Helloooooooooooooooooo everybody! Here is chapter four!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, only my OCs.

Jason Hunter: If I'm understanding your question correctly, yes, Chaos is like a version of Venom.

Nora-11: Chaos does look like Venom, except his veins are gold instead of white. He has spikes on his back and elbows, horns on his head, and has Riot's claws.

A very special thanks to Panther-10 who suggested Jensen Ackles to represent Troy Winter! Thank you again, my friend, also for your kind words!

A special thanks to everyone who has reviewed, faved, and followed! Your support is very much appreciated!

Without further ado...


Washington D.C.

The Waverider


The Waverider exited out of the Temporal Zone, soaring the semi cloudy skies over the capitol of the United States while engaging the cloaking device. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" Rip asked his crew.

"Walk in the park." Snart said as everyone lifted their harnesses. "Where are we now?"

"Washington, D.C." Rip replied as his seat rotated around while sliding away from the pilot console. "The year is nineteen eighty six."

"We've landed at the height of the Cold War in a world poised for nuclear annihilation." Stein stated as he stood up from his jumpseat. He very well remembers the tension that was in the air during those years.

Gideon's holographic projection appeared on the central console, drawing everyone's attention. "We've traveled here because I have a new lead on Vandal Savage's location." The AI informed as the tendril with Chaos' face formed out of Troy's shoulder.

"Yes." Rip said as he came over to the console, and Gideon's holographic projection vanished. "Gideon managed to intercept this telefax concerning Savage's last known whereabouts." He finished as an image of a telefax appeared on the central console's screen.

"Tele-what?" Jax asked, baffled.

"It's like an email… on paper." Ray explained as everyone gathered around to take a look.

However, the majority of the words have all been blacked out. "Wow, that's totally useless." Mick was the first to voice what everyone was thinking.

"Dude, this whole thing's crossed out." Jax pointed out. How on Earth will they manage to pull information from this?

"Yeah, redacted by the U.S. government," Rip started before turning around and walked toward the pilot window, "which is why we are here to steal the original file on Savage back from those who are tracking him."

Troy's eyes slowly widened as he put two and two together. "No way." He said in disbelief as everyone trained their gazes on the window.

"Uh, that's the…" Ray didn't need to finish the sentence. Everyone knew what they were looking at…

The heart of America's military, the Pentagon.

The ship slowly hovered closer to the building. "Now, now. Don't worry. We are cloaked." Rip assured them, since every timeship is outfitted with stealth technology in the event a Time Master ever needs to conduct work in any era with radar.

"You want us to break in to the Pentagon?" Mick asked, not looking for answer. A chance to break into one of the most heavily guarded places in all of America? The arsonist would jump at the chance. "Sounds awesome."

"It sounds crazy." Kendra was clearly not comfortable with the prospect.

"What's the plan?" Sara inquired. Since this is the Pentagon, a very meticulous plan needs to be formed, as well as backup plans.

"Oh, the Fabricator will fashion you the necessary Pentagon credentials." Rip answered as he continued to gaze at the building they are to infiltrate.

"Ooh, and don't forget our G-man disguises." Ray said in an excited tone. Rip tore his gaze from the Pentagon and stared at Ray in a mix of annoyance and disbelief. "I always wanted to be a spy."

"Ray." Chaos said, earning the man's attention. "Just shut up." Ray frowned.

"For once, I agree with the head biting alien." Snart admitted.

"Remind me to be flattered." Chaos sneered, his jagged pseudo eyes boring into Snart.

"Relax, Chaos." Troy said.

"Alright, enough squabbling." Rip declared sternly. "It's time to go to work."

The Pentagon

Ray was disappointed when he was assigned to act as a janitor, along with Snart and Troy. Currently, the three were running their mops along the floor as they awaited instructions from their captain. "Now, the file we're after is kept in a secure records room." Rip said over the com channel. "In order to gain access we're going to need to, uh, borrow a magnetic key card." By borrow, he meant steal.

"Because this is so much easier than just shrinking down and stealing it." Ray commented, a lace of disappointment in his voice.

Troy smirked as he heard the sound of heels coming closer. "Don't worry, I got this." He released his mop and let it casually fall to the floor.

A woman gasped as she slipped on the wet floor. Suddenly, she felt a strong hand grip her back before she fell to the floor. "Are you alright, ma'am?" Troy asked.

She blinked a few times. "I wasn't watching where I was going." Troy assisted her in standing up. "Thank you."

"No worries." Troy said casually before the woman slightly adjusted her cover before walking away.

"You sly dog." Chaos chortled.

Then, Troy pulled out the magnetic key card he had swiped from the woman. Ray examined it briefly. "That's a nifty little trick." He complimented.

Snart's gaze was one of interest. Then, as if sensing the stare, Troy said, "You're the not the only who knows how to pickpocket."

Sara and Kendra emerged from around a corner, the former wearing a navy blue uniform and the later wearing a white uniform, striding toward the janitor trio. Troy grabbed his mop and stood up, subtly holding out the key card. Sara took it as she passed by Troy.

The two women made their way throughout the Pentagon, following the directions to the counter intelligence department they had memorized back on the Waverider. They nodded at those who gave them the same gesture, to keep up appearances and not attract attention to themselves. Finally, they arrived at the double glass doors that led into the counter intelligence department. Sara inserted the card into the card reader and it beeped, allowing them entry.

"The records room has closed-circuit cameras." Rip informed over the com channel. "We need a diversion."

"Someone call my name?" Mick's voice came through next.

In the security room, two men were monitoring the screens, as they had been ever since they arrived earlier that morning. However, the sounds of cheering and applause reached their ears. The two men exchanged intrigued glances before they both stood up and went to see what the commotion was about. And they had just missed Sara and Kendra opening the door leading into the counter intelligence room.

With Mick, the arsonist was outfitted in a camouflage uniform, and he was currently arm wrestling with a well-muscled African American man. Spectators watched with eager eyes, cheering and yelling, some even having money at the ready. "Double or nothing says I put this punk on the pinewood." Mick said as he stared into his opponent's eyes while the two men from the security room waltzed in.

"Yeah, I'll take a piece of that action." One of the security room men nodded, having a need for a break.

The cheering and whistling increased in volume as Mick and his opponent struggled to win the arm wrestling match. "We got the file." Sara reported.

Meanwhile in the basement, Jax in Firestorm form was approaching the power box. "Okay, now for the tricky part." Rip began. "All personnel are subject to search upon exiting the Pentagon. Firestorm will divert the power long enough for you to exit."

Jax grasped the handle and opened the box, revealing its interiors. "Ready when you are." He said before firmly gripping the wires as fire formed out of his head while electricity sparked violently. The power had been rerouted. "All clear."

However, Stein noticed something that raised a red flag. "What did you do, Jefferson? I warned you about the electromagnetic pulse. Now you've touched a neutral wire, causing the power to pass through us." The professor stated in alarm.

"You mean, 'pass through me'." Jax retorted, voice heavy with annoyance. How does Troy put up with Chaos in his head?

"If you knew anything about alternating current power-"


"Yes, Jefferson?"

"Shut up."

The words were barley uttered when an explosion sent Jax flying back, and he landed with a grunt as a distant alarm start to wail. "The alarm!" He exclaimed. This is about to go south.

Meanwhile, Sara and Kendra had removed their covers, the former tucking the file on Savage under her arm, as they approached an exit, only to be stopped by a guard. "This is a restricted exit."

"Sorry, we must have gotten lost." Kendra tried to brush it off and began to walk forward, only to be halted again.

"I'm going to need to see your key card, ma'am." The same guard said firmly with a raised. Sara glanced at the guard behind her over her shoulder while Kendra glanced at her companion, while all the atmosphere became thick with tension. Seeing her hesitation, the guard spoke into his radio, "We have a code seven violation."

He didn't get to say more when Kendra slugged him across the face. Sara's leg thrusted upward and kicked the guard behind her in the chest, knocking him down to the floor as Kendra threw the first guard into another.

Then, Kendra's wings sprouted out. Sara stared at her companion in alarm as Kendra turned around, her eyes glowing briefly while a hawk's cry could be heard. Kendra Saunders was gone, and Priestess Chay-Ara had taken over. "We have a slight problem." Sara said grimly into the com channel.

Meanwhile with Mick, the arsonist had prevailed in the arm wrestling match just when the alarm began to buzz loudly. Mick briefly glanced at the ceiling, knowing that was his cue to get the hell out. Without hesitation, he reached for his flamethrower and pulled it out, the weapon charging loudly. "It's been fun, fellas." He commented as he stood up, pointing his weapon. "Back! Aaah!" He unleashed a stream of flames, causing the others to duck under as the arsonist exited the room with haste.

"Where is that smoke coming from?" Rip demanded in alarm, the Waverider's systems registering the smoke detectors going off.

Kendra rushed outside, smacking a charging guard in the face before punching two others, going completely berserk. "We got the file. What the hell does Kendra think she's doing?" Rip demanded heatedly.

Sara rushed out the doors just in time to see Kendra pin a guard to the ground. "Good question." The former assassin replied.

Kendra's hands morphed into talons nearly as sharp as Chaos', and she did not hesitate to mercilessly slash them across the face of the screaming guard she had pinned to the ground. "Oh, wonderful. We've got a demigoddess who's gone completely berserk. Abort. I repeat, abort. Get back to the ship right now." Rip commanded.

"Roger that." Jax acknowledged. The next thing Sara heard was the sound of Firestorm bursting through the Pentagon's roof.

"I meant 'use the door'." Rip clarified in annoyance. "But while you're at it, can you help return our winged avenger to her cage?"

Sara looked u and watched as Firestorm swooped in and snatched Kendra before flying off. Just mere seconds later, she felt a large clawed hand snatch her as well. She rolled her eyes as Chaos dashed off away from the Pentagon.

The Waverider

The team had gathered in the bridge, the tendril with Chaos' face flowing from Troy's shoulder. Rip was leaning on the central console, a furious expression plastered on his face. "Instead of dwelling on what went wrong," Ray began, trying to relieve some the tension in the atmosphere, "let's focus on the positive."

"What are you talking about? It was awesome." Mick remarked casually, causing Rip to slightly shake his head and Troy to roll his eyes.

"In the same way that tsunamis, earthquakes, and other natural disasters are 'awesome'." Stein uttered.

"We got the file on Savage." Kendra pointed out, arms crossed over her chest.

"Despite the hiccup with the alarm?" Stein inquired, looking at Jax.

"Oh, so it's my fault now?" Jax shot back. "You know, maybe if you weren't always yammering away in my head, I could actually focus." Rip shook his head once more.

"You have access to sixty years of knowledge and experience." Stein reminded the young African American, restraining himself from snapping. "Why not just take advantage of that?"

"Because it's my body on the line out there, not yours." Jax retorted in annoyance.

"Hey," Sara cut in, "it's not your fault. Everything would have been fine if Big Bird over here hadn't freaked out."

"Excuse me?" Kendra demanded heatedly while Troy and Chaos snickered.

"Enough." Rip declared before anyone else could add fuel to the fire. "There is plenty of blame to go around. Now, fortunately, Gideon was able to generate a low-end EMP, which erased all the Pentagon's magnetic media."

"Like security footage?" Ray noted.

"Look, you're just lucky that the Department of Defense likes to keep incidents like this under wraps." Rip told them before moving around the console. "Gideon, any luck with our purloined secret file? Please say yes." He mumbled the last part to himself.

"Yes, Captain. According to the Pentagon, Savage has defected to the Soviet Union." The AI informed.

The tension that was in the room mere moments ago returned, but this time, it went up several notches. "So, the most powerful evil the world has ever known has just gone red at the height of the Cold War." Stein was the first to voice his thought on the revelation.

"And now he's gonna help them cook up something that kills the future." Ray added gravely.

Rip didn't hesitate. "Gideon, set a course… for the Soviet Union." The captain ordered as the Chaos tendril retracted back into Troy.

"This'll be our second time going to Russia… or it is our first?" The symbiote pointed out before becoming confused by his own statement. Time travel is a tricky thing.

In late months of twenty thirteen, the symbiotic duo, Oliver, John, and Felicity went to Russia to rescue John's then ex-wife, Lyla Michaels, who ended up in the worst gulag in Russia, Koshmar, because she was tracking an assassin named Floyd Lawton, better known as Deadshot.

"Either way, instead of breaking Lyla out of Hotel Psychopath, we're chasing after someone who makes Ra's al Ghul and Damien Darhk look like street thugs." Troy piped.

"I'm pretty sure Vandal Savage makes everyone we've faced look like street thugs, maybe except Blonsky." Chaos retorted, remembering the fight against Abomination during the Starling City Siege. So far, it was the toughest fight the symbiotic duo had ever faced.

"That's true." Troy agreed with a shudder.

U.S.S.R Airspace

The Waverider

The flight to Russia didn't take long, as the Waverider was faster than any aircraft in current existence. Rip, Jax, Troy, were the ones on the bridge. Stein went to the medbay to review the file on Savage, Mick, Snart, and Ray were attending to business elsewhere in the ship, and Sara and Kendra were in the cargo bay. "Captain, we've just crossed into Soviet airspace." Gideon announced.

Jax was hovering by the central console, which was now displaying a radar. "Don't worry, Jefferson," Rip began as he came over to relieve the young African American man of his worries of the ship being detected, "we are moving far too fast for anyone to track us."

He spoke too soon. "I'm afraid that's not true. Someone is tracking us." Gideon alerted.

"I thought the ship was cloaked?" Rip said as he moved around the console.

"It is." Gideon confirmed.

On the radar, an orange blip was closing in on the Waverider, and said blip was simply labeled 'CH'. Everyone then realized who their pursuer was. "Boba Fett's back." Jax was the first to voice it.

"Chronos must have followed us when we made the jump from the seventies." Rip added.

"Told you we should've bit Tin Can's head off!" Chaos exclaimed loudly, earning an eye roll from his host.

Chronos' Ship

Chronos was a patient hunter. He may have lost track of Rip and his crew when he assaulted the Waverider in St. Roch, but he knew at some point, they would time jump again, and he would be ready to tail after them. Also, this hunt became personal as well. He will enjoy making that beast regret what he did to him. No one gets the better of Chronos and lives to tell the tale.

"Sir, we have a lock on the Waverider." The ship's AI, Locus, informed as the weapon systems came online.

"Prepare to fire." Chronos commanded.

The Waverider

"He's closing fast." Gideon warned as Rip typed into the control pad on the captain's seat. "Captain, what would you like me to do?"

"Slow down, drop our cloak, and make as much noise as possible." Rip ordered.

"What?" Troy demanded, thinking he had misheard.

"You didn't." Chaos said, equally as alarmed as his host.

Jax was on the same page. "Whoa, that's, like, top three on the list of things we definitely shouldn't do." He said.

"Just trust me." Rip assured both men. He knew exactly what he was doing.

The Waverider's cloaking device could be heard disengaging, as well as the engine powering down. At the same time, Ray and Snart entered the bridge. "We run out of gas or something?" Snart asked as they approached the others.

"Chronos is still in pursuit. Weapons systems tracking." Gideon warned.

"Look," Jax began, "if this is your idea of trying to lose him, then, m-"

"Aha." Rip cut him off as he walked over to the central console, just in time to see a third blip appeared on the radar, a red one labeled 'MiG'. "The Soviet Air Force to the rescue. Now, let's see how badly Chronos wants to follow us."

Ray walked over to the pilot windows just in time to see a Russian aircraft zoom by, and he recognized the design of it. "Wow, it's a MiG-21." He stated in awe, a matching gleam in his eyes. "No one's ever been this close to one before."

"Are you quoting Top Gun?" Snart asked, though it wasn't really a question.

"Maybe." Ray answered without looking at Snart.

"Yes he is." Troy quipped.

Far off in the distance, the MiG turned sharply to face the Waverider, releasing its payload before breaking off in retreat. "I've got heat-seeking missiles closing at a distance of less than a mile away." Gideon alerted.

"Doesn't this thing have counter-measures?!" Troy demanded.

"Which is why I need you to cut the engines." Rip commanded Gideon, as if he didn't hear Troy, which earned the captain a sharp look from the host.

"Whoa, wait, don't we need those to land?" Jax asked.

"I said cut them, Gideon." Rip ordered, his voice more firm this time.

Just seconds later, everyone swayed on their feet as the Waverider began to plummet, and the missiles passed over the vessel. "Missiles are now targeting something else." Gideon informed.

"Chronos." Jax put two and two together.

"Huh, cutting the engines to eliminate the heat and target our pursuer instead. Clever." Troy remarked.

"Indeed." Chaos hummed in agreement.

Rip watched as Chronos' blip disappeared off the radar, signaling that the MiG's missiles had hit the bounty hunter's ship, before rushing over to the captain's seat. "I suggest you all strap yourselves in." He urgently advised. They didn't need to be told twice. Jax, Ray, Troy, and Snart quickly claimed a jumpseat and pulled down the harnesses. "It's going to be a bit of a bumpy landing."

"Initiating emergency landing protocol." Gideon announced as the other occupants braced themselves.

"How's it going, Gideon?" Rip asked as the ship continued to plummet closer and closer to the ground.

"There's not much I can do." The AI replied. "Elevation is five thousand, four thousand, three thousand."

"When I said bumpy, I meant 'prepare for crash landing." Rip amended his earlier sentence.

"Kinda had that figured out already." Troy replied dryly as he braced himself.

Just mere seconds later, the ship crashed into the ground, leaving a wide trail of destroyed soil in its wake. Were it not for the metallic harnesses, everyone would have been thrown out of their seats. Then, finally, the ship came to a stop before the cloaking device was activated. "Good news, Captain. Despite our rough landing, the ship is still fully operational." Gideon briefed as Rip lifted his helm up in a daze.

"Welcome to the U.S.S.R., gentlemen." He said to those present on the bridge as his seat rotated.

Everyone's harnesses came off. While, Ray, Jax, and Snart still felt a little pain from the rough landing, Troy was already at one hundred percent, curtesy of Chaos' healing abilities. Stein then entered the bridge with the file on Savage. "If it were up to me, they would revoke your pilot's license." The professor said to Rip.

"'They' are more than welcome to, considering I don't have one." Rip massaged his temples before standing up and went over to join Stein at the central console. "Did you get anything on Savage from the Pentagon file?"

"It appears our friend has been quite busy since we last saw him." Stein noted as he opened the file, and it was impossible to miss the large black bold words 'Operation Svarog'.

"Svarog?" Rip stated in confusion.

"Slavic god of fire." Troy enlightened the captain, well versed in many ancient mythologies.

"It's a secret project the Soviets are working on." Stein added as Ray flipped through the pages. "Considering Savage's involvement, most likely some sort of weapon."

Ray stopped on the page containing two pictures of an attractive Russian woman. "Valentina Vostok," he read as he walked around the central console, "graduated top of her physics program and then just dropped out of academia."

"To help develop Savage's new weapon, no doubt." Stein added.

"The Cold War's up for grabs, and Ms. Vostok is the linchpin." Ray commented.

Rip took the file from Ray as Snart stood up from his jumpseat. "I say we put two in the back of her head and call it a day." The cold gun wielder suggested.

Ray wasn't on board with the idea of just murdering someone. "We have no idea who this woman is or what her effect may be on history." He countered. "She may be the next Madame Curie for all we know."

"She's working for Savage. That's all we need to know." Snart japed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"She probably has no idea who's backing her research." Ray shot back.

"That's a naïve way of thinking, Ray." Troy stated, drawing the man's attention. "If Vostok's in that file, she's there for a reason. Yes, you could be right about her being oblivious of who's funding her research, but at the same time, the possibility of her knowing exactly who she's working for is just as likely."

"Okay, but just let me approach her as a scientist and we'll see what she knows about Savage's weapons program." Ray said, wanting to try a more diplomatic method before either Snart or Troy decide to use less civil methods.

"It's nineteen eighty six, you're American, and you don't speak Russian. She'll have you pegged as a spy in a second." Snart pointed out. Ray was silent, unable to reply to that because he knew Snart was right.

"Perhaps I can help with that." Rip said as he placed a small black case on the central console. He pressed a button and unlocked the case before opening it, revealing small green capsules stored within. "Ingestible translators." He said as he slid the box across the console. "They attach to your larynx via neural interface. Swallow them; you can speak and understand any language spoken to you."

Ray and Snart took two of the capsules and swallowed them. "How- how do you turn it on?" Stein queried, since these devices didn't have an off and on button.

"Gideon?" Rip looked at the ceiling. "Switch them into Russian." He ordered before directing his gaze at Ray, who gulped his capsule, and he gave the captain a look. "Go on. Say something."

Ray scoffed. "I don't know what to say." He spoke in flawless Russian. Stein, Jax, and Troy gaped at Ray, eyes widening. "Wait, I'm still speaking English." However, he then noticed the stunned looks the others were giving him. "Why are you staring at me…?" Rip smirked and pointed at him, and Ray knew. "Oh my goodness! I'm speaking Russian now, aren't I?" He and Stein exchanged smiles.

"Now you're annoying in multiple languages." Snart remarked rudely, causing Ray to frown.

"Gideon, switch him back to English." Rip decreed before bringing the attention to the more important topic, reading through the file. "Now, according to Vostok's file, she's a big fan of the ballet. She has box seats at the Bolshoi and attends every performance."

"It seems the final performance of Le Roi Candaule is today." Gideon informed as a picture of a woman dancing appeared on the screen.

"Dr. Palmer," Rip started as he handed the man in question the file, "you will engage Vostok at ballet, whilst you, Mr. Snart…" The captain turned his gaze to the cold gun wielder, "you're going to be his wingman."

"Oy." Snart mumbled sarcastically.

"Well, that should be interesting." Chaos mused with a chuckle, envisioning that scenario.

"No kidding." Troy agreed, equally amused as the Klyntar.

"Better go bone up on Vostok's CV." Ray said before walking off, exiting the bridge.

"I guess I'll bone up on the ballet. Gideon, bone me." Snart said.

"Well, since our services aren't needed at the moment, I'll be in the galley." Troy informed before walking off to get something to eat.

"Good, because your liver was starting to look really, really good." Chaos hissed, and Troy could feel the symbiote's tongue at the back of his mind.

"Do that, and you'll sentence yourself to death."

"And I have no intention of dying."

Meanwhile, Rip was walking the corridors alone when Sara suddenly emerged from one of the rooms. "We have a problem." She said as she joined the captain.

Yet another problem added to the list. "Right, you're going to have to be a little more specific." Rip clarified.

"It's Kendra." Sara said as they rounded a corner. "She's completely unstable; you saw her at the Pentagon. Psycho priestess Chay-Ara took over and clawed a guard's eyes out."

"Perhaps Kendra just needs a bit of time." Rip replied as they stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Remember, it was her first time out in the field since Carter's death."

He began to walk away, but Sara's next words made him halt. "Well, Carter's not going to be the only dead body on our hands if someone doesn't get her under control."

The captain considered her words. Yes, Kendra does need help, and he knew who the perfect candidate was. "You know, perhaps you're right," he conceded before turning around, "and it just so happens I have the perfect candidate for the job." He added as he walked toward Sara.

Instant disapproval radiated off every inch of the former assassin. "No." She shook her head firmly. "No, I was not talking about me."

"And yet, I can think of no one better suited to the task." Rip countered.

"I'm not a fan of feelings." Sara shot back. "If Kendra needs someone to talk through her grief with-"

"Kendra needs someone who can help her get her warrior side under control." Rip interrupted. "I imagine you, above anyone else, know how to do that." With that, Rip walked off and rounded a corner.

"This is a bad idea." Sara called out. Two people who are having trouble with their inner darkness training together? Sara saw so many things wrong with that.

Moscow, Russia

Bolshoi Theater

The Bolshoi Theater is one of the oldest theaters in Russia. Construction started in eighteen twenty one, and the theater opened in eighteen twenty five. It is also one of the most popular theaters, and tonight was exceptionally good for business.

People gathered at the entrance, dressed in jackets and coats to shield themselves from the bitter cold. Guards were also stationed there and there, ready to deal with a problem at a moment's notice, all while upbeat instrumental music played from within the building. Valentina Vostok walked out of the theater, wearing a lovely red dress, taking out a cigarette before turning left. She passed by Snart, who was standing in a corner, wearing a black coat. "I got eyes on Vostok. She's headed straight for you, lover boy." He informed Ray over the com channel.

"All right, gentlemen." Rip said over the com channel. "Everything's looking good from my end. Proceed."

Ray took that as his cue. He turned around just in time to see Valentina coming toward him. "Ms. Vostok." He said, drawing the woman's attention as she lifted her hand with the cigarette. "Simon Huntsberger, University of Moscow physics department." He took out a lighter and the flame came alive.

Valentina responded by huffing out air and snuffing the flame out. "I'm not interested in talking to student." She informed harshly as Ray lowered the lighter. "If you want lecture, come by office hours."

She was about to walk away, but Ray spoke again. "I'm actually a fellow scientist. I read your paper on applied physics and nuclear fission. Perhaps, if you allow me to take you to dinner, we can discuss in detail."

Valentina merely rolled her eyes and walked off toward the theater entrance without another word, leaving a dumbfounded Ray behind. "Damn that was cold," Snart commented as he walked over to Ray, amusement lining his face, "even by Russian standards." Both men looked in the direction Valentina walked off, both of them figuring out ways to try again with more success.

The Waverider

Kendra was sitting on a crate in the cargo bay alone, lost in her thoughts. The face of the guard she mauled at the Pentagon was still fresh in her mind. It terrified her that she lost control and nearly compromised a mission. She had always thought that Carter could help her with her new powers, but now that he's gone, she feels utterly helpless.

"Heads up." A voice snapped Kendra out of her thoughts.

She spun on the crate and barely caught a long sliver baton that Sara tossed her. "What the hell is this?" Kendra asked in confusion.

"Warriors train every day." Sara explained.

"Sorry, but I'm not in the mood." Kendra said as she placed the baton aside.

"'Sorry' is not gonna help that guard you defaced at the Pentagon." Sara retorted as she approached Kendra.

Kendra shook her head as she hopped off the crate. "I thought that as long as Carter was here, he could help me control my powers and now that he's gone… I can't control it, so thanks for the offer," she picked up the baton and gave it back to Sara, "but I won't risk letting that monster out again." She walked passed Sara and made way for the stair case.

"That monster inside you is not gonna go away." Sara said before turning around, and Kendra stopped to face her. "You have to learn how to control her."

"And how, exactly, do you expect me to do that?" Kendra demanded incredulously.

Sara tossed the baton to Kendra, and she caught it again. "Let's find out."

Without warning, Sara lunged forward and swung her baton. Kendra brought up her baton to block Sara swing, and the sounds of grunting and metal clanging filled the cargo bay.

Meanwhile in the bridge, Rip was waiting for an update from Ray and Snart when Gideon suddenly announced, "Temporal anomaly detected."

Rip rushed out of his study and over to the central console, which was displaying a red dot north of Moscow. "Chronos." He stated.

"The Russian jet damaged his ship." Gideon informed.

"He's still alive?" Rip queried.

"He went down just outside Moscow city limits."

Rip knew this was the perfect chance to take out Chronos, especially if he was injured in the crash. Chronos wouldn't be the last the Time Masters send after Rip and his crew, but this will get them off their backs for a while.

And as luck would have it, Mick entered the bridge. "Mr. Rory, how would you like to accompany me on a little mission?" Rip asked, laser revolver in hand.

The arsonist pulled out his flamethrower. "Will I get to use my gun?" He inquired.

"A near certain likely hood." Rip confirmed.

"Lead the way, Captain." Mick nodded. With that, the two departed for their mission to eliminate one of the most infamous temporal bounty hunters.

Moscow, Russia

Bolshoi Theater

Ray eyed Valentina, having devised a 'new' way of trying to get information out of her. "You struck out, Raymond." Snart said over the com channel. "Maybe I should take a crack at her."

Ray ignored him and approached Valentina. "I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot." He said, and Valentina didn't bother to look at him. "I don't mean to bother you-"

"Too late." Valentina replied with a cynical chuckle.

"But," Ray went on, "as an investor, I'm in a position to fund your research. That is why I wanted us to meet."

"Easy, Raymond. You're gonna spook her." Snart warned. He almost wished Troy was here instead of Raymond, since Snart was sure that Troy could do better in talking to Valentina without arousing suspicion.

"I think it's important to know who's funding your research," Ray went on, and Snart could feel his heart beating faster. Raymond was about to blow their cover. "Don't you think? For instance… Operation Svarog."

That had Valentina's attention, and she stared at Ray in suspicion. Snart knew now was the time to intervene before Raymond could screw this up even more. "Sorry," he said to Valentina as he came over, "is this man bothering you?"

"Don't trouble yourself." Valentina replied as she and Snart walked passed Ray. "I'm not a damsel in distress."

"Good," Snart said as he stood in front of Valentina, "because I'm not a white knight."

The sound of bells chiming could be heard. "Seems intermission is over." Valentina noted.

"You wouldn't want to miss Queen Nisisa dancing naked with the nymphs." Snart said.

Valentina smiled. "My favorite part of the ballet, but I've seen it so many times. Perhaps, you wouldn't mind walking me home instead." Snart gestured to the path ahead and the two began the walk back to Valentina's apartment. Snart cast Ray a glance over his shoulder, and Ray stared back at him in annoyance.

The Forest

It was cold, cold enough for Rip and Mick to see their breath when they exhale. But that didn't stop them from trekking throughout the forest in search of their target. The only sounds they could hear currently were the soft whirring of Mick's flamethrower, crickets chirping, and the chorus of howling wolves in the distance.

"I hate nature." Mick proclaimed.

"Shh, shh, shh, shh." Rip hushed him as he checked a device before pocketing it. "Thirty meters." He said as they neared the temporal anomaly's coordinates. "Chronos must be hiding out in the trees."

Their eyes scoured their surroundings, searching for any sign of movement, a foreboding pressure in the air. "Is that any way to treat an old friend?" A voice asked.

Mick snapped his flamethrower in the direction the voice came from, but Rip recognized the voice and grabbed the arsonist's arm, forcing him to point his weapon downward. The two watched as a man dressed grey clothing step out in the open. "Time Master Druce," Rip breathed, surprised to his one of his oldest friends and his former mentor here, "how on earth did you find me?"

"You haven't exactly been subtle." Druce replied as he approached the duo, and Rip had to agree with that.

"Can I waste this guy?" Mick asked Rip, eyeing Druce with anticipation.

"Could you give us a moment?" Rip requested.

"You said I'd get to use my gun." Mick growled in response. Rip merely gave him a look. "Hmm." The arsonist grunted before walking off, leaving Rip and Druce alone.

"What a colorful team you've assembled for yourself." Druce noted.

Rip holstered his revolver before speaking, "I thought that you were-"

"Chronos?" Druce supplied. "He was killed in the crash, I'm afraid." The older Time Master went on as he approached his former student. The loss of Chronos was unfortunate, but he was merely an asset. An effective asset, yes, but assets can be replaced. "I was sent to scuttle his time ship, lest it be discovered by the Soviets." He finished.

"And you left a temporal anomaly." Rip stated.

"To lure you out of the cold, as it were." Druce confirmed. "You've turned your back on the very institution you were meant to serve. Our job is to protect time, thereby protecting all life."

"I am trying to save the world from complete destruction." Rip retorted as he walked passed Druce, who followed him.

"You and your band of rogues have run rampant throughout history." Druce pressed on. "This is why we work alone, Rip. A team is a liability; you've proven that. They keep you from making the tough choices."

Rip moved to stand in front of his former mentor. "I am here because the council refused to make that tough choice." He is here to take action because the council chose to sit down and do nothing while the world is conquered by an immortal madman.

"Well, they can sometimes be slow to realize the obvious," Druce conceded before getting to the point of the meeting, "but I've been authorized to offer you a deal." Rip scoffed, but allowed Druce to continue speaking. "End this foolish crusade; return with me to the Vanishing Point. You'll be acquitted of all charges, and in… a few hundred years, we may even be able to fix the damage you've caused."

"And what about my team?" Rip asked.

"They will be returned to their own timelines unharmed, which is more than I can say for Carter Hall." Druce replied. "You were one of my brightest pupils and by far my favorite. Will you at least consider my offer?"

Rip was silent for a few seconds. "I'll consult with my comrades." He uttered.

"Please do, Rip, and meet me here in an hour." With his purpose his being fulfilled, Druce walked off.

"And if I don't?" Rip asked.

The question made Druce stop in his tracks, and he turned around to face his former pupil. "Then you're beyond my help." He answered gravely before walking off again.

Rip remained cemented in place, contemplating the offer. If he accepts, Miranda and Jonas will still be killed by Savage. But here was not the place to contemplate. As he said to Druce, he will have to discuss this with his crew.

And so, Rip walked off, but stopped when he spotted Mick sitting down against a tree. "That's a pretty sweet deal Time Cop offered you back there." The arsonist commented, having heard the entire conversation.

"Well, I see we can add eavesdropping to your criminal resume." Rip remarked.

"Maybe you should start thinking like a crook." Mick retorted. "Your friend's planning on killing you."

"Time Master Druce is one of my most trusted friends." Rip countered. "Besides, if he wanted to do me any harm, why didn't he do it just now when he had the chance?"

"Because he wants you to bring the whole team with you," Mick replied as he stood up, "and that's not gonna happen, because I'm taking a pass." He then walked passed the captain.

Rip remained cemented in place again, thinking of the pyro's words. As much as he tried to put it aside, one question burned in Rip's mind; is Druce truly setting him up?

The Waverider

Kendra and Sara were still sparring, but the cargo bay no longer served as the arena. They were now in the hallways. Kendra brought up her staff to block Sara's swift downward swing, but the former assassin wasted no time in making another move, pinning Kendra against the wall. With a yell, Kendra pushed Sara off and swung. Sara ducked under and hit Kendra in the back. Kendra then swung her staff downward, but Sara parried the blow before knocking Kendra's staff out of her hand. Now unarmed, Kendra swung her fist, but Sara merely tossed Kendra over her shoulder, and the latter landed on the floor roughly. Sara twirled her staff so the upper part was underneath her armpit.

"Are we done here yet?" Kendra asked in annoyance, feeling her entire body aching.

"If you want to harness your power," Sara began as Kendra stood up, "you need to learn to control your fear."

"Yeah, well, you've been training for half your life to be some cold blooded assassin, so I really don't think you understand what it's like." Kendra shot back.

Sara tossed her staff aside and roughly pushed Kendra down the hall. "Before you can control it," she threw two hooks, which Kendra barely blocked, and Sara grabbed her by the shirt, "you have to accept that it's a part of you." She shoved Kendra again and kicked her in the side of her left shoulder, causing her to collide with the wall.

"Ease up, will you?" Kendra requested as she backed away from Sara.

But Sara showed no signs of easing up. "You've got to channel your anger." She hit Kendra twice before pinning her against the wall.

"Sara, stop." Kendra pleaded, gripping the hand that was wrapped around her throat.

"Push down your emotions." Sara went on, ignoring the other woman's plea. She wrenched Kendra away from the wall before brutally slugging her across the face. "Focus on your opponent." She spun around and kicked Kendra in the stomach.

She slid backwards on her shoes, causing them to squeak loudly. Then suddenly, Kendra's wings sprouted out, and her eyes glowed, just like at the Pentagon. "Kendra?" Sara said. Kendra responded by rushing forward with a yell. Sara found herself on the defensive, evading to avoid Kendra's swipes. Kendra shot upward and used both feet to kick Sara in the chest, sending her flying up the hall and crashed to the floor.

Kendra's senses returned and her wings retracted back into her as she rushed over to Sara's aid. "Sara! Sara, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry-"

But Sara lurched up and tackled Kendra onto her back and began to choke her. "Sara, what are you doing? It's me!" Kendra exclaimed as she felt the air flow cut out, gasping for air. A wild, almost feral gleam took residence in Sara's eyes, her teeth bared in a silent snarl. She slammed Kendra's head against the floor.

But suddenly, Sara felt two strong hands grip her shoulders from behind. "Enough! That's enough!" Troy shouted loudly as he forced Sara away from Kendra, standing between the two women.

Sara took a step forward, as if she was about to attack Troy, when she suddenly stop. Troy knew her senses had returned. She stared at him, eyes gleaming with panic and regret. Without another word, Sara turned and fled down the corridor. Troy's concerned gaze lingered in her direction before he turned around. "You okay?" He asked Kendra, offering a helpful hand.

Kendra accepted the hand, and Troy helped her back onto her feet. "Yeah, I'm fine." She replied, massaging her throat.

"The hell were you two fighting about?" Troy questioned.

"We were sparring, and we both lost control." Kendra answered.

Troy studied Kendra for a few moments before redirecting his attention to where Sara had fled. "Seems like we need to do a better job at keeping Sara in check." Chaos noted dryly.

"Yeah. Laurel, Quentin, and Oliver will kill us if we let anything happen to Sara." Troy added, and Chaos shuddered at the thought of the aforementioned people's furious and hateful expressions.

Moscow, Russia

Snart and Valentina walked arm in arm through a small park located between the Bolshoi Theater and Valentina's apartment, the latter now wearing the former's coat. "Are you sure you don't want your coat back?" Valentina asked Snart "I can't believe how you're not freezing."

"Oh, I love the cold." Snart replied, since his criminal nickname was Captain Cold and he wields a weapon that shoots a subzero beam.

"And ballet." Valentina added.

"So what is it about the ballet that you love, Valentina?" Snart queried.

"The combination of grace and strength, pushing the body to its breaking point. It's a thing of beauty." Valentina explained before spotting her home. "My apartment." She moved to stand in front of Snart. "You know, this time of night, it's colder than a Siberian winter."

"Sounds perfect." Snart commented.

"You know, I'm sure we could heat it up." Valentina said, eyes gleaming seductively.

"Sadly, I have business elsewhere this evening." Snart politely declined the invite to her bed.

"Well…" Valentina started as she took off Snart's coat and handed it back to him. "If this is goodbye…" She leaned in and kissed him. The gesture lingered for a few seconds before Valentina took the umbrella from Snart, smiling seductively before walking off.

Snart made sure she was far enough before saying with a glance over his shoulder, "You enjoy the show, Raymond?" He knew he was following them.

Ray emerged from behind a hammer and sickle monument, hands in his pocket and visibly shivering from the cold. "I think I've got frostbite in some not-so-fun places from waiting out here." He said, shivering more. "Did she tell you what kind of weapon Savage is building?"

Snart turned to face Ray. "Didn't come up." He replied. "Such a romantic evening; I didn't want to spoil the mood."

"So other than a steamy good night kiss and a possible case of hypothermia, we've got nothing." Ray deduced.

"I wouldn't say that." Snart said before digging into his pocket and pulled out a badge. "It's Valentina's security badge for a placed called Luskavic Labs." Ray took the badge to get a better look. "Whatever weapon she's building for Savage, we'll find it there."

"Huh, guess this wasn't a total bust after all." Ray remarked. Snart then pulled out Valentina's wallet. "Really, we're trying to save the world and you're lifting wallets?"

"It's called multitasking." Snart replied casually as he looked the wallet over.

The Waverider

Rip, Stein, Jax, and Troy had gathered in the study to discuss the deal Druce offered. Rip removed a lid off a crystal jar and poured himself a glass of alcohol. "So, uh, what happens?" Jax asked the captain. "You hand over the ship and turn yourself in to the Time Masters and the rest of us just-"

"Will be returned to your former lives in January twenty sixteen." Rip interrupted before turning around to face those in the room. "It will be as if you never left."

"Aside from the fact that Starling City might be part of the U.S.S.R., thanks to our efforts." Stein commented from his spot on one of the chairs. Troy grimaced at the thought of that.

"All the more reason to consider the offer." Rip said. "The Time Council will do everything within their power to correct the mistakes that we've made."

"But they still haven't changed their mind about stopping Savage?" Jax stated.

"Well, according to them, he's part of the natural course of history," Rip replied, "terrible as that course may be. Look, I'm not saying that this offer is without its downsides. If we abandon our plan now, then I still lose my wife and son."

"So why throw in the towel?" Jax asked. "I thought you said this mission was bigger than any one of us." He reminded.

"Yes, but if you'll remember, when I first recruited you, I wasn't entirely forthright about my motivations or about how… dangerous this mission would be." Rip admitted, referring to Carter's death.

A somber pressure filled the air as everyone realized their captain was referring to their fallen comrade. "You can't keep blaming yourself for Carter's death, Captain." Troy proclaimed, having been silent up until now. "He knew better than anyone what he was in for when he stepped onto this ship."

"Hmm." Rip hummed. "Well, for the rest of you, it's now the time to decide whether the future is worth fighting for." He told them before taking sip of his drink while the others considered.

"So, are we really just gonna lay down and roll over?" Chaos asked his host. "Let the world be conquered by an immortal sociopath?"

"What do you think?"

The Forest

Rip walked through the forest alone, heading for the coordinates Druce had provided. "I cannot tell you how I pleased I am to see you, Hunter." The man himself said as he came out into the open.

Rip sighed. "I finally came to my senses." He confessed as he turned around to face his former mentor. "You were right, as always. I've risked the lives of my team; I've endangered the very fabric of time itself. I only hope you can forgive me."

"All will soon be made right again." Druce assured him.

Rip nodded, but then froze upon hearing the sound of an all too familiar rifle powering up. "Hello, old friend." Chronos greeted, his rifle trained at Rip's head. He wasn't as dead as Druce claimed to be. Rip could practically feel the bounty hunter's smirk.

"I'm so sorry it had to turn out this way," Druce stated, truly apologetic, "but the council cannot risk keeping you alive."

Rip sighed, his head casted upward to the night sky. "Such a shame. I won't be able to tell Mick he was right."

"Mick?" Druce parroted in confusion.

"My colorful friend, who was convinced you were planning on killing me." Rip explained.

"Your friends seem to have abandoned you," Druce noted, eyes roaming the forest, "but no matter. Chronos will track them down." He began to walk away.

"Can't believe you brought this stooge to do your dirty work." Rip remarked, causing Druce to look at him. "I never had you pegged as a coward, Druce."

"In that case, I promise to stay here to ensure that your punishment is carried out properly." Druce promised. "I wouldn't want you to die alone."

"Who says I'm alone?" Rip asked rhetorically, and alarm began to pulse through Druce.

A ferocious and bellowing roar erupted throughout the forest, shattering the silence. Rip rolled out of the way just when a hulking black blur rammed into Chronos. Mick emerged out of the bushes and fired his flamethrower, aiming to incinerate Druce. But the Time Master used a teleportation device and vanished, the flames hitting nothing. "What a wuss." Mick said.

Chronos skidded across the grassy ground before coming to a halt. "Round two, Tin Can?" Chaos sneered as his right hand morphed into a ball before it dropped to the ground, sharp spikes popping out of it. With a snarl, Chaos leapt into the air and brought his mace down, but Chronos moved out of the way before he could be impaled. Chaos retracted his weapon, only to re-morph his hand into an axe.

But Chronos was prepared for the Klyntar this time. He pulled out a pistol from his leg and fired. The projectile found its mark, and Chaos roared in absolute pain as electricity began to violently ripple throughout his entire body. Seizing the opportunity, Chronos holstered his pistol and re-aimed his rifle at the roaring Klyntar, who was now on all fours…

Only for a fireball to collide with the bounty hunter, sending him flying. Firestorm landed on the ground as the electricity surging through Chaos wore off, and the symbiote took its chance to retract back into Troy, who was panting heavily. Seeing this, Rip rushed over and assisted Troy in getting to cover.

"Chaos, you ok?" Troy asked the symbiote in concern.

"One to one, the score's tied." Chaos replied, and Troy actually chuckled.

"Glad to see your sense of humor's still intact." The host remarked.

Chronos took cover behind a tree and fired at his enemies. One of the bolts nearly hit Jax, who yelped and took cover behind his own tree. "This is not the time to show off." Stein scolded. "It's best if we attack from a covered position."

Jax wasn't onboard with the idea. "I'm through playing it safe." He declared. "This time, we do things my way."

He jumped out from behind the tree and tossed a fireball. But Chronos had tossed a grenade at the same time and it detonated in front of Jax, sending him flying back. The fireball struck Chronos in the chest and slammed into a tree with a loud metallic clang. Mick fired his flamethrower and Chronos retreated into the forest, disappearing among the shrubs. "Run, punk! Run!" The arsonist called out tauntingly.

"Jefferson!" Stein yelled out in worry as he emerged out into the open. "Where is he? Chronos' blast forced us to separate. I-I didn't see where he landed."

"Jax?!" Troy called out, his eyes roaming around in search for their teammate.

"Jefferson!" Rip shouted as well.

"All right," Mick, Troy, Stein, and Rip whipped their heads to see Jax stumbling towards them, "no need to shout. I'm right here."

"There you are; thank God you're okay. Why didn't you answer when I called you? Did it not occur to you that I'd be worried?!" Stein ranted.

"Look, I just got a little…" Jax trailed off as he felt himself drift off, "lost."

He collapsed, but Mick caught him and lowered him to the ground. "We need to get him to the med bay now." Rip said urgently as blood began to stain Jax's shirt.

The Waverider

When Rip entered the bridge, he found that Ray and Snart were already there. "Oh, gentlemen. I trust that everything went according to plan at the Bolshoi?" The captain aske them, hoping for good news.

"Piece of cake." Ray quipped. "Made contact with Vostok and swiped her badge."

"Thanks to me." Snart cut in, since he did all the work, while Raymond nearly compromised it. "Pretty boy just froze his ass off."

Footsteps and heavy breathing drew Snart and Ray's attention to the door Rip used to enter the bridge, watching as Troy, Stein, and Mick walked in, the arsonist assisting a wounded Jax. "What happened to him?" Ray asked.

"Chronos." Rip answered.

"Jax here was-" Mick began, but Stein interrupted.

"Almost got himself killed." The professor stated. Jax shot him a brief glare, and the air was slowly becoming thick with tension.

"And we need to get you to the med bay." Rip said as he began to assist Jax in walking while Troy went over and stood by Ray.

"Ah, the med bay," Mick preened as he walked off, Snart following him, "where a morphine drip awaits me."

"Now just try and take it slowly." Rip advised Jax, who simply nodded.

"Don't bother telling him what to do; he'll just do the opposite." Stein said.

Finally fed up, Jax turned to face him, removing his arm from around Rip's neck. "Oh, yeah, it would be my fault that I got hurt, because I didn't listen to you and your infinite wisdom. I am sorry, professor." Rip, Ray, and Troy watched the exchange, the Star City natives exchanging glances.

"Exactly." Stein replied. "It seems this… partnership of ours has become untenable."

"Partnership?" Jax repeated in disbelief. "No, this is a dictatorship, one in which you get to call all the shots, and I get to take all the shots."

"Do you think I like seeing you hurt?" Stein asked.

"Don't act like you actually care about me, man. I'm just a life-support system. I didn't even want to come on this stupid trip. You kidnapped me."

"Oh, this old tune."

"Did you ever stop to think that I actually had a life back in two thousand sixteen?"

"I almost forgot; a promising career as an auto mechanic."

"I had a mom," Emotion began to creep into Jax's voice, "a widow. What happens to her if something happens to me nineteen eighty six? Huh? She's just gonna think that I left her without even saying good-bye. Man, do you have an idea what that does to her?"

"We've all made sacrifices!" Stein raised his voice. "But can't you see that this mission, stopping Savage, is bigger than any one of us?"

"I am so sick of you using that tone. When are you gonna learn you are not my father?!"

"I'm sorry that you lost him at such a tender age," Stein really wished he wouldn't have to say his next words, but all other options have been exhausted, "but if your father were here, right now, he'd be saying what I'm saying. Just grow up, Jefferson. The future of the world is at stake, and if you insist on getting yourself killed, as terrible as that might be for your mother, or me, who, incidentally would also die, I am more concerned with the billions of people who will die because of your… arrogant adolescent ego!"

"Ouch." Chaos winced at the professor's harsh words, and Troy mentally agreed.

Hurt and anger were plastered on Jax's face as he glared at the professor, feeling the words stinging. "Okay." He murmured angrily before storming out the bridge.

Rip shot Stein a disapproving look before following after Jax. The professor sighed, regret washing over him as he unknowingly stepped closer to Ray and Troy. "Please don't- don't- don't say it." He requested to the Star City natives. "I was cruel and unjustified, and I- I said those things just for the sake of hurting him."

"Why are you telling us that?" Troy questioned, gesturing to himself and Ray. "You should be saying that to Jax, not us." He pointed out.

"I had to hurt him, Mr. Winter; it's the only way I can get through to him." Stein explained. "I've tried everything else."

"Well, he's just a kid." Ray argued.

"So was Ronald, and look what happened to him." Stein countered, a somber gleam in his eyes.

Ray and Troy knew exactly who the older man was referring to. "Your former half of Firestorm." Ray said.

"Yes." Stein murmured sadly. "I can't- I- I can't go through this again. I can't lose another. The reason I'm constantly lecturing Jefferson is because I'm the one who brought him along, and if something happens, I'm the one who has go back to two thousand sixteen and tell his mother that her little boy is never coming, and I would rather die than do that." He couldn't fail Jefferson, like he failed Ronald and Caitlin.

With nothing more to say, Stein left the bridge. "I know Stein doesn't want to lose Jax, but those were still some harsh words." Chaos commented.

"Well, Chaos, sometimes harsh and brutal honesty is what some people have to use to get through to someone. We've handed out those ourselves quite a bit." Troy explained, and the symbiote hummed.

At the same time, Rip was walking the hallways alone after he made sure Jax made it to the med bay safely, when he came across Kendra, who was rubbing her arm. "That looks sore. What happened?" He asked, though he had an idea.

"Maybe you should ask the lunatic you put in charge of training me." Kendra answered dryly as they walked down the hall.

Rip glanced back briefly. "I… actually, I was hoping that the arrangement between you and Sara might be, uh… mutually beneficial."

Kendra turned to face him. "You mean you knew about this… bloodlust thing?" She asked.

"It's the captain's job to know everything on his ship." Rip replied. Kendra sighed in disbelief. "Look, Sara went through hell when she was resurrected, and I was hoping that'd you be able to… coax out her human side form the darkness of the Lazarus Pit."

"Why me?" Kendra inquired. "Why not Troy? He knows Sara better than me."

"Well, that's true, but, after four thousand years of reincarnation, surely you know a thing or two about rebirth." Rip replied before walking past Kendra and back toward the bridge.

Sara was in the cargo bay, sharpening her fifth knife, running the whetstone over the blade, emitting a loud grating sound. "Heads up." She whirled and caught the staff Kendra tossed… only to place it aside and went back to sharpening her knife.

Kendra was briefly dumbfounded. "Let's go." The reply she received was the sound of the whetstone running across the blade. "'A warrior trains everyday', remember?" She recited Sara's earlier words as she moved around.

"I'm not a warrior," Sara refused to make eye contact with Kendra, "and I tried to kill you the last time we did this, remember? I probably would have if Troy didn't step in."

"'Tried' being the operative word." Kendra replied as she move to stand in front of the crate Sara was using to sharpen her knives. "Look, you want to know my theory?"

"No." Sara said.

But Kendra went on anyway. "I think your problem is the opposite of mine." She started. "I need to learn to embrace my inner hawk goddess, but you—you need to learn to embrace your human side."

"And what if that side of me is gone?" Sara retorted, since that was the reason she left Star City shortly after Team Green Arrow rescued Ray from Darhk. "What if she doesn't exist anymore?"

"Well," Kendra began as she moved around the crate, "only one way to find out."

"What, are you baiting me?" Sara asked, still sharpening the same knife.

"No, I'm training you." Kendra countered as she moved over by the staircase. "Come on." She insisted as she twirled her staff. "Are you scared?"

That did it. Sara smirked briefly before grabbing her staff and the sounds of metal clanging once again bounced off the cargo bay walls.

Meanwhile in the bridge, Rip lifted the harness up and hopped off the captain's chair before walking over to the central console as Stein entered the bridge. "Here we are," the captain announced, "Luskavic Labs, the secret facility Vostok works."

"So what's the plan?" Stein inquired.

"Simple." Rip started as schematics of the lab's interior were displayed on the console. "We use Vostok's credentials to enter the lab and find out what she's building on behalf of Savage."

"Reconnaissance in a laboratory." Stein noted. "Finally, my kind of mission." He finished enthusiastically.

"No, no, no, hang on a minute." Rip halted. "Jefferson's still recovering from his injuries."

"This is hardly a job for Firestorm." Stein responded. "Let him rest." He took one of the translators and swallowed. He waited for a few seconds before speaking, "I'll be right back." The professor then walked out of the bridge, Rip staring after him with an uneasy expression.

Luskavic Labs

Confidently, Stein approached the facitly. He was halted by a guard who held up his hand, and another guard cocked his rifle and took aim at the professor. Without fear, Stein turned around with a badge in hand. "I'm Dr. Gregor Gavrilov of the State Council of Science, and I'm here to inspect the facility." He informed them with a lace of authority in his voice.

The guards allowed him entry into the facility. "I'm in and heading to the basement." He told Rip, who was monitoring him back on the Waverider. Stein walked down a staircase and made a left turn, following the directions of the schematics, and he spotted the door of the target area. "Here's hoping the key Mr. Snart stole off Ms. Vostok works." He said as he approached the door, and inserted the card into the reader. It beeped, and the door clicked open.

Stein pushed the door open and closed it upon entering the other side before pocketing the card…

But he froze upon seeing what greeted him. A row of bodies under tarps. "Oh, my God." He murmured in shock. Just what kind of weapon is Savage building? He walked ahead and spotted a desk with some files on it. He took out the contents and his heart skipped a beat…

It was a picture of Jax, or rather, Jax as Firestorm. "I know what Vostok is working on. "She's trying to build… me."

Rip was silent for a few seconds before asking in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, Savage has spent the last decade trying to level the arms race against our team." Stein began his explanation. "Operation Svarog. Slavic god of fire, of course. He and Vostok are building a Soviet Firestorm."

Stein's mind was spinning uncontrollably. How did they even figure out how to start? Deciding to find out just how far this project has come, Stein investigated the area and to his horror, he found a reactor which stored a very familiar object. "They've already built a thermal core."

"Professor, need I remind you, this is a reconnaissance mission." Rip cautioned.

"It's only a matter of time before Vostok figures out how to stabilize a Soviet Firestorm." Stein returned, before coming to his choice. "I'm not leaving without it." He declared. "It's the key to building others just like me."

"Yes, but perhaps you should wait for the rest of the team." Rip advised. "They're on their way."

"Are you familiar with ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, captain?" Stein retorted. "The released inside of this chamber will kill anyone other than me."

"Look, despite your impermeability to nuclear energy, you're still quite vulnerable to bullets!" Rip shot back.

"I just need someone to take the core offline, so I can remove it safely and shield it." Stein reasoned.

"I'm all over it, professor." Ray's voice came through the com channel.

In the control room, Snart slugged a guard across the face, instantly knocking him out, before punching another guard in the stomach, then in the face, knocking him out as well. "We're all over it." He corrected after he turned to face Ray.

"Remember, Dr. Palmer," Stein began grimly, "that shutting down the core incorrectly can lead to the creation of-"

"Strangeness, black holes, and uncontrolled fusion reactions that consume the universe?" Ray concluded as he sat down. "See? I was listening in class, professor." He added.

Meanwhile, Stein turned the wheel and opened the chamber doors, pressure hissing as action was performed. He stepped into the reactor, instantly feeling a massive wave of energy as he stared the crackling thermal core.

In the control room…

"How we doing, Boy Scout?" Snart asked Ray.

"Uh, point of fact, I completed all twenty one merit badges, including nuclear science, so I'm an Eagle Scout." Ray informed. Snart rolled his eyes. Then, Ray spotted Valentina strolling along the balcony directly across from the control room. "Uh-oh. We got a problem." He pointed out as he stood up. "Valentina's headed toward the core containment unit. The radiation Stein's about to unleash- i- if she opens the door-"

"We're here to stop Savage from building a nuclear powered superhero." Snart reminded. "Saving some commie broad ain't on the agenda."

"Even if the radiation doesn't kill her, Savage will, the second he finds out the lab's been sabotaged." Ray retaliated. "Look, we gotta get her out of here."

"Well, who's gonna shut the core, Raymond?" Snart asked as stepped closer to Ray. "I skipped that merit badge."

"Raymond, why is the thermal core still running at full power?" Stein demanded over the com channel. He cannot remove it until it has been powered down.

Ray came up with a solution to both problems. "I'll handle the core. You handle Valentina."

"You're willing to risk the mission for a woman you barely know?" Snart demanded incredulously.

"Be helpful to others." Ray replied. Snart shook his head, not satisfied with the answer. "It's the Scout motto."

Snart shoved Ray back into the chair. "Thirty seconds." He began. "I'll get Vostok, you kill the power for Stein, and, Raymond, promise me." He finished seriously, a matching gleam in his eyes. Ray nodded, and Snart walked out of the control room. The inventor of the Atom suit then slid the buttons down, and he looked to a nearby screen, watching the radiation levels go down.

Valentina strolled down the balcony, then stopped in shock when Snart stepped out, blocking her path. "Bad idea." He said.

"What are you doing here?" Valentina asked him in shock.

"Believe me, I've been asking myself the same question." Snart replied nonchalantly, as if he wasn't trespassing in a top secret facility.

Instantly, Valentina connected the dots. "The night at the Bolshoi. It was you who stole my keys."

"And your wallet, but it was nothing personal." Snart added casually.

Valentina turned and her eyes widened when she saw someone, an old man, in the reactor. "What the hell is that man doing? He has no idea what the core is capable of." She moved to sprint past Snart, but he stopped her.

"Relax." He soothed. "He's the one who invented it."

In the reactor, Stein raised a hand and placed it on the thermal core. Upon touching it, he felt the massive energy, and the radiation fizzled. "I'm the first person to have ever seen cosmic radiation with his own eyes." He stated.

"You know, let's keep it that way." Ray suggested. "Snart, you better keep Valentina out of the core containment unit."

With Snart and Valentina…

"You used me." Valentina accused Snart. "You work for American government."

"I'm wanted by the American government. Does that count?" Snart corrected. Valentina scoffed and turned around. "Look, I may be your white knight just this once, but that weapon Savage has you building? He's creating a nuclear powered monster."

Valentina chuckled quietly before turning around, pulled out a pistol and aimed at Snart. "I know." Looks like Troy was right about her knowing who she's working for. "It was sweet of you to think of me as a damsel in distress," she went on as she took Snart's cold gun and dropped it on the floor, "but… I'm not the one who needs rescuing."

Snart didn't falter, unfazed by the gun pointed at his head. "Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart. I'm not the sentimental type."

"No," Valentina agreed with that, "but your partner, the physicist with the big brown eyes, is."

In the control room…

"Turn the core back online." Ray suddenly heard Valentina over the com channel. He stood up and look out the window to see the woman holding Snart at gunpoint. "You will turn it back on, or I will put a bullet in your friend's head."

"Don't you dare." Snart warned. "She's gonna shoot me whether you do it or not."

"That may be true," Valentina said as she leaned into speak into her captive's ear, "and you can take that gamble if you like. It's only his life you wager."

"Almost there." Stein announced as began to remove the thermal core.

"I'm not joking, Raymond." Snart stated seriously. "Don't you dare push that button."

Ray hesitated, then decided it was not worth losing another member of the team, and slid the buttons up, and the thermal core came back online. "Raymond, what's going on?" Stein demanded. "The core just went back online."

"Sorry, professor, I had to do it." Ray replied regretfully.

"You idiot." Snart snarled as Valentina looked down at the chamber.

Stein, however, wasn't deterred. "I-I can still remove it. I just hope I can absorb the excess power."

"No." Ray exclaimed in alarm. "Do you have any idea the kind of energy that-"

He never got to finish when a guard rammed the buttstock of his rifle against Ray's head. He was knocked out cold and slumped to the floor. The guard was also accompanied by a military officer. "Should have listened to your friend." Colonel Kravchenko Dragovich remarked smugly.

In the reactor, Stein was about to grasp the thermal core when- "What the hell are you doing, Gray?"

Stein jolted and casted his gaze upward. "Jefferson?"

"You are not Firestorm." Jax admonished. "You're just a stubborn old man who's about to make a really stupid decision."

"Wait, i-is this what it's like when I'm in your head?" Stein asked as he paced in front of the core. "I-I apologize, dear boy, because it's rather distracting."

"Your body cannot handle this alone." Jax stated.

"I appreciate your concern. You were right. I've risked your life enough times. Now, it's my turn." With that declaration, Stein moved to grasp the thermal core.

"No!" Jax shouted.

Stein clasped both hands on the core, and instantly, the energy began to course through him like a battery charging. It was intense, but Stein remained steadfast. Then, finally, the energy had been absorbed, but it had nearly drained Stein and he began to breathe heavily. Weakly, the professor walked over and placed the core inside of a box that was designed to store it.

Stein then opened the door and stumbled out of the chamber, closing the door behind him. But he didn't get far when four guards closed in on him, aiming their rifles at the professor, who froze in fear. "Professor Stein," the elderly man looked up to see Valentina holding Snart at gunpoint on the level above him, "your comrade here tells me you know quite a bit about this project of mine. Very good. You and I have much to discuss." Two guards came over and they forced Stein to drop the box before they dragged the elderly man off.

"What are you waiting for? You forget how to use that thing?" Snart sneered at Valentina as she moved to stand behind him, her pistol still trained on his head.

"My employer, Mr. Savage, would very much like to meet you and the rest of your friends." Valentina informed.

Snart smirked, as if knowing something was about to go down. "Careful what you wish for." He advised.

"This where the party's at?!"

Valentina whirled around and fled down where Snart had originally appeared to avoid being incinerated by Mick's flamethrower. The arsonist kicked the cold gun and the weapon slid across the floor and toward its wielder. Guards began to open fire on the criminal duo. Snart fired his cold gun once and Mick fired his flamethrower twice. Then, the pyro cried out in pain when a bullet struck him in the shoulder. He dropped his flamethrower and bumped against some machinery. One of the guards yelled out and swung his rifle at Mick, but the arsonist grabbed him and slammed against a wall before slugging him across the face.

"Mr. Snart, can you hear me? Do not let Vostok leave with that thermal core!" Rip shouted over the com channel.

Snart watched as multiple guards began to close in on Mick, the arsonist fighting back as best as he could. "Get the hell out of here!" He shouted to his partner. "What are you waiting for?! Go, go!"

Reluctantly, Snart holstered his weapon before jumping off the balcony and grabbed hold of a chain rope and slid down to the floor below. Hastily, Snart ran over and grabbed the box containing the thermal core and fled to take cover behind the reactor chamber. "Now might be a good time to send in reinforcements, especially the big guns." He suggested as he pulled out his cold gun again, referring to Chaos with the last words. "Mick and Stein just got pinched by the Russkies." And he was sure Raymond had been captured as well.

"You're gonna have to get out of there right now." Rip ordered.

"They're hanging us out to dry, Rip; I need backup." Snart said, his tone more firm.

"I'm afraid our only option is retreat." The captain replied.

"What about my partner?!" Snart retorted as he fired at a guard on the balcony.

"Well, until we devise our next move, Mr. Rory will have to fend for himself. Remember the mission. If the Soviets get that thermal core back, your partner will not be the only one who dies."

As much as Snart hated it, Rip was right. Angrily, he took the box with one hand and broke off into a sprint, avoiding the incoming bullets.

Shortly after, the captured team members were escorted outside. Ray was loaded onto a slab, still unconscious. "You better kill me now." Mick growled at Dragovich as two guards dragged the arsonist over to their commanding officer. "If I ever get my hands on you, I'm gonna get all Rocky IV on your ass." In response, Dragovich grabbed Mick by the head and slammed him against a truck. Mick grunted and staggered, the only things prevent him from falling to the ground were the guards holding him. "I'm gonna remember that, comrade." The arsonist promised in a daze before the guards dragged him off.

Valentina then approached Dragovich. "We must leave now, Colonel Dragovich." She said to him.

"There's still one more intruder, and he has the thermal core." Dragovich informed.

Valentina shook her head. "We don't need it now." She countered. "We have something far better." She then walked off. Dragovich then eyed Stein before the guards holding him shoved him into the truck.

The Waverider

Snart was sitting at the table in the study with a furious and dark expression plastered on his face. "Ugh," Rip exhaled as he entered the study, spotting the thermal core on the table, "thank God you managed to grab it."

"Where was my backup, Captain?" Snart asked as Rip closed the box, an edge in his voice, something Rip took notice of. "Half the team is gone…" He powered up his cold gun and aimed it at Rip. "Because of you."

"Only if I'd have sent the other half to save them, even Chaos, they'd be captured too," Rip countered calmly, "and where would we be, hmm?" He went on. "Savage would have both halves of Firestorm, a dead Kendra on top of a dead Carter, everything he wants. As an added bonus, he would have find a way to separate Chaos from Mr. Winter and Savage would have one of the strongest symbiotes in his clutches. It would be the end to our little crusade, and most likely, the world. So before you pull that trigger, ask yourself: what would you have done?"

Snart stared at Rip with an unreadable expression, before speaking, "That is a pretty cold calculation, Rip. Almost criminal," he deactivated his weapon before standing up, "except we criminals have a code: you never leave one of your own behind."

"We will get them back." Rip promised. "Now, if Savage even hopes to create a Firestorm, first, he's going to need a new one of these." He gestured to the box containing the thermal core.

Shortly after, the remainng members of the team had gatered in the bridge. The thermal core box was now resting on the central console. "A thermal core?" Kendra asked in confusion.

"Let me get this straight." Sara began as she walked over toward Rip. "You had Kendra and I training for the next mission, when we should have been out there helping them."

"And you had me on standby." Troy added with a glare.

"We could have single handedly got them out of that lab." Chaos growled.

"We will help them," Rip assured both Star City natives, then began to walk around the console, "and our next mission is to get our compatriots back from Vostok."

"Who is to say they're not already dead?" Kendra queried.

"Vostok needs the professor alive in order to rebuild the thermal core." Rip answered.

"And Ray and Rory?" Jax questioned.

"Savage will keep them alive too." Rip replied.

"As leverage." Troy stated bluntly.

"He'll torture them if Stein tries to hold out." Sara added.

"Well, we'll have to pray that he does." Rip commented. "If Savage's goal is to create his own Firestorm, then Stein himself is the key, the missing piece of the puzzle. And if Vostok figures out how to turn Stein's powers against us, then…" He shook his head as he turned around, letting out shaky breaths. "I'm afraid the world is beyond saving."

"Stein's a lot tougher then he looks." Jax said confidently. "I mean, it will take a lot to break him."

"That's the good news." Rip pinched the bridge of his nose. "The bad news is that our compatriots are being held in an impenetrable Soviet gulag."


Unfortunately, Ray, Mick, and Stein weren't sent to just any gulag. This one is also known as the Nightmare. This particular gulag holds the most violent and dangerous criminals. And because of how dangerous the inmates are, Koshmar is the most heavily guarded and fortified gulag in all of Russia.

A guard opened a cage door, allowing another guard to enter with Stein. The same guard then shoved the professor into a small cage which only contained a bed. The guard locked the cage as Dragovich approached. "Get a good night's sleep." The colonel advised. "You and Dr. Vostok have much work to do in the morning."

"My companions from the lab… what did you do with them?" Stein asked uneasily.

Dragovich removed his cover. "Don't worry. They're alive." He assured the elderly man, before adding menacingly, "Whether they remain that way is entirely up to you, professor."

Without another word, Dragovich turned and left the room, leaving behind a terrified Stein in his cage. The professor had never felt so scared, helpless, and alone his entire life.

As always, thank you for reading! Please leave a review, and until next time, have an awesome day and stay tuned for more!