and some new apothecary supplies, they went on their way. Ezio went to take one of the medicine right away, while they were searching for Leonardo, in and around the fortified city. They looked for hours, but they couldn't find Leonardo anywhere, nor his carriage. He was not even at the port, where his ship would take him to Venice. Both were worried that they had missed him and had already left for Venice, however, a city guard informed them that the next ferry won't be coming until sunset.

It was late in the afternoon, as Ezio and Cristina walked near the southern gate. Both had decided to see a bit more of Forli, before they went back to the port to hopefully find Leonardo. Just then, both Ezio and Cristina noticed two men, talking to a young women wearing a long shirt and trousers, trying to impress her it seems.

"Certainly you were impressed this time. That was fast!" one man exaggerated about performance, making the women only laugh at that "I could do better. Anyone could!". The other guy tried his luck by saying "Alright, if you say that anyone can do that fast, then I'll be willing to do a little bet on it" that caught the women's attention "Oh? And what would that bet be?" "If you pick any stranger who can 'easily' break my friend's record, and that one loses, then you'll give us your 'private riding lessons'?" he said with a smirk. The women thought about it and said "Va bene (Alright), deal".

The women looked around and then pointed to Ezio, who just passed by with Cristina "You!" Ezio raised an eyebrow "Who? Me?" the women nodded and approached Ezio "Yes. Maybe you can help us settle a dispute. My friend bets here that I pick the first stranger to come along can race the course faster than him". Both Ezio and Cristina looked at each other for a moment, before looking back at her, who asked "You're not in a hurry, are you?" Ezio shook his head as he did had some time for a little race "Not really, no. May I ask? If you're right, and I can beat the course faster then you're 'friend', what do I win?". The women gave him a seducing smile "Perhaps, a private riding lesson…?".

Cristina gave her a fierce look, as she knew immediately what she meant with 'private riding lesson'. Ezio looked at Cristina, who frowned at him that he better not cheat on her. But Ezio gave her a smile while he winked at her, relieving Cristina that her husband had no intentions on cheating on her.

Ezio gave a smile to the women as he faced her and said "Lend me a horse". The women nodded and allowed Ezio to ride her horse. As he sat on the horse, Cristina said to her husband "Beat that record for me" "I plan to" Ezio said confident.

The women held an hourglass and said "Now, you need to beat the record in less than two minutes" Ezio nodded and stood ready with the horse, as the women counted "On the count of three. Uno. Due. Tre!" and Ezio raced as fast as he could around Forli, to beat the course.

After making it back in less then two minutes, Ezio had returned. The women called to him "You did it, messere. You beat the record" Ezio raised his fists, as Cristina clapped for him "Well done, husband!" "Ti avevo detto ch avrei potuto battere quell record per te! (I told you I could beat that record for you!)" Ezio said victorious as he embraced Cristina and kissed her with passion, what she gladly returned. This made the women surprised, for she had not seen that this man was with his wife and felt embarrassed "Oh…".

When Ezio broke the kiss, he asked the women "Where are the others?" the women moved some hair behind her ear, as she answered embarrassed "Well… they, went home. They couldn't stand to be beat" she then apologized to Ezio "Listen… I… mi dispiace (I'm sorry). If I had known that you were here with your wife, then this private lesson I offered, I-" Cristina then faced the women with a death glare and said with a very serious tone "Listen here, you slut! Ezio is my man! And the only one in this city, the only one in this entire world whose gonna have him is ME! So take those 'private lessons' of yours elsewhere, and fuck off".

Seeing her death glare, made the women nervous. Without saying a word, she nodded and left with her horse.

Ezio walked beside Cristina and said as he held her cheek "You do not need to worry yourself, Cristina. I never was planning on cheating on you. You are the only one for me, in the entire world". Cristina smiled as how sweet that was from her husband "Good," she gave him a softly kiss and then took him inside a barn and closed the door "cause I have a private lesson for you, right here" she said as she put Ezio's hand on one of her breasts, making him rubbing it on his own.

Both lied down on a pile of straw and passionately kissed each other, while Cristina rubbed Ezio's back and he rubbed both of her breasts.

Both moaned of this pleasure as their tongues dueled in their mouths for dominance. But just then, Ezio broke the kiss and panted as he looked into his wife's eyes "What?" Cristina asked, not knowing what was wrong "Do we… have enough time for this? Cause… the ferry to Venice… will be here soon".

Cristina was a bit annoyed by that, but seeing that her husband had a point, she bite her lip and gave him a seducing smile "Then let's do this quick, alright? I just want you so bad, Ezio. And I know you want it to!" she said as she pulled his face back to her, continuing their passionate kiss.

Ezio rubbed Cristina's breasts with his right hand, while moving his hand inside her pants, rubbing her pussy, making her moan as she moved her hand inside Ezio's pants, rubbing his cock who was getting harder.

After some minutes, Cristina pulled of her pants and Ezio lowered his, revealing both private parts. Cristina pulled Ezio close to her, kissing and licking each other with such lust. Ezio penetrated her wet pussy with his hard cock, stroking it in and out, making Cristina moan more "Hmmm! Yes, Ezio! Yes, fuck me! Fuck me hard!".

After another few minutes, Cristina moved Ezio aside, so she was on top. She quickly put his thick pole in her vagina and continued fucking Ezio. He moved some of her clothing out of the way, revealing her left breast and rubbed it, while twisting her nipple.

Both felt their climaxes coming "OH FUCK EZIO! I… I'M GONNA CUM!" "Me to, Cristina!". They went faster and faster "OH YES! YES YES YES! FUCK FUCK FUCK! YES! FILL ME EZIO! FILL ME! FILL ME UP! YES YES YEEEEEEEEEEES!" "CRISTINA! AAAAAH!". Both climaxed at the same time. Cristina could feel her husband's semen, filling her inside.

Cristina slowly rested on Ezio's chest as both panted from their quick sex. Ezio wished that their sex could last a bit longer, but was thinking that they could do this again once they are in Venice. He kissed her on the forehead and softly says "Thank you, for this private lesson, Signora Auditore" she giggled a bit and kissed him on the lips, and said "And you're an excellent student for my lessons, messere Ezio…". They rested for an hour on the straw, in each other's embrace.

It was near sunset as Ezio and Cristina came to the port. Their they saw their friend, Leonardo at the docks, with some other people, next to the docked boat that would go to Venice. He waved and called to them "Ezio! Cristina! Here! Over here!".

Ezio and Cristina went to meet their friend. Leonardo was grateful for saving his life "Thank you, Ezio and Cristina! You both saved my life!" Both felt flattered. Cristina then said "We just did what had to be done. You would have done the same" Leonardo chuckled as she scratched behind his head "I doubt it. bravery's not my strong suit. I owe you both a debt" "Di niente (It's nothing)" Ezio said as it was nothing.

A man then came from the boat and called to all passengers "Tutti a bordo! Fra poco si salpa! (All aboard! We're leaving soon!)". Leonardo said to his Assassin friends that they should go "That's our traghetto (ferry). Venezia awaits!". Ezio and Cristina nodded as they walked together with him to the boat.

Leonardo showed the man a pass and allowed him to step on the boat. But as Ezio and Cristina wanted to get on board, they were stopped "Hold on. Where are your passes?" "What passes" Ezio asked. Leonardo was only halfway to get onboard, when he heard that Ezio and Cristina were denied. He turned himself and asked his friends "You guys don't have a pass?".

The man told the couple "You cannot enter Venezia without a pass. Who invited you two?". Cristina confessed that they weren't invited at all "Um… to be honest, me and my husband weren't invited by anyone". The man held his hand to them "Basta! (Stop!) No pass, no entrance to Venezia".

Leonardo was worried for his friends as he went further on board. Ezio ensured him that he'll find another way "Don't worry, Leonardo! We'll come up with something".

Ezio looked around the docks, seeing what he and his wife could do. He sighed deep as he saw the other passengers being allowed on the ferry, as they had passes. Then he heard a women crying for help in the distance. Ezio looked and saw a redheaded noble women being stranded on an small island, with her boat halfway sunk "Qualcuno mi aiuti! Non so nuotare! Aiutatemi! (Somebody help me! I can't swim! Help me!)" The women noticed Ezio was watching her. Irritated she called "Don't just stand there! I need help!".

Ezio took a small boat and rowed to the damsel in distress. Cristina noticed what her husband was doing, and just watched from the docks.

When Ezio had reached the stranded women, he rowed close to her and reached out his hand, helping her onboard "Madonna" he said in a flattering matter. The women smiled at his charms "Oh, you're good. The ladies must like you". Ezio chuckled as he rowed them back to the docks as he said "I wasn't looking to impress. Only to help someone in distress" "Which is exactly WHY you impress. And you are Messer…?" "Auditore – But, please, call me Ezio".

The women liked that name, and humbling introduced herself "I'm Caterina. Now, Ezio, we must find you suitable reward…. Do you have any suggestions?". Ezio thought about it. As he knew that this, Caterina, must be very wealthy and could help him and his wife to get on board on the ferry "There is – perhaps – something you could help me with…" "I'm all ears…".

Once Ezio had explained what he needed, Caterina was sure to ensure it would be done. The man was just calling to the last passengers to board the ferry before it would leave for Venice, till Caterina called to him and demanded that Ezio and Cristina would be allowed on board. The man nodded immediately "Yes Signora… Whatever you say Signora…". Caterina nodded and walked to Ezio, telling "He won't trouble you anymore. I… took care of it". Ezio bowed, being thankful for her help "Thank you, Caterina".

Cristina was watching Ezio from the ferry, and gave a glare to the women he was talking to. Caterina seemed to notice and then said to Ezio kindly "Perhaps we'll see each other again…. Should you… and your wife ever find yourselves in the city of Forli, it would be my pleasure to welcome you…". Ezio liked that idea as he said "We'll look forward to enjoy your hospitality".

Caterina nodded and made her leave. As Ezio stepped on board, the man from before apologized to Ezio "Please accept my most humble apologies, Messere. (Sir.) had I known…" "It's quite alright, my friend" Ezio said that it was alright.

After Ezio had stepped on board, the ferry made sailed away, to Venice.

Ezio saw Caterina waving goodbye to him from the docks. He gave a little wave back. Cristina then asked her husband "Who was that?" Ezio shrugged "A women named Caterina. She had… arranged for us that we could use the ferry to go to Venezia" "Really? That's… very kind of her" Cristina said surprised at how that noble women was able to arrange that for them. Ezio chuckled a bit "It was her thanks for helping her".

Just then, Leonardo joined their conversation and said "Be careful, Ezio. Do you even know who that was?" again Ezio shrugged "A very influential women named Caterina" Leonardo crossed his arms as he shook his head "She's more than just an influential women, Ezio. That's Caterina Sforza, daughter of the Duca di Milano. Her husband is the Lord of Forli. That women is as powerful and dangerous as she is young and beautiful".

Ezio leaned on the mast as he smirked "Sembra come una donna per me (Sounds like my kind of lady)". Cristina hit her husband at her arm annoyed "Ezio!" "What? I was just joking?" he explained as it was just a joke. Cristina rolled her eyes as she left downstairs "Pff! Men" Ezio went after her, apologizing "Cristina, wait! It was just a joke, I didn't mean it! Cristina? Hey… c'mon…".

Leonardo chuckled as he shook his head "Those two…".

Cristina knew that her husband was only joking, and just had some fun with him, making him beg for forgiveness. What she eventually gave to him.

As the boat wouldn't arrive in Venice until tomorrow morning, most passengers took this time to get some sleep, including Ezio and Cristina, who lied in embrace on a matrass below decks.

Ezio slept peacefully. But, Cristina was starting to groan, as she was seeing strange images in her dream.

She was she was in a dark place, seeing strange rays of small light turning everywhere. In front of her stood a women, wearing a cloak, pointing to her to follow her. As she ran in the distance and disappeared, Cristina saw three horses stop before her. This was an very odd dream that she was having.

Then, Cristina found herself in a city, in street that went to a fortress. Along the whole street, Cristina saw Crusader knights, patrolling. She didn't understand why she was having this dream "Where… am I?".

As Cristina looked better through the street, she saw among the Crusader knights a man, wearing a white Assassin outfit. Her eyes widen as she recognized who it was "Wait… is that? Altiär?".

Cristina followed Altaïr. He seemed to walk to the fortress. At the entrance, Cristina saw the same women she saw before in 'the dark room'. As the women saw Altaïr, she made a run for it, making Altaïr run to follow her. Cristina ran after them to keep up "That women… it must be Altaïr's target" Cristina wandered.

Cristina watched as Altaïr pursuit the women. But Cristina found it odd, for Altaïr had many changes to finish his 'target', but didn't took the shot. Her curiosity made her to keep following Altaïr.

Till they were on the fortress walls, the women went through a door that went to a tower, locking it from the inside out. Altaïr looked up and started climbing up. Cristina followed him and started climbing too. But then, she started to float, all the way to the top, where Altaïr had just made it to the top, where the women was waiting for him.

She removed her hood, revealing her beautiful face to Altaïr. Cristina recognized that women from somewhere "Wait a minute, I've seen that women before… in a record that I found in Monteriggioni. That's… Maria Tholpe. But, what Altaïr want with her?".

Cristina saw that Maria Tholpe gave Altaïr a seducing smile and signaled him to come closer. Altaïr did and both started to make out, surprising Cristina "Whoa… okay, wasn't expecting that".

Cristina just watched as Altaïr and Maria made love to each other. Though it was nothing compared to the lovemaking that she and Ezio shared from time to time, it looked sweet non the less, as Altaïr took his time with Maria.

When they finished, both lied in the straw for some time, resting from their sweet sex. Altaïr kissed Maria on the forehead and stood up, saying goodbye to his lover, for now.

Cristina watched Atlaïr stood ready to perform his leap of faith. As he jumped down, Cristina first followed him, but was then dragged back to the top of the tower with Maria "Why am I not following Altaïr? I'm stuck here with Maria…?" then she was slowly getting inside Maria's belly. Cristina eyes went wide as she understood what was going on "Her belly, but… but that must mean…. She's with child! … this is one weird dream…".

And that's it for chapter 12, everybody! I want to apologize for the long waiting for this chapter, but as you might have guessed, I'm also working on my other stories.

Hope you all liked this chapter. And I'm giving you guess a hint what is going to happen in the future chapters, as it was Cristina who was having this dream about Altaïr and Maria Tholpe… ;)

Speaking about Altaïr and Maria Tholpe, I'm maybe planning to make a separate Assassin's Creed story, where Maria is raised by the Assassins and joins Altaïr on his journey to redeem himself, and save the Holy Land from Robert de Sable and his Templar thugs. But I also have many other ideas for future stories. I've wrote them in a poll on my profile, so if any of you have the time, check it out and give me a vote of which idea(s) you like the most and I'll start making them.

Don't forget to like and review, and I shall see you all in the next chapter!

See you then!