"I should have joined the Blue Rose Knights or maybe even the Silver Eagles."

A violet haired woman groaned as her stacks of paper swayed precariously from the tremors running through the base. Explosions and screaming was the norm, especially after the addition of a certain battle freak, much to the woman's dismay. The piles just seemed to grow every day with the amount of paperwork she had to do, due to the destructive nature of her squadmates.

She bowed her head, grabbing her hair in frustration at the noise, losing the little focus she had on her work. With a sigh, she filed everything away, grabbing a few that she needed her captain to sign before making her way down to the common room.

On instinct she ducked, luckily avoiding a thunderbolt from their resident cheery berserker, and twisted around on her heel to dodge a fireball.

"Luck. Magna. Take it outside." She yawned.

The boys froze, giving her a once over before rushing outside to finish up their fight.

A rosette hummed, as she lay across a sofa, sending the violet haired woman an appreciative glance.

"They listen to you so well, Phia~" Vanessa cooed.

The woman -Phia- snorted, shaking her head. "They just don't want me to force them to write a report again if they destroy the base. Have you seen Captain Yami? I need him to sign some papers."

Vanessa sighed in pleasure as she stretched. "His room maybe?" She hiccuped, cheeks rosy from the alcohol she had consumed, "Hey~ Why don't you join me for a drink Phia? You need to relax~ Nothing beats a nice glass of wine after finishing up work!"

Phia sweatdropped as Vanessa downed another bottle of alcohol.

"Thank you, Vanessa, but I have work to do."

Ignoring the witch's complaints, she spread out her magic, hoping to pinpoint her Captain's mana. She rolled her eyes, sensing it in his bedroom, and from the way it was circulating, he was most definitely asleep.

Yawning, she tilted her head staring at the calendar she had posted in the common rooms for everyone.

"Ah, it's that time already."

"Captain Yami? I'll be coming in now."

Stepping in carefully, Phia took a seat in the wingback leather chair near the bed. Stretching, she rested against her palm, staring at her sleeping Captain.

It didn't take long for the man to sit up, grumbling and yawning. Desensitized from his shirtless state, Phia handed him a glass of water she had grab and a quill.

"Sign here, here, and here." She flipped through the papers she had brought with her.

Yami followed her orders, yawning deeply. Downing the glass he quirked a brow when he saw she was still in his room rather than walking out once she had gotten the necessary signatures.

Seeing the look on his face, Phia sighed, rubbing her eye tiredly as she slouched against the chair.

"You'll be late for the Magic Knights Exam at this rate, Captain."

"That's today?"

"Please try to remember. They only take place once a year."

"We're the Black Bulls. They wouldn't mind if we skipped a year."


Yami groaned at his subordinate's tone, waving his hand.

"Yeah fine. Grab Finral and Gordan, will ya?"

"Don't be late Captain. This year looks... interesting."

The Black Bulls' Captain glanced over his shoulder, smirking slightly at the knowing look in her eyes.

"Oh? Is that so."

Yeah I know. I have fanfics to finish but I'm currently addicted to Black Clover and I have seriously written so many prompts that I could write two different storylines with two OCs I've made if I actually take the time to iron things out. I pray I actually get this one done.

Published : 19/08/21