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Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own Dragonball Z or any of its characters. Only this idea and the story with it are mine.

Chapter 7: Courage from Beyond Time


He felt like he was floating. Everything seemed so hazy and far away. Nothing felt right. He wasn't where he needed to be. He knew this, but couldn't manage to rouse himself enough to move. Something was terribly wrong.

"Oni-chan! Oni-chan, please open your eyes!"

His sister was calling for him. He had to wake up, had to get to her side. He had to protect Rena; he had promised his mother that he would look after her. The more he focused on that fact, the more he fought to wake up.

Finally, after a seemed eternity, Angel was able to open his eyes. Immediately his sister's worried black eyes greeted his confused green ones.


She nodded then launched herself into his arms. "Angel! I was so scared! I didn't think you'd ever wake up."

"Yeah well. You can't get rid of me that easily."

After calming Rena down enough to disentangle her from him Angel gave the area, they'd woken up in a cursory look around. It seemed to him like an endless foggy room with no walls or ceiling. He couldn't see any way out for them. They were trapped.

"So, you're finally awake. Took you long enough, monkey boy." Came a sarcastic sounding voice from behind the two demi saiyans.

Angel knew that dreaded voice. It belonged to someone that he hated with a passion.

"Why are you here, Jordan?"

Jordan Briefs oldest child of Bulma and Yamcha. Angel hated the other boy, always had. Ever since they were babies, they had each strove to be better than the other is. So far, he was still the stronger of the two of them.

It was then that Angel noticed that Jordan had hold of another person by the hand. It was Victoria, Jordan's shy younger sister. This was starting to get a little weird.

"Who else is here?"

Jordan was very somber as he spoke. "It's you, me, Rena, Victoria, and Danny."

"That many?"

Jordan nodded. "It's all of us younger ones except for Goten."

"Where's Danny?"

"Sitting at your sister's feet. He was the one that got me up then helped me find my sister. I think he may have been the first of us to get here."

While this conversation had been going on Danny had gotten to his feet. It was easy to see that the even-tempered boy had something on his mind. He always got this look on his face that made him look like his father whenever he was thinking about something important.

"What's the matter, Danny-kun?" Victoria asked, speaking up for the first time.

Everyone stopped to look at Piccolo's son.

"Something…weird happened when each of you got here."

Angel walked over to stand near Danny before he said, "What do you mean?"

"Well, when all of you got here you weren't awake."


"First of all, you weren't wearing anything when you got here."

Rena and Victoria both turned scarlet and hid behind their respective older brothers.

"Hey man! Not in front of my sister!"

"That was uncalled for, Damino!"

He kept on as if neither boy had said anything. "You guys kept coming in and out of focus like a bad television or something." He paused to take a deep breath before continuing, "I was so scared. I just remember saying repeatedly for you guys not to leave me. After forever you stopped fuzzing and stayed here."

"What are you getting at, Damino?" Jordan said as he tried to console his still mortified sibling.

Danny finally showed some of his father's influence as he said, "What I'm getting at, you moron, is that all of us nearly got erased from existence."

The two girls instantly dissolved into tears.

"I want my momma!" Rena cried, falling onto her rear on the misty ground.

A minute later Danny also burst into tears.

Angel and Jordan had no idea what to do. They were both on the verge of panicking when a soft, feminine voice echoed from the darkness. It was an old, familiar song that all of the children had heard from their parents since birth.

When the song died down everyone had calmed down. A new person stood just within the dim circle of light that the kids stood in. She appeared to be the same age as Angel and Jordan, and was nearly as tall as the two boys as well. Her medium length auburn hair was tied into a ponytail on her head. Her bright, emerald green eyes gave her the appearance of a young fox.

The boys were immediately on the defensive. This wasn't someone they knew, even if she did look a lot like Rena and Angel's mother.

"Who are you?" Angel demanded with his best impersonation of his father.

The girl giggled then said, "You all called me and you don't even know who I am? That's okay, I still forgive you. My name is Jeri, and I'm a saiyan. Well…half saiyan at least."

"That's my mother's name!" Rena and Angel said together.

Jeri giggled again. "That's neat! My mommy's name is Joyce. Would you guys like to know where you are?"

"Hai!" Was the resounding reply.

"This, is the land of creation."

"Creation? You mean we're on another planet?" Rena asked.

"No, you silly goose. You're in the imagination."

"So…we're in someone's head?"

"No, of course not!"

"Then does that mean that anything we can dream can happen?"

"Yeppers! Now you get it! That is how you called me. I'm an imaginative answer to you desire to see you mother, Rena-kun."

Angel looked to his young sister. "Rena, if you could do this then maybe you can do more. Try to make something happen."

"I don't know, what if I mess it up?"

"You won't know until you try. Just trust me."
