disclaimer: Hello frnd's this story was posted by Mayank N but now it will be countinued by me Aaron Prevell all characters are own by their respective authors.

Chapter-1-The Eagle meets the Wolf


THERE was darkness everywhere and then my EYES open to see the world around me. I can't remember why I'm out here in an unknown forest which is filled with weird white tree with red leaves hell I don't even known how do I came here .

I try to get up on my feet's with some struggle and look around myself and try to figure out where am 'I ,and hope to figure out how do I get here. I had never seen this kind of forest in my life, I'm sure as hell that this kind of forest doesn't existed on earth', that means either I'm not on the earth or I'm dreaming and by seeing around me plus knowing that dream can't be this realistic, I'm leaning on first option. So basically I'm in a different world [now you were thinking that why I'm not freaking out ,simple I know about multiveres and that's not even counting that I had actually studied it and The vile of death ] .Sometimes I wonder why this kind of anomaly happen to me and not someone else I know this is kind of mean but still… with thought in mind I started moving forward.

SO, my name is Aaron Harris Prevell my middle name is given to me in respect of my granpa Lord Harry Potter yeah I'm grandson of THE BOY WHO LIVED.I the second son of my father lord ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER PREVELL and my mother BELLA JEAN PREVELL nee BONES . I'm a magi-engineer means I create magical tools and study about physics and how it can effect and used with magic and I was doing the samething with sand of time and tansporting portal [which transport people in large number without the backlash which we feel in long distance portkey ,It is something that I created on my own and it is one of my greatest creation].I don't know what happen but the effect of sand of time and magical chemicals and potions and its closeness to stand-by portal had created an tear In reality and suck everything which is near it and in this case all it was me so that's conclude how I got here.

Suddenly I got out of the forest and came in a clearing and notice a lake which looks like very deep and dark and near it a man sitting there in front of a large tree [And I mean really large, huge tree]with red leaves which also has face carved on its trunk. The man was dressed in medieval clothes made of fur and leather, his is filled with light brown hair which is turning white and his back was turned toward me so I can't see his face , all of a sudden like he sense me and turned his head toward in my direction. Then in a commanding voice he asked me.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?"