Wow, this took longer than I intended. I sorta kept checking this thing over trying my best to do well with this story. Then I got lazy, then I got distracted. And when I came back I had trouble writing the story. You might see where you might not. Anyway sorry truly.

On another note first arc b***** you ready I sure ain't but I'm gonna give my best.


I own nothing both animes are owned by their respected developers and writers

All that could be heard was the slow tapping of his finger. The sky was at it's darkest and a room was dimly illuminated inside the Angra Mainyu Familia Estate.

Shirou was currently sitting over a desk looking at the papers detailing his fellow servants' stats and levels. He wanted to look them over before getting some rest. The desk was smooth wood with a sweet fragrance to it. It was of semi-circular design and was autumn red. Right now he was in the middle of it with a lite candle illuminating the papers before him.


Berserker Class

Strength: A++

Endurance: A++

Agility: C

Mana: D

Luck: E

Noble Phantasm

Eternally Unchanging Labyrinth: EX


Monstrous Strength: A

Natural Demon: A++

Labrys of the Abyss: C

Mad Enhancement: B


Level: 5

Strength: SSS1500

Endurance: SSS1500

Dexterity: D609

Agility: D687

Magic: EX

Eternally Unchanging Labyrinth

Berserker: B


Monstrous Strength

Mad Enhancement

Cú Chulainn

Lance Class

Strength: A

Endurance: C

Agility: A+

Mana: B

Luck: D

Noble Phantasm

Gáe Bolg: B


Rune Magic: B

Protection from Arrows: B

Beast Slayer: B++

Magic Resistance: C

Divinity: B

Cú Chulainn

Level: 6

Strength: SS1153

Endurance: C771

Dexterity: SSS1471

Agility: SSS1490

Magic: B

Rune Magic

Lancer: A


Protection from Arrows

Beast Slayer

Magic Resistance


Lancer Class

Strength: B

Endurance: A

Agility: EX

Mana: B-

Luck: D

Noble Phantasms

Gáe Blog Alternative: B+

Gate of Sky: -


Wisdom of Dún Scáith: A+

Primeval Rune

Magic Resistance: A


Level: 7

Strength: A998

Endurance: SS1197

Dexterity: EX

Agility: SS1200

Magic: S

Primeval Rune

Lancer: S


Magic Resistance

Wisdom of Dúne Scáith


Saber Class

Strength: B+

Endurance: A

Agility: B

Mana: B

Luck: D

Noble Phantasm

Clarent Blood Arthur: A+

Secret of Pedigree: EX


Mana Burst: A

Magic Resistance: B

Riding: B

Instinct: B


Level: 6

Strength: S999 - SS1113

Endurance: SS1200 - SSS1359

Dexterity: B817 - B841

Agility: B854 - B880

Saber: A


Mana Burst

Magic Resistance



Secret of Pedigree

Sighing in contempt he leaned back in his chair thinking over the events that have transpired. The questions in his mind we're racing seeking answers. But they'll half to wait for tomorrow. While he is a servant the battle against Mordred had tired him out and he wanted some shut-eye before she woke from her unconscious state.

Yet the events of the battle played through his mind on repeat.

During his fight with Mordred, he felt as if something was off. He only knows so much about Mordred through the memories of, her. And despite what the knight of treachery had done in life, he felt some sympathy for the girl. The rejection she was given was, well, just outright brutal. If he was there he'd have been angry for her.

Not that the reasons weren't valid but there were much better ways of saying it.

Yet once he laid his eyes on Clarent.

Secret of Pedigree protects Mordred's identity, not Clarent. As such he was given a whole new view on the events.

He now fully understood how Mordred felt and why she attacked him on sight. And being the selfless man he is, now feels that he must take responsibility in his lover's place.

Then there were her stats.

His own had not risen. Unlike Mordred, he was calm and collected during the fight and didn't exert himself too much. This was due to the fact that he'd already spent mana in the dungeon fighting and chose to be more reserved. He didn't tax himself much but in a fight against a fellow servant even a little goes a long way. While she fought a bit recklessly and seemed more akin to a raging berserker than a saber. He taking notice of this planned a trap a sprung it. If she wasn't blinded by hate she probably would've noticed how he was playing conservative and used mana burst to dodge rather than take him head-on. Make him waste mana while keeping her own. Turning the fight into a battle of attrition.

That wasn't the case though. But she has now shown that they as servants can improve themselves and grow here in this new world.

At least when they fought each other.

Sighing he rubbed out the headache that was growing in his head.

That is it. It's late and he is both emotionally and physically tired. He was only gonna take a small half-hour nap before but now he is just gonna sleep through the night.

Getting up he dematerialized his armor and clothing before heading over to the shower. The bedroom was large and carpeted with the desk on the left side of the room and a large bed at the center of it. The bed was that of a king's and had a grey canopy surrounding it. On the right side of the room was the entrance to the restroom and next to the door was a large set of drawers. Shirou sighed at the fact that this was where he was staying. It was a room that was far to fancy for his tastes.

But it was his nonetheless and Medea went through the trouble to make it for him so he'll just suck it up and deal with it.

Shirou turned on the shower and let the hot water pour onto him causing mass amounts of steam to fill the room. He let the pattering of the water fill his ears as he thought about the next course of action. However, before doing such things, he knew that he needed to have a talk with Irisviel. His master has been truthful so far but he felt she was keeping some cards to herself and he wanted to know why.

"Sometimes I wonder what I'm even doing," he said out loud to himself.

Laughing bitterly at the situation he found himself in. He'd been summoned by a God of Evil. He has some of his own abilities along with a corrupted Excalibur at his disposal in the saber class of all things. All while not even truly knowing why.

True magic is a bitch sometimes.

"Irisviel I hope you have the answers to my questions. And if you do I hope you'll give them to me."

With that, he washed his body and eventually got out of the shower. Quickly drying himself with a towel before going to the drawer and grabbing a robe to sleep in. He needed to get into habits such as this if they ever have guests. With that, he finally climbed into bed and got some long-overdue rest.

Loki was tired.

She had been sleeping so soundly when suddenly some tremors woke her up. Nothing serious but she couldn't go back to sleep. So she went out of her room to find some alcohol and food to put her to rest. While walking along she noticed that some of her children woke up as well. She'd tease them if she wasn't so sleepy.

Loki usually sported a ponytail for her red hair but right now it was let loose and hanged past her shoulders. It was messy and disheveled looking just as she felt. She was wearing a onesie and looked rather childish as if she were a big kid just wondering down the halls.

"Where is some booze I need booze."


Loki turned around to see it was Riveria. A beautiful elven woman with emerald hair and eyes. Many in the familia saw her as a role model and advice giver. She was the top mage of the Loki familia. Her actions towards others were considered motherly as such Loki teased her constantly about it.

"Yo mama what's up?"

Sighing Riveria responded, "We have a messenger from the guild that wishes to inform us of new information on Evilus."

Loki's eyes opened a bit more after hearing that. Her face changed from her usual grin to a more serious expression. She followed Riveria through the halls. Taking notice in that Riveria was also in her sleepwear although Riveria's had a noble like quality to it. As they went on she wondered what it was that Evilus had done that would require a messenger to be sent in the middle of the night.

Finally, they reached the workroom of the familia captain Finn Deimne. He the pallum that leads her little band of misfits and she is glad he leads her familia with his serious and tactical mind. It lessens the burden on her and gives her more free time.

Finn was sitting in his desk his own hair in disarray and wearing judging by the sleeves he seemed to be wearing some kind of pajamas as well. On her left, Gareth was sitting on a stool set up for himself.

Gareth was a dwarf with brown hair and eyes with a matching beard. His rank is an executive member of the familia. He was a big man and was strong without a doubt.

Loki then turned her head to the messenger that the guild sent. They seemed to be nervous and fidgety as if they were scared something would come through the window and eat him alive. Loki would mess with the guy but she'd rather not due to the message involving Evilus. Once she sat on Finn's desk Finn spoke up.

"Now that everyone is here would you mind telling us why you were sent in the middle of the night."

The messenger stepped forward he was a human elf with black hair and blue eyes. His overall appearance seemed plain but due to the look of nervousness, he seemed like a frightened animal ready to run at the first sign of danger.

"I am deeply sorry I showed up at such a time however what I bring is important news."

The man bowed and stopped talking waiting for permission from one of them to continue talking.

"Well, tell us what it is that the edge lords have done this time?" It was Loki who broke the silence, in the end, allowing the man to straighten himself.

"It is sad to say but it seems Evilus is attracting people from outside Orario." This made everyone in the room raise their eyebrows at the revelation. If Evilus is gaining attention the that meant bringing them down is going to be that much harder.

However, the messenger wasn't done.

"Five days ago a goddess and her familia from outside Orario entered the guild and asked to register as an official adventuring familia in the city. The goddess openly claimed to be a goddess of evil and darkness. We didn't come sooner because we wished to confirm things and gain information on them, as such is why I am here now."

After he finished Finn, Gareth and Riveria closed their eyes and gained disappointed looks on their faces nodding their heads and sighing. It was then that Loki spoke up her thought.

"Really? You guys are worried about some arrogant no name familia that came from outside Orario. What is one of them a level three or something?" Loki began teasing the man giggling at his joke. But she stopped when she saw the man shaking. She was expecting embarrassment or possible anger due to wounded pride but that is not what she saw. The man was shaking in fear.

"There is more to it isn't there?"

He nodded in response to her statement.

"When they registered they only put their stats and levels as is their right to secrecy. Not everyone wants their skills and magic exposed for all to see. Though what they put down was not something that we expected."

"Go on." Finn encouraged the man to continue now having full interest.

"When they first arrived they said that they had more on the way. That they split into groups across the lands. The goddess said she didn't keep track of how many members were in her familia. "

"Get to the point elf." Loki was growing agitated not liking the man was beating around the bush. With that, he swallowed the lump in his through and said what he needed to say.

"The goddess arrived with two people. A female mage and a male knight from what we could tell. The female was a level six."


It was Finn who spoke up. He was now sporting a completely serious face. Looking at the man in scrutiny.

"It is impossible to reach such a level without having been in the dungeon along with the fact that nobody has ever heard of this woman."

Everyone nodded in agreement with his statement. So far Loki was seeing this as a waste of time. But she grinned at the thought of using this for some laughs at Mia's place. She decided to indulge the man.

"So let me guess since the mage lady is a level six that means the knight is even higher right? No don't tell me he's level seven isn't he?"

The elf nodded his head stiffly in response to the embarrassment he was feeling. At this point, Loki couldn't help but laugh. Her kiddos shook their heads at her antics but she couldn't care less.

"Wow, well that is a riot. Tell you guys what I'm gonna leave now and leave this to you guys okay."

Loki immediately got up and made her way to the door. Finn feeling bad for the messenger decided to ask some questions to steer the conversation away from the current subject.

"Can you tell us the name of the goddess?"

"Of course. She said her name was Angra Mainyu."

Finn did not recognize the name. None of this made sense to him why would unknown god just walk into the city and claim to be a god of evil and darkness. It was then he noticed that Loki had stopped at the door. He wondered why she stopped she was still as a statue and her skin seemed to have paled a bit.

When Loki heard that name her mind went straight into shut down. She couldn't believe she heard what was just said. She slowly turned around uncaring what she looked like in front of everyone else in the room. To everyone's dread, her eyes were wide open showing her red eyes in all their fury. She didn't care though.

Locking eyes with the messenger she walked away from the door she walked up to the man before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she then adopted her usual grin before asking him to repeat.

"You said Angra Mainyu right?"

"Yes, ma'am I d-did."

Loki's grin went away before she simply sighed and adopted a frown. It wasn't a frown of disappointment simply sorrow and grief covered her face. Her children were stunned. They'd never seen such a look from her for she was always their mischievous goddess causing trouble wherever she went. Yes, she would get serious if the situation called for it but this. They've never seen this.

"You can go now, kid. Tell the guild we'll take it from here alright, " Loki seemed lost in thought and dismissed the messenger not wanting the current outside party present.

Taking the hint the messenger bowed to the goddess and left as quickly as he could. Loki could feel the gazes on her but she ignored them closing her eyes and thinking upon the name.

Angra Mainyu. That is not a name to be used lightly Evilus knows this. So is this them getting even more arrogant or the real deal? Whatever it is we half to find out the answer.

The question is which answer is the good one.

"Loki, what was that?"

Loki 'opened' her eyes and looked at Finn. He along with Riveria and Gareth were looking at her with concern. Loki had never acted like that before and it wasn't something they wanted to see again.

Loki let out a small bitter chuckle as if she were about to laugh at the situation. In truth she really was. If she didn't have the responsibility of her familia she would've been straight out laughing at the absurdity of it all.

Angra Mainyu

She repeated the name one last time before addressing her children. "Alright, there is a good scenario and a bad one. First is Evilus might be using the name of an ACTUAL god of evil and darkness."

Her children nodded in response letting the information sink in. However, a question rose up from Riveria.

"How is that possible?"


"What you're saying Loki is that a deity of darkness exists that represents evil. But how? Don't gods ascend back to heaven when they die in a been a great light? So how can one be of darkness?" Loki looked at Riveria with a straight face as if she'd been caught off guard by the question. But instead, it was her feeling embarrassed about the fact she didn't know herself. Angra was an unknown. No god had never met them. They all knew they existed but nobody knew where they were or if it was a guy or girl. Though according to messenger it was a chick. Instead of keeping this to herself she simply responded to the question bluntly.

"Don't know, doesn't matter."

Riveria seemed taken back by the response as if she expected more. As did everyone else. That fact that such a being exists brought questions that sought answers. Her children all seemed ready to voice this but Loki stopped them before they could speak.

"Let me explain my scenarios alright this is a lot for me to alright. Okay, so where was I? Right so if Evilus is using this name it could attract more followers leading to a boost in their strength and numbers."

"Which could lead to them getting bolder," Finn concluded.


Evilus was a group of gods claiming to be evil and sowed whispers of revolution against the current ruling powers of the world. This is why Loki and her familia along with others were working with the guild to bring down the group. They'll defend there home and not let some group of insane psychos destroy it.

Finn seemed to have already begun formulating plans to counter this but he stopped himself. He looked up at Loki.

"Alright, Loki now that that's out in the open what is the good scenario?"

He was given the worst outcome now he wanted to hear the best it was simply him wanting to be hopeful for the best while being prepared for the worst.

Loki remained still before grinning in embarrassment. She brought a hand up to the back of her neck while looking up as if not wanting to look anyone in the eyes.

"That was the good scenario."

Everyone in the room looked at her as if she was crazy. Yet she continued anyway.

"I'm gonna be quick. So, please let me finish without interruptions I'm tired and I need to sleep as do you all. Sleeping on this may do wonders for us or it may not. What matters is that we have a clear head on this and not do anything rash. Am I clear" She looked at them waiting for a response wanting them to give their full attention to her. In truth, she really didn't want to talk about them at all. The stories of Angra were mixed and inconsistent. Some were of horror others were of tragedy

The creepy ones were like scary stories you'd tell around a campfire only instead of laughs and jump scares everyone was disturbed and had nightmares when they went to sleep. Loki however always thought there might be a deeper meaning to the stories. They always depicted Angra as some kind of demon or monster. Yet it felt more like propaganda than truth. But effective propaganda nonetheless. She was right when she heard the ones that were of tragedy.

Yet those didn't make her feel too good either. Nobody deserved that kind of hell. No one.

Yet there was one constant.

Angra had power.

When she got confirmation from the others she went along with what she wanted to say.

"If it turns out this isn't some wannabe and is the real deal. That this is actually Angra Mainyu. Do not and I repeat do not pick a fight. Simply observe this familia. We don't want to fight a battle we aren't sure we can win. We already have enough on our plate so let's not add more to it."

With that said, Loki left the room. She gave no time for her kiddos to respond. She made her way down the hall before stopping by a window and gazed out upon Orario. Lights were on and she could see the red light district in the distance. Cities looked beautiful at night. It did not shine but instead had tiny lights of yellow and blue gleam out from the cracks. A crescent moon hung over the sky letting its mystery wash over the city.

"Man, now I really need that booze."

Blood everywhere.

The sky seemed to bleed.

Armored bodies dismembered. Their armor once beautiful is now darkened and stained in both their enemy's blood along with their own.

Yet she did not care. Here she was staring at the figure before her. Always perfect never flinching.

Why why was she denied.

You did not have the capacity to be king.

Then the image changed. The now perfect figure is tainted smiling at her in a mocking fashion.


Mordred woke up in a frenzy reaching out her hand to only feel empty air. Her face expressing her horror and regret. The images from the nightmare still fresh in her mind. Before she could register anything else she felt pain shoot up her abdomen forcing her to wince in pain. It was then the door to the room she was in opened slowly.

A tall man with blue hair came into her room with a tray of food. His eyes were trained on the food in his hands as if they were something that he wouldn't dare let the ground sully. Once he was inside he looked up and locked eyes with her.

"How's it going sleepyhead about time you woke up you slept like a rock."

She was confused the man was a servant yet came across as an alright guy. Eyes drifting to the food as the fragrance reached her nostrils. It was making her mouth water which didn't go unnoticed by the tall man.

"Ah, you smell it don't you, I brought this up from the kitchen for ya. Smells good, doesn't it?", she nodded in agreement, "Well then here you go, missy."

He placed the food down unto the bed she was sitting up in. Once he was out of the way she immediately began cramming the food into her mouth. It comprised of soup with noodles and broth along with a serving of spiced chicken and seasoned steak. Along with a mug of soft morning brew. It was as if this meal was made for her.

"Ha, I'd be judgmental if I didn't do the same thing with my own food. When you're done come outside and I'll take you to the lady."


Mordred was confused the last thing she saw before ending up in this room was, HIM.

She adopted a scowl on her face at the indication that she lost to him. Even if she was more reckless in her anger. That man was not her father and the fact that he wields and taints his legacy was angering her further.

She continued to eat her meal with more fury than before. After gulping down the last mouthful she finally noticed that her armor was missing. But upon looking to the right she noticed her armor propped up on a mannequin. It was resting its gauntlets on the pommel of Clarent which was upright in front of the armor.

But I didn't take off…my…armor.


Mordred jumped out of bed ready to cleave whoever disrobed her in half. Only to stumble forward and plant her face into the floor. Her body hurt like hell. Whatever that black knight did to her left it's marked.

"Should've just blasted him with my noble phantasm and been done with it."

She steadily got up and walked to her armor. Stumbling would actually be a better way to put it. After putting her armor on and taking her sword in hand she opened the door to find the blue guy waiting outside.

"I see you're ready. Come along then I wanna get some training in before we all head out."


Mordred was confused about who this lady was, what happened after she lost, and where is that black knight? She kept her questions to herself and continued to follow the guy. Once they went outside she saw how beautiful this place was. She admired the architecture and plant life growing dazed in the process.

"Don't wander too far off else I'll get an earful from the witch."


"Ya, you see you're kinda in big trouble right about now. You see our master summoned six of us heroic spirits. Through the process, we kinda have three leaders. I know seems weird but soon the lady is gonna summon two to three more of us. Point is the guy you attacked is one of the three leaders."

"That fake is leading you guys!"

"Yeah, he is dealing with it. And cause you attacked him our master has wanted to speak with you on the matter."

"Like I care the bastard corrupted my father's sword. I'm not gonna let that slide."

"You don't half to."

Mordred stopped abruptly before staring at him like he'd grown an extra head. Wasn't the whole point of him telling her this useless shit. Eventually, she made thoughts know to the fellow heroic spirit.

"I don't understand didn't you just contradict yourself."

"Well not really. Our familia as we like to call it is relatively new. So we are still making rules. Most of this is being discussed between our master and three leaders."

Mordred was confused yet felt that asking him any more questions would only give her a headache. So she withheld her questions for the girl in charge.

However, she had one thing to voice to this half-assed servant.

"Don't call me missy."

"Huh, what was that?" the man stopped and looked her in the eyes seemingly confused by her statement. "You got a dick?"

Mordred flushed under her helmet and yelled at him for such a conclusion.

"No of course not!"

"So you got a vagina."


"Then you're a girl."

"Don't call me that either!"

"Then what the fuck should I call you!"

"I don't know! You figure it out yourself dipshit!"

Mordred and the man began arguing over the new 'matter of importance' completely forgetting they had somewhere to be.

It was then that they felt a shadow loom over them spelling death for their inanity.

Mordred stopped her yelling and turned to look at her impending demise. They before her was a woman who she could only describe as a witch.

"What are you two doing?"

Irisviel such a lovely name. She was glad she thought it up it had a nice ring to it. Another name came to mind but it didn't seem like a name she should take. Although at her core she shall always be Angra Mainyu.

For now, though she shall be Irisviel and enjoy her time playing human. Her duty to take care of her property can wait. It'll reveal itself in time and she will be waiting with her new friends. Oh, who will she summon next will it be more knights or maybe an assassin.

"Iri what are you plotting?"

For a brief moment, the silhouette of an unknown man overlapped the man before her. Blurred and misty it was all she could tell was the man was sad and had dark hair. Yet the moment she blinked he was gone. In his place was her first summon Shirou. He came with questions that she could only somewhat answer. But in the end, she was vague. She reason he was summoned differently from the others was that she intended to summon a wandering hero. And two answered the call.

Other than that Shirou's was as good as hers. Wait a minute?

"Iri? Plotting? When did you decide to start calling me like that?"

"Do you dislike it?"

"No! I like it very much. In fact, for coming up with such an adorable nickname I'll only let you call me that." The way he called her that it had warmth and made her happy. If only it wasn't ruined by him insinuating that she was plotting.

"I feel truly blessed as for how well your name is similar to that of my sister."

"Truly? What was it?" Investigation mode activated.

"Her name was Illyasviel."

Mommy where are you going?

"illyasviel." A whisper came out but it hit like a ton. As if she was being pressed down by a dragon's foot.

Luckily Shirou wasn't looking else head see the deathly look of recognition her face but he did hear her.

"Yes, but I called her Illya."

Angra looked at him seeing the small forlorn smile on his lips. It calmed her for some reason yet also upset her. How peculiar.

Shirou went on to explain that he was adopted and that he never knew his true family. An-Iri listened and calmed herself while he recalled his time with his sister while they waited for their guests.

Medea went out to see whether or not the girl even woke up. Leaving Shirou and Iri alone. Though she was fine listening to him. She found joy in watching the peaceful times pass by.

Though when it finally reveals itself she will do what she was sent here to do.