Summary- Ice king, emotionless, heartless, all things Harry had been called over the year. However, Harry had long since learned to careless about the opinion of other. But will this remain true when the Dead start walking? Will there be others who can get behind the icy walls Harry has around his heart? And if so, will Harry find himself caring again? This is a Walking dead/Harry Potter crossover.

Disclaimer-I do not own Harry Potter or the Walking Dead. Nor do I make any profit off of either one of them.

A.N- This is a story of Letitallburn who had decided to no longer be on Fanfiction and has given up all her/his stories. I have gotten permission from her/him to take this story up. She/he has told me that if anyone wanted to take up her other stories they could. Also, she/he has given me a basic outline of how she/he wanted this story to go, and when it is. So that in mind this is going to be Slash, it is going to be a Daryl/Harry pairing. And I will be doing my best to stick to how she/he wanted the outline to go.

Harry's Animagus form:

Maltese tiger-4


Liger -8

Panthera hybrid-10 (jaguar/tiger)

Black Panter-2

Gyra black footed cat-1

Chapter Four

It was the morning after Harry had given Rick's group the supplies he had. All of which has supposedly been found in the house they were both staying it. Or at least that is what the group in question had been led to believe; as there was no way Harry was really telling them where they actually came from.

Not to mention it was after he had gotten back up to the room. The one he had set up for him to rest for the night before he had even come up with the plan, he had in the first place. And this was despite the fact he had been offered to stay with the group downstairs; welcomed to use one of the couches there if he wanted to.

Something Harry had managed to rather politely wave off, by telling them he had already had everything set up for himself upstairs before he had found the food in the first place; and that didn't want to wake anyone else when he rose in the morning anyway.

And by the next morning Harry meant that he didn't want to wake anyone when he had gotten up when the sun was literally just starting to rise. Making it around maybe five in the morning when that did occur; a time Harry knew not many people would be up at or ant to be up at for that matter.

Knowing this and knowing that it was only a matter of time before they did wake up, Harry felt it was time to get ready to leave. Because he knew that the sooner he got started, the further he could travel for before night hit, and the closer he got to being back at his home.

Something Harry only knew was still safe, and still on lock down, because he had called some of his house elves from it a little while ago to double check on things; as well as get a little bit more information about how it had all happened to begin with.

It was after doing this, albeit a week ago, that Harry was able to find out what had happened to set his home on lock down on his home to begin with. Which turned out to be the fact the person who had come through the floo in the first place, had actually been two people, and upon forcing entrance through his floo, they had come out firing several spells at that. These people had been the Headmaster, and his old head of house, Professor Snape.

Both, from what the house elves had told him, had been speaking about bringing him back to England and bringing him back to heel; now that they had finally found him. At least that is what they had been planning on doing, until Harry wards had kicked in.

It was a really old Peverell family ward, one that Harry had found in the back of his family vaults and was one of the wards Harry had worked the hardest to master; not to mention one of the very first ones he put up around his new property once he got it.

As it was too valuable and useful for him to think of doing otherwise. Proven as such, as when it did kick in, it kicked in something fierce. As it ripped the magic from their bodies, if only because they had broken in, in the first place. Before sending them, both flying into a Black family offensive ward; that had burnt their body to ashes afterword.

A combo that Harry hadn't thought his wards would do, but at the same time really couldn't find any fault in them and wouldn't be changing them in anyway as that is what probably saved his home to begin with.

Unfortunately, the combination of all the new magic, and the offensive spells that had been flying around before the wards in question had kicked in. Was what had caused Harry's house to go on full shut down mode as it completely cut off all ways from entering it; besides the front gate.

Which was the only way that Harry's house could now be entered; even by Harry who had been the one to add the wards in the first place. And, at that, it was only by those who had been keyed into the house to begin with; which right now was only Harry.

At the same time, said front gate was a good deal within said wards making it so Harry couldn't just Apparate to said gate. Or to the closest location to said gate even if wanted to; as his wards stopped him from doing so.

Though like with the cases of the Deatheater's, as well as Voldemort's, houses house elves could come and go as they pleased as Harry hadn't, as of yet, found or made a ward that could keep them out. However, he had, now much to his disgruntlement, been able to craft a ward to keep them from taking anyone else not a house elf with them.

Which had left Harry wonder what he was going to do as he knew that even if he had wanted to Apparate to a location where his wards would let him. And that was a lot closer to his house than he currently was, that had to be able to picture just where he was going to land when he did this.

Which was a no go for him because he didn't know if there would be walkers near his where he decided to land. As there were bound to be Walkers beyond the protection he had placed. There certainly had been before the wards had come down as harshly as they had and were certain to have more of them there now that he wasn't there to take care of the ones that were there before; like he had been doing.

Not to mention he knew from when he had thoroughly checked over the area around his home, that there wasn't any safe location he could land high enough to be safe from Walkers. At least not anywhere close enough to his house to be of any use, as he hadn't gone that far from his land to look for places to Apperate to, to begin with. Which left Harry doing what he was doing. Making his way to his home on foot.

Which speaking of Harry knew that he really needed to get started on getting out there again; as he was wasting time just standing here thinking about everything. Even as he mentally told himself that next time it was safe again he would have to call one of his houselves again, as while they may not be able to take him back with them to his house, they could give him information on what was going on in said house and how everything was doing. Like they had been able to last time Harry had called them.

Harry had gotten his tent rolled back up, his clothes straightened back up as well as getting all his weapons and bag back into place. In fact, he was currently heading towards the stairs to go out the door when he heard a quiet voice as from the foot of the stairs.

"So, your leave now than." Recognizing the voice Harry's eyes zeroed in on Daryl hidden in the shadowed parts of the stairs. It seemed he was doing the current watch and had seen Harry getting ready; before deciding to say something about it to him. Hearing what he had asked, and in a voice just as quiet, so as to not wake any of the others, Harry replied to Daryl.

"Yes, I want to get ahead, and want to cover more distance before it gets dark. Not to mention try to find some more supplies while I'm at it. It's just better if I leave now instead of waiting any longer." Here Daryl hearing what he said gave a slight snort and in a tone that was rather sarcastic shot back.

"And leaving now, has nothing to do with the fact that you get to avoid us finding out you are leaving does it?" Harry hearing this both blushed and got a little angry as what Daryl was suggested was sort of true. And it was because of this anger that had Harry quickly snapping back.

"So, what if it does, I really don't like groups." This got a surprised blink from Daryl, and in a tone that was slightly sympathetic, even if the smirk on his face wasn't, Daryl told Harry.

"I don't like groups much myself, but in today's time you're going to find yourself needed someone else and doing things you don't really want to do in the first place. As there is protection in numbers, but I can see right now you're not going to believe me. So, I guess this is goodbye. And oddly enough I do hope we get to see ya again."

Harry hearing this, couldn't say he exactly felt the same way Daryl seemed to, and yet oddly enough felt he wouldn't be too against it if that did happen; though only after he had some more time to actual think about it to find out just how he felt about the group.

So instead ,he gave Daryl a slight nod, and with a parting call to take care, quickly left the house. Feeling Daryl's eyes on him, until he couldn't take it any longer and broke out into a run; heading to a thicker part of the forest. All the while heading in the direction Harry knew his home was in; a direction he had made sure to be heading in the whole time he had been traveling.

Harry now that he was on his own once more felt himself start to relax, he hadn't liked all the emotions that group from before had dragged up. As all the emotions they had made him feel, just seemed to complicated things for him.

Not to mention had him making rather rash decisions. Ones he wasn't sure that he would have been making in any other circumstances. Still even as he continued walking, and as keep going further way from the others Harry could hear Daryl's words repeating in his head; creating a good deal of doubt that Harry could deal without.

In fact, the words where still nagging Harry in the back of his head; hours later as he worked on gather supplies from another store. One that like the other building he had come a crossed that day Harry was working on going through and gathering all the supplies he could find in it.

This was a store that was more of a general story and looked like it had been picked over before; at least to some degree. And most likely by a group that was mainly made up of males if what was missing from the store meant anything. Not to mention, it was also a store that had quite a few walkers in it. At least it had been before Harry had taken care of them with a combination of his magic and weapons.

Now said store was currently empty and Harry was gathering the supplies he could find in it. However, Harry found that there wasn't many supplies he, himself would need in said store. In fact, as he walked further back into the store Harry was tempted to just leave even with the effort, he had put into clearing out said store of walkers.

Harry was just turning another corner of the store when he thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Causing him to have his scythe weapon at ready and the beginnings of a blasting spell in his hand; ready to attack just what he had seen.

Only to freeze and become rather embarrassed as he noticed what had caused him to react like that was his reflection, in one of the mirrors the store had for those buying clothes. Seeing this Harry couldn't help but check himself over, as he really hadn't seen his own reflection in a while now. Taking in all the changes that had occurred since he had last been to his home.

There wasn't actually that many changes as Harry had always been active and hadn't had a shortage of food like most of the survivors out here had. In fact, the only difference was that he was a bit dirtier than he normal was and his hair had grown a bit longer since he had last checked his reflection. Well, that and instead of the normally pale skin he had from being indoors more often than not, or if not that a regular night owl when it came to gong outside, he was now a deep golden tan.

Still in said reflection Harry saw, himself, as man of nearly six feet tall, with a lean gymnastic like build. One that was obviously built for speed but at the same time held a good deal of strength in it; something he needed to have when it came to the weapons he had decided to use.

Not to mention his hair, which he normal keep in a tight braid still fell to about to a little below his shoulder blades; even only a bit longer than that since he hadn't cut it in a while. Hair that Harry had started to realize had changed from what it had been before he had come to America; more now than he had been able to before.

Something that he noticed was that since he had gotten his Animagus form, used said from more often, and after his body had fully gotten used to said form his hair seemed to almost act similar to a cat's tail when he got emotional; at least to a small degree. As Harry had seeing it say softly side to side when he had gotten frustrated about something.

It was something that Harry knew most would take for Harry moving in extremely subtle ways or even the wind blowing said hair. But Harry knew otherwise, and he really wasn't sure how he liked the idea of his hair giving off these emotions. At the same time, he figured that it could have been worse as at least he didn't purr or anything like that.

Harry was going to take a closer look at his reflection to see if he could see any other differences before Harry realizing what he was doing shook his head to get it off his reflection. As he did this, Harry quickly began to mentally tell himself he had a million better things to do than to turn into a Malfoy of all things. After doing this Harry quickly went back what he had been doing before he found the mirror in the first place as he searched more of the store, he was in.

Only to have his earlier thoughts about it already being raided rather thoroughly being proven true. Something Harry had noticed rather quickly as that there weren't any food supplies in this store, or much clothing either.

In fact, Harry noticed that a good chunk of the supplies in this story seemed to support his early thoughts about it being raided by a group of men as most of the things he had actually been able to find in this story being things such as baby supplies, and feminine supplies.

None of which Harry needed, but at the same time had the words Daryl said echoing even louder in his head. And something that reminded him about the fact the group he had just left behind would need supplies like this. A thought that kept bugging Harry until with a quickly groan as he quickly summoned and shrunk all the supplies in the store into his bag.

He figured he would go through all his supplies later on, as he knew with all the others stores, he had emptied before that he most likely had similar supplies that he wouldn't need or couldn't use himself.

So, if he did run into that group, or maybe even a similar group to it that held similar problems he could either drop off the supplies for them. Or if not that, set them up in such a way so the group could find them later on; that way he wouldn't have to actual meet them with them again. But would still be able to help them, not to mention get rid of things he himself wouldn't be using before they did go bad; if they ever did go bad with he spells he had on them.

Or at least that is what Harry had been thinking on doing, when he heard a scream. Causing him to run in the direction he could hear the screaming coming from; all before he could even ask himself why he was doing so. Once he did this, not to mention once he got to where he could hear the screaming coming from, Harry felt like groaning and asking himself why he dared tempt fate all in once.

Because once he got to where the screaming was coming from, Harry found himself seeing a very familiar group. One that was currently in a house Harry had just recently emptied out and apparently, they were getting overwhelmed by a herd of walkers that must have come by after Harry had left the area. Or else he would already have dealt with them; or at least moved them out of the area.

Seeing this, Harry gave a curse and again before he could actually think about what he was doing, Harry found himself racing over to help the group in question; mentally cursing himself the whole while.

Harry once he got back to where the group was, he had his scythe out and was decapitating and destroying any walker near him. As he made his way to the group, trying to make a path they would be able to escape through as he did this. Harry as he was fighting his way through the walkers could see arrows flying with deadly accuracy and piercing the head of multiple walkers; letting him now Daryl was nearby fighting alongside him. Not to mention he could hear the sound of multiple guns going off, and in a blur of fighting Harry found himself standing in front of very same group he had just left this morning; bodies of multiple walkers all around them as he noticed this.

Harry realizing that the group was now safe, and again mentally cursing himself for the actions he had just done, began to turn around ready to leave the group again; Daryl's words repeating in his head be damned. Or at least he was, when before he could take off and get back to his journey, alone, Rick called out to him.

"Wait, look I know that you don't want to be part of a group, but for now why don't you stay with us. Just for another night or so? We could use some help with protecting the others and getting food. So, what do you say, why don't you stay just for a night, just long enough for use to get some better protection, and really get to know us before you decide?"

Harry hearing, this paused and thought it over for a bit wondering just how he should reply to what he had just been asked. Wondering if he should try to trust once more and try to be part of this group. Or if he should stick with what the past had taught him. Which was, that he was always better off on his own and that other people will always hurt him in the end.