Eye Candy

Chapter One


I was used to my sister coming by to visit occasionally, but occasionally meant once or twice a month at the most. Even though I was a busy guy and worked around the clock, I was always happy to see my sister. But once she started coming by every other weekend—and now every weekend, I didn't know what to make of it. Sometimes a guy needed some peace and quiet, but recently she wasn't coming alone. She was bringing several of her friends along with her and they were taking over my house and eating all my food.

It wasn't like Himawari couldn't have her friends over at mom and dads so I didn't get why she wanted to stay over at my place so much. Especially considering she wasn't even really interacting with me at all. It was the summer now and every Friday, she showed up early morning like clockwork and didn't leave until Sunday. This time she thankfully only had a couple of friends with her, but I was beginning to get annoyed.

Though I was home on the weekends, I still had work to do and that's what I normally did instead of following those girls up, but I wanted to get to the bottom of their visits, so I confronted Himawari alone. I pulled her away from her little friends and into the sitting room, trying not to look as annoyed as I was.

"What's with the scrunchy face, Bro?" She rolled her eyes at me but didn't bother hiding her amusement.

"What's with the weekly taking over my house, Sis?" I countered and she laughed.

"Oh that. Well, I honestly didn't think you minded." She giggled and I huffed.

"It's not that I mind, really. Okay, yeah it's getting on my nerves. Are you trying to escape home more often or something?" I just didn't understand, but I would hear her out and it wasn't like I'd send her packing for no reason.

Himawari sighed and pulled me over to the large bay windows and gestured outside. "Maybe you haven't seen your new landscaper for yourself."

I glanced out the window, brows furrowing as I spotted a guy from a distance. He was shirtless as he worked the weed trimmer, but was far enough that I couldn't make out much of him. "What about him? You have a little crush or something?"

"So would you if you could actually see him!" She laughed. "He's some kind of eye candy but he never flirts back with any of us so maybe he has a girlfriend or something. Still, there's nothing better than watching those muscles flex. Please don't make us stop."

"Oh I'm nipping this in the bud, right now. Get your shit and go. There will be none of this candy being eyeballed from my lawn."

Himawari and I argued for another few moments before I relented and told her she didn't have to go, but I was going to have a talk with this damn landscaper. He couldn't go around flaunting and making these girls crazy- having them taking over my damn house. It was way too much for me. I wasn't used to being out in the dreadful heat and just storming my way out to him was a pain in my ass. It was a shame to have somebody working for me that I'd never met, and to have to meet them under these circumstances. But, this was how things were.

The closer I got, the more of him I was able to make out clearly and shit. The guy was drop dead gorgeous. Every inch of him. He was tall as hell and his muscles looked as if they were hand sculpted to perfection. He was so tan, inked skin making the hair on the back of my neck stand up in excitement. His black undercut was slicked back, hair as damp as the rest of his body from how much sweating he was doing while he worked. He looked like a damn dream and once I got a few feet away from him, I stopped walking.

I couldn't even be mad at the girls. Hell, I didn't blame them one bit. Suddenly, every bit of the work I had to do was absent from my mind and my eyes wandered over that perfect body, mouth hanging open the entire time. Who the hell has a landscaper that looks like this?

After what felt like ages, he noticed me and looked over, cutting off the weed trimmer. My whole body stiffened when he was facing me directly. God. Oh shit, he was something else. I didn't know if I was going to faint or even live to see another day after looking at him, but I couldn't stop looking at him. Oh hell . . . he was coming closer to me. No, no. None of that.

"You!" I huffed, pointing at him. "What makes you think you can be out here flaunting all . . . of that?!" I asked loudly as my arms flailed around, pointing out his body. Shit. He was trying to give somebody a damn heart attack . . . probably me.

He raised a brow at me. "Is there a problem here . . . boss?"

Who told him I was his boss? "No!" I huffed and then looked him over once more, my face going red. "I mean yes, hell yeah there is!"

"Right, and that would be?" He asked, a smirk forming on his lips.

"What?" I squeaked, getting distracted for a second before shaking my head to collect myself. "I already told you, I mean shit, you're basically naked out here damn it!"

"It's hot as fuck." He shrugged. "How else am I supposed to stay cool?"

I held up my arms, not really having a solution but needing to throw something out there. "I don't know, wet yourself or something. No, no." I palmed my face in frustration, thinking that was a horrible idea because fuck, I could picture it now. "Just . . . drink some water or something."

"You want me to . . . wet myself?" He repeated slowly. "Well shit, boss, I didn't know you were into watersports."

"I just meant like take a quick dip in the pool but no, don't go doing that. Hell, you might get all the way naked if I'm not careful."

He chuckled and then wiped some sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. "Alright, I'll remember that."

"Remember what?" I mumbled as my eyes drifted below his chest once more. Fucking hell, what was this sorcery?

"That a certain blond has trouble remembering where my eyes are."

"Whoa, what?" I glared at him, making sure to return my eyes to his. "I'm not that forgetful, just . . . shit."

He hummed and tilted his head at me. "Don't worry about it. Consider it something we have in common." He said as his eyes trailed down my body.

Oh shit no. He's gay? No. "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not the one flaunting around here like some kind of stripping lawn guy."

"Is that what you want? I'm afraid you don't pay me enough for that, boss." He teased and smirked again. "Unless you had another reason for coming over here."

I was too busy debating how much of a raise he would need to—no, what? My face was on fire again and I didn't know if I should look at him anymore or not. But, I still looked at him. "Reason?" I questioned, not knowing what the hell was going on anymore. I was all over the place and it was his fault.

"I think the heat is getting to you." He said and took a single step closer to me. "Your face is red . . . perhaps we should take that dip in the pool you mentioned."

"Oh?" Yes. Yes. "I mean, no! What the—It's not that hot but I am fully dressed unlike you." I scoffed, eyes wandering once more. Shit, my mouth was watering.

"You're right. Maybe you should get rid of some of those layers." He suggested with a wink.

He was going to kill me. I was going to die right here and now. "No, absolutely not, not a chance in hell. Nope."

"Shame." He sighed and took that single step back. "Can I get back to work now?"

"Please." I hummed before shaking myself out of the daze that threatened to end me. "Stop stripping out here damn it, just do whatever you do and with clothes for the love of everything."

"Noted." He said before he turned around and got back to it.

Even the back of him was absolutely perfect and after a few moments had passed, I was still standing there staring. I had to knock myself out of it and stomp my way back to the house, going inside to peek out the window. He was too damn far now but not far enough and certainly not close enough. How was I going to survive having this guy doing my yard work?

After meeting the landscaper, I did some digging and found out that he was here every weekend because of the summer. That meant he would be back tomorrow and the girls still planned to be here, but I was quick to send them on their way. No way in hell I was going to be having any more of that nonsense. If anybody was gonna stare at that guy, it was going to be me. Besides, he was totally gay. He didn't need them trying to distract him from his work. Me on the other hand . . . I was the one paying his ass.

It wasn't long after I'd eaten breakfast the next morning that I glanced out several of my windows before I spotted him. He was trimming the hedges and half naked yet again. My jaw tensed but I was more turned on than annoyed. Who the hell does he think he is anyway, doing this to me? How long had it been since somebody made me feel like this? Well . . . never. He thought he could just do as he pleased and not listen to me, but that was not how this was going to go around here. I was the boss, I was paying him, that meant he had to listen to me whether he liked it or not.

I made my way outside, this time wearing my shades so he couldn't tell where I was looking. It didn't take him but an instant to catch sight of me and I stopped walking a few feet away from him, needing desperately to keep that distance at least. I crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at him, but really my eyes were moving down that perfect chest and damn those abs and just what was under that belt?

"Problem, boss?" He asked innocently.

"You tell me, lawn guy." I shrugged, still trying to picture the glory that remained to be seen.

"Hm, none that I can see." He said and then added, "Nice shades."

Was he on to me? Nah. "They are." I agreed. "And you must be fucking blind not seeing all of this problem here." Damn, it was never ending. And I liked it.

"What problem where?" He asked cheekily.

"Oh, you know." I huffed, finally letting my eyes move back up to that glorious torso. "I mean shit."

"I know I said I would remember it and I did." He stated in his defense. "Made a mental note and everything."

"Then why the hell didn't you listen?" I asked, glad that he hadn't but not willing to let him know that.

He ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his face, making my eyes follow the movement. "I never said I would listen. I took it into consideration and then decided to do whatever the fuck I wanted."

I clicked my tongue and shook my head, glad that he was a rebel. "This is how you speak to the people that employ you?"

"Only the cute blond ones." He smirked.

Shit. "What?" I quipped, face heating up. How he could do this to me so easily was beyond me. "You . . . you . . ."

"Are an honest man? Yes, I'm well aware." He finished for me.

Infuriating. "No, you're a half naked man and I can't get any work done around here, you should be ashamed."

"Ah, I see." He nodded. "I'm keeping you from getting shit done."

"Well yes!" I scoffed. It should have been obvious.

"I'm ashamed I didn't notice." He said, taking a step forward just like the day before. "Damn, I could have had you out here a lot sooner."

Way too close. "What are you saying?" I asked with a scowl, wishing he was closer.

"I'm not telling, I'd rather let your imagination run wild."

Bastard. "Damn you." I muttered, uncrossing my arms to put my hands on my hips. "You're so . . . so . . ." Fuck, he was gorgeous.

"Careful there, boss." He said and took yet another step towards me. "I might take it personally."

Oh shit no. "You just . . . just do your job . . ." I said quietly as I backed away even though I really, really would have loved to be closer. "You can get naked for all I care, I'm not gonna follow you up." He fucking wished. Hell, so did I.

Thankfully I managed to escape him before he could say anything else to fluster me further. I got inside and pulled off my shades, only then realizing that my heart was racing. A grin spread across my face and I laughed to myself, having not felt excitement like this ever before in my life. I'd been attracted to other guys, I'd had my fair share of fun on occasion, but never had anyone been able to turn me into a floundering mess. I couldn't even be mad about it. Hell, I couldn't have been happier. Fuck work, who needed it anyway? I got enough of that mess during the week and I could always hire more people to help lighten my load a bit.

I noticed that he worked steadily each day, because I kept sneaking peeks every so often, but he didn't really take any breaks and I didn't know how he survived out there. It was hot as hell outside and being under that scorching sun for hours on end couldn't be healthy. Still, he looked like he was used to it and he looked damn good too. I just couldn't get over it. He should have been a damn underwear model or a legit stripper for crying out loud, not that I would risk telling him that and possibly lose him as a landscaper. He was eye candy indeed, but I wanted to be the only one enjoying the view- at least on my land.

He didn't work on Sunday, which made it obvious why the girls didn't hang around long after having breakfast. It was depressing. It had only been two days, but I'd gotten attached to seeing him out there working and with a whole day without him blessing my eyes, I was losing it. What made it worse was that I wouldn't be seeing him again until Friday and that was too damn far away, but at least I had my memory to get me by.

My mind drifted to him often enough though, too often. I could be in the middle of a meeting or drowning in paperwork and somehow he would still worm his way into my thoughts. It irked me to no end and yet, I wanted to keep thinking about him—picturing that perfect body and that gorgeous face. It was enough to make me feel like I was sixteen all over again.

I forbid Himawari from coming back alone or with her friends because I'd be damned if my little sister was coming to stay with me just to stare at my sexy as hell landscaper. She was mad at me and I was mad at her—but I didn't bother telling her that he was gay. He was definitely gay. Shit, he was gay and I needed to jump on that, truly. Not that I would. No way. He was definitely a playboy and he wasn't going to be playing with me.

The best thing for me to do was forget him and pretend he wasn't out there even on the weekends because like he said, he was going to do whatever the fuck he wanted and that meant he was going to parade around half naked and drive me crazy, so I planned to avoid him completely. I was going to, I was. Friday came and even though I heard him working outside, I didn't take a single peek. I wasn't going to look even if it killed me not to. However, my friends had other plans for me.

I was forcing myself to do some work in my office when my alarm system notified me that someone had opened my front door. I left the office to find Shikadai, Inojin, Mitsuki and Denki loading my kitchen counter with food and alcohol. It wasn't that rarely that they'd be up like this, but it had been a long while since the last time.

"What the hell, you bastards can't call first?" Of course they couldn't, they never did.

"If we called you would have told us not to come. So, surprise!" Inojin said and grinned at me.

I sighed and sat at the bar as they started unloading the bags they'd brought and Shikadai filled his cooler with ice and beer. They brought steak and what else, I didn't know, but that meant they wanted to grill. Outside. And there was somebody I was avoiding out there.

"It's too hot to be outside today." I commented, but I knew well enough that I wasn't going to get out of going outside since they had something to do with it. Mitsuki would lug me out there if I tried to fight them.

"We're going to enjoy your swimming pool, Boruto." Mitsuki said as if that explained everything.

"Not happening." I wasn't going to be reduced to getting half naked with that guy in my yard.

I was too busy dreading the inevitable to notice how quickly the guys gathered everything and became prepared to head outside—until Mitsuki smacked me in the back of my head and ordered me to go change or he'd throw me into the pool as I was. We argued for a few minutes and when I didn't give in, he started grabbing me up.

"Oh hell no, don't you even-" I struggled against him, trying to get away but he was stronger than me and eventually got me over his shoulder.

Denki was the good one, but he was laughing as he held the door open for Mitsuki to carry me out. Shikadai and Inojin were right behind us, carrying everything they wanted and not giving a damn about my pleas.

"Put me the fuck down you bastard!" I yelled as I fought hard to get loose. I didn't even care if I hit the ground, or the stone walkway we were currently moving down.

"I will, just a sec." Mitsuki chuckled and I started trying to elbow him in his head but he acted as if I wasn't giving him a hard time at all, easily dodging my hits.

"If you throw me in that pool I'm going to kick your ass!" I swore as we made it to the pool area.

Mitsuki didn't stop and I could sense his grin and his evil plotting the closer we got. When he reached the edge of the pool I went to wrap my arms around his waist but he tossed me in before I could get a good hold on him.

I was pissed. I wanted to kill him. When my head popped out of the water, I pushed my hair back and glowered at him. "Damn it Mitsuki!"

"That's what you get, party pooper." He snorted and walked over to the patio where Shikadai was getting the grill ready. They were already on their first beers and I didn't want them here. They needed to leave.

I got out of the pool, mad as hell. I was wearing jeans and a collar shirt so being soaked made me feel heavy and extremely uncomfortable. I cursed Mitsuki and the others for everything they were worth on my way back to the house. It was ridiculous that I had to put up with such annoying behavior.

Once I made it around to the back door, I toed off my shoes, pulled off my socks and then worked the shirt that was clinging to me up and over my head. I was frustrated and my mood was only worsening more and more by the second. Knowing the jeans were going to be even worse, I undid the button and zipper, trying to hurry. I couldn't get inside fast enough.

After a couple minutes of aggravation, I finally got my jeans off and kicked the pile of my wet clothes to the side, turning to check my surroundings as I reached for the doorknob, only to find the damn stripper lawn guy watching me. My whole body flamed. He was never going to let me live this down, I just knew it.

"Don't you look at me like that!" I sneered. "This is not what it looks like."

"Sure." He shrugged, the corners of his mouth twitching as he held back a chuckle.

"You really piss me off." I muttered, opening the door and stepping inside. "Do your job or something!" I said, slamming the door behind me without giving him a chance to get to me anymore than he already had.

These friends of mine weren't friends at all. They thought they could just do whatever the hell the wanted- just like that damn stripper lawn guy. Today was just not my day, getting this surprise visit and then being thrown into the pool with my clothes on and then getting caught stripping my damn self in front of that guy. Nothing like this should have ever happened to me.

I was fuming as I stormed through my house and into my bedroom, stripping my underwear on my way to my bathroom. I dried off quickly, cursing every one of those bastards the whole while. I was still mad as I went through my drawers, chunking the clothes out of my way until I found my favorite pair of swimming trunks. Once I was dressed and found my shades, having decided not to bother with a shirt, I made my way back outside.

Thankfully the eye candy had moved to some other place and I didn't see him again as I walked back to the pool. The smell of the grill was nice and I supposed a beer wouldn't be so bad. Still, I was annoyed with the day period, so I was still sulking as I grabbed a beer and took a seat by the pool in one of the lounge chairs.

"Why do you feel the need to pout all the time?" Inojin teased me as he took the seat next to mine, sitting sideways to face me.

"I'm not pouting, I'm just pissed off. You would be too if you were me."

They all just laughed at me, knowing well enough how I was and that eventually I would get over it and liven up. That's just what happened, after a couple beers I'd relaxed and was glad to enjoy myself out by the pool with my friends. Though the longer I was under the sun, the more I wanted to get in the pool.

When I opened my third beer, I sat on the edge of the pool, letting my feet dangle in the water. It felt nice and I knew this was something I needed to get my mind off of things . . . or people. It wasn't easy, especially knowing he wasn't far away-wherever he was. I didn't see him again until I finished that third beer and I was walking around the shed to the front of it, on my way to the outside bathroom to take a leak. As soon as I rounded the corner, I spotted him on his knees just there, pulling some weeds out of the flower bed.

He really was a hard worker, even if he did like to flaunt. Hell, I couldn't blame him, he did have a lot going for him and I could see that with ease-and without getting caught-thanks to the shades shielding my eyes from him. "Still at it, huh?"

He grunted and turned his head. "Got to get rid of them before they do any damage. I hate these damn things."

"Well you're the expert. Looks like you know what you're doing, so I won't complain." I smiled then, finally entering the shed to get to the bathroom. Even when I came out, he was still hard at work , having just moved down a foot or so. "Wanna take a break and have a beer?" I asked, not wanting to be rude when he was out here sweating so sexily.

"Hm." He cracked his neck as he mulled it over. "Alright, I could use a drink."

"Thought so. Come on then." I said, leading the way back around to the pool area. When all the guys looked at my follower, I rolled my eyes, getting him a beer before I bothered introducing him.

"What's up?" Mitsuki asked the stripper, grinning on his way over with an extended hand.

"Nothing much." The stripper answered and shook his hand.

"I'm Mitsuki, Boruto's best friend, these other fuckers don't matter."

"Mitsuki." I snarled, crossing my arms. "Stop being annoying. Guys, this is the uh . . . I mean Kawaki, my landscaper." I explained and the other three of my friends responded with a synchronized "Nice to meet you!"

Kawaki nodded and opened his beer. " You guys having a cookout?" He asked before he took a swig, knocking back half of it..

"Apparently." I muttered. "I sure as hell didn't have anything to do with it."

"We always have to surprise him because he's a stick in the mud." Shikadai laughed.

"It's true." Inojin agreed and I wanted to start throwing whole cans of beer at their heads.

Kawaki's eyes cut to me. "That so? I'm not so sure, I think he's pretty fun."

Oh he was going to be more difficult than the rest of these assholes. "Let's stop talking about me. Is there enough food for Kawaki?"

"More than." Shikadai nodded as he looked over the food on the grill.

"Well then," I looked up at him. "Join us."

"I'd better not, still got work to do." He reminded me.

"You can take a break, shit the place has never looked better as it is." I shrugged as I finally got myself another beer and opened it.

He tilted his head at me and smiled. "Well, if the boss insists then I can't refuse."

Exactly. "Yeah, well, whatever." I mumbled, walking away to venture around the pool for no reason.

Mitsuki jumped in again, doing more swimming than drinking which was most definitely for the best. Kawaki got stuck in conversation with Shikdai and Inojin, but I didn't care as long as I wasn't the center of attention anymore. Who was I kidding? Hell, I wanted those grey eyes on me for all of eternity, but I couldn't let him know that. I couldn't let anyone know that. I chugged my beer and tossed the can in the trash, deciding I'd better get in the pool to cool my head finally.

That made Mitsuki happy, he just wanted somebody to have fun with but sometimes he could really push me. Just like earlier. Thankfully, since I was in a better mood, it wasn't hard to deal with him. We swam around for a while until Mitsuki got out for a drink and I was left alone. I'd had to get rid of my shades but I was feeling good enough that I wasn't worried about hiding from the stripper as I swam over closest to where he was sitting.

"Get in." I said with a grin. It was about time he took that dip in the pool.

"Is that an order?" He asked, already getting up and walking over.

"Hell yeah it is." I laughed, floating on my back while I waited.

Kawaki smiled again before getting into the pool, swimming over to me. "You're lucky I'm still on the clock."

"Lucky why?" I cocked a brow in curiosity. "You would turn me down otherwise?"

"You would go down alright." He said lowly and then added, "Hm, I'd better not."

"Whoa, what the hell are you on about?" I yelled in a whisper, not sure if I was taking his words right or not. I needed to know if I should be pissed, offended, turned on or all three.

He smirked at me. "I wonder."

"So do I." I mumbled my thoughts aloud before catching myself. "I mean . . . just shut up."

"Make me." He said and splashed water on my face.

"Hey, asshole!" I scoffed, splashing him back. "You're still on the clock, remember?"

Kawaki chuckled. "That's right, so I decided to do some watering." He said and splashed me again.

"Oh, ha ha, so funny." I rolled my eyes but couldn't prevent the smile that formed on my face. "I figured you needed this break. I was totally right."

"Yeah, yeah, I suppose you were." He said, raking his hair back. "Don't let it go to your head, boss."

That did have me laughing. "Too late, stripper."

"Stripper? Where?" He mused, looking around.

"I'm talking about you and you know it." I huffed. "Do you get off on being half-naked all the time or what?"

He swam a little closer, expression curious and cheeky at the same time. "Do you think about me getting off all the time or what?"

Fuck, I hated this guy. He just knew how to get to me and it wasn't fair, but I wasn't going to shy away from him. "The thought has crossed my mind a few times." I shrugged.

"Ooo, playing the honesty card. I like that." He grinned. "I hope you were also half-naked when it happened."

"I'm not really into that. I'm either fully dressed or naked as hell. This is the only in between and only because I was forced into this shit." I laughed, more than willing to keep this up all day.

"Well fuck, you're missing out." He told me. "You can have a lot of fun that way."

"What the hell is fun about it?" I mean sure it was fun for me getting to see all of that, but I didn't understand what he got out of it.

He shook his head. "You don't get it, maybe I'm not being clear enough." He said and got even closer. "I'm saying you can have a lot of fun while you're half-naked."

"Like what?" I asked, still not following.

"Damn it, you're cute."

"You . . . what?" I gaped at him as if he were speaking another language. "You're not making sense, at all."

"The fact that you couldn't put two and two together, it was cute as hell." He said with a chuckle before his eyes darkened. "Perhaps I should just show you what I mean, boss."

Whoa. "Whoa." I shook my head quickly, not liking how good that sounded. "I don't know what you're thinking but I'm not sure I want to anyway."

Kawaki swam the small distance left between us. "Not even when I'm off the clock?"

Shit. He wasn't going to make this easy on me at all. "You must get a rise out of teasing people." I muttered, looking away from him.

"Think what you want, but I just like teasing you."

"So that's how it is?" I figured it. "Whatever. Do as you please."

Fingers grazed my hips. "Don't say things like that without thinking about the consequences." He warned. "Consider my teasing more like foreplay. I'm completely serious."

His touch and his words both had my breath hitching. I looked back at him, eyes narrowing as I forced myself to calm down. "You're fucking with me hard right now." I said, liking it and yet not liking it at the same time.

"I'd rather be fucking hard right now." He countered. "Why would I mess with you when you could just fire my ass and be done with me? I don't take risks unless I think they're worth it."

He was going to end me and really, I was perfectly okay with that. "I suppose you're right. But I don't think you're as ready for that as you think you are."

"The same can be said for you. I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

"Wait, what?" I squeaked, the image of him stripping it all off filling my mind. Damn. "I'm not a damn stripper like you, you damn stripper."

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" He asked. "You won't be complaining if I have my way, trust me. So what do you say, boss? Are you interested or not?"

Hell yeah, I was interested. "I don't know. Ask me when you knock off." I shrugged, feigning indifference.

"Well fuck, I should get back to work then."

"You're still working now though. I told you to join us and you have to listen to me." I said, feeling cheeky.

He sighed. "It really did go to your head. Enjoy it while you can, I won't be nearly as tame later." Kawaki promised, fingers grazing my hips again.

"You better be!" I huffed. If he didn't, I definitely wouldn't make it. I probably wouldn't anyway, considering the way I reacted to him touching me. "Don't go getting all cocky and shit."

It was too late for that and I knew it, but I didn't give a damn. I was too thrilled at the idea of him. Ages had passed since the last time I let myself indulge and I'd had no plans to, but Kawaki . . . this stripper. Yes. As long as he was going from half-naked to fully nude, I was down. It was going down. This cookout couldn't be over soon enough.


Hello! This story is another collab with the lovely Kaname84!

We just love kawaboru so much and writing them is so fun to us. We hope you will like reading them and will enjoy this story. Reviews are much appreciated! Can't wait to get an update posted for you guys. XD