Light of my Life

Chapter Six


A week had passed since I decided to grow up and not let my petty feelings drive me anymore. I was hurt, I'd never been so hurt, but I knew a lot of things now that I didn't know when I first started working for Kawaki.

One, he was alone, but he didn't truly want to be. Two, his family was indeed messed up and he wasn't in the best condition after dealing with them all his life. Kawaki knew a lot of things that I didn't, but I knew a lot of things that he didn't. I knew I loved him. I loved him enough to want to be with him no matter what. I didn't want him to be alone, ever. So, I would remain by his side even though we couldn't be all that I wanted us to be.

I knew he'd ended his little business arrangement with Yuko because he told me out of the blue one day, but I didn't ask him to elaborate on it. I didn't want to think about her at all and I didn't care to know any more details than I knew already.

My heart was still broken, but it didn't hurt to be around Kawaki anymore. I was able to be my usual self, keeping a bright mood whenever we ate together or anytime we were in each other's presence. It was hard to know what he was feeling, but I didn't think he was happy. He was more quiet than usual and appeared more thoughtful than ever before, but I tried to ease his mind by being the best butler I could be.

I even kept some money out of my latest check and bought myself some nice clothes. Kawaki never said anything about my attire, but I knew butlers were supposed to be dressed the part. I wasn't going for a full suit, though black slacks and white dress shirts did make a huge difference.

Today was Saturday and Kawaki had been at the winery since after breakfast. I'd gone shopping and then visited home before coming back to the estate and getting changed. I didn't even look like myself as I stared into the mirror. Very sharp. I smiled to myself and then went down to the kitchen, putting my apron on before getting dinner started.

Even after I'd finished preparing it, Kawaki had yet to return and I was doing some mopping when my phone went off in my pocket. I pulled it out to find a text from him.

'Remind me never to let the staff run with their own ideas.'

I raised a brow, wondering what they could have been doing over there, especially to keep him this long.

'Got it. I'll remind you as often as you need me to. But don't forget right now.' I replied before dropping my phone back in my pocket and getting back to work but it wasn't long before I got another text.

'It's worse than I imagined. I can't believe I authorized this, I don't know how much more I can take.'

'Are you alright?' I asked, feeling concerned. I hoped he was exaggerating and they weren't giving him too hard of a time.

'No . . . but I'll be home soon.'

'Alright. Dinner will be waiting.' I texted back before putting my phone in my pocket once more and resuming my work.

After another hour passed, I was hungry enough to have dinner without Kawaki. He'd never been gone so long before, but I knew he was busy and didn't want to bother him. I would have to just put his food away until he made it home and after I ate that's what I did.

I cleaned the kitchen and then paced around for a bit, wishing I didn't have to worry about him. He was fine, of course he was fine. But this just wasn't normal. He said he'd be home soon, but it had been hours. This wasn't like him. Just as I decided to call and check on him, the house phone started ringing and I hurried over to it, heart pounding. I prayed that nothing was wrong with him and answered the call as soon as I got my hand on the phone.

It was the driver informing me that he had Kawaki outside and I needed to come fetch him. This was certainly odd, but I hung up the phone and made my way through the house, walking outside to find the driver standing by the car. He had the back door held open, but Kawaki was still inside.

"Be careful with him." The driver said once I was within range. "After he demanded to be taken home he hasn't said a word . . . it's scary."

I walked to the open door to find Kawaki sitting there. "Are you going to stay in there all night?" I asked, not letting myself give away how annoyed I was to be kept waiting for him.

Kawaki got out of the car and walked right past me without a glance, heading inside. What's his problem? Trying not to sulk, I bid the driver goodnight and then went inside myself, this was yet another thing I couldn't let get to me. The door was slammed closed behind me and before I could turn around I was suddenly grabbed, held back against Kawaki's chest.

"Thank god its you." Kawaki breathed in relief. "Being around my other employees . . . it's so uncomfortable."

I didn't know what to make of him right now, but I could tell he wasn't about to let me go. "Maybe it won't always be like that." I said anxiously, willing my heart to calm down.

"I doubt it." He sighed and let his face fall to my neck. "You seem different . . ."

"R-really?" I asked, trying not to think about him being so close, or him breathing on my neck.

He hummed and stood there for a moment before spinning me around. "Something changed." He said and trailed his eyes up and down my body. "Your clothes . . ."

"Yeah." I whispered, unable to look at him in my embarrassment.

"Well shit . . . it's sexy. Really sexy." He said and pulled me back flush against him. "I like it."

"I-I'm glad." I told him, truly happy that he approved, though he didn't need to go as far as saying it was sexy. "I just wanted to look like a real butler."

"You look like a real meal and I'm hungry." He spoke lowly, hands beginning to wander.

Oh no. "Kawaki . . . Have you been drinking?"

"Yes." He said simply, lips grazing the side of my neck.

"H-hey." I shuddered, leaning away from him a bit. There was no calming my heart now and this just wasn't good for me in my current state.

"You've been distant." He said and held me tighter. "I hate it."

Have I? "I don't mean to be." I told him, even though I knew what he meant. "I'll do better."

He sighed, sounding frustrated. "I can't put my finger on it . . . but I really don't like it." He reiterated and then slipped his hand under my shirt. "Upstairs. Let's go."

"W-w-What?" I quipped in surprise, grabbing onto his wrist. "Kawaki . . ."

"You heard me." He said before lifting me up.

"Kawaki, wait!" He couldn't be doing this to me . . . not after I'd been doing so well at keeping a distance.

He started heading up the steps, fully intending to carry me the whole way. "I'm done waiting."

"Waiting for what?" I frowned, holding my breath when he started up the second set of stairs that led to his room.

"For you."

"What are you doing?" I asked just as he reached the third floor and started walking to his door.

He chuckled, the sound rumbling against me. "I think you know, Boruto. I can't hold back anymore and seeing you like this . . . fuck, you knew what you were doing."

I really had no idea. "You . . . You like it that much?" I couldn't believe that. He was probably just too drunk to know what he was saying or doing right now.

"Don't dress up like this for anyone else." He ordered and pressed my back to his bedroom door, taking the time to stop and begin attacking my throat.

I couldn't fight him. I should have, I knew I needed to, but I just didn't have the will. "Kawaki," I moaned his name, not caring one bit about anything else at the moment. I wanted him, even if I didn't need to want him.

"It's been too long," He said between nips and licks, "Since you called my name like that."

My face was burning but I couldn't take the time to be embarrassed with him making me feel like this. "Take me inside." I didn't want to waste anytime, if we were going to do this, I wanted to get on with it.

He read me loud and clear, turning the doorknob and carrying me into his bedroom. He flicked the light on and kicked the door shut, making his way to the bed next. I was tossed onto the mattress, his eyes filled with desire as he stared me down. His hand began unbuttoning his vest and his expression freely showed his longing.

"It's a damn shame that you never dressed like this before . . . but nothing can compare to your naked image." He confessed. "Take it off for me, baby."

He was determined to put me in the grave tonight and I didn't care. There wasn't a chance for me turning him down. I reached for the top button of my shirt and started undoing each as quickly as I could, sitting up once I had them all unbuttoned so I could get out of the shirt. Then I laid back and unbuckled my belt, pushing my pants down the instant I could. I wasn't nervous, but I was anxious and eager. It had been far too long.

Kawaki had taken off the vest and his shirt, his hands working on his pants. "Shit." He groaned, licking his lips. "Did you stop there on purpose? Fucking tease."

Whoa. It was amazing, the things he could make me feel by doing or saying so little. His words had me hooking my thumbs in my underwear and pushing them down as well while I raised my hips. "There." I murmured, staring up at him wantonly.

"I can't fucking stand it, seeing you laid out for me." He admitted and got rid of his pants and underwear in a hurry. "Take it in, Boruto. Look at how hard I am for you."

My hands covered my own erection as I gazed at his, figuring I really wouldn't survive the night at this rate. I couldn't take him talking to me like this. But I never wanted him to stop.

"Oh no you don't." He said as he crawled over me. "No hiding." He moved my wrist next to my head, leaning down to whisper in my ear. "Keep them right there, be good now."

I shivered at the order and at his breath on me. "D-don't tease me." I managed, my voice trembling with need already.

His hands slid into mine and gripped them gently. "Kiss me and I won't." He offered, raising his head.

"K-kiss?" That was asking a bit much, but it sounded so good. My lips parted as I stared up at his. I definitely wanted to. I lifted my head, inching my mouth towards his until I finally kissed him softly.

His grip tightened the smallest bit, but he didn't try to take control. He pulled back with a smile on his face and rested his forehead against mine.

"You're so sweet." He said softly. "And adorable."

"Horny." I corrected.

He laughed and sat up, looking at me fondly. "That too." He moved down my body with a glint in his eyes. "Remember, keep your hands there."

"What if I want to touch you?" I frowned, knowing good and well I wouldn't be able to keep them still.

"You can touch me. After."

"A-after what?" No way I'd last until after he fucked me.

He leveled his face with my member, hands spreading my thighs. "After I eat you out." He smirked.

"What? You what?" I panted, lifting my head as I stared at him worriedly.

He didn't bother repeated himself and dove right in, his tongue tracing around my rim. I gasped and my hands flew from the bed, down towards his head. He intervened before I could grip his hair and held my wrists down by my waist. His mouth covered my sensitive area, tongue flush against it as he sucked hard.

"Kawaki!" I gasped and then moaned, trying to pull my arms free from his grasp but his hold on my wrists didn't falter.

He kept sucking for awhile, greedily pulling more sounds from my throat. It seemed like forever before he finally pushed his tongue inside of me, swirling around as he went further and further. I couldn't take it. He thrust the wet appendage slowly and didn't hold back as he buried his face against me. He was determined to reach as far as he could, seeking to bring me as much pleasure as possible. My thighs trembled and my cock twitched, but I still couldn't move my hands. It was frustrating, I wanted to touch him so badly, but it felt so good. It was overwhelming, something I had never experienced before and he wasn't taking it easy on me.

He took his time taking me apart, but his ministrations grew more intense every second. He sucked and licked over and over with a few groans of his own that vibrated through me. Kawaki was driving me crazy. I was left weak and wanting when he did pull away, wiping his chin as he stared down at me. His fingers went down to my entrance and slipped inside without resistance.

"Fucking hell, you're so soft." He growled, leaning over me.

My hands were finally free so I was quick to cradle his face. "I need you now. Please." I said, urging him closer. If I didn't come soon, I wasn't going to make it.

"I've got you, baby, just a little while longer." He said as his fingers moved around, stretching me quickly.

My head fell back as I moaned, fingers curling in his hair. He just needed to give it to me, I couldn't wait any longer. My member was pulsing in rebellion, desperate for a touch. I couldn't help but pull one hand away from him to move in between us, reaching for my erection. Once again he intercepted me and placed it next to my head.

"None of that." He said and pulled his fingers out, quickly replacing them with the tip of his dick. He began entering me slowly with a hiss, struggling not to take things too fast. His head fell to my shoulder when his balls met my ass, breaths coming out in pants. "Shit . . . I'm already about to lose it."

"Please move." I begged, wrapping my free arm around his neck.

He gladly began making shallow thrust with his hips, hand slipping into mine again. "Boruto."

"Y-you can do better than that." I said as softly as I could, my own hips moving beneath him.

"Do you want me to explode?" He asked, but deepened his thrusts anyway. "Fuck. I've missed you. All of you."

"Me too." I whimpered. "I've missed you too."

He kissed my neck a few times before picking up speed, working his way up to drive us over the edge. He held my hand gently but firmly all the while, refusing to let go. I tilted my head to give him more room when he began mouthing at my throat, changing his kisses to harsh sucks and soothing licks.

I didn't care if he marked me all over, it felt too good. I was so close to coming and I knew he was right there with me. As badly as I wanted to get there, I didn't want this to end. I couldn't not let this happen . . . but there was a fear in the back of my mind that this was only happening because of the fact that he was drunk.

"Kawaki," I gasped when he thrusted into me deeper, harder all of a sudden. I couldn't hold out any longer. "I'm gonna—"

"Do it." He cut me off, his other hand taking hold of my cock and stroking me without mercy.

I wasn't expecting that and my breath hitched, body stiffening as I came with a loud moan. He was right behind me as I tightened around him, a hard shudder running through him. He didn't stop his thrusts or his hand on my member, dragging out my orgasm for as long as possible. I clung to him and took everything he gave me. It really had been too long for both of us. He milked me dry before he let go of my cock and stilled with his own member buried inside of me.

His weight was a welcomed pressure on top of me as the strength left his body, both of us lying still while we caught our breaths. I brought my hand to his hair, playing with it slowly. He needed to sleep this off, but he really needed to eat dinner.

"Are you alright?" I asked quietly, rubbing his back as I continued to play with his hair.

He hummed and pressed a kiss to my jaw. "Are you?"

"I'm fine." I assured him with a smile. "You need to eat."

"Just did." He chuckled. "And it was delicious."

My face went red and I felt faint. "Kawaki, stop." I chided him. "I'm serious. You have to eat dinner. You know, the one I actually cooked for you. Then you're going to sleep."

"I can't waste anything you cook." He agreed, but made no move to get up, instead holding me closer. "Come with me?"

"Actually, I think it's best if you just wait here. I can bring it up to you." I told him, urging him to roll off of me so I could get up.

He huffed and did so reluctantly. "Okay."

"Don't pout." I said, leaning over him to kiss his cheek. "It won't take me long."

". . . Promise?"

"Yes, promise." I smiled as I got up and found my underwear, quickly stepping into them. "Don't go anywhere. I mean it."

"I'll stay put." He said. "And keep the bed warm for you."

I didn't say anything to that, because I shouldn't have been in his bed at all, but it was impossible to resist with him coming at me like this. I hurried downstairs and got his plate out of the fridge, heating it up until I deemed it ready. I fixed his tray with everything he'd need, grabbing a bottle of water for him to drink. I hoped this would settle him and he'd sleep okay.

When I returned to the bedroom, he hadn't moved, true to his word. He did sit up once he saw me and I carried the tray over to him, setting it over his lap. "Take your time." I said, not wanting him to eat too quickly and risk a stomach ache.

"Looks good." He complimented before digging in. "Did you eat?"

I nodded as I sat down next to him. "Not long after you told me you'd be home soon and never showed until hours later, drunk off your ass and then have the nerve to try and tell me I can't drink."

He froze before looking at me sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I had to taste everyone's new ideas and didn't expect them to be so strong . . . I didn't think I would get drunk. And they tasted like shit."

"Whatever." I crossed my arms and sulked. It wasn't fair that he could drink and I couldn't.

"Don't do that . . . it makes it hard to tell you no." He admitted. "I know you want to drink, but . . . I'm worried you'll do it when I'm not around."

"And I will. Since you won't let me do it when you are around." I told him honestly.

He sighed, a smile on his face. "You troublesome blond. Fine, damn it. You can drink. But only with me."

"I hope you remember that. If not I'll sneak out and drink again just to spite you."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't you fucking dare."

"Oh?" I snickered. "And if I do?"

"I won't like it." He grumbled, stuffing his face angrily. "I don't know what I'll do, but I won't like it."

"Then I guess you won't forget what you agreed to." I smiled.

He huffed again, but nodded his head. We would just have to see how this went. I waited patiently for him to eat, even though he was still rushing it. Once he finished, I grabbed the tray off his lap but when I went to get up with it he stopped me by grabbing my arm. He didn't say anything, but the way he looked down away from me was enough to let me know he didn't want me to go.

"I'll stay. Just let me set this on the table there." I told him and he let my arm go with a look of relief.

I sat the tray on the bedside table and then got under the covers. There was a lot of cleaning I'd have to do in the morning, but for tonight I could let myself and Kawaki have this time.

Kawaki pulled me close, snuggling. "I get nightmares when you're not here." He confessed quietly. "About the past. I don't know how you do it, but . . . you make them go away. Ever since the first time you slept with me."

My heart constricted and I wrapped my own arm around him, resting my face against his chest happily. "Then I'll just have to be here to sleep with you every night."

"Only if you want to." He said, realizing how it sounded. "But I like it better when you're here."

"Of course I want to. I just . . ." I cut myself off with a sigh. "It doesn't matter. Just get some sleep, alright?"


I wondered if he had any idea how much he meant to me. Even if I couldn't tell him, I wanted to show him in any way that I could. I would be all that he needed me to be, always. Because he deserved that much. He didn't say anything more and it wasn't long with me running my fingers through his hair that he fell asleep. I really did love him like crazy and I wasn't sure how I could ever live without him. I didn't think it was possible.

Eventually I drifted off to sleep and woke up in the same position. Kawaki was still asleep and I was content staring at his sleeping face, beginning to play with his hair again because I loved it so much. I probably should have gotten up and started breakfast, but I didn't want to leave him. It was going to be even more difficult to do so after learning about his nightmares—and the fact that I helped him sleep soundly without them.

Some time passed before he stirred, stiffening before his eyes ever opened. I figured he would be uncomfortable after drinking so much, so I started massaging his temples and scalp slowly, mindful not to be too firm. He let out a light breath in relief and enjoyed the attention for a moment before his eyes flew open.

"Bor . . . uto?"

Oh no. He doesn't remember. "Good morning." I greeted him softly, smiling even if it was true. Even if he had forgotten.

His face erupted into a blush and he was quick to hide it in the pillow. "Oh fuck . . . I can't believe it."

"Which part?" I mumbled curiously, resuming my ministrations.

"All of it." He groaned. "Fucking hell."

"I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to." I admitted. "I can't apologize either."

He peeked over at me. "I didn't want it to happen that way . . . with my drunk ass attacking you. I was supposed to give you more time . . . and I fucked up."

"Well . . . you couldn't wait any longer. If you did, you probably would have killed me." I chuckled lightly as I moved my fingers over his scalp slowly.

His eyes slid closed again, lulled by my touch. "Feels good." He murmured and then added, "You're not mad about it? You . . . you wanted to?"

"I'm not mad. I did want to. Though I was trying not to. I only want to give you all of me if I can have all of you. Because that's fair. That's why I've distanced myself. Yes, last night happened. But . . . I can't do it again unless you can give me what I want." I had to be honest, it was the only way.

He took a few seconds to take in my words. "And you want all of me."

"Well yes. I just said that." I laughed. "Is it so hard to believe?"

"No." He said and opened his eyes once more. "But . . . you might not like what you see. What if you change your mind?"

"I will love all of you from the bottom of my heart as long as you don't go marrying someone else. Or touching someone else. Or liking someone else. Or anything like that. If you'll be faithful and devoted to me, then I will be everything you want."

Kawaki smiled at me. "It sounds like you're getting the short end of the stick if you ask me, but I think the least I can do is manage that."

"You're being ridiculous. Which is nothing unusual." I sighed, pulling his hair a bit. "We can make each other happy, I know that. You're the one getting stuck with a measly, baby butler."

"Who said that? I'll kick their ass." He huffed. "There is nothing measly about you and you're an excellent butler . . ." He trailed and then added as his face reddened again, "Though you are my baby."

"Yeah?" I grinned. "I guess that's not the same as you thinking of me as a kid."

"Definitely not." He chuckled.

"Well, as your butler, it's past time for me to get up and cook your breakfast and maybe get you something for the headache. But first, we should shower."

He hummed in agreement. "Sounds like you have it all figured out. I'm not surprised."

"Well it is my job." I told him proudly, smile bright as ever and then we both laughed together.

Going to my own room for a personal shower was my plan, but Kawaki didn't let me. He pulled me into his bathroom with him and of course I didn't argue. There was a lot on my mind and his confession from the night before kept playing over in my head, I wanted to ask him about it but breakfast came first.

When we finished with our shower, I went down to my room on the second floor, towel wrapped around my waist. I had to get dressed and I had new clothes that apparently Kawaki liked. They were all the same, black slacks and white button ups. I rolled the sleeves up to my elbows since I was going straight down to cook, combed my hair and checked myself in the mirror. I really liked this new look. It made me feel less inferior to Kawaki. My shirt was tucked in perfectly and I vaguely wondered how I would look with a vest and tie. It was something to try maybe next week.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen, starting breakfast right away. While it was cooking, I ran up to Kawaki's room to get his tray from the previous night and found him searching under his bed for something. He hadn't heard me walk in and I knowingly grabbed his pants from yesterday off the floor, finding his phone in his pocket as I suspected. Walking over to him, I bent over and moved my arms around his neck, feeling down his chest brazenly with his phone in my hand.

"Looking for something?" I asked teasingly and he grumbled a curse. I giggled as he took the phone from me, greedily letting my hands roam down his stomach and back up slowly before I straightened and pulled away.

Kawaki stood up and turned around to face me, eyes darkening as they took in my clothes. "Boruto . . . I don't think that uniform is going to work." He told me, voice grave. "Unless you don't intend to keep it on for long."

I blinked at him in confusion, totally missing what it was he was trying to say. "You don't like it?" I thought he did . . .

His eyes continued to rake over me and he swallowed hard before muttering, "More than a little too much."

A blush formed on my cheeks and I quickly busied myself with collecting the tray. "Breakfast is almost ready. So go to the dining room as soon as you can."

I didn't mean for him to rush and follow me down, but he did. He hung around in the kitchen while I washed some dishes and finished breakfast and then we ate together in the dining room. Kawaki had to go to his office after that and I had more dishes to wash. Once I finished with them I started a load of clothes and cleaned his room, once again thinking about what he'd told me—about his nightmares.

Kawaki's past . . . just what had he experienced? How long had he been alone? How many nightmares had he had? I didn't know how I helped other than just being with him, but the thought made me never want to leave his side again. And I wouldn't as long as he was sleeping. Even if I was mad. The more I thought about it all, the more depressed I got. I felt so guilty for separating myself from him. I did it selfishly for myself, not taking his feelings into consideration at all and that wasn't the kind of person I was. It wouldn't happen again. No matter what.

After I finished my cleaning in his room and got his clothes put away, and my own, I wandered through the house until I reached his office. I didn't find him there, or at least not at first. He was outside on the balcony that wrapped around the entire estate. He heard me and called me to him. I walked to the open door, but didn't take a step out. It was far too high and open for me even if it was perfectly safe.

My reluctance amused him and he walked from the banister over to me, pulling me into his arms and walking me over to a nearby hammock. I felt secure as long as I was this close to him and I'd never been in a hammock before. It was a little strange but enjoyable laying there with him holding me. I curled up to him, resting my head on his chest. It wasn't scary at all if he was with me and I thought it was surely possible for me to overcome my fear of heights as long as I was with Kawaki.

We were quiet for a while and Kawaki was fingering my collar, brushing across my throat and collarbone, threatening to make me want a little more all over again. I didn't stop him even if the gentle touch was getting to me, it was only because I liked it so much. But I still had a lot on my mind and I wanted to know more, I wanted some clarity. If he didn't want to tell me, I would accept that. But I was still going to ask.

"Kawaki . . . will you tell me about your nightmares—about your past?" I asked carefully. "I want to know more about you, about where you came from and how you became the man you are today."

He didn't respond right away and his chest rose and fell as he took a deep breath. "You're sure you want to know?" He asked softly. "I've tried to protect you from it ever since you first came here . . ."

"I want to know everything. If you'll tell me." I told him honestly. I didn't want to push him, but I needed to know.

His hand started rubbing my back, the motion calming to us both. "Where should I start . . ." He trailed and collected his thoughts. "My family consisted of my parents and my grandparents with me as the only heir. This house, it wasn't a good environment for any child to grow up in and if it wasn't for my gran, I would have turned out differently. She was my whole world, Boruto. I wish you could have met her."

"Oh, she must have been a lovely lady. I wish I could have met her too." I told him with a smile, holding onto him a little tighter.

"I think you two would have gotten along." He said, hugged me back. "She was as gentle as they came, but wouldn't hesitate to smack me upside the head if she needed to." He chuckled and I giggled at the description. "Gran straightened my ass out and she taught me a lot, but . . . her life was just as hard as mine. You could never meet a bigger piece of shit than my grandfather. Apparently my family has a long history of being cruel bastards and he was determined to keep up the tradition. I hated that man more than anything.

"He made my gran's life a living hell and forced her into marriage. She was like you, a kind hearted soul from the countryside. He was taken with her and resorted to threats when she turned him down. She never told me what the threats were, but she did say she agreed to marry him to save her family. Even since then she was a prisoner . . . kept under lock and key like some kind of animal."

Kawaki's body was trembling in rage and he had to stop his story for a moment. I reached up and started playing with his hair, silently trying to comfort him.

"It was horrible." He continued. "She stayed as far away from him as possible, but his room was still on the same floor. I wanted to save her so badly, but I was powerless. All I could do was sneak into her room and give her some company at the very least. My parents were no help either. Mother was so self absorbed that you would think she was the only person on the planet. I was nothing but her little dress up doll, a kid she could show off at parties and then toss aside.

"My father . . . he was a full blown bitch. He was as crooked and mean as my grandfather, trying to live up to his disgusting legacy. He was on my case as much as my grandfather, but my grandfather got on his too. He would rant and rave about how 'soft' my father was being with me and in turn . . . let's just say he was the only one in this house that I ever feared. The whole family was just . . . evil, aside from gran. They wanted me to be just like them, to treat the staff like replaceable pieces of dirt. All I could do was keep my head low and try to survive, but it was near impossible as the future head of the family."

"I'm glad you're not like them. You must have taken after gran, huh? But they're all gone now . . . I wish she could be here." I told him, truthfully not knowing what to say about the other members of his family. His grandfather especially.

Kawaki clung to me suddenly, his voice going quieter. "She was the first to go . . . they killed her, Boruto. Sucked the life right out of her. She had dealt with it much longer than I had and didn't have nearly as much freedom. It got to the point where she couldn't take anymore . . . and she passed away in her sleep."

"I'm glad she had you. I'm sure you made her happy." I whispered back, holding onto him as tightly as he was me. "I'm scared to know what happened to you after you lost her."

He didn't answer for the longest time, but finally his hold loosened. "Things changed. But I never forgot her and did my damndest to stay true to the person she wanted me to be. My teenage years were spent in rebellion. I grew to be someone they couldn't order around and took full advantage, hence all the piercings and tattoos."

"I'm glad you did . . . I really like them. And now you're free anyway. It's just you . . . and me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He said and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "My aintics sent my grandfather to the grave with a fatal ulcer, he couldn't stand the fact that he couldn't do shit to stop me. As for my parents . . . I'm still not sure what exactly happened. They went to another country on some vacation and the next thing I knew I was planning their funeral. The crash was said to be an accident, but knowing my father . . . I suspected it was someone my family had scorned in the past getting revenge. Now this house is empty aside from me . . . and you."

"Yeah." I hummed cheekily. "Don't forget me."

He chuckled at that. "I would never."

"Better not." I said, moving myself to lean over him. He was beautiful and I loved him. "Can I have a kiss?"

His hand came up to cup my face. "Of course, baby."

I grinned as I closed the distance between our lips, kissing him as softly as I ever did. I still had no idea what I was doing, but it never felt anything less than perfect. I stole a few extra kisses because I knew I could get away with it and then finally pulled away. There were a million things I could be doing, but this was all I wanted to do.

"You make me really happy." I admitted with a softer smile.

"That's my line." He insisted, smiling back. "You really are the light of my life."

"Nah, you got it backwards, silly." I laughed and rubbed my hand over his chest. "You're going to be wrinkled ya know."

He shrugged, looking smug. "My butler will fix it. He's handy for things like that, the best butler around."

"Y-you're just saying that." I said with a blush.

He laughed, shaking his head. "Come on now, I don't joke about things like that. You're good at your job, Boruto, damn good. I dare anyone else to say differently."

"Doesn't matter what anyone else says anyway. You're the boss." I told him smugly. "I'm not too shabby, I guess."

"Being able to deal with me, you have to be more than plain old shabby."

"Reminds me . . . I should probably get lunch started." I sighed, laying my head back on his chest because I didn't want to go.

He hummed, arms coming back up to wrap around me. "Five more minutes."

"Five more minutes." I agreed quietly, closing my eyes at how content I felt. "But I might fall asleep."

"You're more than welcome to." He told me and started playing with my hair.

Spoiled and pampered. There was nothing I wanted more than to give in, it would have taken no longer than a moment for me to fall asleep, but I didn't want to keep him from his work or anything.

"Better not. Gotta eat." I mumbled, yawning as soon as the words left me. Oh no.

"Later." He said and massaged my scalp.

"Kay." I whispered, already drifting off. Even knowing what he'd experienced before I came into his life, I was happy right now, because I knew I could make him happy. That was all I wanted.