(So. Slaying the Dreamer got kicked out of the site. I'm reposting it bit by bit. Would you be kind and leave a review if you liked the fic? I miss my 459 reviews. Why? Shouldn't that be obvious. Every one of them gave me a little bit of inspiration. But people please, read the warnings. That's pretty much all I have to say on that matter.)

DISCLAIMER: Sooo boooring... Fine, I don't own Yugioh. *mumbles angrily to herself* Stupid disclaimers, taking away all the fun.

So, what's up everyone? *looks around hopefully* Anyone interested in reading another vampire fic? And if anyone of you reads 'Birth of Phoenix', I should say I'm very sorry for the delay. A writer's block attacked me...

So, as mentioned before it's about vampires. Yami and Yugi to be exact, so be warned, this is YAOI! (YS: as if you would write anything else) About the plot... Well, you know the drill, Yami is a vampire and meets Yugi. Could I ask you not to leave yet and give my story a chance? It is in Yami POV, so no need to come complaining you didn't know who it was before way into the story. *shakes her head*

Slaying the Dreamer, chapter 1: Awakening

How long had it been since I last time went out and looked upon the beauty of the night? I couldn't remember. Centuries, perhaps? Very possible. It was long ago that I had decided never to drink from a mortal again. I couldn't even recall what had made me do that decision. Or when I had done it.

All I knew was that I had laid here, right in this coffin, for what seemed like an eternity. Most of the time I had slept, blessedly free of dreams. Sometimes, though, I would wake up, sweating from fear, old memories haunting me. That always passed quickly, and I couldn't remember anymore. Then I would fall to sweet oblivion again. And I was thankful.

But now it was different. No frightening dreams bothering my mind, just darkness all around me. I cocked my head, listening to the sound of silence. It was beautiful. But not so silent.

I could hear cars speeding somewhere in the distance, their wheels scraping on the rough ground. I could hear human speech, something I didn't have any desire to listen more closely. Too tempting. I was already ravenous. I needed blood too much.

Maybe I should go outside and see if I could find some small mammals to drink from. Then I could easily return to my silent grave. Well, not very silent anymore, but the previous sounded better. More fitting for a corpse rising out of the grave.

I seemed to still have my humor intact... That was a good thing. I didn't know how much the world had changed, and I could faintly recall someone telling me how dangerous it was to suddenly just burst to a whole new era. I was confident I could survive anything with a touch of humor.

I slowly raised my hand. It was a strange sensation to suddenly move. The little blood I had left in my body surged with my nonexistent heartbeat from the strain my limbs weren't used to anymore. I stopped, savoring the small feel of pain.

It was good to feel alive after so long.

I touched the lid, felt the smooth surface of marble under the tips of my fingers. Straining my muscles, I lifted the heavy piece of stone. I was sure I wouldn't have to dig through soil, as this coffin was situated in a tomb. This was a good thing, seeing how I couldn't have gotten out in my weakened state otherwise.

After a small moment of feeling insufficient in strength, the lid fell to the floor beside the cold box of stone. I laid there, gasping the fresh air that suddenly invaded my senses. It was so different than the air inside my safe resting place, that I had the urge to go back to sleep.

Quickly discarding that crazy idea, I sat up. Despite the things going through my mind, I had no desire to go back now. My curiosity had awakened, and it wouldn't let me lie still until I would have explored this new world thoroughly.

The tomb had little light, but enough for me to see the state of the skin on my hands. Shrivelled, dull, pale. Not good. I would need many liters of blood until I could walk in the cities of humans unnoticed. That much blood would be hard to find, with all the people walking around. They always managed to scare away nearly all wildlife.

Shaking with sudden bloodlust I stood up and smelled the air. Bats. They would be enough for starters.

Walking in the dim light, which would not be enough for a mortal to see, I tried to better locate the little creatures. Listening to small sounds, I searched a corner not far from my resting place. Keen as ever, my acute senses had never let me down. Jumping with little effort to the ceiling, I grabbed the first one. The others were frightened, of course, and started flying around wildly. No matter, I could find them again.

I stood on my shaky legs, and raised the small animal to my mouth. Its heart was beating fast, and a smell of blood came from its tiny body.

//Little darling, don't be afraid// I mentally projected to the creature, as my fangs sank to the furry back of my victim.

Blood filled my mouth. Sweet, living blood I hadn't realized I wanted so badly. All too soon it was over, leaving me hungrier than before.

After hunting down about a dozen or so of those fascinating creatures plus a few unfortunate rats, I started feeling like I could go out a little bit, to marvel at the inventions of humankind. They never ceased to amaze me with all the things they made to make their lives better.

So, having determined I would leave the safety of my ageless tomb, I now turned my attention to my appearance. Seeing my clothes were rotting on me, I hesitantly decided to knock some human unconscious and take his clothes. It wasn't the same as drinking of him, after all.

As I was heading for the door to outer world, I remembered something without which I would absolutely refuse to leave. Dashing to the coffin I had slept in, I searched its insides. There. My precious Puzzle was lying on the topmost left corner. I couldn't exactly recall why it was so important, but I knew I could never leave it behind. Relieved, I put the chain around my neck.

I glanced to the lid, lying right there on the floor where it had dropped. It would be best not to leave so obvious hints of someone having been here to humans. I lifted the heavy slab of stone to its place, this time with no difficulty at all seeing how I had drank enough blood for that.

Dusting my hands, happy that I came to think of such a detail, I continued to the door. It wasn't hard to get it open. The first view of the night- time sky left me in awe. How could I ever have decided to leave such beauty behind? Dazed, I sat next to the opening to the tomb. Rosebushes lined the path to this place, I could smell their alluring fragrance.

A waning moon shone in the sky, stars shedding their dimmer glory sprinkled all around it captured my gaze. So distant, so beautiful, so lonely. Then I noticed something. The voices of cars and other things weren't coming from very far away. In fact, they were very near.

Peeking over the nearest rosebush, my eyes widened at the sight. I had had no idea the city was so close! And it was so different from the human cities of the time I went asleep in . . . There were lots of lights in the streets, the cars driving by were of a different design. And the buildings, they reached towards the skies!

"Oh, don't be silly, Yugi. The graveyard's completely safe."

"I know it should be, Jou-kun. But I still have a bad feeling about this. Something doesn't feel quite the way it should be."


Drawing backwards to the shadows, I searched for the owners of those voices. Such sweet human voices.

"Guys, hurry up! I don't want to spend here the rest of the night."

A feminine voice.

"We're coming Anzu."

They were definitely coming nearer. Looking at the direction they were coming from, I tried to draw further to the shadows. Their blood was calling to me, even from this distance. And then the first one of them walked into my view.

Short, but his hair . . . I had hair like that, didn't I? I stared at the boy. So many similarities between us. But there were little differences too. He had less blonde hair than I did, and his eyes were shaped differently, although nearly the same color. It wasn't until then that I noticed the most intriguing detail.

An exact copy on my Puzzle was hanging from his neck. What did this mean? My eyes wide, my instincts sharpened with all that blood I sorely needed around, I glanced at the girl and the boy that came into my view shortly after the first. The boy had messy looking blond hair, and he was wearing a green jacket and some kind of blue trousers of some stiff material. The girl had a small red shirt and a short little skirt. What had humans done while I was sleeping, for this certainly wasn't the way people had dressed before...

But it did look kind of good. I could come to love this new time.

All too soon the first humans I had seen in so many years disappeared from my view. Relieved that I wasn't noticed, I leaned against the cold wall of the tomb. Then I heard something.

Someone was obviously up to no good, or then hiding from his enemies, because he tried to keep as silent as possible. Yes, I could tell it was a he, females smell a bit different. I walked silently to the end of the short rose-lined path, and waited.

Yes, and of the right size too. I hadn't forgotten that I needed clothes, and this individual seemed ideal for taking clothes from. He was carrying a knife in his hand, and I immediately thought of the three young people that had walked by previously. They would be in trouble if I didn't do anything about this black-clad man.

He was going to hurt the first three people I had seen after my long sleep? No way! And I needed the clothes... When he came close enough, I smoothly glided behind him and hit his head. No trouble there, the jerk went down easy.

Just to ensure nobody was going to interrupt, I dragged him farther down the path and settled down to examine my new clothes. The sleeveless shirt was black, no surprise there. The trousers were black too, and made of . . . leather? Must be, nothing else feels quite the same way.

Shrugging off the weird excited feeling, I took the clothes and put them on.

Now I was ready for a night in town, to see what changes exactly had these mortals made. So many new things to learn, so many old things to discard. I grinned.

Beware, world, for here I come!


AN: Whooo! The first chapter is actually finished. If I get enough reviews I might even continue... It all depends on you! As in all of you who read this fic! If I get enough reviews saying I should continue, I will, otherwise I don't bother, considering I have much better things to do than waste my time writing a fic no one reads...

And if you have any scenes you wish to read, just write it to me and I'll see if it fits the storyline. And rating might change, if I actually do continue. So REVIEW!