Author's Note: My thanks to all who have reviewed and followed this, I am sorry I have not been well enough to reply. Next time I post I shall make I am well. At some point I might turn the plot of this story into a longer one, but I have two many other stories in progress that need finishing first. Until then, here is the conclusion. Enjoy.

Part 7:

They exchanged a few more kisses, learning what each other liked, exploring the depth, power and passion they aroused within themselves. With each exchange his hand slowly moved from her cheek down to her neck, then over her shoulder and down her arm, caressing her wrist.

He took her hand in his and helped her up, leading her back to the sofa, much to her surprise.

"I don't want to rush this," he explained, continuing to caress her hand as they sat down, flicking his gaze between her eyes and their hands. "Or mess it up."

Padmé took hold of his caressing hand and raised it to her lips. After the soft press of her benediction, she brought their grip down to rest upon her lap.

"I didn't have time for a private life when I was Queen," she began. "Sometimes as a senator I feel I have even less. I want to make this work and to make the most of the time we have here."

"As I said, we will only go as far as you desire," Obi-Wan said softly once more.

"You have no idea how attractive your sincerity is," she commented. "I shall take you at your word. I desire your lips…. everywhere."

He smiled at that, before he leaned forward and caught her mouth with his. Their hands detangled themselves to find fastenings on their clothes.

Padmé found his belt first, tugging at the leather until the clasp was free. She let go to part his tunic, then his undershirt. He put his arms back to assist her endeavours, then pulled his mouth away from hers, panting from the passion and exertion.

"May I remove part of your gown, Padmé?" he asked solemnly.

She nodded, lifting up her hair. "There's a clasp at the back of my neck."

He reached forward and round, relying on touch to find the fastening. Adding a caress to the roots of her hair, he gently removed the collar of her dress from her neck, brushing it away from her until the garment fell to her waist.

When her chest was revealed to him he pulled back from her to take in the sight of her as he had seen her earlier when they swam. For a long moment his eyes lingered over the curves of her breasts, concealed by white silk, then the soft skin below, before returning to her eyes. Catching sight of her self-conscious expression, he smiled tenderly before seeking her lips once again.

His mouth moved slowly from hers to her neck, then to her breasts, his nose brushing against the white silk. He carried on down to the limits of her blue embroidered gown, then back up, repeating the journey until not one particle of her unclothed flesh was left untouched.

Slowly he pulled himself away and stood up, holding out his hand. When she took it and rose to her feet, he waited for her to lead them to her bedroom.

Once inside he let go, his eyes on her as he leant against the door to close it. Carefully he walked towards her, watching her, making sure she was still happy with what they were doing. She placed her hands upon his chest, fingers exploring, her gaze furrowing whenever she encountered a faded scar.

When she started to bestow a kiss upon each past injury he could endure it no longer. Gently his hands caught her face and directed her lips back to his, while his feet propelled them towards the bed. He pulled away from her briefly when they landed, making sure she was still okay, receiving a smile from her flush kissed face in silent reply. Stroking her cheek, he held her gaze for a moment before resuming his previous worship.

He reached where her gown was around her waist and sought her gaze once more, silently asking permission to go further. She bent her legs, pressing her feet upon the soft sheets, and when she nodded, his hands began to gather up the blue silk until it was bunched around her belly. He paused again, waiting for her consent before he pressed a soft kiss to the cloth covering her mound. She watched as he continued to touch her there, one of his hands going to join his lips, while the other remained upon her gathered gown in gentle restraint.

She felt his fingers slip underneath the cloth in tender exploration. Reason fled as she lost herself in the sensations which his stroking fingers and reverential mouth were wringing forth upon her body. He built up the bliss steadily until it crested within her, washing over in waves of exaltation.

When awareness of her surroundings returned, she found his gaze level with her own once more, smiling softly. Leaning down, he kissed her tenderly, before settling on the bed beside her, his hands resting on her skin.

"Do you wish to continue?" he asked her softly.

She laughed. "How can you ask, after that?" She pulled his arms around her once more, losing herself within his lips and his embrace.

Padmé felt the shine from the Nubian sun cast its rays across her and opened her eyes. Smiling as she remembered what has happened last night, she turned carefully to find Obi-Wan still sleeping beside her.

He had continued to be gentle, tender and considerate as they deepened the intimacy between them to fullest degree. One union had not proved enough to sate their desires, a look or touch stirred them into another, then another until they lost count.

During the moments before and after they had talked, not of the past, but about the future, how they would continue their relationship when it was safe for her to return to Coruscant. Who should be made aware of it upon their return and how discreet the Jedi Code dictated them to be about it.

Anakin would have to be told, for it would not be fair to hide their relationship from him, due to his unrequited feelings, even though they knew he would not take the news of their relationship well.

Blessing from a Council member would have to be sought, although she had learnt of Master Yoda's response to Obi-Wan's feelings, they felt that a more direct answer was needed.

There was no question of the Senate being informed, for it was a private matter between themselves, something separate from their positions within the Republic, a distinction which both of them doubted some members of the Senate or the citizens of the Republic would be able to realise if they learned of the relationship.

As for her family and her retinue, she had decided that only the latter would be told for the moment. While she and Obi-Wan were sure of their feelings, it was still early days and her family would be quick to urge her to give up her seat in the Senate, settle down and have children. She saw no reason why she could not retain her position as others had, and Obi-Wan was in complete agreement with her.

The discussion of children had caused her to ask about the Order's position when it came to raising offspring from Jedi unions, as it was common knowledge that the Jedi were educated in the ways of the Force from the cradle. Obi-Wan explained to her that when it came to couples, they usually raised them like other non-force sensitive's families, the temple training classes becoming their school. When they were old enough to become padawan learners, it was up to the two of them if he took them as apprentices or they were trained by other masters.

She told him of her desire to raise them on Naboo and he agreed with her, explaining that it was common practice for most Jedi families to raise their children outside the temple, leading to the belief that most held that relationships within the Jedi Order were forbidden, because there was rarely evidence to be seen otherwise around the Temple on Coruscant which was considered to be the headquarters of the Order.

It was extraordinary how much they had committed themselves to each other, over the space of a few days. That future which they had discussed would take more time to arrive than the talking of it, yet she could see it so clearly, almost as if she had been blessed with the ability to sense the Force. She idly wondered if their union had granted her such, knowing it would pass to their children, not only just because of his ability, but of the nature of how the talent arose within each being, prevented as it from conceiving just yet, by their preventative measures. It was probably impossible within the laws of science, yet after last night, and the wondrous feelings which still lingered within her, she could believe that anything was possible.

"Come back to me," a voice murmured suddenly into her skin, followed by a reverent kiss, causing her to withdraw from her thoughts and turn to see Obi-Wan had woken up whilst she had been recollecting over the night before. Now his blue eyes regarded her tenderly, while his mouth sought to kiss her bare skin.

"What were you thinking of?" he asked her as she took his hand and brought it to her lips in greeting, taking each finger within her mouth, sucking gently, causing him to groan in response.

"Last night," she replied, "and the future." She kissed his hand one last time before letting it go. "I wonder how many more days we will have here before the affairs of the galaxy intrude upon our privacy."

"I suggest that we perhaps follow one of my late master's philosophies," Obi-Wan said as his hands joined his lips in exploring caresses. "Focus on the here and now. I promise to make it worth your while."

"You already are," she murmured before allowing him embrace her fully.

After spending so much time together with nothing but their hopes and dreams to think or explore, it was a harsh holo communication that intruded upon their peaceful idyll, summoning them back to Coruscant.

Master Windu had followed the assassin all the way to Geonosis by way of Kamino, a planet who someone had attempted erase all evidence of from the Jedi Archives. On the former planet he had encountered Count Dooku, who was now meeting secretly with his old Master, Yoda, in the Jedi Temple. Currently the nature of their conversation remained unknown, even to the members of the Council.

As for the events on Tatooine, Yoda had managed to trace Shmi Skywalker, from her being sold to a moisture farmer then her eventual freedom and marriage to that same man, to her being kidnapped by Tusken Raiders. With Anakin's help they had rescued her and brought her back to the Lars homestead, where her force aided recovery was being carefully monitored by a Jedi healer. Anakin had been allowed some leave from the Temple to spend time with his mother, and consider whether he wished to resume his apprenticeship, now it was made clear to him that he still had a lot to learn before he would be ready for the trials.

The Military Creation Act had been voted down by the Senate, much to Padmé's relief, although there was talk of it being brought before them for consideration again in the future, in a much amended form.

Although she knew of Count Dooku's presence within the Temple, having been an occasional member of those meetings between him and Master Yoda, due to her position in the Senate and her reputation as a pacifist and strong political leader, the rest of the Senate had yet to be made aware of it, due to a certain dark presence within the government of the Republic that Count Dooku had discovered and Master Windu was now attempting to trace.

In the midst of all this Padmé and Obi-Wan continued their relationship, obtaining blessing from Master Yoda and grudging acceptance from Anakin via a holo communication from Tatooine. How the young apprentice really felt about their relationship remained to be seen while he took his leave and his master took care not to talk about it unless his padawan brought the matter up.

When Count Dooku finally revealed himself to the Senate, along with Master Windu and incontrovertible proof that the Chancellor was really a Sith lord, Obi-Wan and Padmé were ready to sanctify their union, a ceremony that took place on Naboo, after the chaos resulting from the former dark revelation was restored into normalcy. A new leader was elected, along with several seats belonging to those who had proved to hold alliances with the ambitious lord of the Sith, whose death, closely fought battle in the executive office had caused that part of the Senate to be rebuilt, as a way of cleansing the former rooms of the evil belonging to its former occupier.

Anakin settled on Tatooine, leaving the Order to marry and raise children with his mother and her family at the Lars homestead. The non-force sensitive offspring never came to the temple, and though he tried, Obi-Wan's friendship with his former apprentice faded into nothingness, the inner demons of the one preventing the other from reforging the friendship that once existed.

Obi-Wan and Padmé bought a house on Naboo, where they raised their children. Both continued to serve the galaxy, in the Jedi Order and the Senate. When their twins were old enough, Obi-Wan began to train them in the ways of the Force. As peace continued to reign upon the galaxy far, far away, their offspring grew up to be wise and gentle beings, proud of their heritage and determined to continue to follow such a legacy.